La Grande Attaque du train d'or Bande-annonce (EN)

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00On the matter of motive, we ask you, why did you conceive, plan and execute this dastardly and scandalous crime?
00:12I wanted the money.
00:17It takes a bold man with a brilliant plan to take what has never been taken before.
00:24Such skill is so rare these days.
00:28It depends on the skill of the workman, of course.
00:31And he must have the proper tools.
00:34How can I be of service to you?
00:37Find me a dead cat.
00:39The first grave train robbery.
00:41Robbery indeed. The very idea.
00:45Two tub savers, four keys, separately guarded.
00:49Two are locked away by the station manager.
00:51One is in the hands of our president, Mr. Edgar Trent, whom you all know to be utterly reliable.
00:56No respectable gentleman is that respectable.
00:59I don't know where Mr. Trent keeps his key, but I know of a fourth.
01:03Such a strong man.
01:07But I am myself entrusted with guarding it.
01:10What is this?
01:12A key, but I'm afraid...
01:13Oh, there must be nothing, nothing between us.
01:17So you see, gentlemen, the Crimean gold shipments and all other transactions at the bank are entirely secure.
01:25Thank God for that.
01:28The first grave train robbery.
01:31Bizarre escapades.
01:35Dazzling escapes.
01:38Daring adventures.
01:41Excitement with every tick of the clock.
01:46It's a race against time.
01:49To conceive.
01:55And execute.
01:58The all-time perfect crime.
02:05The first grave train robbery.
02:08Starring Sean Connery.
02:09What could go wrong?
02:10Donald Sutherland.
02:12Leslie Ann Down.
02:16The First Grave Train Robbery.