THE MISSING ARE DEADLY (1975) A Lab Leaked Virus Thriller

  • il y a 3 mois
Directed by Don McDougall and starring Ed Neslon, Leonard Nimoy and José Ferrer.


00:01:35Tuesday, July 28th, 2.10pm, Code Red, autopsy room number one.
00:01:40Subject, male, Caucasian, victim of Mombasa fever.
00:02:00Description of cadaver, 5 feet 11 inches, 153 pounds, black hair, hazel eyes.
00:02:10No identifying marks or scars on face or neck.
00:02:14Oh, Dr. Markman, would you like a cigar?
00:02:18Is this the body that was just flown in from the Atlanta Institute?
00:02:21Yes, sir.
00:02:23I understand it's one of the technicians. What's his story?
00:02:26They isolated a new disease called Mombasa fever.
00:02:29I guess it was a pretty hot project.
00:02:31A lot of excitement until five of their technicians came down with it and three died.
00:02:36The thing with this guy, he was working at the Institute,
00:02:39but he never had any contact with the Mombasa project
00:02:42except for four other technicians who contracted the disease.
00:02:45Anyone find out how that happened?
00:02:49All right, tell Dr. Durov to see me right away after he finishes his autopsy.
00:02:55Yes, sir.
00:02:56The body seems to have suffered enormous radical temperature rise.
00:03:01We're dealing with a disease that's 75% fatal.
00:03:04Nobody knows how it's transmitted.
00:03:06It was never even heard of until 18 months ago.
00:03:08Atlanta managed to isolate a bacillus before they scrapped the project.
00:03:12Mombasa fever is a pretty obscure disease.
00:03:15We've got some projects that have a higher priority.
00:03:17I want to do some more work on it.
00:03:19I think it ties in with your overpopulation pandemic studies.
00:03:22Max, I can't justify the expenditures.
00:03:24Do you realize what it costs to bring that body in from Atlanta?
00:03:27Really, I've got some other projects I'd like to put you on.
00:03:30Next month, I have four South American virologists coming in here to observe our methods.
00:03:34All right, I'll level with you.
00:03:36I've been working on a mutant virus.
00:03:38Now, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:03:39I think I can control bacteria like the bacillus that causes Mombasa fever using my virus to attack it.
00:03:44The bacterial virus theory is a bunch of junk, and you know that.
00:03:47Better men than you have tried didn't fail, believe me.
00:03:49Just close your books on that, huh?
00:03:50Now, wait just a minute, wait a minute.
00:03:52What's going on around here?
00:03:54Every time somebody starts an original project, you cancel it.
00:03:58I'm going over your head to the board.
00:03:59Look, you go anywhere you want, you'll lose.
00:04:01Then I'll quit.
00:04:02No, you won't.
00:04:03You know why?
00:04:04Because there isn't another virology setup like this anywhere in the free world.
00:04:07You won't quit.
00:04:10No, you'll file the results of your autopsy in the computer bank for future reference.
00:04:30Good morning, Dr. Durrell.
00:04:31Another Saturday, huh?
00:04:32Afraid so.
00:04:33Well, a big name place like this, I guess you gotta keep up with the ladies.
00:04:36Ain't that the truth.
00:05:04Special project number 2379, Mombasa fever.
00:05:08September 3.
00:05:10Subject mice injected with fever bacillus this morning at 8...
00:05:1520 a.m.
00:05:49Mrs. Bates, what is that?
00:05:52Nice, isn't it?
00:05:54I've had kids with eating problems before.
00:05:56Jeff is not a kid.
00:06:04You don't expect me to eat that, do you?
00:06:07Why not?
00:06:08Because it's poisoned.
00:06:11I have friends, they've warned me about you.
00:06:17I'm not giving up yet.
00:06:39Hello, Jeff.
00:06:41Why don't you put your hamsters away and come down for breakfast?
00:06:47I'll make something else for you.
00:06:52What would you like to eat?
00:07:04Your father told me Jeff was difficult,
00:07:06but I just don't think I can handle any more of this.
00:07:09I'm supposed to be a housekeeper, not a junior psychologist.
00:07:13Mrs. Bates, I think you're doing a great job,
00:07:16but you gotta understand.
00:07:18Jeff has had no formal education.
00:07:21Up to now, no public school would accept him.
00:07:24It isn't that he's a smart kid,
00:07:26it's just that he doesn't know what he's doing.
00:07:28He doesn't know what he's doing.
00:07:30He doesn't accept him.
00:07:32It isn't that he's not smart enough,
00:07:34all he's interested in is bio-astronautics and astronomical phenomena.
00:07:39As a matter of fact, in those areas, he's a genius.
00:07:42He may be a genius, but...
00:07:44but he doesn't know anything about getting along with others.
00:07:47Either his food is poisoned,
00:07:49or he rewires the vacuum cleaner.
00:07:53I'm sorry.
00:07:55Well, yesterday I got a shock when I tried to clean the rug.
00:08:01I've just got to talk to your father.
00:08:05I've got a headache now, and it's only 9.30 in the morning.
00:08:24Look, Jeff.
00:08:26There's my work on Mrs. Bates, but I'm not buying it.
00:08:30Come on, let's get out of here. I'll go for a ride.
00:08:31A ride?
00:08:34Cordot loves to go for rides.
00:08:36Come on.
00:09:20Yes, David.
00:09:21Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
00:09:22Wait a minute. Look, what time is it?
00:09:27David, son.
00:09:29Well, I meant to come home. I'm sorry.
00:09:30I just got late, that's all.
00:09:35David, I can't discuss that with you right now, right?
00:09:38We'll talk tonight.
00:09:44Why are you here so early?
00:09:47I fell asleep on the couch,
00:09:48going over the speech you might have in this press thing this afternoon.
00:09:52I'm afraid it's not a very rousing speech.
