BAHRAIN The Most Racially Discriminatory And Dangerous

  • 3 months ago
00:00Yo, what is up everybody, it's your boy Gene and we are live from Bahrain.
00:07I'm so stoked to be here finally after months of planning.
00:12Over the next few days we're going to dive deep into the heart of Bahrain exploring its
00:16hidden gems, the weird, the wonderful, the stuff you won't find in your typical travel
00:21We're talking ancient mysteries, cultural quirks and maybe, just maybe, we'll try some
00:25camel burger.
00:26But before we get ahead of ourselves, do me a solid and smash that subscribe button, it
00:30really helps out the channel.
00:35Alright, first up we're kicking things off with a straight up enigma, the tree of life.
00:39Picture this, miles and miles of arid desert scorching sun and bam, right in the middle
00:44of it all, this massive, majestic tree just thriving.
00:49It's been standing here for centuries, no one knows how it survives with zero water
00:53source, it's like something out of a movie.
00:55Little legend has it this bad boy is guarded by the spirits of ancient travelers, which
00:59honestly makes it even cooler.
01:01People come from all over the world to see this thing, to touch its bark, to feel that
01:05energy, man.
01:06It's like a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of nature.
01:10Seeing the tree of life from above, this lone warrior in a sea of sand, it just hits different.
01:15It's a moment I won't forget and hopefully you won't either.
01:20So, we're cruising through the streets of Muharraq, and I gotta say, the architecture
01:27here is wild.
01:28We're talking traditional Bahraini houses built from coral stone, with these intricate
01:33wind towers that look like they belong in a fairy tale.
01:37These wind towers, they're not just for show, they're actually genius.
01:40They create natural ventilation, keeping the houses cool in this intense desert heat.
01:46It's ancient air conditioning, people, and it works like a charm.
01:50I'm talking centuries old technology that puts our modern AC units to shame.
01:56Walking through these narrow alleyways, it's like stepping back in time.
02:00You can almost hear the echoes of generations past, feel the history seeping out of the
02:09Alright guys, buckle up because we're about to dive into some serious history, literally.
02:13For centuries, Bahrain was known as the pearl capital of the world.
02:17I'm talking about the highest quality pearls, coveted by royalty and the ultra wealthy.
02:22These pearls weren't just handed over, oh no, they were brought up from the depths by
02:26brave divers who risked their lives in the Persian Gulf.
02:30We're talking no scuba gear, no fancy equipment, just lung power, a weighted rope, and a whole
02:34lot of guts.
02:36These guys would free dive down to depths of over 30 feet, holding their breath for
02:40minutes at a time, to search for oysters that might contain the precious pearls.
02:44Today, pearl diving is mostly a thing of the past, but its legacy lives on.
02:49We had the chance to meet with a few of the remaining pearl divers, hear their stories,
02:53and even hold some of the pearls they'd brought up from the depths.
02:59Okay, we've all seen the postcards, right?
03:01Tourists riding a camel in the desert, classic.
03:03But in Bahrain, camels are more than just a photo op.
03:07They're woven into the fabric of everyday life.
03:09We're talking camel racing, which is huge here, with its own passionate fans and high
03:14Then there's camel milk, which is a staple in Bahraini cuisine, used in everything from
03:19coffee to ice cream.
03:20Apparently it's super nutritious, but I'm not going to lie, it tasted a little funky
03:25to me.
03:26But here's the thing that blew my mind, camel burgers.
03:29Camels in Bahrain, they're not just animals, they're a symbol of the country's heritage,
03:33its connection to the desert.
03:37Alright guys, get ready to geek out with me, because we're about to step back in time,
03:41way back, to the Dilmun civilization.
03:44These guys were around over 5,000 years ago, and they left behind these massive burial
03:49mounds that are scattered all over Bahrain.
03:52We're talking thousands of these mounds, some of them as tall as a three-story building,
03:56all meticulously built by hand.
