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مسلسل الصاعقة التي سقطت على المنزل الحلقة 22 مترجم – الأخيرة


00:00:33But I saw what the shoe yaptaklarını girseydi kahvurdu
00:00:38Sen onun değil
00:00:40Ananın kızısın kötü tohum
00:00:43Ben senin için her şeyi yaparım ama şu son söylediklerin
00:00:49Gerçekten beni mahvetti bütün bunlar benim yüzümden mi oldu
00:00:54Senin yüzünden ya hiç utanman yok değil mi haber senin yerinde olsam var ya bu vicdan azabı ile ölürdüm
00:01:02O klinikte verilen hapları böyle avuç avuç içerdim canıma kıydı
00:01:10Ne kötü insanım ben
00:01:15Dokunduğum her şeyi mahvetmiş
00:01:23Keşke istanbul'a gelmeseydim
00:01:29Beni seven beni evine alan insanlara ne yaptım ben
00:01:53Sen nasıl böyle bir şey söylersin anne nasıl kıza git kendini öldür dersin
00:02:12Ay şaşırdım herhalde ayol ben git kendini öldür der miyim kıza
00:02:16Ama şöyle demiş olabilirim yani ben senin yerinde olsam herhalde intihar ederdim
00:02:21Demiş olabilirim
00:02:23Aynı kapıya çıkar anne
00:02:25Ay ne alakası var o başka bu başka
00:02:27Eğer o kız senin aklına uyup da
00:02:29Düşünmek bile istemiyorum
00:02:31Hadi be o kız benim dediğimi yapmış olsaydı ooo
00:02:35Daha köşke ilk geldiği gün söyledim çektim kenara nasihat ettim ben ona
00:02:39Dedim ki kızım bak sen buralarda kalma çek git dedim ama nerede
00:02:44Maşallah kazık çaktı
00:02:46Tamam anne sus
00:02:48Pardon beyefendi
00:02:50Ben Namık Tuncel'in eşiyim şurada yukarıda oturuyoruz
00:02:53Eşimin yeğeni bir taksiye binmiş de acaba sizin duraktan olabilir mi diye soracaktım
00:02:58Ooo hanımefendi bir tek bizim araçlar çalışmıyor ki burada
00:03:02Doğru haklısınız bir anons yapabilir misiniz acaba
00:03:07Eh yapayım yapayım da ne diyeyim arkadaşım tarif eder misiniz
00:03:11Sarışın uzun saçlı genç güzelce bir kız
00:03:15Ama güzelliğe baksın
00:03:17Tamam siz burada bir dakika bekleyin ben içeriden öğrenip hemen geliyorum
00:03:22Yani var ya hayret ediyorum sana yani kıza inşallah gidişin olur da dönüşün olmaz diyeceğine
00:03:28Allah Allah Allah peşinden koşturuyorsun
00:03:30Anne benim derdim muazzeze değil niye anlamak istemiyorsun beni
00:03:34Bak eğer o kıza bir şey olursa
00:03:36Hanımefendi arkadaşlar az önce Polonezk'e sizin tarifinize uygun bir resim bırakmışlar
00:03:42Anne hadi atla gidiyoruz
00:03:44Anne hadi
00:03:47Bu benden alacağınız son haber son kez ağrıtıyorum başınızı
00:03:56Bir daha ne yüzümü görecek ne de sesimi duyacaksınız
00:04:01Çıkıp gideceğim hayatınızdan sonsuza dek
00:04:10Amca bari son mektubumda size böyle hitap etmeme izin verin ne olur
00:04:16Meğer ne çok eziyet etmişim ne çok üzmüşüm sizi
00:04:20Benim yüzümden başın önünde gezmişsin
00:04:23Evlat acısı çekmişsin
00:04:26Babam öldüğünde bana kızım demiştin
00:04:29Ama ben kıymet bilemeyip ihanet etmişim sana
00:04:35Ne desen haklısın
00:04:37Beni affedeceğinden umudum yok
00:04:40Yine de çok özür dilerim sizden
00:04:52Namık abi
00:04:54Bu yaptığım için en çok sen kızacaksın bana
00:05:00Ama başka çarem yok
00:05:02Hiçbir şey olmamış gibi yaşamaya devam edemem
00:05:05Sakın benim için üzülme
00:05:08Sen mutlu olmaya layıksın
00:05:11Olacaksın da
00:05:13Karın, baban, ailenle birlikte
00:05:18Ve sen
00:05:22Keşke zamanı geri alabilseydim
00:05:26Keşke günler, haftalar öncesine dönüp değiştirebilseydim her şeyi
00:05:32Beni sevmene hiç izin vermeseydim
00:05:35Belki o zaman şimdi sen parmaklıklar ardında olmazdın
00:05:41Ben buna değmezmişim Sait
00:05:43Senin sevgine değmezmişim
00:05:50Geçmiş öyle ağır bir yük ki
00:05:52Hatırlasam da hatırlamasam da altında eziliyorum
00:05:56Belki de en çok sana yaptıklarım yüzünden
00:06:00Doğmamış, doğmamış bebeğinin kanına girmem
00:06:07Hepinizi affetmeye çalışamıyorum
00:06:09Eğer geçmişte yaptığım en ufak bir iyilik varsa onun hatırı için
00:06:14Ama ben kendimi affetmiyorum
00:06:17Elveda Muazzez
00:06:32Sen ne yaptın kendine?
00:06:34Muazzez kendine gel
00:06:35Muazzez uyan
00:06:37Şahisti gidelim buradan
00:06:39Anne sen ne diyorsun?
00:06:41Bir şey yapmamız lazım ambulans sınav çağırsın
00:06:44Su, su
00:06:45Su çarpalım yüzüne
00:06:47Hiçbir şey yapamayız
00:06:48Lütfen gidelim buradan
00:06:49Biz bunu hiç görmedik
00:06:51Gidelim lütfen Şahisti gidelim
00:06:53Anne sen ne dediğinin farkında mısın?
00:06:56Anne ben onu bu halde bırakıp gidemem
00:07:00Bak kızım biz bir şey yapamayız
00:07:03Gitmemiz lazım onu bu halde bırakmamız lazım
00:07:05Onu ben bu halde nasıl bırakıp giderim?
00:07:07Bu kızı ancak senden önüme ayırır
00:07:09Bak yapabileceğimiz bir şey yok diyorum anlamıyor musun?
00:07:12Bak mektup yazmış ben kendimi affetmiyorum demiş
00:07:15Elveda demiş artık hayatınızdan çıkıyorum demiş
00:07:31Hoş geldiniz
00:07:34Damut Bey Allah büyük geçmişler versin
00:07:36Sabırlar dilerim hem Sait'e hem size
00:07:39Ahmet Şükrü Bey'e de söyledim ama
00:07:41Sağ ol Emine sağ ol
00:07:43Şahistiler yok mu?
00:07:44Şey onlar gittiler
00:07:49Muazzez böyle kedi gibi süzülüp gidiverince bir baktım takside
00:07:53Söyledim Şahist dedi arkasından gitti
00:07:56Muazzez mi? Nereye gitti?
