Hell of a Night Ep 1 Multi Sub

  • 2 months ago
Indonesian drama series
02:48Syam, fight it.
02:51Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.
02:55Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.
02:58Allah is sufficient...
03:00-Allah is sufficient... -And He is the Best Disposer of affairs.
03:03Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.
03:08-Allah is... -My Master wants him!
03:11Who are you?
03:13He is mine!
03:15All together!
03:17We will close his third eye!
03:18Allah, there is no God except Him, the Ever-Living,
03:21the Sustainer of all existence.
03:23Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep.
03:26To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on Earth.
03:29Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission?
03:33He knows what is past and what lies in the future,
04:54Sam, they're calling.
04:56Did you just get up?
04:58It's 2 p.m.! Are you mad?
05:00Don't be late!
05:21Move over.
05:23Sam. Finally, we get to meet.
05:33My friend told me you lost a ring.
05:35Is that right?
05:37That's right.
05:37The ring belonged to my late father.
05:41But I know,
05:42this must be witchcraft.
05:44Because I kept the ring in a safe.
05:48Maybe it could've been stolen by a goblin.
05:51You can catch a goblin, right?
05:54Goblin? What goblin?
05:59Sure, I can catch supernatural beings.
06:05But first, we must find your ring.
06:07Come on in then, Sam.
07:23I see it.
07:25You see it?
07:26See what, Sam?
07:28I see the ring.
07:31It's silver.
07:34Yes, it's silver!
07:41So close...
07:44Sir, I missed it by just a bit.
07:48Oh, really?
07:50Such a shame...
07:52So, what now, Sam?
07:57Alright, sir.
07:59We have to do this together, sir.
08:02I will prepare this lime
08:04for you to plant it at the back of the house at dusk.
08:09you need to read the Al-Fatihah,
08:11Kursi verse and al-An'am.
08:14It has to be done exactly at dusk?
08:16Once you hear the call to prayer, dig a hole.
08:20Thank you so much, Sam.
08:23Don't just thank me with words.
08:29One... Two... Three...
08:33Four... Five.
08:39Four thousand is fine.
08:40Four? But the girl said five.
08:44It's alright.
08:45Thank you, then.
08:46Praise be to God.
08:51Thank you, Sam! Peace Be Upon You.
08:55Why did you give him four thousand?
08:57Four thousand is nothing, we are rich!
09:00It's such a small amount!
09:43The client texted me.
09:46He's really fond of you.
09:48Clever of you to fool him.
09:50You know a lot of Quranic verses but I've never seen you pray.
09:54You should change your name.
09:55Change it to 'Ustaz Hippo'.
09:59Hippo what?
10:04You idiot.
10:05That's silly.
10:07Hold on.
10:09Why is it only four thousand ringgit? Did I count it wrongly?
10:13I gave him...
10:15a discount.
10:17Up to a thousand?
10:19I pity him, you know?
10:21He said the ring was gifted to him by his late father.
10:24I was moved.
10:27This ring?
10:29This ring was sold to me by his drug addict son,
10:32and you know what he said?
10:33This ring is sorcerous.
10:35He bought it from a shaman
10:37last year.
10:38To help prosper his business.
10:41This is your problem.
10:43You believe people so easily.
10:45He's a drug addict,
10:46obviously he fooled you.
10:47Don't believe things like that!
10:51You fool people for a living.
10:53But, you got fooled.
10:54What do I tell Uncle Atan now?
10:57Think about it.
11:03Here. Next time,
11:05ask for five thousand.
11:07Don't be so generous with the discounts.
11:12Here, take the ring.
11:15From the client's 'father'.
11:21What is it?
11:24The ring...
11:31The 'feeling' is back?
11:56-Thanks. -You're welcome.
12:05You okay?
12:09This is my everyday.
12:12I'm stressed. I didn't get enough sleep.
12:15Stressed about our wedding?
12:17Yeah. But that's...
12:19a happy kind of stress.
12:22The good kind.
