Woman is a kidney donor for her sorority sister - despite 10 years apart

  • 2 days ago
A woman is donating a kidney to her sorority sister - despite them not seeing each other for 10 years.

Jess Hause, 37, was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure in September 2023 after experiencing numb knees and hands.

She was put on dialysis but was told she'd need a live kidney donation to survive.

Jess shared her story on Instagram with her friends and was amazed by how many people reached out to get tested to see if they were a match.

Her former sorority sister, Megan Schultz, 38, reached out keen to get tested but Jess was surprised when she FaceTimed her a few weeks later to tell her she was a match.

The pair met for the first time in 10 years at Megan's house - in an emotional reunion.

Jess, who works in commercial real estate, from Cincinnati, Ohio, US, said: "I thought she was calling to say 'I'm sorry, but I'm not a match'.

"I was so shocked. It was super special.

"I was speechless. It took my breath away.

"God puts people in our lives for a reason."

Megan, an attorney, from Columbus, Ohio said: "It was pretty emotional.

"She is so brave.

"I feel very happy. I'm just ready now.

"It's such an amazing gift that you can give."

Doctors first noticed Jess' kidney function was low when she was in hospital being treated for shingles.

But after losing her job and her medical insurance in April 2023 she stopped seeing the doctor regularly.

But she started experiencing worrying symptoms.

Jess said: "I noticed from my knees down I started getting numb and tingling.

"It started moving to my hands."

Jess went to the emergency room and, after tests, she was diagnosed with total kidney failure.

She said: "It was absolutely terrifying. I didn't even know what kidney failure was."

She started on dialysis which she now has for three days a week for three-and-a-half hours.

Her condition means she could hardly walk and moved back in with her parents - Paula and Gregg Hause, both 66.

Jess had to gain 30lbs to start the process to be put on the donor list.

She started looking for a donor in January 2024.

She said: "I put a story on Instagram asking if anyone was interested or knows anyone who could be.

"I started making reels of my day to day life.

"It just so happened my sorority sister, Megan, saw it.

"She reached out straight away. She said 'I don't know if this is for you, but I'm interested'."

Megan and Jess had been roommates in college but had been distant since graduating.

Jess said: "Everyone goes their own way.

"We always had a great friendship."

Megan got tested in February 2024 to see if she was a match and decided to surprise Jess when she found out she was successful in June following bloodwork and tests.

Megan said: "The hospital told me and I just started crying. It was immediate excitement."

Megan called Jess on June 13, 2024, to tell her the news and the pair were then able to reunite over the weekend.

Jess said: "It was wonderful.

"It's one of those friendships where you haven't seen each other for so long but it feels like no time at all."

Jess and Megan are set for surgery on November 12, 2024.

Jess said: "It will give me my life back, my independence back.

"It's hard being 37 and dependent on your parents."

Dialysis has already helped Jess and she is able to go for a daily five mile walk and do an hour of pilates a day.