• 3 months ago
00:00Previously on 4th and Forever, Glades Central edged out a couple of hard-fought victories.
00:08That's goal boards from close to me though.
00:11You guys have to start taking this game seriously.
00:15And the Hokies struggled through a bruising pair of back-to-back losses.
00:21I'm going to find the answers. I'm going to find the guys who want to play football.
00:24I think Jesus is just going to have to show up and speak to the kids himself like,
00:27Hey, listen, stop playing. Get out there and play football.
00:34This week, a tropical deluge soaks the region,
00:38and Pahokee and Glades Central find themselves playing a distinctly Muck City style of football.
00:45It's like the old school football, raining, put your hand in the dirt, go at it.
00:49We'll still be in the stands soaking wet. We ain't going nowhere.
00:53But when the storm clouds finally part, both schools will see their seasons in an entirely different light.
01:01For some reason, they just don't understand the gravity of the situation.
01:05How every play is so, so important that we cannot waste a snap.
01:09We're on a mission. We're coming to win.
01:13We're going to dig deep. Do some soul searching. Real fast.
01:24Sunday morning. Skies are clear, for now.
01:28And this week in Pahokee, it's homecoming.
01:31In local churches, there might be a few extra visitors,
01:35many of them former players who've come back for the big game on Friday.
01:39The churches are very much a big thing here. There's like 50-something churches in this little town.
01:44Light it, God. Living water. Bread when I'm hungry. Water when I'm thirsty. Thank you, Jesus.
01:57Presiding over one service is Bishop Kenny Berry, a former star cornerback at Pahokee.
02:05My body is the temple of the Lord. Amen.
02:14In the congregation sits Bishop Berry's son, Damian Berry, now Pahokee's offensive coordinator.
02:23You got to get busy, that's all.
02:27Damian is under intense pressure to win in front of a homecoming crowd this Friday night.
02:33In this area here, football itself has become like an idol.
02:36And I mean, you've had success over the years, and now you're not having that same success.
02:41And it doesn't matter whether they've been successful or not, they want to blame coaching.
02:45People in the community are saying things.
02:47That's what really made me mad, like, when the fans be saying what they be saying,
02:51because they don't know what we battling. We don't have enough equipment.
02:56In fact, for the entire season, Pahokee has been forced to make do
03:00without one of the most essential resources any high school football team needs,
03:05the team weight room, which has been closed for renovations to its roof.
03:10When we did the schedule, we weren't prepared for our weight room to be closed.
03:14Our weight room been closed the whole season.
03:17By us not having that weight room, that extra, which does matter.
03:22Now we got guys getting nicked up, we got guys getting little bruises, hamstrings,
03:27little stuff that don't happen when you have a weight room.
03:30So that's been part of the issue.
03:32You know, these are the different things that we're having to battle against.
03:35I mean, you can't allow what they're saying in the fans, in the stands.
03:39Keep your focus. Keep your focus.
03:42And you work with those kids, man. You just pour your heart in there.
03:48On the other side of Muck City, Glades Central senior Jermaine Mays
03:53is headed to what he and his teammates might call the weight room of the mind,
03:58otherwise known as the after-school tutoring program,
04:01something that Jermaine has wholeheartedly embraced.
04:05I'm a football player.
04:07But they say student-athlete, so you gotta be a student first.
04:10So basically in the classroom, I just try to be on my P's and Q's.
04:15Tutoring doors should be locked at this time.
04:18Tutoring doors should be locked at this time.
04:21For the first time, you got a classroom full of football players
04:25that are that interested in their academics.
04:27Where most times, this is not the norm.
04:30They seem to be seen as athletes first.
04:34You can see on the board is today's date, and so this essay is due today.
04:39I'll show y'all how to write a real essay.
04:41They think we dumb, but we ain't like that.
04:43You know what I'm saying? We cut like that.
04:45He's a very good writer. His vocabulary is astounding.
04:50They told me I wasn't a writer, but my work begged to differ.