00:07:58Valla bilmiyorum
00:08:00Allah Allah
00:08:02Söylemeyeyim söylemeyeyim diyorum ama
00:08:04Dayanamayacağım Damut Bey
00:08:06Valla bunlar vaktiyle bu kızın başına çok çoraplar ördüler
00:08:09Acaba diyorum yine ikisi anasıyla birlikte olup
00:08:12Yine bir işler karıştırmasınlar
00:08:19Bana bak Şahist bana bak çocuğum
00:08:22Bu kız Sait'in hayatını mahvetti
00:08:24Kayın pederine evlat acısı çektirdi
00:08:26Kocanın kafasını darmadağınık etti
00:08:28Senin yuvanı tarumar etti
00:08:30Lütfen lütfen yufka yürekli olma
00:08:35Anne Muazzez ya ölürse?
00:08:37Ölürse ölsün
00:08:38Ölüm Allah'a ait bir şey
00:08:40Bak kalırsa yaşarsa
00:08:42Daha çok çekeceği çilesi var demektir
00:08:44Ama ölümle kalıma bir şey yapamayız biz
00:08:56Anne namık arıyor
00:08:58Ya da aç aç
00:09:00Daha fazla kuşkulanmasın
00:09:02Ya da en iyisi
00:09:04Ben açayım
00:09:06Anne yeter
00:09:10Benim ne yapacağımı sen karar verme
00:09:22Alo namık
00:09:24Alo Şahisti
00:09:28Muazzez yanınızda mı?
00:09:32Evet Emine peşinden gittiğinizi söyledi de
00:09:36Tabi Muazzez'in canı çok sıkkındı
00:09:38Hava almaya çıktı
00:09:40Bizde annemle yalnız bırakmak istemedik
00:09:42İyi yapmışsınız versene bir konuşayım
00:09:44Kendini boşuna suçlu hissetmesin
00:09:46Muazzez lavaboda
00:09:48Biz kafedeyiz şimdi
00:09:50Şahiste senden çok rica ediyorum
00:09:52Bugün onu yalnız bırakma
00:09:54Uygun olur olmaz da beni bir arasın olur mu?
00:09:58Sesin gelmiyor
00:10:02Biz eve gelince konuşuruz kapıyorum ben
00:10:08Senin yüzünden yine yalan söyledim
00:10:12Kocam arayınca ne diyeceğim ben şimdi
00:10:14Lavaboya gitmişti dersin
00:10:16Sonra bir baktık dönmüş gitmiş dersin
00:10:18Hiçbir yere gitmiyoruz
00:10:20Bak çocuğum acıma
00:10:22Acıyacak hale geleceksin sonra
00:10:24Ölmesine izin vermeyeceğim
00:10:26Öyle mi?
00:10:28İzin vermeyeceğim
00:10:30Güzel o zaman kal
00:10:32İki gün sonra nasıl yuvanın altını değişmeye başlayacak
00:10:34Kal o zaman
00:10:38Ben bunu Muazzez için yapmıyorum
00:10:42Allah biliyor ya
00:10:44Şu kadarcık sevgi yok ona karşı içinde
00:10:52Muazzez yaşadığı sürece
00:10:56Benim evliliğim tehlikede olacak
00:11:00Benim kocam
00:11:02Onu bana emanet etti
00:11:06Onu bana emanet etmişken ölürse
00:11:10Benim evliliğim gerçekten biter anne
00:11:16Ben bunu göze alamam
00:11:22Bu kız yaşayacak anne
00:11:28Eğer gerekirse
00:11:30Kendi ellerimle kocamın yüreğinden söküp atarım onu
00:11:34Anladın mı?
00:11:40Muazzez uyan
00:11:42Muazzez kalk kendine gel
00:11:44Muazzez kalk
00:11:46Muazzez uyan
00:11:52Reyhan ben geldim
00:11:54Salonda mısın canım
00:11:58Bak sana şöbiyeti aldım seversin sen
00:12:04Canım kardeşim benim
00:12:10Bu evin hali ne böyle kadın gelmedi mi bugün
00:12:12İçeriye almadım ki
00:12:14Almadın mı?
00:12:16Eve sokmadım
00:12:18Kapıdan kovdum
00:12:22Bir yabancının annemin eşyalarına dokunmasını istemedim
00:12:28Öyle olsun
00:12:30Bugün hiçbir şey keyfimi bozamaz benim
00:12:40Gözüme ağlıyor ışık
00:12:44Yıllardır bu kadar mutlu olmamıştım biliyor musun
00:12:46Namı'nın babasının yerde acılar içinde kıvrandığını
00:12:48Namı'nın da kahrolarak onu seyrettiğini gördüm
00:12:54Adamcağızın ne suçu var abi
00:12:58Başkasının acısından mutlu mu olacağız
00:13:02Söz konusu
00:13:04Namı'nın acısıysa
00:13:06Evet sevineceğiz
00:13:08Artık dur
00:13:10Daha fazla kimseye zarar verme
00:13:14Olan oldu
00:13:16Seneler geçti üstünden
00:13:18Yüzyılda geçse
00:13:20Namı şerefsiz sana yaptığın bedelini ödeyecek
00:13:24Yıllardır çekiyorsun Reyhan
00:13:26Hatta hala çekiyorsun
00:13:28Sıra onda
00:13:32Etrafındaki herkes
00:13:36Etrafındaki herkes
00:13:38Acılar içinde kıvranacak
00:13:40Tıpkı benim gibi
00:13:42Elinden hiçbir şey gelmeyecek
00:13:44Çaresizlik içinde izleyecek
00:13:46Acısından kahrolacak
00:13:54Hatta muazzez bile
00:13:56Muazzez kim
00:14:00Namı'nın yeni kurbağanı
00:14:10İyi misin birazdan
00:14:18Ya az daha geç kalsaydık
00:14:26Çok özür dilerim
00:14:30Tamam sakin ol yorma kendini
00:14:32Sonra konuşuruz bunlarla
00:14:36Telefon çalıyor
00:14:38Çalsın anne
00:14:40Ya git bir bak
00:14:42Belki namıklar arıyordur
00:14:44Şimdi iyice şüphelendirmeyelim
00:14:48Tamam sen muazzeze ilgilen
00:14:54Sen yat kalk
00:14:56Dua et şahitsin
00:14:58Yoksa çoktan namları dikmiştim
00:15:12Merhaba Nevra'cığım
00:15:14Kusura bakma geç açtım
00:15:16İşim vardı
00:15:18Hay Allah işini mi böldüm
00:15:20O zaman çabuk söyleyeyim hemen
00:15:22Hani benim atölyenin yakında bir ev bakıyordum ya
00:15:24Buldum işte öyle bir yer
00:15:26Biraz kararsız kaldım
00:15:28Sen de gelebilir misin
00:15:30Çok müsait değilim Nevra'cığım
00:15:32Kötü bir şey mi oldu
00:15:34No, no, there's no need. We'll talk later, okay?
00:15:38Okay, see you.
00:15:48How are you going to live from now on?
00:15:57How are you going to get up from this?
00:16:05I don't know.
00:16:13I'm Said, by the way.
00:16:15I'm Muazzez.
00:16:17Nice to meet you.
00:16:27Look, trust me. Everything will be fine.
00:16:30Everything will be fine, okay?
00:16:32I want to believe.
00:16:48My tongue is dry.
00:16:50Is there anything to drink inside?
00:16:53There is.
00:16:55Nanuk Muazzez did not miss anything.
00:17:02Come on.
00:17:18You saved my life, sister.
00:17:21I owe you a life.
00:17:25How can you think of such a thing, Muazzez?
