Als Spin-off der Serien Good Wife und The Good Fight folgt die Krimiserie Elsbeth den Erlebnissen der unkonventionellen Anwältin Elsbeth Tascioni aus Chicago, die es nach New York City verschlägt. Als externe Beobachterin begutachtet sie die Arbeit des NYPD und hilft bei der Aufklärung von Verbrechen.
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00:00I love New York. I've always wanted to live here. All those lights. Ah, it's magical.
00:10Oh, this is my stop. You know, this is not an Uber. Yeah, but you were heading up this way.
00:21Hi, I'm Elsbeth Tassielin. I'm the thingy-thing. The thingy-thing? The outside observer.
00:30I think you should, um... Oh my God, I didn't even remember I was wearing that.
00:35Wow, what is all this? A suicide. I mostly see crime scene photos.
00:40This is very different. Better.
00:46Excuse me? Oh, don't worry, I can see it.
00:49What am I supposed to do with this lady? City Hall wants her there. She's easily amused.
00:53What is that, purple? Looks like it. She'll get bored and move on.
00:57I'm not sure this is a suicide. And are you with the police? I think so. I'm either with the police or watching the police.
01:08The intent is to follow our officers. Instead, they appear to be following you.
01:14We found old Irish deodorant at the crime scene.
01:17Are you trying to sniff me, Miss Tassielin?
01:21You're not a defense lawyer anymore. The truth means putting people in jail.
01:26I have ideas, but no proof.
01:34You've been a very busy little bee. Buzz buzz.
01:37She found something that we didn't. I love playing chess against a good adversary.
01:42Wow! Yeah, we did that just for you.
01:48You are a funny one. Not as funny as you.
01:52I took this job because my work could be all about the truth.
02:04Welcome to New York.
02:11New York City.