04:54Begged to differ.
04:56I don't even think it was his work, but it's to know how well he writes.
04:59I've even had another teacher to compliment on how well he writes.
05:03That's a lot of times what our boys are going through.
05:06They don't want to show who and what they really are
05:11because they have this image to oppose.
05:13Today, every school in the Glades sits on the winning side of state academic requirements.
05:19There are no failing or even near-failing schools here.
05:22This academic success is stoking ambitions of students like Jermaine
05:27that stretch far beyond the football field.
05:29Being a senior, they always stress to us that you got to know what you want to do.
05:33So I want to study business, entrepreneurship.
05:36That's what I'm trying to do.
05:40The week starts off beautifully in Pahokee,
05:43where the Blue Devils will be taking on Seminole Ridge.
05:46But storm clouds are on the horizon for Friday, a fact of life in Muck City,
05:50a community that was literally reshaped by severe weather nearly a century ago.
05:56We had a hurricane in 1928 that pushed the water inland for miles,
06:04creating a huge flood, extremely high winds, 3,000 people perished.
06:11And as a result of the flood, a lot of the muck from the bottom of the lake
06:15actually kind of spilled out into our lands,
06:18and it actually left the black, rich soil. It can grow anything.
06:24After the 20-foot floodwater subsided,
06:26the entire lakeshore was reinforced and redesigned to be storm-ready.
06:31The levee was built after the hurricane.
06:34Pumping stations and canals and all sorts of means to deploy water south,
06:39and that prevented any water from draining out of the lake.
06:43The flood threat that once loomed over Muck City is now gone.
06:54But severe weather remains on the horizon for Pahokee's upcoming game,
06:58putting extra strain on Coach Bolden to be prepared
07:01for whatever the other team and Mother Nature throw at him.
07:05Rain does not stop football here.
07:09Actually, it betters our kids.
07:12This weather on any level forces guys to focus more,
07:16and when you put in an increment of weather, it actually heightens our senses.
07:24But the weather isn't Pahokee's biggest concern. It's their defense.
07:28There you go. Good job.
07:30Recent opponents scored a combined 90 points against the Blue Devils' defense.
07:35Time for seniors like defensive end Tameric Caveman Best to step up.
07:41I got the name Caveman like 10, 11 years old.
07:44I used to come to practice with no socks.
07:47The head coach over in the Little League, he came up with the name Caveman
07:51because that's how they walk around. They walk around with no socks, no shoes.
07:55Even college coaches call me that now.
07:58Caveman, he's aggressive.
08:01Matter of fact, he's one of the most aggressive players on the team,
08:04and he's the player that everybody rally around because he's always going to give it 150%.
08:09You good. Let's go.
08:12Caveman is fired up to play on homecoming night and sees the team turning things around.
08:18I see us winning the rest of the season, like Mutt Bowl, the first round, second round, third round, state championship.
08:26B-L-U-E-D-E-B-I-L-A. No, no, no.
08:35Down the road in Belle Glade, the Raiders are also depending on their seniors to deliver a win
08:40in what could be a rain-soaked showdown against Park Vista.
08:45Good job, guys. Good job.
08:49One of the Raiders' best and most heavily recruited players is wide receiver and defensive back Jim Davis,
08:56who's played alongside fellow senior Jermaine Mays all his life.
09:02We all used to grow up and go and just play and chill on Temp Street.
09:07We used to ride bicycles around the whole Belle Glade.
09:09Wherever y'all done drove y'all cars around Belle Glade,
09:12Like many kids in Muck City, Jermaine and Jim grew up cruising the glades on their bicycles.
09:21Here, style points, a.k.a. catwalking, are everything.
09:25And how you ride is as important as where you're going.
09:28This is catwalking.
09:35While Jermaine's early season knee injury kept him off the radar of most college recruiters,
09:40his cousin Jim continues to attract attention from across the country.
09:45You need to visit one of these schools. Which one you want to visit first?