00:09:56What are you doing here so early?
00:09:57I thought you might need some more graphs for those overpopulation studies.
00:10:01I was going to have them ready for you when you came in.
00:10:03Well, thanks a lot, but I think I got more than enough of them.
00:10:06Hey, uh...
00:10:08Hey, listen.
00:10:09I don't suppose you'd consider making this little speech for me, does that...
00:10:13Not me.
00:10:15I'm strictly a virologist.
00:10:18But I can make coffee.
00:10:27Buenas tardes, señores.
00:10:29Este muy importante...
00:10:38It's important each person set for himself on the schedule.
00:10:42These replies have to...
00:10:51Each and every scientist has a schedule.
00:10:57Oh, my...
00:10:58Who's that?
00:11:02Look, David.
00:11:04Yeah, I'm sorry, wait a minute.
00:11:07David, Ed Warren's going to be here in about an hour.
00:11:09And the four South American doctors are going to be in for that press thing he's got set up for this afternoon.
00:11:16Son, look, I can't get away.
00:11:19You're just going to have to handle things until I get home, that's all.
00:11:22Mr. Chief?
00:11:23Every scientist has a schedule to keep on track.
00:11:27Thanks, Dad.
00:11:28Thank you.
00:11:44Every scientist, son.
00:11:46When did you get back from the doctor this morning?
00:11:48When did you get back from the doctor?
00:11:49This morning.
00:11:50Did you play any golf up there?
00:11:51Now, boys, you know me better than that.
00:11:52I was on business.
00:11:53Yeah, right.
00:11:5442 on the front side, 38 on the back.
00:11:56Is it true you're going to manage Governor Morrison's campaign?
00:11:58No politics today, boys.
00:11:59I'm here for science and the humanity.
00:12:02I don't know.
00:12:03There's 17 specific areas and 17 specific areas we're going to schedule.
00:12:07I think they're ready for us.
00:12:08Let's not have the champagne get warm.
00:12:11How many reporters are out there?
00:12:14I saw to that.
00:12:15And the consul generals of Brazil and Mexico.
00:12:18Look, couldn't we just send them back to South America with a simple handshake
00:12:21and maybe a friendly little goodbye?
00:12:23No, no, no, no.
00:12:24Publicity means money.
00:12:25You ought to know that by now.
00:12:26And the people who fund this institution like to see its name in print.
00:12:30Makes them feel their donations are doing something.
00:12:33All right.
00:12:34You're the financial director and chairman of the board.
00:12:36And this is still my pet project.
00:12:38Lunch is ready.
00:12:40All right, all right.
00:12:42Hello, Max.
00:12:43What's new?
00:13:18I want to see George.
00:13:20Forget it.
00:13:21Just wait here until I get back, all right?
00:13:47Hi, George.
00:14:17Hi, Max.
00:14:47Hi, Max.
00:15:04You see, gentlemen, this is just the first of several exchanges between our two countries.
00:15:08I'm looking forward to visiting theirs next year.
00:15:11Dr. Ramirez, you and your colleagues have been here for two weeks.
00:15:14Do you feel that your visit here has proved worthwhile?
00:15:17Oh, extremely worthwhile.
00:15:18Dr. Margolin's studies on the effects of overpopulation,
00:15:21insusceptibility to contagious diseases, is very impressive.
00:15:25Many of our political groups claim that overpopulation is a myth,
00:15:28fabricated by the rich to control the poor.
00:15:31See, people are very aware of the problems of hunger.
00:15:34They're totally ignorant of the possibilities of pandemics.
00:15:39Yeah, an epidemic of worldwide proportions,
00:15:41in which 120 million people
00:15:45perish inside of a three-month period.
00:15:47It's a very real possibility.
00:15:52Would you, gentlemen, excuse me for a moment.
00:15:58What the hell are you...
00:16:00Where's Jeff?
00:16:01He's in your office.
00:16:03Didn't that say we had a press reception going this morning?
00:16:05I mean, couldn't this have waited a couple of hours?
00:16:07Dad, it's Saturday.
00:16:08Jeff hasn't till Monday morning with us, unless you've changed your mind.
00:16:11Look, David, I have not changed my mind.
00:16:14Why not?
00:16:16Son, we have gone over this a hundred times.
00:16:18I want to hear it again.
00:16:20Haven't we heard enough opinions from professionals
00:16:22that say he needs a little outside help, huh?
00:16:24Yeah, yeah, I've heard them all, and no two of them agree.
00:16:26Look, Jeff...
00:16:28Jeff doesn't need to be charted, graphed, or psychoanalyzed anymore.
00:16:32He needs us.
00:16:34He's become a full-time problem now.
00:16:37Now, I can't leave the Institute.
00:16:39And you've already missed a year of college.
00:16:46Look, I know you love Jeff.
00:16:48So do I. Believe me.
00:16:50He needs somebody to look after him objectively.
00:16:53Now, this can be a very positive experience.
00:16:56Dad, they're waiting.
00:17:01Dad, I want him to stay.
00:17:07You know, since your mother and I got the divorce,
00:17:10you have shouldered most of the responsibility for Jeff.
00:17:14Come on, let him go, huh?
00:17:15You'll be fine.
00:17:18You need some time for yourself, you know?
00:17:22Look, I'm going to take Jeff with me for a few hours.
00:17:25A last outing.
00:17:26That's good, honey. That'd be great.
00:17:27Yeah, I'll catch you later.
00:17:38Okay, Frank, let's go.
00:17:58Dammit, Jeff, couldn't you just wait where I told you to?
00:18:01Wow, you're starting to sound just like Dad.
00:18:03I'm sorry.
00:18:04But you know when I'm supposed to wander around like this?
00:18:07I'd rather go around the place by ourselves.
00:18:08Why not? Everything's locked.