00:17:29What if something happened to you?
00:17:31Do you know what would happen to your uncle Said?
00:17:35I said that if I got out of his life...
00:17:38...they would be happy.
00:17:40Quite the opposite.
00:17:43They would suffer the guilt of suicide...
00:17:45...on top of what they had done before.
00:17:51You're right, sister.
00:17:55What Said said...
00:17:58...made my uncle miserable.
00:18:03When Aunt Perihan said that...
00:18:06My mother must have said it.
00:18:09The one who hears it will blame my mother.
00:18:11I'm sorry.
00:18:13It's not like that, of course.
00:18:19If you feel better, get up.
00:18:22Let's go to the hospital.
00:18:25Let's not go, sister.
00:18:28I'm fine.
00:18:30Please, let's not go.
00:18:32I don't want anyone else to find out.
00:18:41This is your second chance, Muazzez.
00:18:45Use it well.
00:18:47Don't make a mistake again, okay?
00:18:51If you want to make up for what you did in the past...
00:18:56...do it the right way.
00:18:58Do you understand?
00:19:06I've done so many bad things to you, sister.
00:19:09I took so many lives.
00:19:13But you saved my life.
00:19:17I love you.
00:19:19I love you, too.
00:19:26I love you, too.
00:19:31I love you, too.
00:19:46I love you, too.
00:19:56Didn't he leave the court before us?
00:20:00Why hasn't he come yet?
00:20:02They came, but Muazzez couldn't wait.
00:20:04They went out to get some fresh air.
00:20:06Let him.
00:20:08My son is a piece of my heart.
00:20:10He won't see the sky for a long time.
00:20:13He won't get fresh air.
00:20:16What can he do, dad? He's upset, too.
00:20:18He did what he did.
00:20:20Now he's trying to hurt himself.
00:20:22He's upset.
00:20:24I can't believe it.
00:20:26Dad, it's not Muazzez's fault that Sait is in jail.
00:20:30Who's dead?
00:20:31Don't, dad, for God's sake.
00:20:32Is Sait a kid?
00:20:33He drew his own destiny.
00:20:35Now he's pulling his own hair, and he's making that poor girl pull it.
00:20:38You're protecting Muazzez against your brother, aren't you?
00:20:41I'm not protecting anyone, dad.
00:20:43Calm down, dad.
00:20:47Muazzez was your son, too.
00:20:51on the one hand, of course,
00:20:53Sait is saying he's guilty.
00:20:55But on the other hand,
00:20:57he's bleeding because he's a kid.
00:21:00Of course, I said Muazzez was my son, too.
00:21:04But soon you'll understand that, too.
00:21:09A shirt is closer than a caftan.
00:21:12Don't, dad.
00:21:21Dad, for God's sake.
00:21:30Now it's your turn to talk like this, dad.
00:21:36Okay, dad, okay, I promise.
00:22:11Don't, dad.
00:22:24Welcome, brother, get well soon.
00:22:26Welcome, God bless you.
00:22:28Get well soon, brother.
00:22:32God bless you, brother.
00:22:34Thank you.
00:22:37Get well soon, brother.
00:22:39Get well soon, brother.
00:22:41God bless you.
00:22:49Get well soon, brother.
00:22:51God bless you.
00:23:10Get well soon, brother.
00:23:12God bless you, brother.
00:23:14Thank you.
00:23:18Get well soon, brother.
00:23:23God bless you.
00:23:27God bless you.
00:23:31Get well soon, brother.
00:23:34Thank you, god bless you.
00:24:01do it alone.
00:24:03You have to do something else.
00:24:07Look, my brother, a smart man cannot
00:24:10survive on 3 cents from here.
00:24:13We do our best and we make our money work.
00:24:15My money is working, right?
00:24:19He even does a lot of work, man.
00:24:21Let me see.
00:24:23Your mom.
00:24:25If you put a little more, you'll make a fortune, a fortune.
00:24:29We'll put it, brother. I mean, we'll put it, but...
00:24:32What a prick you are. Our place is certain, our homeland is certain.
00:24:36We don't have the mood to lie on the money and run away.
00:24:38No, my man. I didn't mean that.
00:24:42Brother, I say that today is an example.
00:24:46Let's put 50,000 today.
00:24:49What are we getting tomorrow?
00:24:5150,000 today.
00:24:52If you put 50,000 today, you'll get 7,500 tomorrow.
00:24:57Are you serious?
00:24:58My man, you'll get your house and your gold and your car in one go.
00:25:03Oh my God.
00:25:04One minute.
00:25:06Adem, take this.
00:25:10There's 50,000 there.
00:25:16Adem, take good care of it, brother.
00:25:18Don't worry, brother.
00:25:20I know at the bank. It's even safer.
00:25:23I'll run away. See you.
00:25:25Take care of yourself.
00:25:26You too.
00:25:32Zeynep, we'll get our house and car in a month, God willing.
00:25:41750 liras.
00:25:46From the shop in Ortaköy.
00:25:48From Ortaköy?
00:25:49Isn't that Ortaklar?
00:25:51It's Ortaklar.
00:25:52I can't read the writing, boss.
00:25:54Whose writing is that?
00:25:56Didn't you write it?
00:25:59You were going to get it from those mobile phones.
00:26:01What happened?
00:26:02I didn't have my fingers, boss.
00:26:09Hello, boss.
00:26:15What did you do? Did you find Sahit?
00:26:16He's in Üsküdar, at the Pasha Gate.
00:26:19I know the manager there.
00:26:20Leave it.
00:26:22Look at me.
00:26:23Arrange a man from Sahit's ward.
00:26:24They should take good care of him.
00:26:25He should have a strong back.
00:26:27I'll straighten them up if they don't fit.
00:26:30Come on.
00:26:34Take this.
00:26:35If it was a phone, it would have been broken.
00:26:36Don't leave it with him.
00:26:37Paper is the best.
00:26:39Wow, Sahit.
00:26:41It's hard on the first day.
00:26:43It's really hard every day.
00:26:46May God save you, brother.
00:26:59Here you go.
00:27:03I can't believe it.
00:27:04I can't believe it.
00:27:06I can't believe it.
00:27:07I can't believe it.
00:27:08It took you so long to get some air.
00:27:10Your phone is off, too.
00:27:13I'm out of battery, Namık.
00:27:14I didn't notice.
00:27:17Are you okay, Muazzez?
00:27:21You should have gone to the cinema or something.
00:27:23You would have had a good time.
00:27:24Especially if it was a love movie.
00:27:26Look at what you're saying, Emine.
00:27:27It's like we went to Sefa.
00:27:30Did you go to the seaside?
00:27:35Actually, we went to the beach.
00:27:38Then it got a little cooler.
00:27:41Muazzez got cold, so we went to a cafe.
00:27:44Which cafe?
00:27:47Don't say anything.
00:27:49Go do your job.
00:28:00My dear friend.
00:28:02You're okay, aren't you?
00:28:04Why didn't you tell me?
00:28:05I was so worried about you.
00:28:07I missed you so much.
00:28:09But you didn't miss me at all.
00:28:11A person is surrounded by kindness, isn't he?
00:28:13I'm sorry.
00:28:14I couldn't remember you.
00:28:16Your mother had dreams.
00:28:21Your mother had hopes.
00:28:26We were going to have our own house.
00:28:30Good news.
