Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar of the Rajya Sabha admonished Congress MP Mallikarjun Kharge during a session in Delhi, expressing dismay over perceived disrespect towards the chair. Dhankhar criticized Kharge for allegedly disregarding parliamentary decorum and speaking out without comprehending the context. He emphasized the unprecedented nature of the perceived disrespect towards the chair in the history of Indian parliamentary democracy and Rajya Sabha proceedings. Dhankhar urged Kharge to reflect on his actions, suggesting that his dignity had been compromised on multiple occasions, despite Dhankhar's efforts to uphold it.
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#JagdeepDhankhar #MallikarjunKharge #JagdeepDhankharvsMallikarjunKharge #JagdeepDhankharMallikarjunKhargeHeatedExchange #JagdeepDhankarSlamsKharge #RajyaSabha #ParliamentaryDebate #ChairDisrespect #IndianPolitics #ParliamentaryDemocracy #DignityOfOffice #PoliticalEtiquette #DebateSession #DelhiPolitics #ParliamentaryProtocol #RespectTheChair #DhankarVsKharge #PoliticalDiscourse
00:00You cannot every time run down the chair, you cannot every time show disrespect to the chair.
00:06Never, Khadgeji, in the history of parliamentary democracy and Rajya Sabha proceedings there has been such disregard of the chair as from you.
00:18The one who made me is sitting here, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.
00:23Neither Ramesh nor you can make me, the people made me.
00:29Khadgeji, Khadgeji, I don't want to come to that level.
00:37Listen to me carefully.
00:40Listen to me carefully.
00:47No, no, listen, listen, listen.
00:50No, no, no, sit, sit.
00:52You cannot every time run down the chair, you cannot every time show disrespect to the chair.
00:59You suddenly stand up and say anything, you don't even understand what I am saying.
01:06Never, never in the history of this country, never, Khadgeji, in the history of parliamentary democracy and Rajya Sabha proceedings there has been such disregard of the chair as from you.
01:22You are forcing me.
01:24And I have said so on a number of occasions.
01:27You take it in a manner which is wrong.
01:33No, please.
01:36I have a lot of patience.
01:39I have a lot of patience.
01:41I can drink blood.
01:43I have tolerated so much.
01:48I have tolerated so much.
01:51And you suddenly stand up and say, Khadgeji, you know who made you.
02:00I raised a small issue.
02:02Chidambaramji, please don't do it.
02:05I raised a small issue.
02:07How did you twist it?
02:11Even I feel pain.
02:14So much pain.
02:15No, no, again.
02:17Again there is a 24 into 7 functional person.
02:22And it is not like that, Khadgeji.
02:26So many occasions have come when your reputation has been pushed back so much.
02:33I have seen it.
02:35I have tried to save your reputation.
02:38And you are humiliating me.
02:41How terrible was yesterday.
02:44You expressed regret.
02:46It was good.
02:47Sir, don't do this.
02:49I am a simple man.
02:51I bow and walk.
02:53I want to bow as much as I can.
02:56It is okay if someone says that I bow more.
02:59But this should not happen.