03:58No one knows for sure what's inside these mounds, but legend has it they're filled
04:02with treasures, ancient artifacts, and maybe even a curse or two.
04:06It's like a giant puzzle, and every discovery brings us one step closer to understanding
04:10these ancient people.
04:15Alright gearheads, this one's for you.
04:17Every year, Bahrain transforms into a global motorsport destination when it hosts the Formula
04:23One Grand Prix.
04:24We're talking screaming engines, high-speed chases, and the best drivers in the world
04:28battling it out on the track.
04:30The Bahrain International Circuit is a state-of-the-art facility designed to push these cars to the
04:36The stands are packed with fans from all over the world, the air is thick with anticipation,
04:41and the roar of the engines is deafening.
04:44But even if you're not a die-hard racing fan, the Grand Prix is an experience.
04:49It's a chance to witness these incredible machines up close, to feel the adrenaline
04:54rush of the competition, and to be a part of something truly global.
04:59Get ready to be blinded by the bling, people, because we're about to enter the Gold Souk.
05:05This place is like a scene out of Aladdin, with shop after shop overflowing with gold
05:11I'm talking necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, you name it, they got it.
05:15And it's all glittering under the bright lights.
05:17The craftsmanship here is insane.
05:19You've got traditional Bahraini designs, intricate Indian pieces, even modern European styles,
05:25all crafted from gleaming gold.
05:28And the best part?
05:29You can haggle.
05:31That's right, bargaining is part of the culture here, so don't be afraid to negotiate for
05:34the best price.
05:36Even if you're not in the market for a new gold chain, the Gold Souk is worth a visit.
05:44In the heart of Manama, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, stands a beacon of
05:48peace and tranquility, the Al Fateh Grand Mosque.
05:52This architectural masterpiece is one of the largest mosques in the world, with a capacity
05:56of over 7,000 worshippers.
05:58The moment you step inside, you're struck by the sheer grandeur of the place.
06:03The main prayer hall is a vast expanse of marble, intricately decorated with calligraphy
06:08and geometric patterns.
06:09The dome, adorned with verses from the Quran, seems to stretch endlessly toward the heavens.
06:15But it's not just the size and beauty of the mosque that's so impressive.
06:19It's the sense of serenity that permeates the air.
06:22Whether you're religious or not, a visit to the Al Fateh Grand Mosque is a humbling experience.
06:30We're down at the harbor, and the sun is setting, casting this golden glow over the water.
06:35It's beautiful, but it's also a stark reminder of the challenges facing Bahraini fishermen.
06:40For generations, these men have been heading out in their traditional dhows, wooden boats
06:45that have been used for centuries to fish the waters of the Gulf.
06:49But these days, the catch is dwindling, and the future of this traditional way of life is uncertain.
06:55They talk about the old days, when the waters were teeming with fish,
06:59and the pride they feel in carrying on the traditions of their fathers and grandfathers.
07:05But they also talk about the challenges they face.
07:09Overfishing, pollution, and climate change are all taking their toll.
07:15Last stop on our Bahraini adventure brings us to the Bahrain National Museum.
07:19And let me tell you, this place is more than just a dusty old building filled with artifacts.
07:24It's a journey through 7,000 years of Bahraini history,
07:28from the ancient Dilmun civilization to the modern day.
07:31We're talking ancient burial artifacts, traditional costumes, Islamic manuscripts,
07:35even a reconstructed souq, all meticulously curated to tell the story of this island nation.
07:41You can literally spend hours here, getting lost in the exhibits,
07:45learning about the people, the culture, the events that have shaped Bahrain into what it is today.
07:49If you want to understand Bahrain, its people, its soul, this museum is the place to be.
07:57So, there you have it guys, Bahrain in all its bizarre and beautiful glory.
08:02I'm exhausted, I'm full of camel meat, and I'm already planning my next trip back.
08:07This place exceeded all my expectations.
08:10If you're looking for an adventure, something different, something unique, put Bahrain on your list.
08:14Until next time, peace out.
