Neighbours 9086 30th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02He and JJ have been weird since Lunar Park.
00:04I think they're avoiding me.
00:06I know you saw me with Mel before,
00:08and you probably won't believe me, but she was actually asking after you.
00:10Ask Mel!
00:12Ask me what?
00:14Nothing kills a hangover quite like applying for GATS for mentorship.
00:16My partying is done, study is my main focus now.
00:18Hey, and this mentorship,
00:20just be yourself, it'll all work out.
00:24I've been exposed,
00:26and there is a chance that we might both
00:28have Hepatitis B.
01:00become good friends.
01:28I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on.
01:32Why were you talking about me?
01:36you've been avoiding me
01:38all week, and now this?
01:42I thought we were friends.
01:44But friends don't
01:46keep secrets.
01:50I really like you,
01:52and I was hoping you felt the same,
01:54and I found out JJ
01:56likes you too.
01:58Since when?
02:02You said you were interested in being anything more than friends
02:04when I asked you.
02:08Wait, something happened between you guys?
02:12I completely embarrassed myself.
02:14Okay, that's not what I wanted.
02:16Why didn't you say something?
02:18That would have gone down amazingly.
02:20Where do you both get off?
02:22I'm not something to fight over.
02:24We make decisions and not anyone else.
02:26So did we.
02:28We're not interested.
02:30We're as bad as each other.
02:44What have you lost?
02:46It's not what I have lost. I'm about to lose it at these boys
02:48and this mess.
02:50What happened to that calm woman at the cafe earlier?
02:52It's gone out the window
02:54since I realised that my assignment
02:56at uni is due later this week.
02:58Hey, you're going to kill it.
03:00Come in.
03:02Hey, Remy.
03:12I'll leave you to it.
03:14See you.
03:20Listen, is there any chance
03:22that I can come and see you about something?
03:24Yeah, I'm just
03:26about to go to the hospital but I've got a meeting first
03:28so maybe later?
03:30It's just...
03:32I need...
03:34It's kind of urgent and I was hoping
03:36that I could... It's okay.
03:38Come with me now and I'll squeeze you in.
03:40Right, thank you.
03:58Thank you.
04:00Well, if you're looking at adding to your plate
04:02I'd hire you in a flash.
04:04Well, given I'm going to give this uni thing a go a while longer
04:06I probably don't have the time.
04:08Ah, what brought this on?
04:10I got a distinction on my last test
04:12and I
04:14might have told Remy I was doing the course.
04:16Oh, congratulations.
04:18Oh, she must be so stoked.
04:20Yeah, she's saying all the right things.
04:22Of course she is.
04:24But I still don't want to make a big deal out of it.
04:26So, what's
04:28with the butterfingers?
04:30Um, I just
04:32got a notification that the mentorship
04:34is going to be announced soon.
04:36Well, I'll keep everything crossed for you.
04:38Thank you.
04:40And I'd say the same, but
04:42I don't think you need the luck.
04:46So why do you think you're at risk for Hep B?
04:50a sexual partner
04:52told me that he has been exposed.
04:56He said that he's a vaccine non-responder
04:58or something like that.
05:00Yeah, that can happen in some people.
05:02The Hep B vaccine is highly effective.
05:04But there are some who just
05:06don't develop the antibodies for immunity.
05:08She said that if I'm not
05:10vaccinated there's a strong chance I could have it.
05:14Let's run through some questions.
05:16Ascertain your level of risk.
05:18Did you practice safe sex?
05:20Yes, we did.
05:22Do you know if you've been vaccinated?
05:24I've got no idea.
05:26I don't even know when I had my last tennis shot.
05:28It might have been
05:30when you were an infant.
05:32They rolled out the vaccine in 1986, but it wasn't common for some time after.
05:34Doesn't mean you won't.
05:36We'll just have to check.
05:38So if I'm vaccinated,
05:40then I'm fine, right?
05:42The risks are extremely low.
05:44And if I'm not?
05:46What does it mean?
05:48I know that it can affect your liver.
05:50Yeah, it can.
05:52The infection is either
05:54acute, comes on quickly
05:56and goes away fast, or
05:58chronic, which means it can develop over time
06:00and may get worse.
06:02How much worse?