00:28:31I want good news.
00:28:34Don't shout.
00:28:35You won't sleep anyway.
00:28:36Let my son hear the good news.
00:28:38Let him sleep, Mehmet.
00:28:39Let him sleep.
00:28:40I'm working all day.
00:28:42Don't shout.
00:28:43Listen to the good news.
00:28:44You're such a boring person.
00:28:46Did you earn 20 liras?
00:28:47What do you mean?
00:28:49Is your husband a man...
00:28:50...who will rely on such small amounts?
00:28:52I earned house money.
00:28:54Girl, I earned house money.
00:29:00Come on.
00:29:02Come on.
00:29:03If I throw away the banknotes tomorrow...
00:29:06...you'll believe me, Aşkiton.
00:29:13Are you serious?
00:29:14Of course I'm serious.
00:29:20Are we going to get rid of Ali?
00:29:24That's what I'm saying.
00:29:26Look at me.
00:29:27Do you want 4 plus 2?
00:29:29Do you want 5 plus 3?
00:29:30Do you want 4 plus 3?
00:29:31Do you want the bathroom of your grandma?
00:29:32Why are you shaking your head?
00:29:33Let it be small.
00:29:34Let it be ours.
00:29:36Let it stay with me.
00:29:37I'm going to celebrate with my son.
00:29:38Come on.
00:29:39My son.
00:29:40My son.
00:29:41My son.
00:29:48Just like in the movies.
00:29:49You completely forgot about last year.
00:29:51Is that so?
00:29:52Yes, unfortunately.
00:29:53And this situation is bothering him a lot.
00:29:55You'll meet your old friend anyway.
00:29:57So it's no use being here now.
00:29:59Come on.
00:30:00Let it be.
00:30:01I'll tell Muazzez everything.
00:30:02He was a very close friend of mine.
00:30:04We didn't hide anything from each other.
00:30:05Come on.
00:30:07I guess you know me better than I do.
00:30:09Of course, dear.
00:30:10I'll give you an accelerated course.
00:30:12Muazzez and close history.
00:30:13Come on.
00:30:20I'm glad I thought of calling Sevda.
00:30:24Did you call her?
00:30:26I did a good job, didn't I?
00:30:28No, you didn't do a good job at all.
00:30:30After all you've learned, you've seen what they've been through.
00:30:32I wish you had asked me.
00:30:34What am I going to ask, Namık?
00:30:35They're close friends.
00:30:37I thought they'd get rid of the longing.
00:30:39Besides, Muazzez needs a friend.
00:30:43We can't erase his past.
00:30:48Where's my father?
00:30:49He left.
00:30:52Is he a little better?
00:30:59I'll go upstairs and change.
00:31:08What are you talking about?
00:31:10And you're calling me to your feet without shame.
00:31:12What did I tell you?
00:31:13These goods will arrive today.
00:31:15They're working.
00:31:16So they're not working enough.
00:31:18I'm telling you for the last time.
00:31:20These goods will arrive today.
00:31:22Or I'll come and get your money.
00:31:28I'll come and get your money.
00:31:39Mr. Namık.
00:31:40I've been working on the side for years.
00:31:42I haven't heard from Mr. Ali for three days.
00:31:44Did he come again?
00:31:45He came and said he'd finish the orders.
00:31:47He shouted and left.
00:31:48You surprised me.
00:31:50Look, I'll try to deliver it by this evening.
00:31:53But you know the apparatus you use to strengthen the assembly?
00:31:57Shake it and let it go.
00:31:59Don't get involved.
00:32:17What are you doing?
00:32:20Do you want to say this?
00:32:22Look, we're here.
00:32:24Do you want to say this?
00:32:28No, mom.
00:32:29What are you doing?
00:32:30This is the corner of my shoe.
00:32:32This is my house, isn't it?
00:32:34I can put lettuce on my face.
00:32:36I can put eggplants on my face.
00:32:38What's it to you?
00:32:46Is this family here too?
00:32:48What are you doing up there?
00:32:55I didn't ask for anything yet.
00:32:57But you will.
00:32:59Mom, look.
00:33:00Do you remember Arsa's money?
00:33:04I made him do it.
00:33:07Don't make him do it while you're making him do it.
00:33:11Put it back.
00:33:20We have an income.
00:33:24We want to move in with him.
00:33:27We know you're used to us.
00:33:30You'll be sad.
00:33:32But we want to move in with him.
00:33:34Okay, girl.
00:33:35I put your stuff in the trunk.
00:33:38I put it in the trunk.
00:33:39Take it from there.
00:33:41Come on, girl.
00:33:42Come on.
00:33:43But mom.
00:33:45We need to find a place to live.
00:33:50That's why we're asking you to take care of Ahmet.
00:33:53We'll go and...
00:33:54We'll go and look for a house in Sarıyer with my wife.
00:34:02You go to Sarıyer.
00:34:04Find a house.
00:34:06I'll take care of Ahmet.
00:34:08I wish you success in life.
00:34:11My beautiful mom.
00:34:13Thank you, mom.
00:34:16If I don't like Halil...
00:34:18Why did I marry him?
00:34:21You didn't even have sympathy for him.
00:34:25Then Namık...
00:34:29Namık is right.
00:34:32I married him to run away from Sait.
00:34:36To run away from Sait?
00:34:38He wouldn't say that.
00:34:42To get rid of his real sister-in-law.
00:34:46Your sister-in-law?
00:34:48Sister Şahesli.
00:34:49Him and his mom.
00:34:51They didn't give you any peace of mind since the day you came.
00:34:56But I upset them a lot.
00:34:59I made them go through a lot.
00:35:02It wasn't your fault.
00:35:03The woman liked you that much.
00:35:05Maybe there are things you don't know.
00:35:11Tell me about Sait.
00:35:13The love of giants.
00:35:15It's inexplicable.
00:35:16Sevda, don't make fun of me.
00:35:18I don't understand what you're serious about.
00:35:21Muazzez, I'm serious.
00:35:24You were crazy about Sait.
00:35:26And Sait was crazy about you.
00:35:27Wait a minute.
00:35:30Sait's love wasn't unrequited?
00:35:34It's the opposite.
00:35:35It's weird to tell someone who you're in love with.
00:35:39Look, it was like this.
00:36:16It didn't work.
00:36:30And you know what?
00:36:31Don't wait in line, lover.
00:36:34Namly coffee.
00:36:37It's just out of the confectionery.
00:36:39You can put more effort into it.
00:36:41There's nothing to force.
00:36:42I'm just telling what I forgot.
00:36:45Your mother is alone at the office.
00:36:47I got permission from her.
00:36:49Anyway, we were going to the garden. Come on.
00:37:03This Halil.
00:37:05Said says he stabbed me.
00:37:07There is no evidence, is there, Namık?
00:37:16So no one found a knife or something?
00:37:21As far as I know, no.
00:37:26If that knife is found, it will be understood that Said is innocent, right?
00:37:31I don't know.
00:37:33Or it can be proven that he is guilty.
00:37:36Did he call me here to talk about things we already know?
00:37:45How can such a big love be forgotten all of a sudden?
00:37:48I don't understand it at all.
00:37:51Said said so, too.
00:37:53I'm lying to you.
00:37:55Come on, forget it.
00:37:57What about the heart?
00:38:07Actually, a few images came to my mind today.
00:38:11Said's smile.
00:38:14A few things he said.
