• 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours
00:02Jasmine's confessed to taking the items from the residence.
00:08George here.
00:10But you're not that much older than us, okay?
00:12Are you okay?
00:13Get out.
00:14Can I just apologise for freaking out on you?
00:16Something you did reminded me of David.
00:19Your cancer is in full remission.
00:23I'm really grateful that we've had this chance to reconnect.
00:26What do you think they are?
00:27He's done a runner.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59Become good friends
01:12So he's going to be okay?
01:14He just said that his cancer is in remission.
01:16This is incredible.
01:20I don't know why he didn't tell us at breakfast.
01:24Have you read the whole thing?
01:26Ram, I hope that you'll both forgive me for setting expectations that I can't meet
01:31but please believe I always had yours and Byron's best interests at heart.
01:34I don't...
01:36What does that mean?
01:37Come on Nick, you know what he's doing.
01:40No, surely he hasn't pulled out of the Yorokobi deal?
01:44Of course he has.
01:45Why would he do that?
01:47Because now he knows he's not dying, okay?
01:49And he needs the money for himself.
01:50You are wrong!
01:52It's too gutless to even tell us to our faces, so we just bailed?
01:55He wouldn't do that to us.
01:58I'm just going to call him, I'll work it out.
02:02It's not ringing.
02:07Come on Nick, he's gone.
02:13I might go for the swordfish.
02:15Oh, you are too cute.
02:20Oh, looks like someone got up on the right side of the bed.
02:23I could have stayed there all day.
02:25Oh, stop it.
02:26Oh yeah, well I should be in bed too.
02:29Oh no, not for this reason.
02:32Hey Leo, business is back on track.
02:34Oh yeah, we're up since Bowman got charged as well.
02:37And customers have been asking for your gin again.
02:40Oh, good.
02:41I heard you got a new investor too.
02:43Yeah, Vic brought it into the vineyard for Byron and Nick, so now we're business partners.
02:47Congrats mate.
02:48That's fantastic.
02:49Thanks, I'll check this out back.
02:53Hi, I left my glasses this morning at breakfast.
02:56We had a gathering to celebrate the kids going into business with you.
03:00Oh, nice.
03:01Yeah, I think we're going to create something pretty special.
03:03It's going to be...
03:05Oh, let me take that.
03:19Oh, hey.
03:21Therese, I wondered if you and Susan would be free later.
03:24I wanted to have a talk to you about an idea I had for an errant teen situation.
03:29Oh, sure.
03:30What did you have in mind?
03:31Well, I'm still working out the details, but I wondered if the students were to meet with the residents that they stole from.
03:38Oh, like a victim-offender mediation?
03:41Yeah, but less structured, more casual.
03:45I mean, look, the plan was always to have integrated activities between the residents and the students,
03:51but I don't know, I mean, is it too soon?
03:54Should we wait for the dust to settle?
03:56Well, I mean, it could be good for them to interact in a positive way, can't it?
04:03You know, why don't you put your plan together and we'll meet up later to discuss it.
04:09Can I get the berry good with a shot of wheatgrass and extra berries, please?
04:13Sure can. And Remy?
04:17Can I have just an apple juice for me, please?
04:18Okie dokie.
04:19Fuji or Pink Lady?
04:23Oh, sorry. Have we met?
04:26No, don't think so.
04:28Kara and Remy, this is Logan. He is helping me out in the van while he's here in Ehrenspra.
04:33Welcome to the hood.
04:35Are you sure we don't know each other?
04:36I actually get that a lot. I think I've just got one of those faces.
04:39Well, that's weird. I'm really good at remembering people.
04:43I've only been in town a couple of days. I was leaving up the coast before that.
04:47Give us a couple of minutes and we'll get your drinks ready.
04:49Pink Lady.
04:50Here you go.
04:51Thank you.
04:52And this one.
04:55You got any idea when you are going to finish work tonight?
04:57I think it's going to be a late one.
04:59Ah, alright. Well, whenever you do get home, there's going to be dinner waiting for you.
05:03It could be very timely. The residents are voting for their representative.
05:06Ah, yes. Yes, the election's tomorrow.
05:08Yes. Can't it come soon enough for Moritobu?
05:11Oh, no. She's been backing off for about half an hour about two missing pot plants.
05:14She's absolutely convinced the kids stole them out of her courtyard.
05:18No, that can't be right. It's all over. The kids have been apprehended.
05:21Yeah, well, who knows what actually happened, but certainly she's very unnerved by it.
05:26All the residents are.
05:27Knock, knock.
05:28Hi, guys.
05:29Oh, hi.
05:32Oh, hi.
05:33Oh, thank you.
05:34Oh, my goodness.