06:04Chronic infections can end in
06:06cirrhosis, liver cancer
06:08or an extreme liver failure,
06:10but that is worst case scenario.
06:14How long until I can find out?
06:16It's not detectable
06:18in your system for 30 days.
06:20For 30 days?
06:22Unfortunately. But in the meantime, I will
06:24track down your immunisation history, see if we can't
06:26shed some light.
06:28Hey, I know this is hard advice
06:30to take, but try not to worry
06:32until we have all the information.
06:48Why didn't you tell me that
06:50Nell said she liked you? Why do you think?
06:52I don't know. It just made me look like an idiot.
06:54You are. I knew you were keen on Nell.
06:56That's exactly why I did it. You should have said something.
06:58Why? That would have just made you feel bad.
07:00Yeah, because I feel great now.
07:02Well, I didn't want to end up fighting about it like we are right now.
07:04Listen, I don't need your big brother on me.
07:06Just butt out of my life.
07:16I'm about to go on a break.
07:18Can I shout you a juice?
07:44Wow, someone's a bit jumpy.
07:46Yeah, sorry. What are you looking at?
07:48Must be exciting for you to be
07:50messaging on company time.
07:52No, it's not really.
07:54It's just a joke. I'm not
07:56putting my manager hat on.
07:58You know, everyone texts and serves.
08:00You know what? I'm going to get that.
08:02Great, thanks. That's table
08:04five. Thanks, Wendy.
08:20What are you doing here?
08:22Why are you at school?
08:24Boys are the worst.
08:28Yeah, well, I've heard that one before.
08:30I've even said it myself.
08:32So what happened?
08:34Well, I found out why Dex has been
08:36ghosting me. He and JJ
08:38have been fighting over me like I'm some
08:40sort of prize. Oh, Nell.
08:42And it's worse with JJ,
08:44because he knew I liked him and
08:46flat out told me he wasn't interested. I mean,
08:48who treats someone like that?
08:52Look, I don't
08:54know what JJ or Dex were thinking,
08:56but I do know that
08:58at this age, when you throw friendships
09:00and first crushes and brothers
09:02into the mix, it can get messy.
09:04Come in.
09:06Oh, I brought
09:08snacks. Oh, excellent.
09:12I'm going to go for a
09:16Is this a bad time to have
09:18our meeting? No, no, no.
09:20We've got to go over the resident recommendations and get
09:22back to Harold anyway. Come, sit down.
09:34The service is very
09:36terrible here. How about I speak to the manager, please?
09:40She probably wouldn't listen at the moment anyway, so.
09:42Oh, hey.
09:44What happened to the confident woman I left you earlier?
09:46Went out the window
09:48when she got the notification that
09:50the mentorship's going to be announced soon.
09:54I really, really, really want this.
09:56I know you do, babe.
09:58I just,
10:00I try not to imagine,
10:02you know, if I
10:04don't. But then I think of all these amazing
10:06opportunities I'd have, you know, the
10:08placements, mentors,
10:10contacts. I'd be able to
10:12show everyone that going back to uni,
10:14even at my age,
10:16totally worth it. Even me.
10:18I know how hard you've worked for this.
10:20It is going to be worth it.
10:24Friendly you all making the decision.
10:26I mean,
10:28the other unknown is apart from Parker,
10:30I don't even know who I'm up against.
10:32Or if I'm in with a shot.
10:34Those are the things that you can't
10:38All you need to do is be incredibly
10:40proud of yourself.
10:42Like I am.
10:44And if you don't get it,
10:46those judges better sleep with one eye open.
10:54Hey, Harry.
10:56I, um,
10:58I checked your immunisation
11:02There's no sign of a Hep B
11:04vaccination. There's nothing
11:06at all. I can only go back so far
11:08because you're not from Victoria.
11:10Could you contact your family GP and ask
11:12for your records? She died
11:14years ago. I don't even know what I would
11:16have done with them. So what does it
11:18now? I've just got to wait 30 days to find out
11:20if I'm infected?
11:22No, hang on. There is another option.
11:24Just your bandages. If you've been vaccinated
11:26they'll sharpen your bloodstream.
11:28And if they don't, I'm just back to square one?
