Das Reboot der Kult-Krimiserie Matlock folgt den Erlebnissen der Anwältin Madeline Matlock (Kathy Bates), die sich aus dem Ruhestand zurück ins Berufsleben stürzt. Als Mitarbeiterin in einer angesehenen Kanzlei hilft sie dabei, Fälle zu gewinnen und Verbrechen aufzuklären.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/matlock-reboot
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/matlock-reboot
00:00Oops, I did it again.
00:04I woke up at 75 years old without a husband or money
00:07and a 12-year-old kid to raise.
00:09Oh, dear.
00:10Happy Monday.
00:11Talk to me about Peabody.
00:12I got them up to 19 million.
00:14Actually, you can get quite a bit more out of Peabody.
00:18Who are you?
00:18Madeline Matlock.
00:20Yeah, like the old TV show.
00:22Working for?
00:23You, hopefully.
00:24How do you know the number?
00:26There's this funny thing that happens when women age.
00:28We become damn near invisible.
00:30Oh, dear.
00:32I got you.
00:33That's how I got through your security.
00:36And it's also how I knew the number that Peabody
00:38is willing to pay.
00:3923, great.
00:42Am I hired?
00:45Point me to a case and put me to work.
00:47You're a harmless old lady.
00:48Oops, I need my glasses.
00:49When was the last time you practiced law?
00:51That was 1991.
00:52Back when I tried cases, we just prayed the horse and buggy
00:55got to court on time.
00:57Which isn't useful right now.
00:58Not useful, but funny.
01:00People assume I'm a harmless old lady.
01:03It's useful.
01:03Nobody sees us coming.
01:06I don't know these people.
01:08It's me, your Aunt Brenda.
01:10I got sick, lost a lot of weight.
01:12I just never thought you wouldn't recognize me.
01:16No, it just took a second.
01:17I recognize you.
01:19I've got the kids tonight.
01:20Otherwise, we'd be having a scotch.
01:22Well, no scotch for me, lest I'm getting laid.
01:25I guess that's not on the table.
01:27Where did you come from, Madeline Matlock?
01:31If I wanted to call up an old case file.
01:33This is your first official day.
01:36Why aren't you asking what file could you possibly need?
01:39Pupils are dilated.
01:40Why are you nervous?
01:42I have to continue to build trust with Olympia.
01:44Trust you?
01:45Maddie, I just met you last week.
01:46I'm not that innocent.
01:52Nobody sees me coming.
01:58Maddie, I appreciate your honesty.
02:00Well, that's me.
02:02Honest to a fault.
02:03I'm not that innocent.