12:25If it's not our wedding,
12:27what are you stressed about?
12:30Or your mother?
12:32Or Alia?
12:36A little bit of everything, I guess.
12:40We're a team, right?
12:44You can share your problems with me.
12:50If you work hard, I'll work harder.
12:54But if you're this stressed out,
12:56I'll be stressed too, Dina.
13:03I forgot.
13:06I know you need this when you're stressed.
13:09You love giving me these. What if I get fat?
13:12If you get fat, I'll get even fatter!
13:44Cool office.
13:51Why didn't you hang up my painting?
13:58Sorry, I...
14:00haven't found the space.
14:03You haven't found the space...
14:10Not here, Alia.
14:12Why are you still smoking this?
14:18What are you doing here, Alia?
14:20Mum is worried, you know?
14:23Mum treats me like a prisoner.
14:24I disappear and she goes psycho.
14:26Alia! Watch your mouth!
14:35Are you alright, Alia?
14:37How are your sessions with Dr. Azlan?
14:38All okay?
14:48I need your help.
14:49What's this?
14:58You want me to get it for you? Is that it?
15:01Please, only you have access to it.
15:03Why do you need this?
15:05Do you know what this is for?
15:06I know, it's for schizophrenia.
15:08-And you think you are... -Yes.
15:10According to whom?
15:11A 'doctor' on the internet?
15:16Did Dr. Azlan prescribe this to you?
15:19Don't play doctor!
15:26Look, Alia.
15:30Can you just listen to Dr. Azlan, please?
15:32Trust his process and be patient.
16:27Where were you, Alia?
16:36Didn't I tell you?
16:38You can't leave the house just like that, Alia.
18:09When are you paying me back, huh?
18:11I said,
18:12look at me!
18:16Look at me.
18:17What's going on?
18:20Mind your own business, Sam.
18:22I swear.
18:24I promise I'll pay.
18:26I have a kid.
18:27He's still in school.
18:29The problem is, right now
18:30my money is with you.
18:32How am I going to eat?
18:33Hold on.
18:34How much does he owe you?
18:36Five hundred.
18:55Sam, thank you.
18:57Don't just thank me.
18:58Don't forget to pay me.
19:00Otherwise, you'll get it from me instead.
19:05Uncle Atan!
19:18Here, your golden child gave a discount.
19:21Are you kidding me?
19:22No! Or maybe he's stolen some.
19:27Giving a discount or stealing, same thing.
19:31Hey, Ecah! Hey.
19:33Don't give any discounts on the tissues you're selling.
19:37The price is already cheap.
19:38Of course not, Uncle Atan.
19:41I'll head out now.
19:45Hi, Sam!
19:46Be careful out there, Ecah.
19:53Put it on the table.
20:01Put it back there.
20:04This is all you do.
20:05Just wasting money.
20:07You do know that wasting is a sin?
20:18What did you see when you were holding the ring?
20:24Come on, it's just me.
20:26Tell me.
20:27I thought you didn't see those 'things' anymore?
20:33I can feel them.
20:34I can't see them, but I can feel.
20:38I felt
20:40a pain, you know?
20:42As if 'something' is guarding it.
20:45What's this now, about 'feeling' things?
20:49Nothing, Uncle Atan.
20:50It's just the same old story.
20:54Oh no.
20:57One more try, Uncle Atan.
20:59I thought you can't see those 'things' anymore?
21:03Yes, but I can still feel them.
21:06Do you know what I can feel?
21:07The devil's aura!
21:10The devil!
21:12Hey, Sam.
21:13-Look around. -What?
21:16Do you see anything?
21:19I'm scanning now.
21:22This place is clean, don't worry.
21:23Because everyone here,
21:25are all heaven-sent!
21:29-Keep playing! -He's the biggest angel of all!
21:33You missed. I saw that.
21:42Yesterday, my buyers got so high with this...
21:46The feeling is different.
21:50This is the real deal, bro.
