3 True horror stories

  • 2 months ago
Best True horror stories
00:00I worked at a store that was very close to my house, so I walked home every day.
00:26One day, I was leaving work, and it was starting to get dark.
00:30When I left, there was an employee fixing the electrical box at the store that my friend
00:37I glanced at him, not thinking of anything of it, and waved to my friend.
00:41She smiled through the glass door, and I continued on my way.
00:45It was just another normal day.
00:48When I was exactly in the middle of a park, I glanced quickly over my shoulder because
00:53I'm an anxious person, and saw the electrician who I just saw not even a second ago walking
00:59behind me.
01:00When I looked back again, his eyes were fixed on me, and he had no expression on his face.
01:07All the alarm bells were going off in my head, so I started walking at a faster pace, more
01:12out of paranoia than actual fear.
01:15So I looked again, this time more slowly, and I noticed that his steps increased in
01:21speed just like mine.
01:24His expression had also changed to anger and impatience, like a hunter frustrated because
01:29the prey ran away too fast.
01:32I think, deep down, our survival instinct knows when someone wants to do something bad
01:37to us just by looking at them.
01:40I hadn't started running yet, but the park, which was actually small, suddenly got very
01:46I don't know if when I looked back a third time my fearful expression gave me away, but
01:51instead of walking, he almost ran and walked at the same time.
01:56His strides become so long that it was awkward to look at.
02:00So I ran.
02:01I had seen this a thousand times on the news.
02:04The park was empty.
02:06It was just me and him.
02:07I knew what he wanted to do.
02:09I had my phone in my hand, but the adrenaline was telling me to keep running and running.
02:15I ran the light and crossed the street, still not daring to look back.
02:19Maybe he was right behind me.
02:21What would I do?
02:22I thought after arriving at the abandoned stores, he would have given up, so I looked
02:27back one last time, and there he was, still not running, walking super fast in a weird
02:35The adrenaline made me run even faster, and when I looked back again after a while, he
02:40had suddenly stopped.
02:42The guy just stood there.
02:44His angry expression also fading away.
02:47His face looked blank.
02:49It was like he was staring into nothing, but his eyes… his eyes were fixed on me.
02:56At this point, I was already approaching the gas station, and it was just a small silhouette
03:00that didn't move.
03:02My heart was still racing, and my hand was shaking so badly I couldn't type the password
03:06to my cell phone.
03:07I kept walking and looking back every second.
03:11He didn't move an inch.
03:13I started to get paranoid, thinking that maybe he really was just an employee.
03:18That maybe I was just imagining things.
03:21That he wasn't really following me.
03:23It's like our brains start to justify the situation so that you stop suffering.
03:28When I was already at the end of the gas station, and the adrenaline was slowly decreasing,
03:32my boss called me and asked if I had arrived home yet.
03:36I said no.
03:37He said that my friend next door was worried about me because there was a crazy man pretending
03:42he had tools in his hand and pretending he was fixing the power box.
03:47She was too scared to tell him to stop and just watched him from a weird perspective
03:53as he was mimicking.
03:55But then I passed by.
03:57He turned and followed me as if he was literally waiting for me.
04:01My friend was so scared that she tried to record the man in case something happened
04:05and was ready to call the police.
04:08After that episode, I changed routes, I did for work, and even started to use a bike.
04:27Last year in 2021, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I was sleeping by my girlfriend in her apartment.
04:34It was probably around 3 or 4 AM.
04:37I got up to use the bathroom, kinda had a hard time going back to sleep.
04:42So maybe 5 minutes or so after getting back into bed, I was laying on my back with my
04:47head facing left towards the wall.
04:50I had my left arm raised over my head, hanging off the edge of the bed.
04:54My girlfriend was just sleeping with her back facing me, and my right arm was on my stomach.
05:00It was dead silent.
05:02My girlfriend has a little loud dog who barks at anyone that walks by the front door.
05:07I didn't hear any footsteps, no voices, or form of movement.
05:12All of a sudden, I feel someone grabbing my left hand that's hanging off the bed.
05:17At first, I thought it was my girlfriend, so I didn't think much of it, until I realized
05:22that my left hand is on the opposite side.
05:25I opened my eyes, but I could only see from my right eye because my left eye was blocked
05:29by my arm.
05:31Without turning my head, I saw a man through a mirror on the wall.
05:36His face was painted white, pasty white.
05:40He had shoulder length hair that was curly, and a light, dirty brown color hair.
05:45I could only see what the night light in the room illuminated.
05:49It was definitely a white man with very strong build body type, and he was holding something
05:55in his right hand.
05:57It was like a stick with something bushy at the end, and it was hovering above my stomach.
06:01Man, I thought someone broke into the apartment or something, I don't know.
06:07Still no noise at all, no movement, and the grip of his hand was not hard at all.
06:13I was looking at him for a good like 10 seconds.
06:16I finally worked up the courage to turn my head and get a visual of this man, but he
06:21vanished, and when I looked back the other way at the mirror I saw him through, he also
06:39My family and I are from Australia, and back in 2007 we decided to take a month long holiday
06:46to America.
06:47We traveled from LA up the west coast and then back down through Nevada.
06:52We did this by renting a car and doing the whole vacation road trip style.
06:57One night we were traveling towards Lompoc and stopped in Santa Barbara for the night
07:02to sleep.
07:03We drove around a while looking for a decently priced motel that wasn't to bring our own
07:08UV light if you know what I mean.
07:11My mom and dad found a place that looked okay and went inside to inquire about the price
07:16of a room for the night, while my sister and I stayed in the car and listened to music
07:21on our iPods.
07:22We were bopping along an album I brought for the day when my sister removed her headphones
07:27and said,
07:28Look at mom, what is she doing?
07:31I looked out the window, I can see into the reception of the motel, I can see my dad talking
07:37to the manager, and my mom displaying very cold and odd body language.
07:42She's usually very friendly with staff everywhere, so this was odd for her.
07:46What's wrong with her?
07:47I said to my sister as we kept a close eye on them.
07:52My mom was standing behind my dad with her arms crossed and looking around the place
07:56as if she was on guard or something, as if her hyper-village and senses had kicked in.
08:02After some time, my mom and dad got back into the car and discussed what to do about staying
08:06for the night.
08:07My dad stated that we wouldn't find anywhere else cheaper for the night and he was hungry
08:12and ready for dinner, so we better just stay here.
08:15Plus, it was the last room available, so we would have to make a quick decision.
08:20To his dismay, my mom disagreed.
08:22I don't like this place.
08:24I have a bad feeling, she said.
08:26My dad argued on, getting more and more irritated that my mom couldn't explain what she didn't
08:31like about the place, until my mom finally snaps and yells at my dad, saying,
08:39My dad eventually agreed, as he starts the car and backs out of the motel driveway.
08:45At this point, my sister and I are looking at each other like, what just happened, but
08:50we stayed quiet as my mom seemed on edge.
08:53Anyways, we end up finding a place to stay that mom approved of and buckered down for
08:58the night.
08:59In the morning, we were all bustling around the motel room getting ready for the day,
09:04when my dad turns on the TV to hear a news story about a shooting at the motel that my
09:09mom didn't want to stay at.
09:11Turns out about 15 minutes after we left, a couple walked in and booked that last room,
09:17and the man that was behind them shot them because they took the last room available.
09:21We all turned to look at my mom, who was standing there, wide eyed, watching in horror.
09:28I told you I had a bad feeling about that place, she said to my dad, who was pretending
09:33not to listen.
