Life inside Syria Shocking Traditions and Beautiful Women of the Isolated Tribe

  • 2 months ago
00:00Yo, what is up everybody, it's Akisa Pisa here, back with another video, and if this
00:08is your first time here, make sure you hit that subscribe button and that little bell
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00:18Picture this, rolling hills dotted with ancient beehive houses, some over 2,000 years old.
00:24These structures provided natural insulation, keeping interiors cool in summer and warm
00:29in winter.
00:30They formed entire villages, interconnected communities that thrived for centuries.
00:35The beehive houses are just a glimpse into Syria's rich architectural heritage.
00:40From the majestic Umayyad Mosque to the Crac de Chevalier, Syria's history is etched into
00:45its landscape.
00:46So the next time someone tries to pigeonhole Syria, tell them about the beehive houses
00:51and the resilience of its people.
00:56Let's talk food, specifically Kibbeh Nayeh.
00:59It's raw lamb minced to perfection, mixed with spices and bulgur wheat and drizzled
01:03with olive oil.
01:04The flavors are out of this world, a party in your mouth.
01:07Kibbeh Nayeh is more than just a dish, it's a symbol of Syrian hospitality.
01:13The preparation is a ritual, an art passed down through generations.
01:17If you ever find yourself in Syria, seek out Kibbeh Nayeh for an unforgettable culinary
01:26Every year, Damascus bursts into color and fragrance with the Damascus Rose Festival.
01:31Streets adorned with vibrant roses, their sweet aroma filling the air.
01:36The Damascus Rose holds a special place in Syrian culture, used in perfumes, sweets and
01:41The festival is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit celebrating beauty and
01:47It's a unique cultural experience, a celebration of life and the enduring spirit of Syria.
01:53And hey, who doesn't love the smell of roses, right?
01:58In Syria, coffee isn't just a drink, it's an experience involving coffee cup reading.
02:03After finishing your Turkish coffee, you flip the cup over, letting the grounds settle into
02:09A skilled reader interprets these patterns, offering insights into your past, present
02:13and future.
02:14The dimly lit room, the scent of cardamom, the hushed whispers, it's captivating.
02:20Coffee cup reading is a window into Syrian culture, blending reality and superstition.
02:26Next time you're feeling adventurous, try a cup of Turkish coffee and see what the future
02:33Aleppo was once a major hub for soap making, producing the legendary Aleppo soap.
02:38Made from olive oil and laurel oil, the process is meticulous and ancient.
02:42Olive cauldrons simmering over open fires, the air thick with natural scents.
02:47The soap is poured, cooled and cut into bars, known for its skin benefits.
02:51Aleppo soap is a symbol of Syrian craftsmanship, a testament to tradition.
02:56Next time you're looking for high quality soap, give Aleppo soap a try.
03:03In Syria, shadow play theater, or Qayal al-Zil, is a mesmerizing form of entertainment.
03:09Intricately crafted puppets cast flickering shadows onto a screen, accompanied by music
03:13and narration.
03:15This ancient art form tells stories from folklore and legend, captivating audiences.
03:21Shadow play also serves as social commentary, addressing issues like poverty and corruption.
03:27The immersive experience stays with you long after the performance ends.
03:30If you ever get the chance, don't miss shadow play theater in Syria.
03:38Syria has a rich history in textile production, especially Syrian silk brocade.
03:43Known for its luxurious feel, intricate patterns and vibrant colors, it's the Rolls-Royce of
03:49Skilled weavers create these fabrics, a testament to Syrian craftsmanship.
03:53The finished brocade is used for stunning garments, symbolizing status and sophistication.
03:58It's a tangible link to Syria's rich history and cultural heritage.
04:02Next time you see Syrian silk brocade, appreciate the artistry and tradition woven into every
04:09Syria is home to the Syrian wild ass, or Himayoni, a creature built for speed and endurance.
04:15Once near extinction, their numbers are slowly recovering thanks to conservation efforts.
04:20Seeing a herd galloping across the plains is a sight to behold.
04:24The Syrian wild ass is a symbol of Syria's natural heritage and resilience.
04:28Their story is a testament to the power of conservation and preserving biodiversity.