21:52-Later, tell your friends... -Syed?
21:57Who is this? You got it wrong.
22:00Wrong person.
22:02Do you have the 'stuff'?
22:03I don't deal drugs, you've got the wrong person.
22:06I brought money.
22:07I would like to buy the 'stuff'.
22:09I'm Bibi's friend.
22:12Bibi's friend!
22:15What kind do you want?
22:16I have the ones that make you chill,
22:18or do you prefer the one that 'flies' you to the moon?
22:22You choose.
22:24The one that Bibi usually gets?
22:26The one that Bibi usually gets makes you see another dimension.
22:30Hold on, but I take cash only.
22:37Here. What's your name?
22:43How many times have I told you not to sell this?
22:46She tried to sell it to me!
22:49Buzz off.
22:50Before I beat you up.
23:03Darling, let's go. We're late.
23:05It's fine if we're a bit late, we're VIP, right?
23:14Can we cancel?
23:16Why are we cancelling?
23:20Yesterday, Alia came to my office and...
23:22You both fought again?
23:25Fighting is normal for us.
23:28She's dramatic and loves attention.
23:33This time, I feel...
23:40How about this?
23:41Let's just go and show up there
23:43for 15 minutes then, we can leave.
23:46We'll go to your mother's house after that.
23:50-15 minutes? -Yes.
23:54What are you doing here, Alia?
23:56Don't you know it's dangerous to buy drugs?
23:58It can kill you.
24:00I swear, I've never done it.
24:02I swear.
24:03You sure about that?
24:05I can tell if a person is doing drugs.
24:09Actually, I'm ill.
24:12I haven't been sleeping. I can't sleep.
24:14That's why I came here.
24:16What kind of illness?
24:19It's hard to explain.
24:21Maybe I'm going crazy.
24:23A crazy person doesn't even realise if they're crazy.
24:26Two pieces please.
24:28The drugs here are bad.
24:29They mix it with other stuff, engine oil and what not.
24:32It's dangerous.
24:34How do you know?
24:36I just know.
24:40What am I to do then?
24:42I've seen a doctor.
24:44I've prayed.
24:48Could you treat me?
24:50You're like an Ustaz, right?
24:52What's so difficult? Go on a vacation!
24:55Go, get out of Malaysia.
24:57You're rich, aren't you?
24:59How am I like an Ustaz?
25:01Even a place like this has an Ustaz, huh?
25:05It's a place like this that needs an Ustaz.
25:14What are you up to lately?
25:17I dropped out.
25:19I... create videos on social media.
25:24You're an influencer!
25:27I haven't seen you for 6 years, and now you're famous?
25:31Did you keep track of how long we haven't seen each other?
25:38How's Dina?
25:41Dina? She hasn't changed.
25:44She's getting married.
25:50To whom?
25:52To a doctor.
25:55She met him after...
25:59After you.
26:08How are you going home?
26:11Maybe I'll take the train. Or the bus.
26:13Don't bother, you might get trafficked to Thailand.
26:15I'll send you home.
26:21But this is the last time I'm going to see you here.
26:23Don't even think about buying drugs here.
26:25Got it?
26:27Let's go.
26:31What is it?
26:35Nothing. Your vest studs are sharp.
26:55Thank you, Sam.
26:57Remember, I don't want to see you at Chow Kit anymore.
26:59If I see you, you'll get it from me.
27:01-Got it? -Alia?
27:09Is that you, Sam?
27:10God has willed it!
27:12How are you, Sam?
27:14I'm well, praise be to Allah.
27:15Praise be to Allah.
27:18How long have they been here?
27:21They just got here.
27:25Sam, come on in.
27:26Come in? You have guests. It's alright.
27:29I'll get going.
27:30-I'm actually busy, Aunty... -It's okay.
27:32Come in, we'll have dinner.
27:36-Sam? -Come, it's okay.
27:49Let's go in.
27:51Go on.
27:52It's okay.
28:16I'm so happy to see everyone here at the dining table.