00:38:19But it's broken.
00:38:21So what did you feel?
00:38:26I felt the warmth.
00:38:28I felt the warmth.
00:38:30I felt the warmth.
00:38:32I felt the warmth.
00:38:34I felt the warmth.
00:38:36Okay, isn't that warmth love anyway?
00:38:39I don't know.
00:38:44Sevda, I have a lot to think about before love right now.
00:38:48Okay, honey.
00:38:50I'll always be with you from now on.
00:38:54What if Feyyaz stabbed Halil?
00:38:57Look, Muazzez was obsessed anyway.
00:39:00Wouldn't Halil say, Feyyaz stabbed me?
00:39:04Didn't they work together enough?
00:39:07He must have protected him because he was an accomplice.
00:39:10Does a person ever protect someone who hurts him?
00:39:12For God's sake, let's close this subject.
00:39:14We've already apologized enough.
00:39:17Yeah, but what can I do?
00:39:19My mind is always on Said.
00:39:26Okay, we can't fool Said, but...
00:39:30Namık, Said is your brother.
00:39:33You shouldn't give such a thing a chance.
00:39:39We're going back and forth to the same place.
00:39:41Is Halil lying? Is he telling the truth?
00:39:49Furkan, you're right.
00:39:52But look, don't think I'm a fool.
00:39:55You know everything from Namık, okay?
00:39:58Elçin, untie me!
00:40:01Shut up!
00:40:06Okay, Mr. Namık, understood.
00:40:09He received the necessary message.
00:40:11If he doesn't listen to us, he knows we'll find him again.
00:40:15Okay, Mr. Namık.
00:40:23Did you hear that?
00:40:25You won't walk around Muazzez again.
00:40:30Mr. Namık has an order.
00:40:48It'll be bad.
00:40:56Mr. Namık...
00:41:08Mr. Namık...
00:41:13I know you'll punish me.
00:41:26I'm in Şahes.
00:41:28In Şahes.
00:41:30It's an honor to hear your voice again.
00:41:33We need to meet urgently.
00:41:35Okay, let's meet.
00:41:37But tell me what we're going to talk about, so I can get ready.
00:41:40Of course, it's about Said.
00:41:50Okay, I'm waiting.
00:41:53At the new office.
00:41:55Okay, I'll be right there.
00:42:03What's up? Are you going somewhere?
00:42:06Nevra called.
00:42:08She needs help to move.
00:42:11I'll drop you off.
00:42:13No, it's okay, Namık.
00:42:15I'll drop you off.
00:42:17No, it's okay, Namık.
00:42:19I'll take a taxi.
00:42:21Call me if anything happens.
00:42:29I'm going, Namık.
00:42:31My mom called.
00:42:33Okay, go.
00:42:35Don't come often, okay?
00:42:37I'll come even if you don't want me to.
00:42:43See you.
00:42:47See you.
00:42:53Who is it?
00:42:56It's me, Muazzez.
00:42:58Come on, let's go.
00:43:01Don't talk about going after all the lies you told me.
00:43:07I never lied to you.
00:43:09I did everything to protect you.
00:43:11Is that so?
00:43:13Then what's the lie that Said put in my head?
00:43:16We were in love.
00:43:18I loved him too.
00:43:20Who told you that?
00:43:24Yes, Sevda told me.
00:43:26Look, she's trying to keep you away from me.
00:43:29Sevda is helping her.
00:43:31I'm sick of it.
00:43:33Everyone is telling me something.
00:43:35Everyone is telling me different things.
00:43:39I don't know who to believe.
00:43:43Believe me, I'm just thinking about you.
00:43:46I want to believe you.
00:43:51But I can't.
00:43:54I can't.
00:43:58You're just a brother to me.
00:44:01Don't do this to us.
00:44:06I can't upset Sister Shahes.
00:44:08Don't think about anyone else.
00:44:10Think about us.
00:44:11I don't want to upset people who love me.
00:44:14Stop it.
00:44:18There's no such thing as us.
00:44:27You didn't even wish me well.
00:44:29My father wished it for all of us.
00:44:34I came here for something else.
00:44:38Did Said stab you?
00:44:41Be patient.
00:44:43At least three times to Namik.
00:44:45A few times to Ahmet Şükrü.
00:44:47To the police, to the judge.
00:44:48I told them many times.
00:44:50Yes, Said stabbed me.
00:44:52Did he?
00:44:54He did.
00:44:56We raised him well.
00:44:58He stabbed the man from the bottom.
00:45:00He can't commit suicide.
00:45:02He'll go in and out.
00:45:04I have something to ask you too.
00:45:08Namik hid it when he found Muazzez.
00:45:11Is it true?
00:45:13It's none of your business.
00:45:15It's true.
00:45:17It's none of my business.
00:45:21Muazzez was interested in Namik.
00:45:38Your husband doesn't know you're here?
00:45:43There's nothing to be ashamed of.
00:45:46Namik didn't do anything behind your back.
00:45:49Don't worry.
00:46:00Did you give all the money...
00:46:02...to the shopkeepers?
00:46:07We bought this for you.
00:46:11We'll buy a blouse and a house.
00:46:13You look good in that color.
00:46:15You can choose that color.
00:46:17It's a gift from my son-in-law.
00:46:19Tell me.
00:46:21When did you find all this money?
00:46:23We didn't get the money yet.
00:46:26Did they give it to you with a kiss?
00:46:30We got it with my sister's credit card.
00:46:34God damn you.
00:46:37Did you eat Sahin's money?
00:46:40Mother, relax.
00:46:42Look at me.
00:46:44If you touch Arsa's money...
00:46:46...and break it...
00:46:48...I'll cut you with my saw.
00:46:51It's always a threat.
00:46:54That's enough.
00:46:56I'll give you the money tomorrow.
00:46:58Then you'll know who Mehmet is.
00:47:00Look at me.
00:47:02Look at me.
00:47:30Namık won't ask.
00:47:33If he will...
00:47:35...we met a few hours ago.
00:47:37We met a while ago.
00:47:40I met you before.
00:47:43You don't want me to know.
00:47:45You want me to share your lie.
00:47:48Am I right?
00:47:50Let's not make it worse.
00:47:52I'm trying to help his brother.
00:47:56Then why are you hiding it?
00:47:58It's a long story.
00:48:00I can't tell you now.
00:48:02Do what I say.
00:48:04But I can't lie.
00:48:06I'll get angry.
00:48:08If you don't tell me...
00:48:10...tell me what you did.
00:48:12I can't lie either.
00:48:14But sometimes...
00:48:16...life makes us do things we don't want to do.
00:48:23I heard the sound of the car.
00:48:29Did you take care of the house?
00:48:31Did Şahin help you?
00:48:33I did what I could.
00:48:37It's been a long time.
00:48:39You must have talked a lot.
00:48:41We met at the workshop.
00:48:43The house is done.
00:48:45Then he helped with the fabric.
00:48:47You have a great wife.
00:48:49I would have lost an important client.
00:48:51We have a Dutch client.
00:48:55Who is calling, Namık?
00:49:04Come, son.
00:49:12What do you want?
00:49:14I don't want anything.
00:49:16Don't be mad at me.
00:49:18Don't make it worse.
00:49:20I'm not mad at you.
00:49:22Don't lie.
00:49:24Where is your wife?
00:49:26I don't know.
00:49:28Ask your wife.