00:18:12Come on, let's get out of here. It's getting late.
00:18:20Did you tell them we're going camping?
00:18:22Of course I didn't tell them. It's our secret.
00:18:38Hi, Mrs. Robertson.
00:18:40Hi, hello, David.
00:18:42Hi, Jeff.
00:18:44You caught me running off to the beauty parlor.
00:18:46I just baked a cake this morning.
00:18:47How would you like a piece?
00:18:49The manners haven't improved lately, thank you.
00:18:52He's just hungry.
00:18:54See you later.
00:19:09No poison in that, huh?
00:19:11Chocolate neutralizes poison in cake.
00:19:13No kidding.
00:19:14Think we'll see any Ursus Americanus?
00:19:16Oh, I hope not. I'm scared of them.
00:19:18Oh, not me. I like them.
00:19:19Well, then you can protect me then.
00:19:21Are you finished?
00:19:22Okay, then let's get all the stuff in the car and get out of here.
00:19:24I forgot my tape deck.
00:19:26I'll get it.
00:19:30David, when are you going to let go of Jeff?
00:19:35When are you going to have some time to start thinking of yourself and of us?
00:19:40Michelle, I've just been through all this with Dad, okay?
00:19:51Gordon sees you.
00:19:53You're in good form, Gordon.
00:19:55Let's go.
00:19:56Are you sure you want me along?
00:19:58Woman, go.
00:20:00There's nothing wrong with his biological sensors.
00:20:06Went well.
00:20:08I'll make a PR man out of you yet.
00:20:12That's supposed to be a funny.
00:20:14Ed, listen, I've got to get back to my own work, really.
00:20:17I've been wondering, you know?
00:20:19What about?
00:20:21About myself, about my vaccine.
00:20:23Really, whether it was a quirk, an accident, whether I'd stumble across it, what?
00:20:27What's that supposed to mean?
00:20:29Well, you know, in the old days, I mean,
00:20:31the press first got a hold of me.
00:20:32They made me a movie star or something, you know?
00:20:34I couldn't even, I couldn't go anywhere.
00:20:36I couldn't register in a hotel under my own name.
00:20:38Oh, yeah.
00:20:40All those women throwing their room keys at you.
00:20:44Still, it ruined my marriage.
00:20:47You ruined your marriage.
00:20:49Out of simple neglect.
00:20:51You finally met a man who found time for it, that's all.
00:20:55Still, I wish you were here.
00:20:57I don't know what to do.
00:20:59I don't know what to do.
00:21:01I don't know what to do about Jeff.
00:21:03Call her.
00:21:05Call her? I did call her, what, half a dozen times.
00:21:07You know, Paris is a long ways away, my friend.
00:21:09You know what your problem is?
00:21:11Since you came up with your vaccine eight years ago,
00:21:14you haven't made a single significant contribution
00:21:16to the scientific community.
00:21:18Why do you still back me, then?
00:21:20Because you're the talent to hold everything together around here.
00:21:23I'm just the power behind it.
00:21:26And one of these days, you're going to get fed up
00:21:28and sit down and go to work on something.
00:21:30I know.
00:21:32I only back winners.
00:21:34And now, if you'll excuse me,
00:21:36I've got to check on some plane reservations.
00:21:46Saturday, September 3rd, 3.30 p.m.
00:21:49Blood samples of all 12 subject mice
00:21:52show mombasa fever vicilis present
00:21:55and multiplying.
00:22:01Introduction of mutant virus
00:22:03to culture medium has proved successful.
00:22:06The virus has attacked the vicilis
00:22:09and is destroying it.
00:22:13I will now inject the subject mice
00:22:15with this mutant virus
00:22:18in 12 hours.
00:22:20I'll be back.
00:22:22I'll be back.
00:22:25I'll be back.
00:22:27I'll be back.
00:22:29In 12 hours, we'll know
00:22:31whether or not it will perform successfully
00:22:33in a living organism.
00:22:58I'll be back.
00:23:29I understand, Mr. Mason.
00:23:31Well, I'm sorry it didn't work out.
00:23:33Are you sure they didn't say where they were going?
00:23:35All right, look, I have to go now.
00:23:37Call me back if you remember anything, huh?
00:23:43What happened?
00:23:45All right, Max, look, I'll be right there.
00:23:48One of us gets out of here.
00:23:50I'll be back.
00:23:52I'll be back.
00:23:54I'll be back.
00:23:56I'll be back.
00:23:58One of the contaminated mice is missing.
00:24:29I've searched the whole area.
00:24:31The mouse is gone.
00:24:33Somebody was in this room between 1 and 3.30.
00:24:37Listen, I raised over a million dollars
00:24:39to put in this special color-coded lab system.
00:24:41What good does it do
00:24:43if some joker can walk into a contaminated lab
00:24:45and walk out with a mouse?
00:24:47There's nothing wrong with the system.
00:24:49Whoever it was had a card key.
00:24:51Then let's get out the files
00:24:53and see who has red-coated keys.
00:24:55Make a few calls.
00:24:56Could have been an accident.
00:24:58I don't think so, gentlemen.
00:25:02When I came back to my office,
00:25:04after the reception,
00:25:06I found my desk drawer open
00:25:08and my master card key gone.
00:25:10Then it must have been somebody who was at the reception.
00:25:12I'm afraid not.
00:25:14I think it was my son, Jeff.
00:25:16How do you know?
00:25:18Well, when David came to see me this morning,
00:25:20he told me he left Jeff in my office.
00:25:22When I went back there,
00:25:24I found the desk drawer tripped open.
00:25:26And my master key gone.
00:25:28Why would he want to do anything like that?
00:25:30Who knows?
00:25:32Maybe insecurity?
00:25:34He's been confused lately.
00:25:36Today I was supposed to spend with him
00:25:38rather than going to the reception.