05:35Does Harold know you're here?
05:37Oh, it's an impromptu visit, but he wasn't in his studio and he's not answering his phone.
05:41Oh, well, right now he is on a bus on his way to the NGV to see an exhibition.
05:46He will be back later, though.
05:48You're more than welcome to wait.
05:49Yeah, cool.
05:50Yeah, I will if that's OK.
05:51Great. Excellent.
05:52So, you know, fill us in.
05:53Yes, we want to know everything.
05:55How are Lana and the kids?
05:57Oh, they're amazing.
06:00That's all I've got.
06:07And what, this was it?
06:09No other note of explanation?
06:13Did he say anything to you?
06:16Not a word.
06:18He did leave us both 20 grand.
06:20Oh, because that makes everything fine.
06:21That's not nothing.
06:22Stop protecting him, Nick.
06:25He's the one that went on about family, legacy, and he goes and does this.
06:29I mean, what a joke.
06:30Mum, you know he had every intention of buying into the vineyard.
06:33Your father likes to promise the world and then cuts and runs when it all gets too hard.
06:39But why would this be too hard for him?
06:41He must know that we don't care about the money.
06:43And him being in remission is really great news.
06:46So why wouldn't he want to share that with us?
06:48I don't know.
06:53I should never have allowed him to get close to us again.
06:55I am so, so sorry.
06:57Mum, don't.
06:59OK, this is all on Vic.
07:01He's the one that screwed us over.
07:09I cannot believe that Kerry's in year 12.
07:12Time flies, doesn't it?
07:14What about the police work? You still enjoy it?
07:16Yeah, it's never boring, that's for sure.
07:18Hey, I've got an appointment I need to get to, but how long are you sticking around for?
07:22Oh, I don't know. Maybe just a day or two.
07:24OK, well, you know, if you've got time and you want to catch up, I'd love to spend some more time with you.
07:29Me too.
07:31See you guys.
07:32See you, Dad.
07:35Hey, guys, I feel I need to be honest.
07:38I'm not really here on a random visit.
07:40I'm worried about Grandad.
07:43What do you mean?
07:44Well, he told me his tuber was stolen and belongings had gone missing,
07:48not to mention the credit card fraud.
07:49But I'm sorry, that's really concerning.
07:54Sky, I can assure you that we have got it under control.
07:57They've caught the culprits and the police are dealing with them.
08:00You really don't have anything to worry about.
08:02Oh, I'm not sure that's true, especially as you're talking about another theft just as I turned up.
08:08Oh, no, we don't know what happened there. I mean, it could be nothing.
08:12Could be.
08:14I'm concerned that this situation is a lot worse than you're letting on.
08:27I thought a big meal would fix you right up.
08:31Clearly not.
08:33The old grey mare isn't what she used to be, eh?
08:40Are you calling me old?
08:43Oh, no, no, no.
08:44I meant that all the other kids at uni, I mean, that they wouldn't be hung over.
08:48They'd be out roller skating, rock climbing.
08:51I just think it's great that they invited you into their group.
08:53It means they're not ageist or...
08:56One bourbon and coke?
08:57Yes, please. Thank you.
09:01What? It's my day off.
09:02You sure you don't want one?
09:04Oh, no.
09:07We've all been there.
09:10Here's some...
09:12Is everything okay?
09:15Yeah, sorry.
09:17I'm just trying to set up the digital thermostat for the call room and the program makes no sense.
09:21Half the job is computers, but the tech keeps changing.
09:25Can't keep up.
09:26Hey, why don't you do one of those IT courses?
09:29You could probably get lessons to pay for it.
09:32Yeah, I think they run those at Eden Hills Uni.
09:34You should ask Wendy when she comes back.
09:39Although, yeah, maybe today's not a good idea to ask her anything serious.
09:58I can't believe your dad has done this to you.
10:01I know.
10:04I thought it was going to be different this time.
10:07No more lies.
10:09No more messing about.
10:12I felt for it so stupid.
10:14You're not stupid.
10:16I mean, you just wanted to believe the best of him.
10:21Nick thinks it's a knee-jerk reaction that he's actually going back.
10:25I guess she just wants to think the best of him too.
10:29No, she needs to face the facts that he's the most selfish person in this world and a complete coward.
10:36He left you money though.
10:37I guess on some level he felt bad for what he'd done.
10:40That's the worst part of it.
10:42We don't care about the money, he's just trying to buy us off.
10:45For him, it's always been about the money.
10:49As soon as he figured out he's got more time, he's not going to spend it on me, Nick or Leo.
10:59I bet you he never thought Leo was pulling out of the deal.
11:01And do you want a splash of agave syrup in that or are you sweet enough?