11:30Why don't we take your bloods first
11:32before we accept the 30 days?
11:34If you can come by the hospital later
11:36I can take them in and run the
11:38test. Great, thanks Remi.
11:40It's okay.
11:48Thanks for agreeing to come back.
11:50Dexter's one with a problem.
11:52The point of this
11:54is for both of you to have your say without arguing.
11:56No one's a
11:58winner here. Not you two
12:00and definitely not Nell.
12:04You know how much
12:06I like Nell.
12:08And I was finally starting to think that we were getting
12:10to a place where she could see me as something
12:12more than just a friend.
12:14But then I
12:16found out she liked you first.
12:18It's like I'm second best.
12:22You made me feel like an idiot.
12:24I'm just so embarrassed. I never wanted that
12:26Dex. Let Dex finish.
12:28It's like the whole
12:30time you told me to go for it
12:32and you were just laughing behind my back.
12:36Well I never laughed at you.
12:38I never would.
12:40And I'm really sorry that I made you feel that way.
12:42I didn't say anything because I knew how
12:44much Nell meant to you.
12:46I don't get it. You like Nell too.
12:48Yeah. Yeah, but after all the
12:50stuff that we went through with Felix, with us
12:52fighting all the time and you getting poisoned,
12:54just stepping back from all that seems like the
12:56right thing to do. Plus Toadie
12:58likes you, not me.
13:00You sound human.
13:02I knew that if I told you the truth about
13:04Nell saying she likes me then you'd only be disappointed.
13:06I've done enough of that lately
13:08and I don't want to do it again.
13:12I hate fighting with you.
13:14Yeah, me too.
13:16It must have been weird for you, me asking
13:18for advice all the time.
13:20Yeah, it was only slightly more weird than you trolling online
13:22for it, but I just wanted you to be happy.
13:24This doesn't mean we get to hug it out though.
13:26Mm-mm, not in public.
13:30But what are we going to do about it now?
13:34I don't know.
13:44can you help get me out of my
13:46head, you know, tell me something, anything?
13:48Um, okay. Well, I would never
13:50work in the waterhole, no matter how much you paid me.
13:52Okay, well I really wouldn't hire you, so...
13:54Hey, what are you doing
13:56here anyway? I thought that you didn't have classes this
13:58summer. Oh, well, the mentorship
14:00has been posted today.
14:02Well, you know that online means that you can access
14:04that from anywhere. Yes, but
14:06being here at uni, where it's at, you know,
14:08it makes all the difference. Plus, I'm all about
14:10positivity, so, you know, it's
14:12practically, wow, look, it's oozing out of me.
14:14Well, I'm seeing some nerves,
14:16not positivity. Oh, well,
14:18potato, potato. I'm manifesting, and this is
14:20the best place to do it. Don't let me stop you.
14:24You know, I just, I want this so damn much.
14:28Oh my gosh.
14:30I think this is it. Check it.
14:32Oh no, I can't.
14:34Yeah, but I should. Yeah, yeah, okay. No.
14:36No, but should I? Oh my gosh.
14:38No, no, no. No, I, yeah, I should.
14:40No, no, no, okay. Manifest, manifest, manifest, manifest.
14:44The inaugural Gatsford mentorship
14:46goes to
14:48Wendy Rodwell.
14:52You're joking.
14:54You're not. Congratulations.
14:56I got, I got, I actually got in.
14:58I got in.
15:00I've never won anything based on academic hard
15:02work before. Oh my gosh, can you
15:04believe this?
15:06Oh my god.
15:08Well, I think we can
15:10agree on flexible hours for the hairdressers.
15:14Is there anything else?
15:16Yes, there's been a request for a ban on playing
15:18music after 6pm.
15:20Too late.
15:24What? No, that's
15:26extreme. Ridiculous. Great.
15:28Motion denied. I think Harold will get a kick out
15:30of telling Hilary that.
15:32Our work here is done. Great.
15:36did I walk in on something with Nell
15:38before? You haven't been yourself since I got here.
15:40She confided
15:42in me about something and I haven't
15:44mentioned it to Toadie.
15:46It's just not sitting well.
15:48Something serious?
