• 5 months ago
In remarks on the House floor last week, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spoke about her amendment to prohibit funding for USAID for International Development.

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00:00It is now in order to consider amendment number 20 printed in part B of House
00:07report 118-559. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from Georgia seek
00:12recognition? Mr. Speaker I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will
00:16designate the amendment. Number 20 printed in part B of House report number
00:20118-559 offered by Miss Green of Georgia. Pursuant to House
00:26resolution 1316 the gentlewoman from Georgia Miss Green and a member opposed
00:30will each control five minutes. The chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from
00:34Georgia. Thank you Mr. Speaker. The American people are over thirty four
00:38point five trillion dollars in debt thanks to the decisions made here in
00:43Washington DC. My amendment would prohibit 1.6 billion of funding for the
00:49United States Agency for International Development USAID which sends billions
00:55of American taxpayer dollars every single year to foreign nations across
01:00the world. USAID was responsible for the management of more than 40 billion in
01:06combined annual appropriations in fiscal year of 2022 representing more than one
01:12third of the funds provided in the Department of State foreign operations
01:16and related programs appropriation bill. Imagine if this money went to Americans
01:23who by the way are paying for it instead of foreign countries. Maybe we
01:27could solve some of the problems we have here at home. That year USAID provided
01:32assistance to over 130 foreign countries. The top countries that received money
01:38from most to least were Ukraine, Ethiopia, Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia,
01:46Nigeria, Afghanistan, the Congo, Syria, and Sudan. Among the wasteful things USAID
01:53has funded in recent years under Samantha Power's tenure by the way are
01:58programs like 385 million dreams initiative determined resilient
02:05empowered AIDS free mentored and safe. A program under PEPFAR which aims to
02:11reduce rates of HIV among adolescent girls around the world. We certainly care
02:17about girls around the world but we really care about our American taxpayers
02:21helping Americans at home. Dreams has provided millions of girls with family
02:27planning, counseling, contraceptives, and referrals. In 2022 more than 275,000 sex
02:35workers and many others around the world received HIV medication from USAID.
02:42Again the American people are over 34.5 trillion dollars in debt and 300
02:50Americans die every single day from fentanyl poisoning. USAID also implements
02:56programs that identify and respond to the unique needs of women, men, girls, boys,
03:02and those of other gender identities. By the way there aren't any there's only
03:07two. Of all ages and abilities in their diversity so they can equally access and
03:13use HIV prevention and treatment services, protect themselves, protect
03:18protect healthy behaviors, exercise their rights, and live free from violence,
03:23stigma, and discrimination. I think Americans here would like to live free
03:27from violence but again our border is overrun. Since 2014 USAID has led the
03:35coordination and implementation of PEPFAR's sustainable financing initiative.
03:40PEPFAR by the way is receiving over five billion dollars in funding from the
03:46American people. With investments of 48 million the USAID led SFI
03:53generated more than 361 million of domestic resources for HIV across 16
03:59countries and two regional programs over six years. In Tanzania USAID helped
04:05access 7.8 million in private sector financing for private clinics. This
04:10investment resulted in 35% increase in HIV testing and over 10,000
04:17patients tested and 100% of positive patients linked to care. In Nigeria
04:22USAID engaged in private pharmacies to provide HIV treatment. Meanwhile the
04:28fentanyl drug crisis continues to rage across America but we continue to fund
04:33USAID with billions of dollars to address AIDS and other diseases all over
04:39the world. We should be caring about Americans and we should be funding the
04:44treatment for Americans here at home from a weapon of mass destruction that
04:49is murdering Americans every single day. The American tax people are funding this
04:54and the American tax people want their problems solved. They want Americans
04:59protected. They want to feel safe and secure at home not to be the piggy bank
05:05of the world which is what USAID is. Mr. Speaker I reserve. Gentleman from Georgia
05:12reserves. What purpose does gentlewoman from California seek recognition? Mr.
05:15Chairman I claim the time in opposition. Gentleman from California is recognized
05:19for five minutes. Mr. Chairman I rise in strong opposition to this amendment. The
05:25United States Agency for International Development is essential to global
05:29stability asserting the United States leadership and foreign policy influence
05:34advancing security and prosperity worldwide. USAID is the leader of the
05:40United States global humanitarian and development work ensuring strong
05:45stewardship and accountability of US tax dollars and making tangible improvements
05:51in the lives of millions of people all around the world. This
05:56amendment would force USAID to close all of its missions and terminate its
06:01programs overseas. It's highly ironic that the Department of Defense that this
06:08Congress cannot seem to give enough money to would be the first people to
06:12decry the loss of these programs in building security and stability around
06:17the world. Without USAID millions of children with malaria would go untreated
06:22and hundreds of thousands of people would die of tuberculosis. Without USAID
06:28millions of the most vulnerable people in the world would be hungrier as well
06:32as lose access to quality education and clean water. USAID teams are working day
06:38and night to address catastrophic humanitarian crises in Gaza, Ukraine,
06:44Sudan and beyond and continued battering from a growing number of natural
06:50disasters during this particularly strong El Nino. This has led to a number
06:55of people requiring humanitarian assistance to increase by nearly a third
06:59from 274 million in 2022 to 363 million at the end of 2023. With regard to PEPFAR
07:09yes I was the author of PEPFAR and worked with Republicans primarily
07:14President Bush to make sure that the United States was on the right side of
07:20history by just basically saving lives. We've saved over 25 million lives thanks
07:25to PEPFAR and I think that's a real testament to how it was in the past in
07:33this House of Representatives where Democrats and Republicans worked
07:36together to save lives and I'm very proud of that effort and I know that
07:41this amendment would harm that effort to achieve an AIDS-free generation by
07:472030. It's harmful. We must not reduce our development and humanitarian efforts.
07:54We wouldn't be able to counter the PRC's influence, Russia. What we're doing is
08:01opening the door for their expanded global influence also if that's all you
08:06care about. So I urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment and I reserve the
08:11balance of my time. From California Reserves, gentlewoman from Georgia is
08:15recognized. Mr. Speaker how much time do I have remaining? Gentlewoman from Georgia
08:19has 30 seconds remaining. Thank you Mr. Speaker. I'd also like to tell the House
08:24that USAID has been an arm of the Democrat Party. 96% of all
08:31political contributions from USAID employees go to the Democrat Party
08:36candidates or PACs. Also just months before the national elections over
08:411,000 USAID staff issued a statement echoing Democrat talking points. Here's
08:48the issue. Our government is not a charity and the American people are the
08:53most generous people in the world sending unknown amounts of money
08:57constantly to every cause to save people's lives. I urge the House to ask
09:02my amendment, support our country, America first, and with that I yield.
09:07Gentlewoman's time has expired. The gentlewoman from California is
09:11recognized. Yeah Mr. Chairman, let me just say that I realize the United States is
09:17not a charity but I believe there are many in this country that believe we are
09:22brothers keepers, we are sisters keepers, and we have a duty to those less
09:27fortunate and in fact USAID is providing remarkable humanitarian assistance to
09:34those who need the United States generosity and support. I ask for a no
09:40vote on this amendment and I yield back the balance of my time. Gentlewoman from
09:44California yields back. The question is on the amendment offered by the
09:47gentlewoman from Georgia. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the
09:55opinion of the chair the noes have it. The amendment is not agreed to. For what
09:59purpose does the gentlewoman from Georgia seek recognition? I ask for a recorded vote.
10:03Recorded vote has been requested but pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18 further
10:08proceedings on the amendment by the gentlewoman from Georgia will be