11:06I'm right, thank you.
11:09Hey guys.
11:10Wow, you're in a good mood.
11:11Yeah, well, things are starting to look up.
11:13I've got new business partners in Byron and Nick.
11:16Cash injection and people are buying the gin again.
11:18Aww, that's so cool.
11:20Good for you.
11:22I'm actually supposed to catch up with Byron at the vineyard soon for our first official business meeting.
11:26Leo, have you met Logan?
11:29Logan is helping me out in the van these days.
11:32Nice to meet you.
11:33Leo's my brother-in-law and a bit of an entrepreneur extraordinaire.
11:38Quite the title.
11:39Aaron's just hanging for the free booze.
11:41Oh, come on.
11:42Really, does it work?
11:43You entrepreneur extraordinaire.
11:48Give me the gin.
11:49Alright, it's covered.
11:55I promise we're doing everything we can to avoid further incidents.
11:59In fact, we're seeing Jane this afternoon.
12:01She's wanting to pitch a resident student get together, kind of like a victim offender mediation, but just more casual.
12:08Well, that's a terrific idea.
12:10I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but having the resident so close to the school, it just doesn't feel like it's working.
12:16That's because it's unprecedented.
12:18It means there are always going to be teething problems.
12:21That's all this is.
12:23Oh, well, this might help.
12:25Moira has found her pot plants.
12:27They were in the shower.
12:28She put them in there to water them.
12:30You see, nothing to worry about.
12:33Yeah, I don't know.
12:35Listen, if you're still unsure, why don't you come and listen to Jane's pitch?
12:39It might put your mind at rest.
12:40No, we'd hate for you to worry about Harold unnecessarily.
12:46Yeah, sure.
12:47I'll come along.
12:50But if he's gone into remission, why wouldn't he want to stay and be with his family?
12:56Or maybe Barronie really mattered to him when he thought he was going to die.
13:00That's what makes it so awful.
13:03Does Leo know?
13:04Because we saw him earlier and he was really positive about the whole deal.
13:08Barron and Nick are telling him now.
13:12Are you drinking bourbon?
13:14What? It's my day off.
13:16Oh, yeah, I can't be around this anymore.
13:22Why is Mum acting so weird?
13:24I think you need to ask her that.
13:29Could I sit with you for a bit?
13:32I just can't stand the smell of Andrew's drink.
13:36Yeah, sure.
13:39Sorry, did I interrupt something?
13:41No, nothing interesting. Just researching manuals to fix the thermostat.
14:03Maybe we should wait until tomorrow. Dad could still change his mind.
14:06I can't say this enough, Nick. That's not going to happen.
14:10Leo's going to be devastated.
14:11Which is why we need to tell him in person, as soon as possible.
14:16Treat him with the respect that Vic couldn't show us.
14:19Great timing, guys.
14:20Hey, I've set up a really nice spot with an awesome view to make our first official business meeting something to remember.
14:26Come on.
14:33Hey, Aaron.
14:35How sour are you doing?
14:39Because lemons are sour, and it rhymes with how are you doing.
14:42Ah, yeah, I get it. That's a good one.
14:45My break's over. I'll see you guys later.
14:47Okay, bye.
14:50It's a shame he has to go back to work. He could have had a toasty with us.
14:54Have you got a thing for Aaron?
14:56Because lately, every time you see him, he's got a little something.
15:00Because lately, every time you see him, you're full of flirty bad puns.
15:03Well, you have to admit he's pretty hot.
15:05Yeah, but you do know that he's not on the market, right?
15:08Okay, well, it's just a bit of fun. We're friends.
15:11Yeah, well, I really love that you are getting along so well, but don't forget that Aaron is still grieving David.
15:16Oh, I'm not planning on proposing.
15:18Still, take my advice. You don't want to make Aaron feel uncomfortable.
15:24Okay. Yeah, you're right. No flirting. I'll keep it in the friend zone.
15:36This can't actually be happening.
15:37We are so sorry, Leo. We had no idea he'd do this.
15:40He just packed up all his stuff and he's not answering his calls.
15:44I just started hiring all my staff. How am I going to pay them?
15:52So he knows I'm desperate, so he lowballs me on his offer and then he, what, backs out?
15:56Vic's always been ruthless with money.
15:58I guess he just rethought his situation here.
16:03You know, I trusted him because we talked about creating a family legacy, building something to leave to the girls.
16:09Why would he mess with their future like this? Isla's his granddaughter.
16:13He sold us all on this idea of a family business.
16:17The fact is that Victor Stone only cares about Victor Stone.
16:21We don't know who's definitely out yet because we haven't talked to him.
16:25Are you seriously still defending him?