00:49:46I want you to forgive me.
00:49:51Can you give me another chance?
00:49:59I won't upset you again.
00:50:01I won't break my promise.
00:50:03I promise.
00:50:09Won't you ever look at my face?
00:50:13I see my son in jail.
00:50:18When I look at you...
00:50:20...between four walls...
00:50:24...I see a piece of my soul...
00:50:28...stuck in a damp closet.
00:50:34I won't look at you...
00:50:36...until Sait comes back.
00:50:55Why didn't Evra sit down?
00:50:59If she was going to go, why did she come?
00:51:03She was going to, but...
00:51:05...they called from the workshop.
00:51:07She had to go back to work.
00:51:09At this hour?
00:51:11Namık, when you have work...
00:51:13...you go without saying goodbye.
00:51:24I want to go to Sait tomorrow.
00:51:28What do you mean, why?
00:51:30Aren't you going?
00:51:32No, I'm going...
00:51:34...but when you suddenly ask...
00:51:36Namık, no matter how much of a brother you are...
00:51:38...he's like a brother to me.
00:51:40I want to go talk to him...
00:51:42...and cheer him up.
00:51:44Okay, we'll go together tomorrow.
00:51:49Good night.
00:51:51Good night.
00:51:54Good night.
00:52:03God, please help me.
00:52:06Please let me remember.
00:52:18Can you trust me, Aziz?
00:52:20I can only trust you, Sait.
00:52:23If it wasn't for you...
00:52:25...what would I do?
00:52:27Where would I go?
00:52:29I don't know.
00:52:31Don't worry.
00:52:33Everything will be fine.
00:52:35Soon, everything will be fine.
00:52:49You can't fall in love.
00:52:51You'll forget.
00:52:53You can't fall in love.
00:52:55You'll forget, you'll forget.
00:53:01You can't fall in love, mom.
00:53:16Good luck, brother.
00:53:18Didn't Adem come today?
00:53:20He's sick.
00:53:22He hung up on me.
00:53:24He does that sometimes.
00:53:26Does anyone know where this house is?
00:53:28Where is this house?
00:53:30He was staying with his relatives...
00:53:32...but I think he left from there too.
00:53:34It's just a house.
00:53:36It's just a coffee house.
00:53:40You didn't talk to me like this before.
00:53:42Don't say things like this...
00:53:44...and ruin my mood.
00:53:46I'm already here.
00:53:48That's right.
00:53:50Hold it.
00:53:52Then swallow it all.
00:53:54Swallow it all?
00:53:56Look at me.
00:53:58If you owe me something, forget it.
00:54:00Drink cold water.
00:54:04Hold it.
00:54:06Help me.
00:54:08Give me water.
00:54:10I'm burning.
00:54:18I'm burning.
00:54:24My dear.
00:54:26Welcome, aunt.
00:54:28Are you okay, Sait?
00:54:30Did you come together?
00:54:32We came together.
00:54:34We solved the problem between you and your aunt.
00:54:36Is that so?
00:54:38Is this part of your new game?
00:54:40Is this part of your new game?
00:54:46Sait, we're always thinking about you.
00:54:50How is your health?
00:54:52Are they treating you well here?
00:54:54I'm fine, aunt.
00:54:56I'll take care of myself.
00:54:58Do you need anything?
00:55:00I don't want anything from you.
00:55:02Sait, don't be rude.
00:55:04We came here to visit you.
00:55:06Did anyone call you?
00:55:08Let him see how he is.
00:55:14I want to talk to Sait.
00:55:16If you stay here now, he'll be rude to you, too.
00:55:20Namık, please.
00:55:30I've never seen Ahmet Şükrü so happy.
00:55:34But thanks to him, of course.
00:55:36I don't like him at all.
00:55:38I know my mistakes.
00:55:40I'll fix them.
00:55:44Don't say anything else.
00:55:46Just do what your sister says.
00:56:04My daughter.
00:56:08I'm sorry.
00:56:10I don't remember if we've met before.
00:56:12No, my daughter.
00:56:14We've never met before.
00:56:16But I know you very well.
00:56:18I was a very close friend of your late mother.
00:56:20My mother?
00:56:24I understand you, Sait.
00:56:26What you've been through,
00:56:28what happened to you.
00:56:30You're very angry with everything and everyone.
00:56:32That's why you treat your brother like that.
00:56:34It has nothing to do with it.
00:56:36He's not my brother anymore.
00:56:38He's my enemy, okay?
00:56:42Do you know what he's doing to me?
00:56:44It's not like I'm going to jail.
00:56:46It's what I think my brother did to me.
00:56:52And what Muazzez said.
00:56:58Muazzez lost his memory
00:57:00because of you.
00:57:08Are you telling the truth?
00:57:12That's why he treated you like that.
00:57:14He doesn't remember you.
00:57:20But he'll be fine.
00:57:22He'll remember you again.
00:57:24And you'll be like before.
00:57:26Will we be?
00:57:28You're right.
00:57:32Do you trust me?
00:57:34Aunt, you're not my mother.
00:57:36It's always been that way.
00:57:42I'm going to ask you something.
00:57:44Don't be mad at me, okay?
00:57:48You didn't rape Halim, did you?
00:57:50Don't do it. Don't you believe me?
00:57:52I didn't say anything like that.
00:57:54Please don't get me wrong.
00:57:56I just want to be sure.
00:57:58I don't want to do anything wrong.
00:58:00If you're telling the truth,
00:58:02and I believe you,
00:58:06I can do something
00:58:08to get you out of here.
00:58:12I love Muazzez so much
00:58:14that I'd give my life for him.
00:58:18I'd even kill a man if I had to.
00:58:22But I didn't.
00:58:24I swear I didn't rape Halim.
00:58:26I know.
00:58:28I promise you.
00:58:30I'll get you out of here.
00:58:38I'll make you some tea.
00:58:40Sit down, okay?
00:58:44I'm so happy to see you.
00:58:46I'm so glad you came.
00:58:48He doesn't even remember Said, does he?
00:58:50Where is he?
00:58:52I don't know.
00:58:54We try to remind him,
00:58:56but he looks at us as if he's lying.
00:58:58His eyes are wide open.
00:59:00He's staring at us.
00:59:02My poor girl.
00:59:04Everyone would think
00:59:06she fell into a rich man's house.
00:59:08She's a lucky girl.
00:59:10But where is she?
00:59:16Yes, Gaffur?
00:59:18Nursen and I are having coffee
00:59:20at the seaside.
00:59:22No, there's no need for a car.
00:59:24I'll take a cab.
00:59:30You should've sat down.
00:59:34Are you leaving?
00:59:36You should've sat down.
00:59:38If I didn't have to,
00:59:40would I ever leave?
00:59:42I have to go.
00:59:44Don't worry, dear.
00:59:46Aunt Belkis will come again.
00:59:48Aunt Belkis.
00:59:50I won't leave you.
01:00:10what did you talk about?
01:00:12We talked about Muazzez.
01:00:14He asked about him.
01:00:16We didn't talk about anything else.
01:00:18Why are you asking?
01:00:20I don't understand.
01:00:22You met Ali yesterday
01:00:24because you wanted to meet Evra.
01:00:26What are you up to?
01:00:28Aren't you tired of this?
01:00:30How did you find out?
01:00:32Ali called and told me.
01:00:34Did you think I'd hide it?