09:49So much so that sorting through all the offers has become a de facto second job for his mother, Zeta.
09:56Oh, look at this. What's up with Utah? Utah show a lot of love.
10:00I need to check them out, too.
10:02I've been getting offers since going to my 10th grade year.
10:05And on the day, they sent me the meal plan.
10:07They sent you a meal plan?
10:09When I first had this boy, I knew he had a gift.
10:13I knew he had a gift, just looking at him.
10:16Because I always liked football, different stuff, like sports and stuff.
10:20So I said, when I have a son, boy, I can't wait till he get older and the baby play football.
10:27My mom, she never missed a game or tried me in the activity.
10:31I even played baseball. She never missed a pitch.
10:35Zeta also made sure that Jim hasn't succumbed to the bad decision-making that has led some of his peers down a path of no return.
10:45Early on, Jim was getting looked at by a lot of different schools.
10:49And then he had to take a step back around here in our neighborhood.
10:54A lot of kids lost their life. There was a lot going on at the high school.
10:58He changed schools before things started to get bad.
11:04She made it happen.
11:06She doesn't know what I'm saying, though.
11:09Mother Zeta isn't the only one who's working behind the scenes to help Jim find his way.
11:14So is Katie Fletcher, the director of Student Aces.
11:18I purposely wanted to send him away because I felt like he was really going down the wrong path.
11:26I'm going to call it what it is.
11:28So I told his mom, get him out of Belgrade, because that was going to be the only way we save his life.
11:33I was crucified for it because he was the star football player. He was so good.
11:38But I promise you, I've never stopped believing in you.
11:44And if you come back home, you got to promise me that you are not going to die in these streets.
11:54And I'm so grateful to have you back home. I promise.
11:59Now, back at Glade Central, Jim's future in football is brighter than ever.
12:04And his focus on success is laser light.
12:07I tell some of my teammates, what you're playing for is to have a jersey.
12:11If you're on this football team, your dream should be going to the next level.
12:16Everything is back where it was. He's giving it his all.
12:20He's getting there. He's getting there. So this is his year.
12:25Pinky promise.
12:26We can do this. We're going to show them what we can do.
12:35The predicted foul weather has yet to hit, and it's a perfect night for football.
12:40We just ask you, God, to be with us tonight. God, help us on every assignment that we do, God.
12:44In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
12:50Let's go, guys. Let's go.
12:52All eyes are on Jim Davis and his teammate, senior wide receiver number nine, Desna Washington.
12:59Both are looking to put up big numbers versus Park Vista, a team Glade Central always expects to beat.
13:05I'm a senior, so this is our last ride. I ain't never lose because of COVID. We got to get right.
13:12Let's go, Riders!
13:15Davis, Washington, and number 18, QB Marion Moreland, carry Glade Central to an early lead.
13:31One part of Glade Central coach Jesse Hester's game plan is clear. Whenever possible, get the ball in Jim's hands.
13:40Come on, Jim. Ride, Jim.
13:44James, he's a speedster. I mean, this kid can get it from anywhere and take it to distance.
13:51Hey, let's go. Get in there.
13:56Good, Jim.
14:00All right, number one.
14:04My son James is having a great game tonight.
14:07Every time he touch the ball, he just go and take it on in to the end zone.
14:11It's just a great feeling. That child that's out there doing all of that great stuff, that's my son.
14:20The Raiders roll confidently into halftime.
14:23I told y'all we got this. I told y'all we got this.
14:28But at the start of the third quarter, Park Vista counterpunches with a 98-yard kickoff return.
14:40Oh, man.
14:55After that, Jim Davis and his teammates fall out of rhythm.
14:59You know, the kids are really bickering amongst each other. They're not really close as a unit.
15:04Right now, we're just not really focused on small details of the team aspect.
15:10That lack of rhythm on the defensive side of the ball soon leads to another Park Vista touchdown.
15:23With less than two minutes to play, the score is now Cobras 19, Raiders 20.
