The IMF’s Top 10 Biggest Debtors _ Biggest Debtors _ IMF _ Top 10 _ Outstanding Loans,

  • 2 months ago
The IMF’s Top 10 Biggest Debtors | Biggest Debtors | IMF | Top 10 | Outstanding Loans

As of April 2, 2024, the IMF had an outstanding loan portfolio of $149 billion (112.9 billion Special Drawing Rights or SDRs), reflecting recent bailouts for struggling developing economies. The SDR value on this date was $1.321. Despite 94 countries owing the IMF money, the top 10 biggest debtors account for 68.8% of the total outstanding debt.

1- Argentina: The Biggest Debtors - $149 billion
2- Egypt: 2nd Largest Debtor - $14.9 billion
3- Ukraine: 3rd Biggest Debtors - $12 billion
4– Pakistan - $7.72 billion
5- Ecuador - $7.69 billion
6- Colombia - $4.3 billion
7- Angola: IMF Credit Outstanding: $3.079 billion
8- Kenya: IMF Credit Outstanding: $2.566 billion
9- Ghana: IMF Credit Outstanding: $2.055 billion
10- South Africa: IMF Credit Outstanding: $1.940 billion

Argentina, IMF Biggest Debtors, Egypt, IMF 2nd Largest Debtor, Ukraine, IMF 3rd Biggest Debtor, Pakistan, IMF 4th Biggest Debtor, Ecuador, IMF 5th Biggest Debtor, Colombia, IMF 6th Biggest Debtor, Angola, IMF 7th Credit Outstanding, Kenya, IMF 8th Credit Outstanding, Ghana, IMF 9th Credit Outstanding, South Africa, 10th IMF Credit Outstanding, IMF, Loans, International Monetary Fund, Wise Lancer, wiselancer,
