Presse monde - 03/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 03/07/2024


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Mediain TV.
00:07The world is opening up to this world tour by Hurricane Beryl
00:11which has caused at least 7 deaths in the Antilles
00:13and is now heading to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
00:17It was relegated yesterday afternoon in category 4 by the American Hurricane Center.
00:22This first hurricane of the season was classified at the beginning of the week in category 5,
00:26with winds of more than 252 km per hour and potentially catastrophic effects.
00:32Beryl was the first hurricane of category 5 ever registered by the American Weather Service.
00:38Le Quotidien Francais states that two new deaths linked to the hurricane have been reported in Venezuela,
00:43bringing the country's record to three deaths.
00:46At least three other people were killed by the grenade that Beryl hit,
00:50as well as one in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
00:53Being the first hurricane of the season in the Atlantic,
00:56Beryl is therefore a climate phenomenon of this extremely rare scale
00:59so early in the hurricane season, which extends from early June to late November in the United States.
01:06Still on the other side of the Atlantic,
01:08the New York Times returns to the lunar statement of the outgoing American President Joe Biden,
01:12while the Democratic camp emphasizes pressure on the 81-year-old leader
01:16to withdraw from the presidential race against Donald Trump,
01:20who also led the country between 2016 and 2020.
01:23The American president admitted yesterday in front of a group of donors
01:26that he had simply fallen asleep on stage during his calamitous debate last week,
01:31writes Le Quotidien New Yorkais.
01:33Joe Biden attributed his poor performance to the fact that he had traveled around the world several times
01:37over the last two weeks presiding over the debate,
01:40notably in France for the 80 years of the departure and in Italy for the G7.
01:44It was not very smart of me to grant the American president
01:48A first Democrat parliamentarian, the Texan Lloyd Doggett,
01:51also publicly asked the president to throw the sponge,
01:54stating that he hoped he would definitely make the difficult and painful decision
02:00to withdraw. End of quote.
02:04In India now, a religious event turned into a drama,
02:07leading to the death of 121 people, including children, in a riot.
02:11The events took place in Atras, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the north of the country.
02:16The movement of crowds took place during a prayer meeting,
02:19in which thousands of people participated, explains the information site
02:23linked to the national television network.
02:25Among the 121 victims, 106 women and 7 children were transported by bus,
02:30all just re-elected a month ago at the head of the government.
02:33Prime Minister Narendra Muri addressed his condolences to the families of the victims,
02:38while the Minister-in-Chief of State, Yogi Adityanath,
02:42announced that an emergency committee had been set up to investigate this incident.
02:46According to the authorities, a strong dust storm hit the believers
02:50when they left the place, causing a panic movement.
02:54Thousands of people attended this meeting,
02:57organized in honor of a local guru, a witness mentioned by the Indian channel.
03:04This is a new controversial era for Greece,
03:06which has just set up, at the beginning of the week,
03:09a six-day work week, explains Naftempo Rikki.
03:13The Greek economic journal explains that the employees of certain sectors of activity,
03:17those with continuous activity and faced with an increased demand for work,
03:21are forced to work one more day, without even demanding the consent of the main concerned.
03:26The measure necessarily divides the national public opinion,
03:29and this, even if it is justified by the conservative government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis,
03:34to optimize productivity and fight against undeclared labor.
03:38Naftempo Rikki deplores the reasons that can lead some people to accept this new reform,
03:43with expensive living and low wages, thus impacting their quality of life.
03:47The only positive point of this government decision, according to Le Quotidien,
03:51is the increase of 40% of the daily wage for the sixth day,
03:56enough to confirm the place of the Greeks as one of the European countries that work the most,
04:00with 41 hours per week, on average, in 2022, in front of Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.
04:08The damage of artificial intelligence is now felt on the environment,
04:13since it has caused the increase of carbon emissions from Google,
04:16which increased by 48% in five years,
04:19while the giant of American technological services has committed to achieve net zero emissions
04:24in all of its activities by 2030.
04:27Le Parisien affirms that this goal seems to be compromised by the success of the generative artificial intelligence,
04:32which leads to an increase in energy consumption in data centers,
04:36as indicated by Google itself in its annual environmental report.
04:39It is not the only GAFAM to have its efforts to reduce carbon emissions at night,
04:44since Microsoft and Amazon had also presented the same assessment.
04:48In 2023, the California Research Mastodon announced that it would reach 14.3 million tons of CO2 emitted in 2023,
04:56an increase of 48% compared to 2019.
04:59In addition to the increase in energy consumption in buildings housing computer servers,
05:04new artificial intelligence tools have shaken Google's forecasts
05:08due to the necessary computer power and therefore increased energy needs.
05:13However, companies assure that the progress of artificial intelligence
05:17will optimize energy consumption and will help find new solutions to global warming,
05:23concludes Le Parisien.
05:26This is the end of this international press briefing.
05:28Thank you for following it.
05:30The news continues on Mediantv.