00:25:40You know, Monday I'm sending him off to the Scope School.
00:25:43We better find him and soon.
00:25:45What did the mouse have?
00:25:47I mean, what was it contaminated with?
00:25:53Bombasa fever.
00:25:57Max, what's the matter with you?
00:25:59I ordered you to drop that project over a month ago!
00:26:01Now you listen to me!
00:26:03There's everything in code red
00:26:05from cholera to bubonic plague!
00:26:07Don't point the finger at me
00:26:09because Jeff happened to pick my project!
00:26:11I'm not only going to kick you out of this institute,
00:26:13I'll see to it you never work in research anywhere in the world!
00:26:15If your son is so disturbed,
00:26:17what's he doing in a high-security lab in the first place?
00:26:19You want to talk about responsibility?
00:26:21Stop it! Come on!
00:26:23Before we start to play out the tragedy,
00:26:24let's determine whether or not we have one.
00:26:26Duroff, if anything happens to Jeff or David...
00:26:31Where's Jeff now?
00:26:33I don't know.
00:26:35David took Jeff on an outing somewhere.
00:26:37He could be anywhere in the city!
00:26:39Do you know where they usually go?
00:26:41David has a girlfriend.
00:26:43I could call her.
00:26:47Mrs. Robertson?
00:26:49Yes, Dr. Margolis.
00:26:51Are my boys there?
00:26:53No, they left some time ago.
00:26:55To go camping.
00:26:57Up at the state park.
00:26:59Didn't you know?
00:27:01No, I didn't know.
00:27:03Well, I don't understand.
00:27:05You're going to have to come to the institute.
00:27:07I have to what?
00:27:09An ambulance is on its way to pick you up.
00:27:11Now listen carefully.
00:27:12You've been exposed to a highly contagious disease.
00:27:15I can't explain it all to you now,
00:27:17but it's vital that you come to the institute
00:27:19and go into isolation.
00:27:21Realize how strange this must sound,
00:27:23but please try and stay calm, Mrs. Robertson.
00:27:26And one more thing.
00:27:28You must try to remember where you've been
00:27:30and all the people that you've come in contact with
00:27:32since my kids left there this afternoon.
00:27:35If we don't contain this thing now,
00:27:37the disease could spread throughout the entire city.
00:27:40Now please,
00:27:42whatever you do,
00:27:44don't answer the door now
00:27:46or go outside until my men get there.
00:28:13Ted, this is Joe Martinez
00:28:15of the Communicable Disease Control.
00:28:18I called the governor and requested him personally.
00:28:20Captain Franklin, who will oversee the police work.
00:28:24Any sign of the kids?
00:28:26Well, we've combed the entire state park area so far.
00:28:28There's been no trace of them.
00:28:30If you could come up with any more ideas,
00:28:32it would help to narrow things down.
00:28:34How long have they been unaccounted for?
00:28:36I don't know.
00:28:38I don't know.
00:28:39How long have they been unaccounted for?
00:28:41Well, uh, two o'clock.
00:28:43Look, Captain, if they're not at the state park,
00:28:45I don't know where they could have gone.
00:28:47You're positive they took that mouse?
00:28:49Yeah, I'm afraid so.
00:28:51You see, the girl's mother shows mumbasa bacilli
00:28:53in her bloodstream.
00:28:55Now, there's no way she could get that disease
00:28:57except by coming in direct contact with my son, Jeff.
00:28:59Captain, I'm afraid that little mouse
00:29:01is like a loaded time bomb.
00:29:03I understand.
00:29:05Well, if that car is anywhere in the state,
00:29:07we'll do our best to find it.
00:29:09Unfortunately, it's gonna be dark
00:29:11in about an hour or so.
00:29:13O'Donnell, what's that?
00:29:15Are you in trouble?
00:29:17You gotta pay if he reads those, you know.
00:29:19Okay, sure.
00:29:21We got everything we need.
00:29:25It is that I don't like kids, you know,
00:29:27but you know how they are.
00:29:29They come in here, read every magazine in the joint.
00:29:31First thing you know, they all get torn,
00:29:33nobody wants to buy them.
00:29:35That's $6.50.
00:29:37Now, right here is the key move.
00:29:39That big hole opens up in the center of the line.
00:29:42Now, test that big hole back on its own.
00:29:44Cutting back.
00:29:46Nice cutting left.
00:29:48Picking up turners.
00:29:50Good run.
00:29:52Oh, Joe, look here.
00:29:54Some data just came in from Atlanta.
00:29:56There's a special disinfectant, K-50.
00:29:58It's very effective against mumbasa bacteria.
00:30:00It'd be very useful to us in keeping the disease
00:30:02from spreading over the contact surfaces, huh?
00:30:04Is there a serum?
00:30:08Well, let's see what we can do about it.
00:30:10We've been able to trace about a half a dozen
00:30:12of the people Mrs. Robertson came into contact with
00:30:14after leaving the house.
00:30:16Lucky for us, she didn't have to go to the supermarket.
00:30:18We blocked off an area of her house
00:30:20from Sycamore Street to 6th here
00:30:22and from Manning to Cross.
00:30:24That's over a six-block area.
00:30:26There's a special unit on its way now
00:30:28to pick up the rest of the ladies at the beauty salon
00:30:30and cordon off that entire area.
00:30:32Do you have enough manpower to handle this?
00:30:34The National Guard has been alerted,
00:30:36but I hope it won't go that far.
00:30:38I'll call a press conference
00:30:40for a half an hour from now.
00:30:42We're just going to have to give out the stories.
00:30:44It's the only way to avert total panic.
00:30:46I think the media people will cooperate
00:30:48fully with us on this.
00:30:50Dr. Margolin, why was your associate
00:30:52working on mumbasa fever?