01:00:36I was trying to help Said.
01:00:38By meeting Ali?
01:00:40I had to find out the truth.
01:00:42By hiding it from me?
01:00:46What about you, Namik?
01:00:48What are you up to?
01:00:50What do you mean?
01:00:52What is this?
01:01:00Did you tell anyone?
01:01:02Of course not.
01:01:04Tell the truth, Said.
01:01:06I said no, Namik.
01:01:12That knife.
01:01:14It's Ali's knife, isn't it?
01:01:16Ali's wound.
01:01:22When did you find it?
01:01:24Why did you hide it?
01:01:26Calm down.
01:01:28I'll tell you.
01:01:30Right after Said ran away.
01:01:32Everyone was dealing with Ali.
01:01:34Then I found the knife.
01:01:36I hid it so it wouldn't be used as evidence
01:01:38against Said.
01:01:40You know he didn't do it.
01:01:42It's possible.
01:01:44Ali said it was Said.
01:01:46Because Said ran away with Muazzez
01:01:48he said it out of anger.
01:01:50What does it matter?
01:01:52Ali didn't even know Said ran away.
01:01:54He said it was Said as soon as he opened his eyes.
01:01:58The kid swore at me inside.
01:02:00He said I didn't do it.
01:02:02What else could he do?
01:02:04Namik, I know Said.
01:02:06He's telling the truth.
01:02:08Take that knife to the police.
01:02:10Don't be ridiculous.
01:02:12I can't do that.
01:02:14Let's say I took the knife to Boris.
01:02:16What if I'm guilty?
01:02:18Then there's no chance of getting out.
01:02:20Don't you understand?
01:02:22Said is innocent.
01:02:26I can't take that risk.
01:02:28If you don't do it, I will.
01:02:30I'll go to the police.
01:02:32We have to be sure first.
01:02:34If you don't believe in Said,
01:02:36how can you be sure?
01:02:38I don't know how to do it,
01:02:40but I'll go to the police.
01:02:42We'll look at the fingerprints
01:02:44and figure it out.
01:02:52don't tell anyone.
01:02:54Don't tell anyone.
01:02:56Don't tell anyone.
01:02:58Don't tell anyone.
01:03:00Don't tell anyone.
01:03:10God damn it!
01:03:12You fooled me!
01:03:14Don't play with me.
01:03:16You asked for it.
01:03:18We made a deal with you,
01:03:20but you didn't keep your word.
01:03:22It's not a child's play.
01:03:24If I had changed my statement,
01:03:26people would have been suspicious.
01:03:28You still want to save Said,
01:03:30don't you?
01:03:36you'll try to convince me again.
01:03:38What do you say?
01:03:48I'll make you pay for this!
01:03:58I'll make you pay for this!
01:04:06Yes, Mr. Ayhan.
01:04:14Are these not the right materials?
01:04:18You'll have to return them.
01:04:20There must be a mistake, Mr. Ayhan.
01:04:22They were produced in Tuncel's workshop.
01:04:24Where they are always produced.
01:04:29Okay, I'll take care of it. I'll do whatever it takes.
01:04:39Any word from Sait?
01:04:41I talked to the prison director.
01:04:43Good. I'd die for you.
01:04:45For now, all he cares about is prison.
01:04:47If they let me see him tomorrow, I'd like to see him too.
01:04:50I was going to tell you the same thing. He's full of energy.
01:04:53You're full of energy too.
01:04:55I like brave men.
01:04:56I agree.
01:05:00You know, this boy reminds me of my youth.
01:05:03How is Nursel?
01:05:05Didn't you say you were with her today?
01:05:08No, as usual.
01:05:15Massage your mother a little.
01:05:17Come on.
01:05:21Mehmet, where have you been? We were dying to see you.
01:05:28What's up with all this money?
01:05:30Did you put it in your pocket?
01:05:32Let me see if it's here.
01:05:34Is it here?
01:05:36Money, money, money.
01:05:38How are you?
01:05:40I'm fine. How are you?
01:05:42I'm not fine, Zeynep.
01:05:44I'm not fine at all.
01:05:46I have these flies flying around in my stomach.
01:05:48I'm sorry, but they're buzzing around in my head.
01:05:50We know what it's like.
01:05:51Now, tell me about the money.
01:05:55It didn't make it today, but...
01:05:57It'll be tomorrow.
01:05:59Oh, my head.
01:06:03Mehmet, look, it won't go away tomorrow.
01:06:05It won't be like that, right?
01:06:07You have that sea view house, and then you have a lot of buyers.
01:06:23Look, I want something from you.
01:06:28I need to get Said out of jail.
01:06:30I definitely need to get him out.
01:06:34They say his fate is in the hands of Halil.
01:06:37So I need Halil's number.
01:06:39Do you have it?
01:06:43No, I didn't ask Namık.
01:06:45He shouldn't know anyway.
01:06:47Don't tell him anything.
01:06:48Give me his number, please.
01:06:50Okay, hold on.
01:06:57Look, Sevda, please, don't tell anyone.
01:07:00See you.
01:07:04Don't trust the woman Muazzez's mother's friend told you about again.
01:07:07If she comes here, let her know.
01:07:09Why? Do you know her?
01:07:11How would I know her, dear?
01:07:13What they said didn't come to mind, that's all.
01:07:14Why would you lie?
01:07:17And I'm happy for Muazzez.
01:07:19The girl smiled for the first time.
01:07:21Dear, why should we trust a woman we don't know?
01:07:24Oh, my God.
01:07:28Did you call Tevfi?
01:07:30I did.
01:07:32What did he say?
01:07:34He said, I'll tell you tomorrow as soon as we talk on the phone.
01:07:38What did he say?
01:07:40He said, I'll tell you tomorrow as soon as we talk on the phone.
01:07:42He said, I'll tell you tomorrow as soon as we talk on the phone.
01:07:46Please, don't be late.
01:07:48As long as Said is inside, my conscience doesn't rest.
01:07:51It's as if I don't want my brother to come out.
01:08:06Hello, good night. I'm Muazzez.
01:08:10It's you.
01:08:12Yes, Halil, it's me.
01:08:14I want something from you.
01:08:20Why are you in your wife's arms?
01:08:22Listen to me.
01:08:24You won't talk or see Muazzez again.
01:08:26If all the women around me want to see me, what should I do?
01:08:31I'm telling you for the last time.
01:08:33Stay away if you love your life.
01:08:35Why are you looking for this?
01:08:37Because I had no other choice.
01:08:38This is the only way to get Said out of here.
01:08:43You'll do anything to get Said out of here, right?
01:08:52Then I have an offer for you.
01:08:55I'll get Said out of here.
01:08:58But you'll come with me.
01:09:01How are you going to do that?
01:09:03Leave that to me.
01:09:05Do you accept my offer?
01:09:11Why are you doing this, my love?
01:09:14Don't you love me at all?
01:09:24You're lying.
01:09:26If you hadn't lied, I would have looked you in the eye.
01:09:29Namık, I can't do it.
01:09:31Please don't be mad at me.
01:09:35I can't do it. Let me go.
01:09:36I don't care about anyone.
01:09:38Promise me you'll come with me.
01:09:41Namık, let me go.
01:09:43Come on, promise me you'll come with me.
01:09:50I'll come.
01:09:52But please save Said.
01:10:39If you don't give me that knife...
