'A Bureaucracy Out Of Control': Paul Gosar Calls Out Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  • 2 months ago
At a House Oversight Committee hearing last week, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) spoke about an EEOC ruling.

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00:00The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has decided on April 29, 2024, that its new
00:14sexual harassment guidance that most businesses with 15 or more employees must allow men in
00:19women's bathrooms or be in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
00:24Attorney General Burkitt, it's very good to see you again.
00:29What punishment would be meted out to a business that does not allow men into women's bathrooms?
00:35Under that guidance?
00:37Well, it could range from, first of all, there's the embarrassment factor of going through
00:44the process.
00:45There's the financial cost of going through a process if the EEOC was to bring charges.
00:51And depending on the circumstances, there could be fines.
00:56Now, would the same punishment apply to a business if a business refused to force its
01:00employees to use pronouns they're not comfortable with?
01:04Well, what we've said, and the opinion in Indiana is that there's no federal or state
01:09law that has this requirement.
01:12So what your question goes to is how far these unelected bureaucrats are going to go to try
01:18to use the law and the wedge they're putting into it and the liberties they're taking with
01:22it to inflict harm and confusion on the business community.
01:29You know, single sex spaces in businesses with employees, 15 or more, exist if the sexual
01:37harassment guidance stays in place.
01:39Well, they exist.
01:44I'm having trouble following that one, but if so, if you could
01:49It'd be very hard, wouldn't it, to be in compliance?
01:51Yeah, right.
01:53Mr. Berry, this EEO1 data, can you give me a little bit more information on how this
02:02data could be utilized and is actually in violation, address our concerns it's in violation
02:09of the law?
02:12So the EEO1 collection requires employers to classify their employees on the basis of
02:17race, put people in these identity politics categories.
02:21The issue here is that unless there is particularized evidence of suspicion of discrimination, the
02:27EEO1 aggravates, raises unnecessarily the salience of race.
02:34And this is in direct contravention to what the first Justice Harlan said.
02:38In Plessy v. Ferguson, his dissent vindicated in Brown v. Board of Education, Justice Harlan
02:44said, quote, we should not permit any public authority to know the race of, unquote, any
02:52American citizen.
02:54That colorblindness is exactly what our Constitution requires, and that is indeed the value we
02:59ought to be upholding.
03:00Isn't that the whole premise of the lady justice?
03:04She's blindfolded, she holds a set of scales and a sword.
03:07Isn't that the same kind of principle?
03:10No respecter of persons.
03:11Well, you know, pretty interesting.
03:14Now, the Supreme Court ruled in Bostock v. Clayton County that a male employee cannot
03:21be fired just because he thinks he is a woman.
03:24That is an egregious decision on his face.
03:26However, you mentioned in your testimony, Ms. Stepman, that the court did not, and this
03:31is the words of the court, quote, purport to address bathrooms, locker rooms, or anything
03:37else of that kind, end of quote.
03:39Is the EOC directly violating the Supreme Court?
03:43It's going much further than Bostock does, and it is violating the plain text meaning
03:48of Title VII.
03:49And so really, it's a promotion by a bureaucracy out of control.
03:55Exactly so.
03:56This didn't even go through the APA rulemaking process.
03:59So when Kim Gardner refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, she was jailed.
04:03Earlier this year, she was just ordered to pay a gay couple that she would not pretend
04:08to marry for $260,000.
04:12Why am I not holding my breath that the EOC officials will be held in the same account
04:16as Kim Gardner?
04:17I'm sorry.
04:18I'm partially deaf, so it's difficult for me to understand.
04:23I'm sorry.
04:24Let's try it one more time.
04:26When Kim Gardner refused to grant marriage licenses to a gay couple, she was jailed.
04:34Earlier this year, she was just ordered to pay a gay couple.
04:37She would not pretend to marry for $260,000.
04:42Why am I not holding my breath that the EOC officials will be held in the same account
04:46as Ms. Gardner?
04:48I'm not holding my breath either, but they are equally beyond their mandate.
04:53They're operating as unelected officials, remember.
04:57They don't have to stand before the American people.
04:59Again, this body, if it wanted to, could add gender identity to Title VII.
05:04It declined to do so, and now bureaucrats who are unelected are taking that power for