00:30:54He was trying to develop an alternate means
00:30:56for control of bacteria-caused diseases.
00:30:58Oh, really?
00:31:00What type of alternate?
00:31:02A bacterial virus.
00:31:04Well, no one's had much success
00:31:06with that theory yet.
00:31:08Now, are you people breaking it open?
00:31:10Mr. Martinez?
00:31:12No, sir.
00:31:15There you go.
00:31:17Mr. Moore, we've got a mystery.
00:31:19What's the line on the exhibit?
00:31:21No questions, please, until I finish what I have to say.
00:31:23I've called you men here today
00:31:25because you are the cornerstone of the media in this town.
00:31:27We have a very serious situation here
00:31:29and we need your help.
00:31:31A mouse contaminated with a disease
00:31:33known as mumbasa fever
00:31:34has been taken from the lab.
00:32:00What happened?
00:32:02The virus didn't take.
00:32:32What's happening?
00:32:34A flat.
00:32:38Yeah, how about that?
00:32:40Listen, that always happens.
00:32:42When you're out in the middle of nowhere,
00:32:44pop, just like that, a flat.
00:32:46How's your spare?
00:32:48Flat, too.
00:32:50Well, don't you have one of those
00:32:52air bombs of which cause?
00:32:56Well, you must be the adventurous type, boy,
00:32:58because I'm going to do you a favor
00:33:00because I was just about to close.
00:33:02I'm going to fix that spare and that tire.
00:33:04I'll be right back.
00:33:35Shouldn't we be there by now?
00:33:37Ha, you have the worst sense of direction
00:33:39I've ever seen.
00:33:41We've been going the wrong way for over an hour.
00:33:44Are you putting me on?
00:33:48The state park's too crowded.
00:33:50We're going to have to wait
00:33:52until we get there.
00:33:54I don't think so.
00:33:56I don't think so.
00:33:58I don't think so.
00:34:00I don't think so.
00:34:02I don't think so.
00:34:04Besides, I know a nice place
00:34:06with a lot of trees, beautiful view.
00:34:08David, I told my mother
00:34:10we were going to the state park.
00:34:12I didn't want my dad to find out from her.
00:34:15I don't want to be bugged.
00:34:17I don't want Jeff to be bugged.
00:34:24We interrupt this program
00:34:26to bring you an item of special interest.
00:34:28Authorities at Communicable Disease
00:34:30Control Center in Los Angeles
00:34:32are looking for two boys and a girl
00:34:34believed to be on their way
00:34:36to a camping trip somewhere in this area.
00:34:38They have been exposed
00:34:40to a highly contagious disease
00:34:42and anyone with any contact
00:34:44or information regarding these young people
00:34:46are urged to telephone
00:34:48the state police immediately.
00:34:50Their names are David Margolin, 19,
00:34:52Jeff Margolin, 15,
00:34:54and Michelle Robertson, 19.
00:34:56If you see them,
00:34:58avoid physical contact.
00:35:00Instead, telephone the police
00:35:02and they will inform the CDC.
00:35:04If you see them, go out.
00:35:06Stay where you are
00:35:08and call police immediately.
00:35:30David, this is really beautiful.
00:35:35I'm glad we didn't go to the park.
00:35:50Boy, what a great place.
00:35:53Look at those trees.
00:36:04Nurse, let me out.
00:36:06I've got to get out of here.
00:36:35I've got to find my daughter.
00:36:37No, don't worry.
00:36:39I'll get Dr. Margolin down here right away.
00:36:50How's Mrs. Robertson?
00:36:52Worse than she should be.
00:36:54The fever seems to be affecting
00:36:56every patient differently.
00:36:58Those kids should have been found by now.
00:37:00We're losing light.
00:37:02Better have a look at this.
00:37:05This is a 24-hour
00:37:07mombasa bacillus growth pattern.
00:37:09Reduced to 12 seconds.
00:37:24Is this the film you just got in from Atlanta?
00:37:26Yeah, along with the other data.
00:37:28That means we have, what,
00:37:30about 18 hours to find the kids?
00:37:34There are two women
00:37:36who still haven't been affected by the disease.
00:37:38Now, it's possible they have a natural immunity.
00:37:40But try to figure out
00:37:42what makes them different from the others.
00:37:44You're trying to tell me not to worry?
00:37:48Dr. Margolin.
00:37:50We've had a call from state police.
00:37:52A grocery store owner has identified
00:37:54your sons and the girl
00:37:56and says they're headed for the Lake Falls region.
00:37:58Lake Falls.
00:38:00Well, thank God.
00:38:02At least it gives us a lead now.
00:38:04Are you having any luck?
00:38:08Well, cases are building up in isolation.
00:38:11What about your mutant virus, Dr. Durov?
00:38:14The virus obliterates
00:38:16mombasa fever in a culture medium.
00:38:18But so far, it does nothing in lab animals.
00:38:21We're gonna proceed with treatments
00:38:23of the conventional antibiotics
00:38:25and the sulfonamides.
00:38:27That's all we can do now.
00:38:37Nice up here, huh?
00:38:39That's great.
00:38:41Thanks for bringing me.
00:38:43Don't mention it.
00:38:45Look, I couldn't get Dad
00:38:47to change his mind about the school.
00:38:49Yeah, I know.
00:38:51Well, it's a little hot.
00:38:53Why don't you relax?
00:38:55Come on.
00:38:57Leave me alone.
00:38:59I thought we came up here
00:39:01to have some fun.
00:39:02Come on.
00:39:04Hey, you guys.
00:39:06Come on, the food's ready.
00:39:08I'll race you.
00:39:29Wow, look at that.
00:39:31Wow, look at the sun.
00:39:33Aren't you hungry?
00:39:36Looks just like a UFO
00:39:38coming in to make a landing.
00:39:48Hmm, I haven't eaten anything neat all day.
