Rescue pooch who looks like a "grumpy old man" looking for a home

  • 2 days ago
A rescue pooch which looks like a "grumpy old man" is looking for his forever home.

With his grey goatee, missing teeth and irritated personality, Fabio is the epitome of old man.

Foster mum Jean Mosher, 41, began looking after Fabio two months ago after she picked him up from a shelter two hours away.

But Jean says she has had difficulty rehoming him because social media platforms have been flag photos of him as "graphic content."

Jean, content creator and dog foster mum from Raleigh, North Carolina, said: "Every post I have put up of him has been flagged by someone reporting it.

"I can understand not wanting to see freshly injured or severely deformed animals on Instagram, but Fabio is just ugly."

Fabio, 15, was found as a stray in Rockingham County, Virginia, USA.

The elderly pooch stayed in a shelter for two months before Jean picked him up.

Fabio is blind, partially deaf and when initially found had 21 rotten teeth and a disintegrating upper jaw.

He has since received treatment and had his rotten teeth removed - leaving him with only six.

Jean said: "Fabio was in rough shape when I picked him up from the shelter.

"His teeth were so rotten that he had a lot of nasal drainage and his lymph node was extremely swollen.

"The vet didn’t even charge us for some of the extractions because she was able to pull them out with her fingers."

It is unclear exactly what breed or mix Fabio is, except for the fact that he's a hairless breed, so Jean guesses he's a Chinese crested dog of some sort.

Fabio is easily irritated by other dogs invading space but Jean says he's really friendly with humans.

She said: "Fabio does not want other dogs anywhere near him.

"I’m not sure if this is because he was not socialised or if it is because he was around dogs that weren’t very nice to him.

"He will generally growl at my dogs if he feels they are too close but won't ever go any further than that.

"He's like a little harmless, grumpy old man, inside and out!

"He's also really friendly with humans and loves to be picked up and held whenever."

Fabio remains up for adoption via Hope Animal Rescue in Durham, North Carolina or directly through his foster mum, Jean Mosher at @sharkybobarky.