• last year
लोकसभा में राष्ट्रपति के अभिभाषण पर धन्यवाद प्रस्ताव पर हुई चर्चा का जवाब देते हुए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा कि कांग्रेस के इतिहास में ये तीसरी सबसे खराब हार है। अच्छा होता कांग्रेस आत्ममंथन करती लेकिन ये तो शीर्षासन करने में लगे हुए हैं। हिंदुस्तानियों के मन में ये भावना डाली जा रही है की उन्होंने हमे हरा दिया है। कोई छोटा बच्चा साइकिल से गिर जाता है तो वो रोने लगता है। लोग उसका मनोबल बढ़ाने के लिए कहते हैं की देखो चींटी मर गई, चिड़िया उड़ गई, अरे तुम तो बड़ी अच्छी साइकिल चलाते हो। ऐसा करके देश में एक बच्चे का मन बहलाने का काम चल रहा हैं।

#Loksabha #ParliamentSession #PMNarendraModi #rahulgandhi #LokSabhaSpeaker #PMMODIVSRahulGandhi #pmmodispeech


00:00In the history of Congress, this is the third biggest defeat, the third worst performance.
00:19It would have been better if Congress had accepted its defeat.
00:27It would have bowed down to the orders of the people.
00:34It would have bowed down to the orders of the people.
00:37But they are busy in some administration.
00:42And Congress and its ecosystem is burning electricity day and night
00:55They are trying to convince the citizens of India that they have defeated them.
01:14Why is this happening?
01:25I will tell you from my ordinary life experience.
01:29If a small child takes out his bicycle and falls down,
01:44and starts crying,
01:47then a big person comes to him and tells him,
01:52Look, the ant has died.
01:55Look, the bird has flown away.
01:58Look, you ride your bicycle very well.
02:02You have not fallen.
02:05By doing this, they try to fix his mind.
02:13By distracting his attention, they distract his mind.
02:20So these days, they are trying to distract the child's mind.
