
  • 2 months ago
00:00If you like this video, please subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon so that our daily videos reach you.
00:14No matter how tall and strong a tree is, if it is cut off from the soil, it will die.
00:24Similarly, if a person leaves humility, then his heights end.
00:31Your difficulties and their solutions are as far as the distance between your forehead and the place of prostration.
00:42If there is no love in the burden, it is undoubtedly of a day, it is unbearable.
00:51Just as you love your parents, your children will love you.
01:00At three places, you are always waiting.
01:05When you go out of the house, your mother waits for you.
01:11When life comes, the grave waits for you from that time.
01:18And the most awaited sin is yours. God forgives you.
01:26When you feel that you have no one, look at the sky.
01:32There is one who has always been yours and will always be.
01:38A man is one from whom others benefit, otherwise he is a stone.