Presse monde - 04/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 04/07/2024


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Median TV, here is your international press review.
00:10Day J for the general elections in the United Kingdom, while the press predicts a historic victory of the left, as explained by Telegraph this morning.
00:17The head of the official opposition, Sir Keir Starmer, is also said to be ready to govern,
00:22while the latest polls give the Labour Party a winner, with even a majority in the House of Commons,
00:27superior to the one won by Tony Blair's New Labour in 1997.
00:32Nothing will be easy, almost everything is in rather mediocre states, but we must be ready,
00:37and I am convinced that we will be, to declare that Keir Starmer, before the end of the election campaign last night,
00:42the polling stations predict between 210 and 238 seats for the British left,
00:47thus putting them in front of the conservatives of the outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the reformists and the liberal-democrats.
00:54The Telegraph therefore expects a historic event, whatever the result,
00:58either a first victory of the Labour Party in the general elections in 19 years,
01:02or a fifth consecutive victory for the conservatives, which has never been the case for a political party in the modern era.
01:09The New York Times is interested in the presidential elections in the United States,
01:14with an important question, will Biden continue his electoral campaign,
01:18while the Democrats are not confident about the capacity of the outgoing president to continue at the head of the country,
01:24especially after his complicated performance against Donald Trump during the last debate televised last week.
01:30The White House spokesman Karine Jean-Pierre assured that Biden did not absolutely not consider even throwing the sponge.
01:36Nevertheless, the American daily had revealed some noise of corridors on the side of the Oval Office,
01:41informing us that he would have entrusted one of his relatives that he was not sure to be able to save the November presidential election,
01:47if he could not convince the public in the days to come that he was up to the task.
01:52His communications team continues to refute all rumors about a potential abandonment of the outgoing president,
01:58who nevertheless knows that if he still knows of such disasters, we will be in a different situation at the end of the weekend,
02:04even said Biden's relative at the New York Times.
02:09This is a historic first on the other side of the Atlantic, but this time on the side of Canada,
02:14since the army will be led by Lieutenant General J.I. Carignan informs us of the Globe and Mail.
02:19Chosen by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ensure the position of Chief of Staff of the Defense,
02:24she will therefore be the first woman to lead the Canadian Armed Forces.
02:27She is succeeded by General Wayne Heer, who retires after 40 years of service and 3 years at the head of the Defense.
02:34Lieutenant General Carignan will officially take over during a ceremony of passing the command on 18 July next year at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.
02:43In 2008, she had already marked the history of the Canadian Armed Forces by commanding an army unit in combat,
02:48she who served in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Syria.
02:52As Chief of Staff of the Defense, Lieutenant General Carignan will have to face major challenges,
02:57in particular at the request of allies of Canada to considerably increase military spending,
03:02says the Canadian newspaper in its columns.
03:06The world is focusing on the strategy of communication of the French far-right,
03:11especially on the use of artificial intelligence for the legislative campaign.
03:16Already at the beginning of last week, before the first round of the anticipated elections,
03:20the President of the Reconquered Party, Eric Zemmour, bragged on social networks
03:24of a video of a campaign entirely carried out by artificial intelligence,
03:28showing in particular the French President, Emmanuel Macron,
03:31under a rain of tickets and a crowd of migrants heading towards a rural church,
03:35as to illustrate the migratory invasion expected by the far-right party.
03:39The National Assembly was also used by the IAEA to discredit the President of the Republic
03:44and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
03:47reproaching the migratory submersion in Europe,
03:51whether within the parties or their sympathizers in France and its neighbors.
03:55The far-right and the main political force have relied on artificial intelligence
03:59for their visual campaign or even an aid to reflection, which is the case of Reconquered.
04:03The left sees this fashion as a need to give life to their obsession,
04:07fears so unreal of their unconscious that they need the IAEA to represent them.
04:13While FIFA has not yet communicated on the location of the final of the World Cup 2030,
04:18Marca is categorical that it will take place in Bernabeu.
04:21The candidate committee, grouping Morocco, Spain and Portugal,
04:25met last week in Agadir to close the World Cup 2030 organization file
04:30before the deadline set on 31 July.
04:32And if the Royal Moroccan Football Federation had stated via a statement
04:36that no decision had been made on the final choice of the stadium for the final,
04:39the Spanish daily affirms that the Santiago Bernabeu of Madrid would be the wish of FIFA.
04:44Marca even adds that there is no doubt in this regard,
04:47despite the Moroccan proposal that came up during the period of crisis in the Spanish Federation
04:52with the Rubiales affair.
04:54The excellent relationship between the World Football Federation and Real Madrid
04:57will play a decisive role in this regard, always according to the Iberian publication.
05:01What is certain is that the final was and remains one of the great objectives of the Spanish candidacy
05:06and that if at some point it was in danger,
05:09today everything is under control, concludes Marca in these columns.
05:13This is the end of this international press interview.
05:15Thank you all for following it.
05:17Have a good rest of the program on Mediantv.
05:22Thank you all for following it.