01:11:06Hello, Tevfik.
01:11:08I found the knife that wounded Halil.
01:11:10I want to hand it over to Adalet so that Said can be saved.
01:11:20Thank God.
01:11:22You showed me that my son was right.
01:11:25I'm so happy.
01:11:27I'm so happy.
01:11:29I'm so happy.
01:11:31I'm so happy.
01:11:33I'm so happy.
01:11:34You showed me that my son was right.
01:11:36I knew it from the beginning.
01:11:38I knew it from the beginning.
01:11:40Said wouldn't do such a thing.
01:11:42It's the same for all of us, dad.
01:11:44Thank God, he was found guilty.
01:11:46God bless the people who found him and sent him to the police.
01:11:50God bless the people who found him and sent him to the police.
01:11:53He must have weakened inside.
01:11:55I'll make him feel better.
01:11:57I'll prepare something before he comes.
01:12:05Mr. Babur?
01:12:07Yes, sir.
01:12:11Please, have a seat.
01:12:14Sir, I want to get straight to the point.
01:12:17About the investment.
01:12:19Have we met before?
01:12:21No, sir.
01:12:23I want to ask you directly.
01:12:25About the investment.
01:12:27If we invest 10,000 liras today,
01:12:29what will we get tomorrow?
01:12:36Did you set me up?
01:12:38What does it have to do with me?
01:12:40Get out of here!
01:12:45He's an ordinary man.
01:12:47Adem, my love.
01:12:49His name is Adem.
01:12:51You son of a bitch!
01:12:53You ruined my child's life.
01:12:55You ruined my father's legacy.
01:12:57How could you do this to me?
01:12:59Look at me.
01:13:01Either you kill me,
01:13:02or you give me the money.
01:13:04Or the money.
01:13:06Do you understand?
01:13:20Did I ask for coffee, Birgul?
01:13:24I wanted to have some sweet coffee.
01:13:26I'm in a good mood.
01:13:28Good for you, Birgul.
01:13:30So, you're going out with Sahit?
01:13:32How come?
01:13:34I don't know.
01:13:37Are you happy for him?
01:13:39For him, and...
01:13:42You have something in your mouth.
01:13:44There's something I want to tell you.
01:13:46I've been hiding it from you for a long time.
01:13:50Something that will make everyone happy.
01:13:52Both you and me.
01:13:54If it's going to be good for all of us,
01:13:56why did you hide it for so long?
01:13:58I'll tell you.
01:13:59I'm sorry, Bala.
01:14:02I'm so sorry.
01:14:04Look, dear.
01:14:06I'm going home.
01:14:08Wait for me at home.
01:14:10Take Sahit with you.
01:14:14Let him take care of himself tonight.
01:14:16We'll see.
01:14:18They know what they're doing, mom.
01:14:20Or do this.
01:14:22Take Ahmet and Şükrü with you.
01:14:24Let them keep their promise tonight.
01:14:26Tell this to Sahit, too.
01:14:27Let this girl do whatever she wants.
01:14:29Don't worry, mom.
01:14:31Even if Muazzez doesn't go,
01:14:33he'll be busy with other things.
01:14:37What does that mean?
01:14:39I have a big surprise.
01:14:44it's a very small thing.
01:14:46Tell me about it, Sahit.
01:14:49You'll learn it together with everyone.
01:14:51Oh, my love.
01:14:53Can't a girl tell her mother?
01:14:55Tell me.
01:14:58Thank God.
01:15:00I'm glad you're happy.
01:15:02How can I not be?
01:15:04My son is coming, Emine.
01:15:06Sahit is coming,
01:15:08and Muazzez is at home.
01:15:10You know how Ateş and Barut will be together.
01:15:12We've been humiliated enough.
01:15:15They're crazy.
01:15:17They'll do something again.
01:15:19I can't stand them.
01:15:21It's best to engage them.
01:15:23Are we going to engage Muazzez and Sahit?
01:15:25I don't care.
01:15:34Dad, let's not be late for Sahit.
01:15:37Where's Namık?
01:15:39He was here. Where did he go?
01:15:41Namık just left, dad.
01:15:43He has work at the company.
01:15:45We'll talk when he comes.
01:15:47What about the girl?
01:15:51She's in her room.
01:15:53She wants to wait at home, dad.
01:15:55I wanted her to go, too.
01:15:57Namık, I have work.
01:15:59I can't come.
01:16:01You told me to go.
01:16:03Emine is right.
01:16:05She's one of the family.
01:16:07Go to your room.
01:16:09Let's go.
01:16:20I don't care about anyone.
01:16:22I promise you'll come with someone.
01:16:24Namık, let me go.
01:16:26I promise you'll come with someone.
01:16:42The court has decided to remove...
01:16:45...Sahit Tunçer from custody...
01:16:47...and to drop the charges.
01:17:24You're not ready yet.
01:17:26They'll be here soon.
01:17:28You know we'll miss the flight.
01:17:40I can't do it.
01:17:48I know you're confused.
01:17:49But you promised.
01:17:51Don't forget.
01:17:53You changed my mind.
01:17:58You can't change it.
01:18:02I can't do it without you.
01:18:05Please understand.
01:18:07There's no future for us.
01:18:20We couldn't be happy.
01:18:22What was there to be happy about?
01:18:29How are you, dear?
01:18:31I'm fine, dad.
01:18:33I'm sorry.
01:18:35I dragged you here.
01:18:37You had to be with Sait.
01:18:39No, dear.
01:18:41We were going to leave you there.
01:18:43Don't worry about Sait.
01:18:45He ran after Muazzez.
01:18:47What happened, dear?
01:18:51I'm going to be a mother.
01:18:54Two good news in one day.
01:18:56Congratulations, dear.
01:19:00Call a taxi.
01:19:02Let's go home.
01:19:04I'll let my son-in-law know.
01:19:06Those bad days are over.
01:19:08We have a bright future.
01:19:10Come on, dear.
01:19:20We were created for each other.
01:19:28Can't you see how much I love you?
01:19:32What are you doing?
01:19:49What are you doing?
01:21:43Malik, wake up.
01:21:56Malik, wake up.
01:22:04Wake up.
01:22:21My daughter.
01:22:32Where have you been?
01:22:37How did you find my office?
01:22:40Fine, but I want to go home.
01:22:48Don't do this.
01:22:50I want you to be happy.
01:22:54There's nothing you can do about it.
01:22:58No, there is.
01:23:01Namık will pay for what he did.
01:23:04Then you and I will be happy.
01:23:06Namık didn't do anything to me.
01:23:09I was with my own will.
01:23:13Namık used you and left you.
01:23:15That's what you wanted to believe.
01:23:17How many times have I told you the truth?
01:23:19He was drunk.
01:23:21We slept.
01:23:24Then he didn't remember.
01:23:27I couldn't say anything out of pride.
01:23:30I wanted to clear my own name.
01:23:33I couldn't do it.
01:23:40Beyan, it's all your fault.
01:23:44He made you like this.
01:23:46My mom died because of him.
01:23:49I'm sorry.
01:23:56What are you doing here?
01:23:59If you want anything, don't do anything.
01:26:45Where is my daughter?
01:26:47Where is she, Aziz?
01:27:15You're welcome.
01:27:40Are you alright?
01:27:41Do you have a place to stay?
01:27:47Come on, let's go to my place.
01:28:11Thank you for watching.