15:30Park Vista decides to roll the dice and go for two.
15:33If they make it, it could be a potentially crushing defeat for Glade Central.
15:37Hey, they going for it. We got to stop them here. We got to stop them here.
15:41Are they going for the two?
15:45The Glade Central D sets up to make a stand.
15:52But a Park Vista running back finds a way to soar into the end zone.
16:08Glade Central still has a chance.
16:11They use Jim Davis as a decoy in hopes of freeing up number nine, Desna Washington, on a deep route.
16:17Come on!
16:20Come on!
16:22Turn it up! Turn it up!
16:30Game over! Cobras victory! 21 to 20!
16:36It's an unexpected and embarrassing loss for Coach Heston.
16:41Just sick to my stomach at this point.
16:43Just realizing that the kids not really stepping up and trying to seize the moment when they had this opportunity like this to seize the moment.
16:56You guys are undisciplined. Simple stuff, man, we ask you guys to do on a daily basis.
17:05At the end of the day, man, you guys have to play for each other, man.
17:10This one should hurt to the bone.
17:13We had the game under control, but we can never put it away.
17:18Because I always want them thinking, you know, about the game, being smart football players.
17:23And right now, we just not a smart football team.
17:32In Pahokee, homecoming week brings fanfare.
17:37Today is homecoming parade. We got the shinies on right now.
17:41And fighting words.
17:43Finna get it good, dawg. Finna get this good win.
17:47When you step on Pahokee territory, it's war.
17:51Straight war.
17:52Straight war.
18:06Given this season's lackluster start, Pahokee players and fans are itching for a victory on homecoming night.
18:14And with the team's weight room still closed, there's a chance the Blue Devils might get outmuscled by Seminole Ridge.
18:19Disappointing the fans, which will include alumni who played in the NFL.
18:25There's a game tomorrow. There's an enemy coming on our territory.
18:28In Seminole Ridge.
18:30I don't like talking about last year, but they won last year.
18:33So we should have a personal vendetta.
18:35And y'all should take it real personal. It's your homecoming.
18:38Y'all got the dance tonight, so get with it. We need to cap off homecoming with a win.
18:42Tomorrow night.
18:44Cap it off. If y'all going to the dance, be safe.
18:47Y'all have fun.
18:49Be home by 11.
18:57One player keen on going to the homecoming dance, his senior defensive end, Tameric Caveman Best.
19:04Let me get that. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
19:07Caveman's the only one in his crew excited about going.
19:11Fellow senior Kerry Mullins is content to kick back, play video games.
19:15No, no, no, no, no, no.
19:18And think about avenging last year's loss to this week's opponent, Seminole Ridge.
19:23Heartbreaking loss, too. Heartbreaking loss.
19:27That's crazy.
19:29I've never lost to that team in my life.
19:31It's my last play, y'all.
19:33I gotta get ready for the dance tonight.
19:36Where you going with?
19:38I'm going by myself. I ain't really asking nobody.
19:41Caveman might be flying solo.
19:44But he's doing it in style, thanks to his sister, Janiqua.
19:49I am a college student, substitute teacher and also a tutor.
19:54And I am Tameric's sister.
19:57I really like the way you look in scarves. You look really nice.
20:01Oh, he always been a big fan of scarves. Like prom, he had a purple one.
20:05Now he had a decorated one. It was nice, though.
20:08I hate this. I hate this.
20:11You need to start coming up to hell.
20:14When he was getting dressed, I was joking with him about his outfit.
20:17I said it looked tight. You know, turtlenecks fit tight.
20:19You know, he got a lot of muscle. I thought he was going to bust out the shirt.
20:23Tonight, Caveman is stepping out and helping to revive a bygone homecoming tradition.
20:29I never had experience, like, being at a homecoming dance because
20:34since I've been to high school, you never had one.
20:36But this time, it just happened, so I just went to that and had fun.
20:44The homecoming dance was good. Like, I got a chance to experience a homecoming.
