The END to 14 Years of Career Stagnation, Limitation & Disappointment!

  • 2 months ago
Muzi from South Africa struggled to provide for his family after 14 long years of stagnation, characterised by delay and disappointment. After joining the Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris, he received instant healing from a persistent cough, quickly followed by a wonderful breakthrough in his career!

"I speak to that mountain that stands between you and and divine breakthrough, between you and your destined job - BE REMOVED, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!" - Brother Chris

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00:00I speak to that mountain, that mountain that stands between you and divine breakthrough,
00:09between you and your destined job.
00:11I say to that mountain, be removed right now!
00:16Be removed in Jesus' mighty name!
00:20My name is Muzi from South Africa.
00:24I'm here with my son.
00:26At the beginning of the month of December in 2023, I suffered a severe cough.
00:33It was so extreme that I had also some body pains.
00:39Normally when I feel such, I used to take the medication.
00:45After taking the medication, it normally takes me three days.
00:49Then I will be recovered of the flu symptoms and the body pains.
00:55The running nose.
00:57And it happened that lasted for two weeks.
01:01Then I decided to write to God's Heart TV, asking for the opportunity to be prayed for.
01:10So in the middle of December, I wrote my request, the prayer request.
01:19Then I waited for the first Saturday of the month of January, which is this year, 2024.
01:27During that prayer service on the 6th of January, 2024, I joined the prayer.
01:34By the time Brother Chris was praying for us, he asked us to touch our bodies where we feel the pain.
01:41So at that time, while he was praying for us, I touched my chest with my both hands.
01:47So after that, I coughed the poisonous substance.
01:51It was a white substance that I coughed out.
01:55So that cough lasted about 10 minutes.
01:58Then after that, I felt relieved.
02:00Then we continued with the prayers until it was finished.
02:05So after that, I slept.
02:08Then in the morning, the next morning, I started to feel that now I am relieved from this mucus
02:15and from this chest pain and the severe coughing.
02:19It's only on Monday, the following week, that I felt myself that I'm completely healed.
02:25So without taking the medication, and this I can say, I was sleeping in less than 48 hours.
02:34So I really thank God for his intervention on my health.
02:40I'm very much happy and I'm cleared.
02:43I can even demonstrate that I can breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply.
02:50So yes, I'm cleared and I really thank God for his intervention.
02:56My second testimony, it happened on the very same service that we had on the Interactive Prayer Service
03:06with God's Heart TV and Brother Chris on the 6th of January, 2024, this year.
03:13For the past 14 years, I couldn't find work of my qualifications and of my passion,
03:20which is in civil engineering as well as in construction.
03:24So for the past years, I used to get contracts of the maximum of three years in one company.
03:31Then it expired and I had to go for searching for work again and getting other ones,
03:39maybe for one year or two year contract.
03:41And that affected me a lot because of that, I couldn't support well my family.
03:49I couldn't be the father and the husband to my wife as well as the breadwinner to my siblings.
03:56As I've mentioned that after the prayer, after myself working on that service,
04:02we continue with the other prayers.
04:04Then after that, in a space of two weeks, I got an encouragement that now I can,
04:11let me just make the phone calls to business people that I know.
04:17That encouragement from the Holy Spirit led me to phone one owner of the big construction company
04:26in my country here, South Africa.
04:28That owner scheduled a meeting with me on the 29th of January,
04:35of which I went to meet with him during that meeting.
04:41He asked me if I can elaborate how can I help his company.
04:45So we discussed that and I told him my experience, my qualifications,
04:54as well as how can I help the company.
04:57Instantly, this construction company owner told me that no, it's fine.
05:03He is happy about my presentation of the job description
05:07and everything that I would like to help him with.
05:13So now he told me that in the month of February and in the month of March,
05:18they will be organizing the resources for me so that on the 1st of April,
05:23I will be starting to work for them.
05:25I was so glad. He offered me a permanent job.
05:30As I've mentioned that I've got an encouragement from the Holy Spirit to ask him for a job.
05:39There was no post in that company. There was no post that has been advertised.
05:45On the 3rd of April, I started on my new work.
05:50Currently, I'm running a project which will still last for the next 12 years.
05:55Even after that project, the big project that I'm running right now,
06:00I will still have other opportunities with the same company.
06:04And I'm also working on finding another project within this company.
06:11So I'm really, really glad of what God has done for me,
06:16for my family, as well as for my siblings.
06:20I'm very delighted because, you know, after the prayer service with Brother Chris
06:25and on God's Heart TV, the encouragement only came there for me to phone these people.
06:31Because even though it was not the first time for me,
06:34phoning people asking for the favors, I used to do that.
06:38But it was to no avail.
06:42So this time, because God has intervened and the encouragement to phone the company owner,
06:50I got it from the Holy Spirit.
06:52So I was able to bear the fruits and to have the job, permanent job, after the past 14 years.
07:00And I'm glad that come the month end of April, then I will have my salary,
07:06of which I will be able now to support my family and to support my extended family.
07:13My advice is that the Word of God is telling us that,
07:19they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
07:24They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary.
07:29So let us all put our faith in God.
07:32God has intervened in my situation, which has lasted for the past 14 years.
07:39So I believe that even in all our situation,
07:43if we allow God to work us and let us be patient and wait for the Lord,
07:50God is always having the good promises for us.
07:54And He's always willing to intervene in every affair of our lives.
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