00:39:51Except some cake and rabbit food.
00:39:54My body chemistry's different.
00:39:56I don't need food all the time.
00:39:58I'm kidding.
00:40:00Hey, why are you sweating like that?
00:40:02Are you sick?
00:40:06You feel awfully warm, Jeff.
00:40:08No, no, it's just,
00:40:10it's part of a mind-controlled experiment
00:40:12I'm working on.
00:40:14I can't tell you a lot about it yet,
00:40:16but I'm learning to control my body.
00:40:18You see, right now I'm making it hot,
00:40:20and later I'll make it cold again.
00:40:22You'll see.
00:40:31Think he could be psychosomatic?
00:40:33He really doesn't want to leave on Monday,
00:40:36and I've heard of people
00:40:38breaking out in rashes and hives
00:40:40and all sorts of things
00:40:42for no physical reason whatsoever.
00:40:44Now, he was fine this afternoon.
00:40:46Hey, what are you guys talking about?
00:40:50We're talking about you.
00:40:57if you're sick,
00:40:58that concerns us.
00:41:00No, I'm just tired, that's all.
00:41:05Get some rest.
00:41:07I'll go for a long hike in the morning.
00:41:29Hey, what is this?
00:41:31Don't be alarmed.
00:41:33You'll have to come along with us
00:41:35for observation and treatment.
00:41:37I can't leave the store here?
00:41:39The store will be quarantined for a few days.
00:41:41What kind of disease is this?
00:41:43How come you guys are covered up like this?
00:41:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:41:51I'm sorry.
00:41:53I'm sorry.
00:41:55I'm sorry.
00:41:56I'm sorry.
00:42:06We have a special update
00:42:08regarding the three young people
00:42:10believed to be camping in this area.
00:42:26Hey, come on, we got to make this work.
00:42:28We've got to.
00:42:30Is this right, 11 o'clock?
00:42:32Yeah, almost.
00:42:34I'm gonna order some food.
00:42:36I'm going to the pool.
00:42:38You guys, go ahead.
00:42:40I'll be right back.
00:42:42I don't know if it's worth it.
00:42:44I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm late.
00:42:46I'm gonna go to the pool.
00:42:48I'm going to the pool.
00:42:50I'm going to the pool.
00:42:52I'm going to the pool.
00:42:54I'm going to the pool.
00:42:56You know, the cephalomides, the antibiotics, haven't done a thing except maybe retard the progress of the disease in any of the patients we've administered to?
00:43:02Some of them have mild cases.
00:43:05Ted, it isn't fatal to everyone.
00:43:11Yeah, yeah.
00:43:14Listen, uh...
00:43:16Max, maybe I, uh...
00:43:19Well, I had no right to strike out at you like I did this morning, and I'm sorry.
00:43:25You were right. Jeff could have gotten in any of our projects in there.
00:43:29Well, no, he didn't. It was my project.
00:43:32Maybe if I'd listened to you and at least postponed it for a while, I'd...
00:43:35No, no, no. Embossa fever should be studied, and thoroughly.
00:43:39Listen, I, uh... I had no idea what progress you'd been making in there with your own virus, you know?
00:43:49No, no, I suppose I thought there was gonna be any breakthrough at the Institute.
00:43:55Margaline should make it, you know?
00:44:01You know, if I'd been you, and you know it, I would have done the same.
00:44:06I know you would. And more.
00:44:12Is that settled?
00:44:16Can we eat now?
00:44:19Get us some sandwiches and coffee, will you, please?
00:44:24The fever bacteria's gotta be weakening in patients who've had the antibiotics administered to them.
00:44:30Yeah, I think the virus might work on a weakened bacteria.
00:44:35Maybe we ought to go for our volunteers now and try the virus out on them now, right now.
00:44:39Ted, I have no idea what that virus will do on a human subject.
00:44:42Let's at least wait till morning.
00:44:45Well, the kids don't stand a chance if we have to wait until we develop a serum.
00:44:50Not a chance.
00:45:15All right, Joanna.
00:45:19Good night.
00:45:23Good night.
00:45:24All right, Joanna.
00:45:28Good night.
00:45:33Come on.
00:45:35This is Megan, we've got a wagon full, on the way to Chimney Creek.
00:45:40All right, 10-4.
00:45:43Nolan, 10-9, go on it.
00:45:45All right, I'm on it.
00:45:47Nolan, 10-29, go on it.
00:45:49This is Ben, go on it.
00:45:51I see you, Ben.
00:45:5210-9, go on it.
00:46:01We've managed to contact all of the women in the beauty salon.
00:46:04They're here, and the people they came into contact with are being brought in.
00:46:08At least it's being contained then.
00:46:10I hope so.
00:46:12Any new word on the kids?
00:46:14Well, on top of having to comb about 6,000 acres of forest all night,
00:46:18we're getting calls from all kinds of people identifying them.
00:46:20In 100 different places at once.
00:46:23Now, some of my field men are having trouble keeping people
00:46:26from going in or out of the quarantined areas.
00:46:28What about that call to the governor?
00:46:33Let's hold off for one more hour.
00:46:35It'll be dawn soon.
00:46:44Hey, Jeff!
00:46:47Come on, man, wake up. Rise and shine.
00:46:51Hey, Michelle?
00:46:53Come here and help me with this jacket. It's soaked.
00:46:55I think he is sick.
00:46:59What's the matter?
00:47:01I feel dizzy all of a sudden.
00:47:04You're not getting sick too, are you?
00:47:12Man, look at his face.
00:47:14What are those awful spots?
00:47:16I don't know.
00:47:20Jeff, where'd you get the mouse?
00:47:22Leave me alone.
00:47:24Jeff, Michelle's getting sick too.
00:47:27You got her from the lab, didn't you?
00:47:29Didn't you?
00:47:31Now, don't be rough on him.