16:28I'm just saying that we don't have all the facts.
16:31The fact that he left is everything.
16:37Look, Leo, is there any chance to keep the business afloat without Dad's money?
16:44Honestly, no.
16:47This could actually send me bankrupt.
16:59How did things go with Leo?
17:02As you'd expect.
17:07I just wish that Dad would answer his phone. I feel so bad.
17:13What's happening with Vic is his fault, OK? Not you.
17:16And I don't want either of you blaming yourself or feeling guilty.
17:22Look, I've got to go to class, but I'll see you when I get home.
17:26I'll see you then.
17:37Thanks for taking the lead with Leo.
17:39No, it's all good.
17:44I guess I'm just not having as much trouble accepting Dad's behaviour.
17:49I don't know how to feel.
17:52On the one hand, it's like, I'm happy that Dad's in remission.
17:57It means that we're not going to lose him.
18:00And then on the other hand, how could he do this?
18:07It's just, it's really, really crap, Nick.
18:13And I get that you and Dad are closer, so it's probably hidden different for you.
18:18It's not just that, though.
18:22I was kind of excited to work with you.
18:25Yeah. Yeah, me too. It would have been good.
18:30But unless one of us wins the lottery, it's not really looking that likely.
18:34Combined 40K doesn't cut it?
18:43You know, there might be another way to get a version of what we wanted.
18:49You don't have to keep talking up the facilities.
18:51Oh, that's not what we're doing.
18:55The problem is the proximity to the school.
18:58Yes, but that's one of the reasons the residents moved you too, Irene.
19:02Yes, and any mistakes we've made, we've learnt from them.
19:05Please, just wait till you hear what Jane has to say.
19:10There you are.
19:12Listen, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry this has happened.
19:17You know, I actually thought Vic was quite a nice guy.
19:20Yeah, everybody thinks that when they first meet him.
19:29Excuse me.
19:33I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to postpone our meeting.
19:37Why? What's going on?
19:39Vic. His cancer has gone into remission and he has taken off.
19:45Done a runner on his family, yet again.
19:47Oh, that's terrible.
19:49I mean, I should have known.
19:51That man has zero idea what commitment means.
19:55Jane, do you want to sit down?
19:57Oh, my goodness.
20:02Oh, my goodness.
20:03Are you okay?
20:04What are you doing here?
20:05We were just telling Sky about your wonderful idea to get the residents and students together.
20:12I'm sorry, I really can't think about that right now.
20:20Because my horrible ex-husband has taken us all for fools.
20:25No, because apparently he is incapable of learning from his mistakes.
20:35And are you right for another early start tomorrow?
20:38Yeah, whatever time you want.
20:39Logan, I've just realised where we've met.
20:41Really? Where?
20:42Medical conference, Burly Heads, two years ago.
20:44We talked about new cardiovascular treatments because that was your specialty area of study.
20:49Why didn't you tell me that you were a doctor?
20:51Because I'm not.
20:55No, I'm sure you were there.
20:59I've come to think of it, yes.
21:01Yes, I was at a medical conference eight years ago, but that's because I was on the catering staff.
21:05I work a lot of hospital gigs, so we could have talked then.
21:08That makes sense.
21:09I'm definitely not a doctor.
21:10I'm definitely not a doctor.
21:12I don't know, that's odd. I'm sure we talked about your specialty.
21:18Even my genius wife gets it wrong.
21:24Well, okay.
21:25See you guys.
21:26See ya.
21:36There I was, praising him for being so generous to the kids.
21:41How wrong I was.
21:42Look, I didn't get a goodbye letter.
21:45And then there was all that business with Nan's bars.
21:49Maybe we should continue this another time.
21:53Yes, yes.
21:56Talking everyone's ear off.
21:57I think I really should head home.
22:02Hey, Jane.
22:03She'll be raring to go after a good night's sleep.
22:08Look, she's usually very reliable.
22:11Ladies, I understand you're both working very hard to create something unique at Irene Rising.
22:17The facilities are fantastic, really.
22:20Thank you.
22:22But the reality is, things aren't as seamless and safe as I'd like.
22:26I know you're both very competent, as is Jane.
22:29She's clearly going through some personal issues right now.
22:31Oh, no, that's just a temporary situation.
22:33Nevertheless, Grandad's wellbeing has to come first.
22:36I don't want his twilight years upset by thefts and harassment.
22:41I'm sorry, but I'm taking him back to Port Douglas.
22:51Coming up on Neighbours.
22:53I'm back!
22:56We talked about this.
22:57You understood why I wanted to come back.
23:01I'm just not convinced it's safe.
23:03I think we need to act now if Sky is planning on whisking Harold away.
23:07So, what's the plan?