This TESTIMONY Will Encourage STUDENTS!!!

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Despite her initial academic struggles and fears, Florence - a nursing student in Zambia - excelled in her exams after being strengthened in faith by joining Interactive Prayer Services on God's Heart TV, with the encouragement of her mother! We believe the testimony of academic breakthrough will encourage you to study as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on God.

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00:00My mother introduced me to God's Heart TV.
00:04She told me to say she has been seeing a lot of testimonies
00:08and she was so certain that I will also testify.
00:13Enough is enough today.
00:17I say right now,
00:19every appointment with disappointments in your career,
00:26in your finances, in your business,
00:29be cancelled in the name of Jesus Christ!
00:33Be cancelled in the name of Jesus Christ!
00:37Be cancelled!
00:40My name is Florence Msonda from Zambia.
00:44Last year, that was November,
00:47I really had challenges with my studies.
00:50I was doing my Bachelor's Science degree in AC
00:55and that was my final year.
00:57So I had a lot to study and a few times to prepare for my exams.
01:03So I was really scared.
01:05In that period, that was November,
01:07I was also preparing for my final exam.
01:10And the fear that I had within me,
01:14because I was so scared to say,
01:15maybe I might not make it with good grades,
01:18and I started calling mom so that she can help me pray.
01:22That's how my mother introduced me to God's Heart TV.
01:28And she told me to say she has been seeing a lot of testimonies
01:34and she was so certain that I will also testify.
01:38So she encouraged me to search for it on Facebook as well as YouTube.
01:43That's how I started connecting from YouTube.
01:47I would watch live sessions.
01:50I continued praying, praying using YouTube.
01:55And also I sent a prayer request to God's Heart TV
01:59so that I can be part of the interactive prayer session.
02:02The time came for exams.
02:05The exam was quite hard,
02:06but I managed to pass with very good grades in my final year.
02:12And to the glory of God,
02:13I managed to complete my studies for Bachelor's Science in AC.
02:18And my results came out in December.
02:21Immediately after my results came out,
02:24I was supposed to write my licensure exam
02:28so that I can now practice as an ace,
02:30so that I can be licensed.
02:32Here we have four sessions.
02:34You can write in March, May, August, and November.
02:39I decided that I will write in March
02:41so that I can also write other exams
02:44or prepare for other career opportunities in future as early as I can.
02:49With that in mind,
02:50I had little time with me
02:52so that I can prepare for this major exam
02:55so that I can be licensed.
02:56And with everyone around me,
02:59my friends were discouraging me,
03:00no, you can't prepare for this exam.
03:03The time is not enough.
03:04You need a lot of time to study.
03:07With that, again, I started feeling as if I can't make it.
03:10I was really scared.
03:12Again, I went back to mom.
03:13She was like, no, the same way God did it for you in the beginning
03:18is the same way He's going to do it for you.
03:21Just continue praying and continue connecting to God's activity.
03:26In December, I took part in the interactive prayer sessions.
03:30My heart was calm.
03:32Despite the negative comments that I was receiving from my friends,
03:37I stayed focused and continued preparing for the exam.
03:41And during the prayer interactive sessions,
03:44I would feel the conviction within my heart to say,
03:48I'm going to make it.
03:50Even when Brother Chris would mention to say,
03:53those preparing for exams, for career progression,
03:56I was just believing in God to say,
03:59indeed, I'm going to make this progress,
04:02despite the negative comments that I was getting from my friends and everyone else.
04:07So the time came for my exams.
04:10Actually, in the morning, on my way, I got sick.
04:13My friends were now worried,
04:14are you going to manage to write on the exam?
04:17The God who has started this in me was going to put it into competition.
04:21I went outside.
04:23We entered the exam room.
04:25Before I started writing,
04:27I prayed and told God to say,
04:29God, whatever I'm going to write in this exam,
04:32you are the one who's going to write it.
04:34That's how I started writing.
04:36I wrote until we finished the exam.
04:39The theory part was March 19th, this year, 2024.
04:45Then the practical was on 21st March this year.
04:49On 3rd May, the results came out.
04:53And on that day, that was my graduation day.
04:56I graduated, that was around 10 a.m. in the morning.
04:59I have my certificates here.
05:01During the time I was trying to get back home,
05:05that was after the graduation,
05:07I received an email to say,
05:10congratulations, you have passed.
05:13So I passed the licensure exam that I sought for,
05:18as well as graduating on the same day.
05:20Out of the 233 people that sat for these exams,
05:24I was among the 58 that passed.
05:26So it was indeed the grace of God that did it for me.
05:30So this is the certificate of licensure,
05:33the same exam that I wrote.
05:37And this is my degree that I got
05:41after I wrote my exams in November last year.
05:46And this is now my practicing license that I got.
05:51I would love to encourage everyone
05:54not to let our colleagues to define our future
05:58or what we need to do at that particular time.
06:01Let's surrender everything in God's hands
06:04because during the interactive prayer sessions
06:07with Brother Chris,
06:08I would feel it to say I would definitely do it.
06:10So don't let other people define you.
06:14Let God define your future.
06:16Let God have a way in your life.
06:19Let God be the center of your life.
06:21Just put everything in God's hands
06:23and continue joining the interactive prayer sessions.