28:25What are you doing here, Dina?
28:27Always having fancy dinners, especially at those elitist places.
28:32I just wanted to meet Mum.
28:35I didn't expect you to bring...
28:40Sam here...
28:42is also a doctor.
28:44But more on traditional medicine, right Sam?
28:49Yes, it's been a while now.
28:51Around six or seven years.
28:55You've been doing that for seven years?
28:58It's actually six years.
29:02How did you meet Sam, Alia?
29:03I bumped into him at Chow Kit.
29:05I was meeting a friend.
29:07Sam is usually there.
29:10What was there at Chow Kit, Alia?
29:12A cafe.
29:14Which friend? Bibi?
29:16-Not Bibi. -Then?
29:18You and Mum don't know her.
29:19Are there friends of yours that we don't know of?
29:22We have guests...
29:28It's funny, isn't it?
29:30You used to say
29:31that you'd rather die than face Sam again.
29:36Now look, here he is.
29:42You know what happened?
29:43Alia came to the hospital,
29:46and asked me to steal some pills for her.
29:47Yes, I did. But did you help?
29:50-You didn't, right? -Alia.
29:51That's why I went to Chow Kit to look for the pills.
29:53But Sam was there.
29:54And he brought me home.
29:55-All because you wouldn't help! -Alia!
30:06Chow Kit Road,
30:08Chow Kit Road,
30:10Chow Kit Road.
30:13Chow Kit Road.
30:15I like that song.
30:20Can you pass the eggs?
30:28In the middle of the city...
30:45Alia, open this door!
30:47Hey, what were you thinking?
30:49Buying drugs from Chow Kit? You want to be a junkie?
30:52Alia, open this door!
30:53Dina, please don't talk to her like that.
30:58You've spoiled her too much, Mum.
31:00See? See what's happened to her?
31:02-Yes, I know. But... -Mum, no.
31:06-Don't talk to her like that. -Mum, it's fine.
31:08-It's fine, Mum. Please. -Dina.
31:11Mum, please? Not now.
31:34You don't have to walk me to the car.
31:36I'm not your girlfriend.
31:38It's not that. I just want to escape this.
31:43Her family is always like this.
31:45Just bear with them.
31:47Hey, Sam.
31:49I hope you
31:51don't have any hard feelings towards Dina and I.
31:57That's in the past.
32:02So, you...
32:05are a doctor, right?
32:07That's right.
32:08But not on traditional medicine, though.
32:10I'm an actual doctor.
32:13Because I met Dina while I
32:15was at university where we both studied.
32:21Did you bring her there?
32:25Bring her where?
32:26To buy drugs. It was you, right?
32:28Obviously not! I stopped her!
32:30Why are you accusing me?
32:32Why are you suddenly here?
32:34Driving Alia home, showing that you are a gentleman.
32:37What for?
32:43Alia is ill.
32:43Yeah, we know!
32:46I know you've brought her to the doctor,
32:49but what she's experiencing is different.
32:50Maybe bring her to a shaman, whoever...
32:54A scammer shaman like you?
32:56Your friend baits rich folks
32:58then you come in reciting mantras
32:59and you get a few thousand ringgit!
33:01You've not changed.
33:03You, stay away.
33:08Bro, I think
33:10just don't bother Dina anymore.
33:11So, best to stay away, okay?
33:14Hey, I...
33:17Whatever, forget it.
33:25Okay bye, bro.
34:00Shut up!
34:18Don't be afraid.
34:56Damn it.
35:05What's going on?
35:59Who are you?
36:32Is there a problem?
36:36Well, the car engine suddenly died.
36:42You okay?
36:45I'm okay.
36:47Can I have a look?
36:51Do you know much about it? It's an old car.
37:01Start the engine when I say so.
37:05I've figured out the problem.
37:09Can you try starting the engine?
37:16It worked.
37:19It worked!
37:22It worked, it started!
37:25Thank you so much!
37:31Are you from around here?