00:47:37You're the only one who can help me.
00:47:39You're the only one who can help me.
00:47:41You're the only one who can help me.
00:47:43You're the only one who can help me.
00:47:45You're the only one who can help us.
00:47:50There's no way.
00:47:52He couldn't have gotten...
00:47:59We're gonna have to burn everything.
00:48:01We gotta get off this mountain and get some help.
00:48:03Go on, start getting things together.
00:48:05Hey, Jeff?
00:48:07Hey, come on, man, wake up.
00:48:15Uh, could you tell me where Pine Ridge is?
00:48:18I'm supposed to meet a friend there and I'm lost.
00:48:22Excuse me.
00:48:24Are you asleep?
00:49:05We only got a fourth of a tank left.
00:49:07We can't get too far.
00:49:13You want to give me a bug that's supposed to kill the bug that I got?
00:49:17Not me.
00:49:19I ain't gonna be any human guinea pig.
00:49:21No, sir.
00:49:23I'll fight this on my own.
00:49:25Look, I understand.
00:49:27But if your symptoms get worse...
00:49:29Look, I once fell down a flight of stairs.
00:49:31Broke my back.
00:49:33Doctor said I'd never walk again.
00:49:35I walked.
00:49:37Where's Michelle?
00:49:39Why haven't they found her?
00:49:41They will, Mrs. Robinson, and soon.
00:49:44Now, will you...
00:49:46Will you volunteer to try this vice?
00:49:48I haven't ever been this sick in my life, I'm afraid.
00:49:51Isn't there anything else you can do?
00:49:54You haven't been responding to my calls.
00:49:56I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:58I'm afraid I can't.
00:50:00I'm afraid I can't.
00:50:02I'm afraid I can't.
00:50:04I'm afraid I can't.
00:50:06You don't seem to be responding very well to the antibiotics.
00:50:09Will it help Michelle if I try this virus?
00:50:14Yes, I think if the virus works, it could save a life.
00:50:17It's not a promise.
00:50:20That wouldn't be fair to you, or honest.
00:50:22Clare, I'll try the virus.
00:50:26We'll start with the weaker doses
00:50:28and then increase the potency
00:50:30if they respond well to the virus.
00:50:32I don't know, I don't know.
00:50:34We're just guessing.
00:50:36We're guessing at the strength.
00:50:38Now, maybe we should run another test using the antibiotics and the virus on the mice.
00:50:43Max, half the people will be dead in there by the time we get the results.
00:50:45Don't you see? We're in a primitive situation here.
00:50:47We've got to think it aside. Let our instincts go to work.
00:50:53Damn it.
00:50:54Glad that they found those kids yet.
00:51:02Thank you.
00:51:04They want us in autopsy.
00:51:06We've got our first DOA.
00:52:04The fever did not kill this man.
00:52:07Although it probably helped.
00:52:11So there's a malfunction of the mitral valve.
00:52:13He actually died of a heart attack.
00:52:15The disease seems to pick a weak spot.
00:52:17An attack there.
00:52:19At least we know the fever alone won't kill that fast.
00:52:21Have you gotten volunteers for Dr. Duro's virus?
00:52:24Only six.
00:52:25We're on our way now over to isolation to give him the viral injections.
00:52:33There's one.
00:53:05Help me. This is an emergency.
00:53:07Get me to Maglind Institute.
00:53:34Dr. Maglind, your son is on the phone.
00:53:38I'll finish this. Go ahead.
00:53:42Harris, give me a hand here, will you?
00:53:43Yes, sir.
00:53:51Where are you? I have to know your exact location.
00:53:54You know the Vista Point rest stop on Highway 12?
00:53:56Yes, I do.
00:53:57I'm on my way.
00:53:58I'll call you when I get there.
00:54:00You know the Vista Point rest stop on Highway 12?
00:54:03Yes, I know.
00:54:04Now, look, the mouse that Jeff took,
00:54:06it was infected with something called mombasa fever.
00:54:10Now, it's extremely dangerous and extremely contagious.
00:54:13What are your symptoms?
00:54:15Jeff's in bad shape.
00:54:17He's got a high fever and red spots all over his face.
00:54:21He's unconscious, but I don't know for how long.
00:54:24He was a little feverish last night.
00:54:26Well, this morning it hit him really bad.
00:54:28Now, what about you and Michelle?
00:54:30We're coming down with it, but I can still drive.
00:54:33Are you sure? Because if you can,
00:54:35we can send an ambulance out Highway 12 to meet you halfway.
00:54:38I mean, that way we can cut down your time until treatment.
00:54:41Do you know where the Box Canyon Cut-Off Road is?
00:54:44Yes, Dad. I know where it is.
00:54:46I'm going to head out Highway 12 until we find you.
00:54:49I'm low on gas, but I'll try to make it.
00:54:51I'm going to get the ambulance off right away.
00:54:54Now, David, I'm going to be in it.
00:54:58Oh, no!
00:55:28We're almost out of gas.
00:55:30What do we do?
00:55:32Well, I have to get some more.
00:55:36I'll get some.
00:55:38I have to.
00:55:58Doctor, this woman was just brought in.
00:56:00She has no signs.
00:56:28I'm sorry, buddy. It's not open yet.
00:56:30Sorry, buddy, it's not open yet.
00:56:58Look, man, we're sick, we need gas.
00:57:01Hey, wait a minute, have I seen you before?
00:57:05Yeah, TV, I've seen you on TV.
00:57:09Hey, stop, stop.
00:57:10Look, we're very contagious.
00:57:13Just throw me the keys to the pump and I'll handle it, all right?
00:57:16Hey, what do you know?
00:57:16Like can I catch it from talking to you like this?
00:57:20You better call someone to make sure.
00:57:22And don't touch anything I touch, okay?
