Gigglish Allsorts - If the Cap Fits - Series 8

  • 3 months ago


00:00Iglish Allsucks!
00:02What's happening today?
00:05Iglish Allsucks!
00:08Who's coming out to play?
00:10There's Jiffy and JJ and Bonzo and Box!
00:13Is everybody here?
00:15Oh, there's someone we forgot!
00:17Iglish Allsucks!
00:19Hey, Moldy!
00:20Is someone calling me?
00:22Are you ready? Steady?
00:241, 2, 3, Iglish!
00:35This is it.
00:37This is what?
00:39Oh, this!
00:40Jiffy's Spectacular Hat Collection!
00:44Yeah, well, I might have known it'd be something stupid.
00:46What do you mean? These are brilliant!
00:49Oh, look, remember this one, you see?
00:51Now, I got that from a Christmas cracker.
00:53I know! We could use them to tell Box a story!
00:57Great idea! Yeah, go on, JJ, go on!
01:00Right, um...
01:02Let me see.
01:05Here we are.
01:10Once upon a time...
01:14There was a king, you see?
01:17Crown? King!
01:19There was a king who was so rich
01:22that the walls of his palace were made of solid gold
01:26and twice a week or so we're told...
01:30he would, um...
01:33order the royal band to play.
01:40But one day, um...
01:42the king said...
01:44I'm sick of this oom-pah-pah!
01:47I'm going out to sing a sweet song.
01:49So the servants look hard and long and, uh...
01:54Oh, um...
01:57The chef...
02:00sang a song
02:02about the kitchens and the food.
02:06Mwah, mwah, mwah!
02:07They'll shut the bowls, oh, my delight!
02:10But it wasn't very good.
02:12And at last the king declared...
02:15I'm sick of hearing these dreadful sounds!
02:17To find the best singer that's around
02:19we'll have a competition in the castle grounds
02:22and the prize will be...
02:25ten thousand pounds!
02:28Then what happened?
02:29Use that one! Use that one!
02:30What? This one, what?
02:32Right, OK.
02:37Far away, on the other side of the kingdom
02:41lived a man called Ned
02:43who would go bright red
02:45if people passed him by
02:47because he was very shy.
02:49And he lived in a town called Puddle Underlife
02:56it rained all the time
02:59and the rain ran down the walls
03:02like waterfalls
03:05and dripped on the heads of all the people in their beds.
03:09And in this town
03:10they heard about the king and the competition he had planned
03:13and the mayor of the town said...
03:20Hey, that's grand!
03:22Our Ned can sing
03:24and if he's heard by the king
03:26he's bound to win, we bet!
03:28And with ten thousand pounds, said the mayor
03:32we can mend our houses and not get wet.
03:35But they'd all forgotten
03:38Ned couldn't sing in front of folks.
03:41And the reason why?
03:43He was very, very shy.
03:47In the morning, a limousine made of gold came rolling by
03:51and stopped outside Ned's house
03:53beep, beep, beep
03:54to pick Ned up and take him to the palace.
03:57Oh my, said Ned, I'll be so embarrassed
04:01and he began to cry.
04:03I can't sing in front of folk, said Ned
04:07I can open my mouth but no sound comes out
04:10if there are people about.
04:12Everyone looked glum
04:14and some were quite annoyed.
04:17But then the old ruler of the town
04:20who was very old and wise
04:22came forward through the crowd and said
04:24Ned will sing, my dear
04:26I have the very thing right here
04:29and she reached into her lap and pulled out a...
04:33A baseball cap!
04:35It's special, said the old woman with a wink
04:40whoever wears it will sing like a bird
04:43no matter who's around.
04:46Can I try it? asked Ned
04:49and he put it on his head
04:53and everyone was staring
04:55because the cap that he was wearing
04:57was precisely as the woman had said.
05:00Ned opened his mouth and sweet singing came out
05:03and floated in the air.
05:07Quick, put him in care, said the mayor
05:10the boy can sing.
05:12Now take him to the king.
05:15The two best singers in the land
05:18are Ferdinand from the outer reaches of Bologna
05:22and this scruffy looking chap from the town of Puddle-under-Lyme
05:25which I believe is in Anchovia
05:27so I will choose between these two
05:29and they will sing one final song.
05:33Well, Ferdinand sang first
05:39Ahem, ahem, ahem
05:42then he opened up his mouth
05:44and gave a burst of laboem
05:49and after that the people all looked around for Ned
05:52but Ned wasn't there.
05:55Well, backstage there was panic.
05:58What's the matter, said the mayor?
06:00What's the matter, said the people?
06:03Why doesn't he appear?
06:05I'm looking for my cap, said Ned
06:08but it's just not here.
06:10That's it then, said the mayor, we've lost.
06:13The boy's too scared to sing without his magic cap
06:15we're beaten fair and square.
06:17But then Ned said
06:19Wait, I'll go out there
06:21I'll go out, cap or no
06:24and he took a big breath
06:26and he walked towards the stage
06:30Oh, I'm so frightened, he thought
06:32I'll probably go wrong
06:34but I must try to sing
06:36and he sang this song.
06:44Standing on your own two feet
06:47can be a fright, I know
06:51but once you start
06:56it's amazing how your courage grows
07:00if you're sure that what you're up to
07:03is the proper thing to do
07:06then bit by bit
07:09the strength you need
07:12will start to build inside of you
07:15and you'll begin to sing.
07:22And me, nothing can get to me now
07:24I'm looking good, I'm looking good
07:27life won't look so gloomy now
07:30I'm out of the woods
07:33I may not have a magic cap
07:36but I have friends who care
07:39I know that I'm not on my own
07:42when I look out there
07:44and see everybody cheering me everywhere
07:48I won't let them down
07:52I'll win the prize and rebuild our little town
07:56no more leaky rooftops
08:02He's going to win first prize
08:06I collect ten thousand pounds
08:09He's going to win first prize
08:13And nothing's going to stop me now
08:27And you know the rest?
08:28Yes, you've guessed.
08:30Yeah, Ned won the contest!