37:34Just from my car you would know I'm not from around here.
37:38There are usually many cars in this area at night anyway.
37:42Just that tonight it's a little quiet.
37:44I just came from my friend's place up the road.
37:49Are you from around here?
37:52I came to meet a friend too.
37:53Your outfit looks like you
37:57belong around here.
38:01I'm not like these rich folks.
38:03I'm an ordinary person with
38:04nothing special, unlike some people.
38:10Drive safely.
38:12It's extraordinarily quiet tonight.
38:15'Something' might come out to look for a friend.
38:19Thank you.
38:35Until we meet again.
38:46Meet again?
38:54I don't understand Alia, Zac.
38:58She's unstable, but,
39:00she's never exploded at me like that.
39:02In front of you or Sam.
39:07I'm used to her words against me but,
39:10from the look in her eyes yesterday...
39:17-She really hates me, Zac. -No.
39:19Don't jump to conclusions, Dina.
39:21She'll never hate you, okay?
39:22She's your sister, right?
39:25I think you should talk to her.
39:27I mean, really talk to her.
39:29-You think I should? -Yes!
39:31Just go. Go!
39:33-Are you sure? -Go!
39:36Just go.
39:37-Okay, fine. -Go.
39:39That's mine! I want this one!
39:41You can have the rest. Please throw away this one, okay?
39:45-Love you! -Love you too.
39:49So much snacks...
40:35Sam, let's go!
40:36Damn this ball.
40:40Come on, Sam!
40:44HYBRID ECLIPSE HAPPENING SOON This month we will witness
40:46HYBRID ECLIPSE HAPPENING SOON an extraordinary phenomenon,
40:47which the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
40:49will happen at the same time.
40:52This phenomenon, called the Hybrid Eclipse,
40:54last occurred more than 30 years ago.
42:50Peace Be Upon You.
42:54Sorry, the maid told me you were here.
42:57I came here to check on Alia, if she's okay?
43:04Can I...
43:15When did she draw these?
43:20I don't know.
43:25I feel like I've seen this man...
43:28You've seen him?
43:32No, it's a different person, perhaps...
43:36Aunty, actually I came to
43:39talk to you about Alia.
43:42I feel there's something off.
43:47Something off?
43:54There's something...
43:57There's something affecting her.
44:02Mum, what is going...
44:06What are you doing here?
44:16What's this?
44:18Where's Alia?
44:20I don't know, Dina.
44:23She didn't bring her bag or her phone.
44:27I don't know.
44:29Where's her phone?
44:30It's in her room...
44:33I tried using it but it's locked!
44:36I have tried unlocking it, I couldn't.
44:41It's okay. Alright.
44:43Mum, check her social media and update me.
44:47-I'm going... -Dina.
44:52Sam, please go with Dina.
44:55Go with her.
44:57-Mum, don't worry about it... -Dina, please!
45:02It would make me feel better...
45:04Please let Sam follow you?
45:09Please, Sam?
45:22Where's his office?
45:25It's just upstairs here.
45:35Dina, you know this.
45:38It took me a while to build trust with Alia.
45:43If the trust is compromised...
45:44Dr. Azlan.
45:46I need to know her diagnosis.
45:48Yesterday was the worst.
45:49Her paintings are not rainbows and gardens anymore...
45:53What I found in her room just now made me worry.
46:01Alright. Tell me, what was the painting?
46:04It's not just one painting, there are many.
46:06But when you put it all together,
46:10it's like an image of a man.
46:15Okay. Well, that's art, right?
46:19Maybe that's your...
46:21late father?
46:23Hold on.
46:25Even if it is 'art',
46:28there's no way she would draw
46:29her father in such an ugly manner, right?
46:32It's called an abstract painting, Sam.
46:35Sorry, I assume this is your friend?
46:43Dina, I hope you understand.
46:45It's difficult for me to share, because there's an outsider.
46:51Dr. Azlan, don't worry, because
46:53Dina and I
46:54have been friends for a long time...