20:50Caveman told me after the dance he had a good time. I should have went.
20:59While the rain held off for Glade Central's game last night,
21:03just minutes before Pahokee's kickoff against Seminole Ridge,
21:07a tropical squall opens up over Anquan Boldin Stadium.
21:14In wet weather, teams rely on their quickest, most sure-footed players.
21:19And tonight, the player Coach Boldin will look to the most
21:23is his do-everything senior, Jermaine Roberson,
21:26who's taken over as the starting QB after opening day starter Mack Williams
21:30and backup K.J. Bowie both struggled.
21:33One of my favorite guys right now is Jermaine Roberson.
21:36He's probably the athlete of the team, the greatest athlete on the team.
21:40The team is going to go as far as this kid goes.
21:42I just told everybody, let's play hard and let's get this win for Coach Boldin.
21:47In here, players know game time is close when the music starts.
21:52Just as he stresses the importance of conditioning,
21:55offensive coordinator Damian Berry is also a proponent of pre-game dancing.
21:59Football is supposed to be fun. We're never going to take that away from these kids.
22:03We started out dancing, celebrating from day one.
22:07And being an ex-football player, knowing how much that energy fuels people.
22:14And I feel like when you set the tempo for a game, that's how it's supposed to be.
22:19Come close. It's your homecoming, man.
22:22These moments are precious, and they're going to stick with you the rest of your life.
22:25Let's play balls to the wall. Let's play hard.
22:27Let's play physical. Let's have fun, man.
22:30Win on three. One, two, three. Win!
22:32Let's go.
22:35There's one trait found among successful head football coaches at all levels.
22:39They find ways to weather all storms.
22:42From losing streaks to pounding downpours.
22:48Tonight, Coach Boldin faces both.
22:51And after a lengthy delay, the lightning clears out.
22:54And the teams kick off in a deluge.
23:06When we're playing in the rain, it forces us to be disciplined.
23:10At the start of the first half, Pocky's defense snaps to attention
23:14and shuts down the Seminole Ridge offense.
23:17With Caveman diving on the foam.
23:25Let's go. Open this up. Open this up. Let's go.
23:29Now, it's up to Pahokee's offensive leader, number two, Jermaine Roberson,
23:33to take the reins and steer the Blue Devils into the end zone.
23:37But Jermaine and his teammates can't get a handle on the rain-slicked ball.
23:42It was almost picked up by Roberson. Lost about 15 yards on that play.
23:47The spirit of the team, everybody feeling down,
23:50because, like, nobody was doing nothing.
23:54Let's go.
23:59The offense fails to make a first down,
24:02putting the burden back on defensive coordinator Emmanuel Hendricks
24:06and his players on deep.
24:10Being a defensive guy, you know, we always need our offense
24:14to maintain the football and move the football
24:17in order to keep our defense fresh.
24:19Seminole Ridge, they have been playing pretty good.
24:21We knew we were better in the trenches,
24:24and that makes a world of difference in football.
24:27On the next series, Coach Hendricks' defense, again,
24:31rises to the occasion when they recover yet another fumble.
24:37This time, it's number nine,
24:39senior linebacker Kerry Mones with the recovery.
24:42Defensive game plan, they executed it pretty good.
24:46Had a lot of kids that, you know, showed that they wasn't selfish,
24:49showed that there was discipline.
24:52Let's go.
24:55As the deluge becomes a drizzle,
24:58QB Jermaine Roberson and his offense show signs of life.
25:03Come on, come on, come on.
25:05Let's go.
25:07Come on, come on, come on.
25:09You got it, you got it.
25:11The Pahokee fan happiest to see the Blue Devils come alive
25:15is the man they named the stadium after,
25:18Anquan Boldin,
25:19the NFL great who knows what's at stake tonight
25:22for his little brother DJ.
25:24All we know is winning.