00:57:25Okay, it's that first pump.
00:57:27A small brass key.
00:57:28Just leave the keys there after, okay?
00:57:38All right, get me the police, quick.
00:57:42This is Robert.
00:57:44Where's Dr. Vagabond?
00:57:45I want to talk to him.
00:57:46He left in an ambulance to pick up the boys and your daughter.
00:57:49They found them?
00:57:51Oh, God, are they sick?
00:57:53Ted talked to David.
00:57:55He and Michelle have early symptoms.
00:57:57Jeff's the one who's got it pretty bad.
00:58:00Dr. Margolin went to pick them up himself?
00:58:03Then he'll be taking care of Michelle.
00:58:05Get some rest.
00:58:07Give my virus a chance to work.
00:58:24No sign of him yet.
00:58:55This is the MRA.
00:59:03Let's go, move.
00:59:05Let's go.
00:59:05You get the girl.
00:59:06I'll get David.
00:59:07One of you open up the back.
00:59:11Dear God.
00:59:14All right, get that K-50 over here.
00:59:16Help me up here.
00:59:17Tom, grab the smoke bomb.
00:59:25All right, push it in here.
00:59:27Easy, easy.
00:59:29That's it.
00:59:30All right, let's go.
00:59:32Come on, let's go.
00:59:54Mrs. Robertson, Michelle and the boys are coming in now.
01:00:10How do you feel?
01:00:11Much better.
01:00:12Will they be all right?
01:00:13I think we got them in time.
01:00:15Gonna have to take some more blood from you.
01:00:17You're a demanding man, doctor.
01:00:18Well, we've got to start working on a serum as soon as possible.
01:00:22Make a fist for me.
01:00:23A serum?
01:00:24What about your virus?
01:00:26The virus is working on you and three other volunteers, but not on the rest.
01:00:30A plasma serum is more traditional.
01:00:33And now that you're improving, we know we can make it.
01:00:37Okay, put a finger on this for me.
01:00:46Let's hope it works.
01:01:25Give me Martinez.
01:01:38Dr. Martinez, Mrs. Robertson is a definite survivor.
01:01:42Possibly several others.
01:01:45I have enough blood here to start working on that serum now.
01:01:49Yeah, okay.
01:01:51I'll let you know when the first batch is ready.
01:02:16This is Dr. Durov.
01:02:18Yes, Dr. Durov.
01:02:19I'm making 15-minute checks on everyone.
01:02:21Anything else?
01:02:22Mrs. Petrie's having a hard time breathing.
01:02:24Any serious changes in the others?
01:02:27No, there's been no change in the others for over an hour.
01:02:45We just got word over the police radio.
01:02:47That ambulance will be here at any time now.
01:02:49I'll go to isolation and be ready for them when they get here.
01:03:55Ed, I'm working on a serum.
01:03:57The virus gets in four out of six moments here, but there's no...
01:04:00Jeff doesn't have time for a serum.
01:04:03If you give him the virus in his weakened condition, it could kill him.
01:04:06Ed, if we don't give it to him, the fever will kill him off.
01:04:09Okay, I'll get the injections ready.
01:04:22Is that you, Dad?
01:04:28It's me, old pal.
01:04:35Not good, son.
01:04:42She's about the same as you.
01:04:45This whole thing, that's my fault, isn't it?
01:04:49Hey, David, don't, Ed.
01:04:52All of us made some mistakes here.
01:04:56I didn't give you any alternatives.
01:05:01And you, you were doing what you thought was right.
01:05:06And Jeff would have never been able to survive if you hadn't brought him down to us.
01:05:13I'm proud of you, son.
01:05:14You handle things... super, huh?
01:05:40Forget about sterile procedure.
01:05:42Go ahead, give it to him.
01:06:11The fever broke about a half an hour ago.
01:06:45We'll be in close touch, of course, but it seems to be over.
01:06:51Not quite.
01:07:05Some water.
01:07:14Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, don't drink it so fast.
01:07:35David, we're not sure, but we think Jeff is going to be all right.
01:07:40It's just going to take him a little longer, you know.
01:07:46Dad, I really wanted to prove to you you were wrong about Jeff.
01:07:53I know, son.
01:07:55I'm not sure you chose the best way to prove it, but he'll get all the professional help
01:08:01he needs right here at home.
01:08:05There hasn't been a new case reported anywhere in over a decade.
01:08:11It's been over three hours.
01:08:13I have a half hour check going to all the local hospitals.
01:08:17Nothing even resembling low basal fever has come in.
01:08:21I think we've contained it.
01:08:23That would be a little bit of good news.
01:08:25You know, with only one death.
01:08:27We were very lucky.
01:08:29Not lucky, Max.
01:08:31I get the best men I can find, and the best men usually get the job done.
01:08:35Mr. Warren, the press is waiting for a statement.
01:08:40You and Dr. Duroff, go ahead.
01:08:42And this time, let's make him the star, huh?
01:08:44Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:08:46I can't take all the credit.
01:08:48Why not?
01:08:50You did the research, you took the chances.
01:09:00What about Dr. Margolin?
01:09:02How will he feel about you giving Dr. Duroff all the credit?
01:09:06Who do you think told me to do it?
01:09:12Hi, boy.
01:09:14Dad, I wanted to...
01:09:16Hey, don't talk now, huh?
01:09:18You're weak enough as it is.
01:09:22Is Gordat going to die?
01:09:28Gordat, you're...
01:09:30You're gonna be all right.
01:09:34You're gonna be all right.
01:09:36You're gonna be all right.
01:09:40Do I still have to go away to school?
01:09:42You don't have to go anywhere, son.
01:09:46Except home with me and...
01:09:48with your brother.
01:09:50Where you belong, huh?
01:10:00Gordat loves you.
01:10:06He loves you.
01:10:36© BF-WATCH TV 2021