46:58As you were saying, Dr. Azlan?
47:03Okay Dina, I get that you're worried.
47:06But when Alia is with me,
47:09she has never exhibited any signs of self-harm.
47:12In fact,
47:15looking at my logbook,
47:18she's never missed an appointment.
47:24From one doctor to another, may I know what you've prescribed her?
47:29She didn't tell me.
47:37She has very unstable mood swings.
47:42I've prescribed mood stabilisers for her.
47:49I feel there's something...
47:51Everything seems wrong with you.
47:54I feel like there are things he's not sharing.
47:57He's not sharing because he's a professional.
47:59I'd do the same too.
48:04Does Alia have a boyfriend?
48:06Calm down. Because I think
48:07if she has a boyfriend, then she might be at his place.
48:10Relax, I'm not trying my luck.
48:12Think about it, in these cases
48:14their partners usually kidnap them, but I'd never do that!
48:16-I'm a good man... -Her BFF!
48:21Her 'Boyfriend Friend'?
48:26Did Alia call you?
48:30A text?
48:31Any updates on her social media accounts?
48:35Bibi, this is important!
48:36Alia could be anywhere by now!
48:38I know.
48:42But I don't know where she is, Dina.
48:47You know,
48:52she seems a bit lonely.
48:59She keeps things to herself.
49:03When I try talking to her,
49:07she gets defensive.
49:11Always ready to pick a fight.
49:13Has she said anything to you
49:15about what she's going through?
49:17Yeah, she hears
49:23Not just mood swings?
49:26Initially, there were mood swings.
49:28Then she started hearing voices.
49:31Did she see a doctor?
49:33Any medication?
49:35Yes, but the pills weren't strong enough.
49:38So, we looked it up online.
49:41There should be two pills,
49:44a mood stabiliser and...
49:49Antipsychotic. She asked for the pills from me.
49:52That was why she was at Chow Kit.
49:55To buy those pills.
49:56Yeah, she wants to drown those voices.
50:03Dr. Azlan? Dr. Azlan!
50:07He must have gone home, look at the time now.
50:10What are we doing here?
50:11If it's true that Alia hears voices,
50:14that means Dr. Azlan prescribed her wrongly.
50:16There's something wrong about this Dr. Azlan...
50:18-Dr. Azlan! -Hold on, "something"?
50:21Oh, now you believe what I said?
50:25Dr. Azlan?
50:27Dr. Azlan!
50:33Yes, what is it?
50:35Is Dr. Azlan here?
50:36Dr. Azlan isn't here, he's gone home. It's late now.
50:39Oh, the thing is, just now
50:41I came here, but I left my phone.
50:43Can I get my phone back?
50:44Sure, but come back tomorrow morning, the clinic is closed.
50:47Tomorrow? That's big of you! That's my phone!
50:49It'll just take a minute, please it's my phone.
50:53Just come back tomorrow.
50:54The doctor isn't around too.
50:56Please come back tomorrow?
50:57What don't you understand, miss? I need it.
50:59I have a number in there that I need now.
51:01-Please, I'll just go get it. -But sir!
51:03If you don't leave, sir, I'll call the police!
51:06I'll call the police. Please leave now.
51:09Please leave.
51:10-Come back tomorrow, okay? -Miss...
51:20My sister is a patient here, her name is Alia...
51:22She's missing...
51:50-I know you need moral support... -Yes, I do...
51:53-Come here. -That's so sweet of you.
51:57I got it!
52:02Thank you, I got my phone.
52:28Everyone's here?
52:33How's the girl?
52:36The cord is ready.
52:38It's time to light up the dynamite.
55:51Everything we want in this life comes with a price to pay.
55:54But why my son?
55:56That girl is my sister, do you know where she went?
55:58Your sister is possessed, don't you get it?
56:00This involves evil forces.
56:02I don't believe it.
56:03I want to reopen my third eye.
56:05Have you thought it through?