25:26You've had coaches get fired
25:28who actually had great seasons and lost state championship
25:31and didn't have a job the next season,
25:33so I think the expectation every year is the same,
25:36to win a state championship, and it's always been that way.
25:43Unfortunately, this burst from the Pahokee offense is short-lived
25:46as the Blue Devils come up just shy of the end zone.
25:49Hey! Aw, that's all right, that's all right.
25:52Okay, ladies and gentlemen, looks like the first half is going to end
25:55with a score of nothing, nothing.
25:57In the locker room at halftime,
25:59Coach Boldin puts Roberson and the rest of the offense on notice.
26:02They are not pulling their weight.
26:04Defense play ball to the wall,
26:06and y'all ****** on them.
26:08Every week, weekend, week out,
26:10Friday night to Friday night,
26:12it's sold.
26:14It's all coming.
26:16You know the mission!
26:18We're coming to win!
26:20Get this crap together!
26:22Coach Boldin gave us a huge power for speed.
26:25I had told the team, we're not losing to them.
26:27We had lost to them last year on a missed field goal.
26:30I'm like, I'm not losing to them this year.
26:33My offense is sputtering.
26:35My defense is playing lights out.
26:37Offensively, we got to figure it out.
26:39I don't care because it's wet.
26:41We just got to figure it out.
26:43Let's go, let's go!
26:45As Pahokee enters into the third quarter,
26:47it remains to be seen
26:49whether Coach Boldin's halftime speech
26:51will spark something in his team.
26:59Let's go!
27:04The Blue Devils start to punch holes
27:06in Seminole Ridge's defense,
27:09pushing the ball downfield.
27:14Thanks to Jermaine Roberson's speedy play.
27:16Go hard, go hard!
27:20Let's go Devils!
27:25But Pahokee's celebration is short-lived
27:29as Seminole Ridge answers back a few plays later.
27:35And with the extra point kick,
27:38takes the lead.
27:40It was terrible!
27:42The Blue Devils trail by a point
27:44going into the fourth quarter.
27:46And the waterlogged homecoming crowd
27:48is none too pleased.
27:52Finally, a minute into the final frame,
27:54the offense finds its mojo.
27:56Once again, it's all number two.
28:00The defense just got turnt.
28:02The offense got the ball back
28:04and everybody just started playing good.
28:06Because he's the fastest athlete on the field,
28:08Coach Boldin moves Roberson around
28:09from QB to wide receiver.
28:12Whichever position makes the best use
28:14of his explosive speed.
28:18When I'm out running somebody,
28:20it feels great.
28:22Like, they just chase me
28:24and I know they're not catching me.
28:26I just be laughing in my head.
28:28I just be like, why he so fast?
28:30How he got so fast?
28:32I just be laughing at him.
28:34I just be running.
28:37I had to take the team
28:39to sacrifice myself
28:41to win that game.
28:43I had to take the team
28:45under my wing
28:47to make a big play.
28:49Jermaine, he's a gem.
28:51The kid is phenomenal.
28:54And Jermaine isn't the only standout.
28:56After the defense holds Seminole Ridge
28:58to a three and out,
29:00Pahokee running back Corey Polk
29:02takes a handoff all the way to the house.
29:10Pahokee seizes this opportunity
29:12and breaks their two game losing streak
29:14with a 20-7 victory.
29:17It felt good to finally win
29:19in front of the home crowd.
29:21The storm clouds finally lift
29:23bringing clear skies to the stadium
29:25and newfound hope
29:27to the entire program.
29:29I gave some brutally honest words
29:31and they answered the call.
29:34Players and fans alike
29:36are overjoyed with the Blue Devils
29:37hard-fought homecoming victory.
29:39And Coach Bolden
29:41lets his team know
29:43how much the win means
29:45to both the program
29:47and to him personally.
29:49Take a D, take a D.
29:51Hey man, that feels so good.
29:53Coach Bolden gonna get some sleep tonight.
29:55I promise you.
29:57Thank you guys, man.
29:59And a Coke and a burger.