15:50No, no, not really. It's just
15:52I know Toadie would have wanted to know
15:54but the problem is that if I tell him
15:56then I'm breaking Nell's trust
15:58and I've been there before with teenage girls
16:00and they have a long memory.
16:02I remember that only too well.
16:04I suppose
16:06if it's not life and death
16:08then keeping Nell's trust is probably the right thing
16:10to do. Unless you think that's
16:12going to cause a problem with Toadie.
16:14No, no, no,
16:16I don't think so.
16:18I mean, we're in such a good place
16:20at the moment, I just
16:22I just don't like keeping secrets
16:24from him.
16:30For you.
16:32The rest of the bunch is at home.
16:34I thought I'd do something a little different
16:36than last time I gave you flowers.
16:38Thank you.
16:40I'm so proud of you, honey.
16:42I knew you'd get that mentorship.
16:44Really? Because I thought you threatened
16:46the judges if they got the decision wrong.
16:48Nah, no threats.
16:50No need.
16:52You know, I never felt this way before.
16:54I did it all on my own.
16:58I know.
17:00You had some ages soul-searching
17:02before the story came out.
17:04And even though I know that me and Sadie
17:06make you happy, you needed something more.
17:12And now my cup is full.
17:38Take a seat.
17:44Can you roll your sleeves up for me, please?
17:48So how long until we get the results?
17:50Oh, it's only a few days.
17:54While you're waiting, it might be a good idea for you to lean
17:56on your family for support.
17:58No, they can't know about this.
18:00And you can't tell them, please.
18:02Oh, no, I won't. Anything we discuss is confidential.
18:06If you don't want to confide in them, maybe there's someone else.
18:08No, Remy, no one can know about this.
18:10This is just between me and you.
18:14Aaron, you're a consenting adult.
18:16There's nothing wrong with whatever
18:18you and your partner did.
18:20No, it wasn't like that, all right?
18:24It was Logan, and he is not my partner.
18:26And I do not want anyone
18:28knowing about this. Please.
18:30I won't say anything.
18:34If you need someone to talk to
18:36or you've got any questions, you can call me anytime, okay?
18:46We really stuffed up, didn't we?
18:48Big time, yep.
18:50I get you're trying to do the right thing by me.
18:52But none of us were thinking about Nell.
18:54Yeah. If mum knew about this,
18:56they'd rip into us.
18:58Well, I reckon we're doing a pretty good job of that ourselves.
19:00What do we do to fix this?
19:02Start with an apology?
19:04Yeah, because that worked really well last time.
19:06Maybe we should
19:08offer to do a
19:10chores for her?
19:12I don't think a bit of cleaning is going to cut it.
19:14Posties for life?
19:16Are you going to pay for that?
19:18I don't know. I'm out of ideas.
19:20What do you have?
19:22Well, I reckon it's not about the things
19:24that we give her, but how we treat her.
19:26Which has to be a lot better than what we already have.
19:38It's going to be hard when she doesn't want to be near either of us.
19:44Yes, of course
19:46we're going to be celebrating, Sadie.
19:48Oh, that sounds fabulous.
19:50Well, I'll hold you to it.
19:52Okay, see you then. Love you.
19:56Planning a big night
19:58to celebrate the mentorship?
20:00Can't. Still can't believe I got it.
20:04Did you
20:06apply? No.
20:08Why bother
20:10when it was a box ticking exercise?
20:12A what?
20:14To make the uni look
20:18Oh, okay.
20:20Well, I really didn't see it that way.
20:22I worked really hard on my application.
20:24It wouldn't have mattered if you did or not.
20:26It was a diversity PR stunt that
20:28you benefited from.
20:30Hey, Wendy won that mentorship
20:32on her own merit and for you to say otherwise
20:34is racist.
20:44Are you okay?
20:46Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
20:48It's just that wasn't necessary.
20:50You know, Heidi just had the
20:52wrong end of the stick.
20:54Yeah, well
20:56you go out and you celebrate
20:58that mentorship because
21:00you deserve it.
21:02I've got class.
21:12Coming up on Neighbours.
21:14Hello sexy.
21:18I don't agree.
21:20Just because our wedding happened quickly doesn't mean
21:22the things wouldn't have worked out.
21:24You don't get mentorship based on your merit.
21:26I really love that you think that
21:28but I don't.