30:01This is a tie tournament.
30:03All right?
30:05I love you, baby.
30:08I love you.
30:10I'm not a prophet.
30:12I'm not a seer,
30:14but I saw this part of our schedule
30:16as a turning point.
30:18Once we got past the tough tide,
30:20the waves,
30:22the hurricanes, if you will,
30:24now that we've won,
30:26it's confirmation for myself
30:28and it gives us more confidence
30:30as a football team
30:32going to our next opponent.
30:37Back at Glades Central,
30:39players at after-school tutoring
30:41encounter a different kind of storm.
30:43A personal one
30:45involving Miss Rosemary Cunningham,
30:47the team's beloved English teacher.
30:49Put your cell phones away, please.
30:52After successfully defeating cancer twice,
30:55Miss Cunningham recently prepared
30:57to face it again.
30:59I've been absent the last couple of days.
31:01I've had breast cancer two times
31:03and had a PET scan done
31:07recently and it came back
31:09with some not-so-good stuff on it.
31:11So I had a biopsy done on Tuesday
31:14and so I've not been here
31:16for the last couple of days.
31:18It's all good, though.
31:20I had my result last Thursday.
31:23I was again cancer-free.
31:25To know that God blessed me
31:29to be a cancer survivor
31:32and still be 68 years old
31:34and do what I do,
31:35one of the most rewarding things
31:37that I've done in my life.
31:39Jermaine's class has been
31:41so loving and understanding.
31:43Jermaine was the first one
31:45to come and wrap his arms around me
31:47and really, really interested
31:49in my well-being.
31:51The same is likewise true
31:53for Miss Cunningham's interest
31:55in Jermaine's future
31:57and making sure he's doing what it takes
31:59to translate his skills in the classroom
32:01into a chance to stand out
32:03at the next level.
32:05How many college applications, Jermaine?
32:07How many have you done already?
32:10How many?
32:12College applications?
32:16I need some personal paperwork.
32:18How many have you done?
32:22Attention, Raiders.
32:24Time is now over.
32:26Following Pahokee's
32:28critical homecoming win,
32:30Blue Sky continues to appear
32:32for Coach Bolden
32:33for the first time all season,
32:35the Blue Devil weight room opens.
32:42This is the house of pain.
32:44We've been missing it
32:46for the last three months.
32:48I believe I haven't been back
32:50in the weight room since August,
32:52and it felt great to be back
32:54in the weight room today.
32:56As the workout intensifies,
32:58offensive coordinator Damian Berry
33:00shows his competitive side
33:01to keep up with him
33:03on the bench press.
33:05So it started,
33:07I just got up on the warm-up,
33:09trying to see how I felt,
33:11and then Coach Berry,
33:13he said something,
33:15and it went from there,
33:17and then we just started
33:19this little friendly competition,
33:21so it was fun.
33:23We just like to compete,
33:25that's what we're trying
33:27to instill in our players.
33:2825, I'm going to hit it right now.
33:30He can't lose!
33:32He can't lose!
33:42All of the successful football teams
33:44I've ever been a part of,
33:46they all had camaraderie,
33:48and moments like that
33:50builds camaraderie.
33:52I think it's something
33:54that we've been missing for a while.
33:56Hey, fellas,
33:58this is the new Pahokee way.
34:00Poker Proud on three!
34:02One, two, three!
34:04Poker Proud!
34:08Next time on Forth and Forever...
34:11You can smell the cane,
34:13you smell it?
34:15When I smell it,
34:17that's how I know we're close to a cut.
34:19A Pahokee linebacker
34:21carries on the time-honored tradition
34:23of hunting rabbits
34:25in the sugar cane fields.
34:26Try not to get too close to it
34:28because you will get burnt.
34:30And a former Blade Central star receiver
34:32returns home to help his community.
34:34I could be anywhere in the country
34:36doing anything,
34:38but I always told my wife
34:40that I wanted to come back home
34:42to pour back into the community.