04:33Remember the Syrian wild ass, a symbol of strength and the enduring beauty of the natural
04:41Buried beneath the sands of time in Syria lies the ancient city of Ugarit.
04:46Researchers unearthed clay tablets that changed our understanding of history.
04:50These tablets, inscribed with cuneiform writing, date back over 3,000 years.
04:56They provided insights into the Ugaritic language, religious beliefs and daily lives.
05:02The discovery was a watershed moment in archaeology, revealing a sophisticated civilization.
05:08Remember the Ugarit tablets, a testament to the enduring power of writing and our shared
05:13human story.
05:17Scattered across northern Syria are the Dead Cities, a collection of ancient settlements
05:22that once bustled with life and activity.
05:25These cities, now silent and abandoned, offer a glimpse into a world that has long since
05:31Remnants of a once thriving civilization, these ruins tell a story of human endeavor,
05:36architectural prowess and cultural richness.
05:39The Dead Cities are a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the people who once called
05:43this region home.
05:45These ancient ruins, dating back to the Roman and Byzantine periods, are frozen in time.
05:50The structures, though weathered by centuries of exposure, still stand as a testament to
05:54the architectural brilliance of their creators.
05:57From grand basilicas to humble homes, each building offers a unique insight into the
06:01lives of the people who once inhabited these cities.
06:04Theories about their abandonment abound, ranging from economic decline to natural disasters.
06:10Some historians suggest that shifts in trade routes led to the decline of these cities,
06:14while others believe that invasions and conflicts played a significant role.
06:18But the truth remains a mystery.
06:21Despite extensive research and archaeological excavations, the exact reasons for the abandonment
06:26of the Dead Cities are still not fully understood.
06:29This enigma adds to the allure and mystique of these ancient ruins.
06:33Walking through the Dead Cities is like stepping into a lost world, a journey back in time
06:38to an era of grandeur and prosperity.
06:41The silence that now pervades these ruins is a stark contrast to the bustling activity
06:45that once filled these streets.
06:47It is a haunting yet awe-inspiring experience as one contemplates the rise and fall of civilizations.
06:53The Dead Cities evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, prompting visitors to reflect on
06:58the impermanence of human achievements.
07:00They are a stark reminder of the transience of human civilization and the relentless march
07:04of time.
07:05The ruins, though silent, speak volumes about the passage of time and the inevitable changes
07:10that come with it.
07:11The power of time is evident in the weathered stones and crumbling structures, which have
07:16withstood the test of centuries.
07:18These ruins are a testament to the enduring nature of history and the stories that continue
07:22to be told through the remnants of the past.
07:25The Dead Cities are a testament to the enduring power of history and the resilience of human
07:31They stand as a reminder of the achievements and struggles of those who came before us
07:36and the legacy they left behind.
07:38The mysteries that continue to intrigue us are a testament to the complexity and depth
07:43of human history.
07:44As we explore these ancient ruins, we are reminded of the countless stories that have
07:49yet to be uncovered and the endless possibilities for discovery and understanding.
07:54The Dead Cities are not just remnants of the past, they are a vital part of our cultural
08:00They offer valuable insights into the lives, beliefs, and practices of ancient civilizations
08:06and serve as a bridge between the past and the present.
08:11The archaeological significance of the Dead Cities cannot be overstated.
08:15Each excavation and discovery adds to our understanding of the ancient world, shedding
08:20light on the complexities of human history and the interconnectedness of different cultures.
08:26Preservation efforts are crucial to ensuring that these ancient ruins continue to be a
08:30source of knowledge and inspiration for future generations.
08:34Conservation projects aim to protect and restore these sites, allowing us to appreciate their
08:39historical and cultural significance.
08:41The educational value of the Dead Cities is immense.
08:44They provide a tangible connection to the past, offering lessons in history, architecture,
08:49and archaeology.
08:51By studying these ruins, we gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and
08:56the factors that shape civilizations.
08:59Tourism plays a significant role in the preservation and appreciation of the Dead Cities.
09:05Visitors from around the world come to explore these ancient ruins, contributing to the local
09:09economy and raising awareness about the importance of historical conservation.
09:14The Dead Cities also serve as a site for cultural exchange, bringing together people from diverse
09:19backgrounds to share in the wonder and mystery of these ancient settlements.
09:23They are a global heritage, a testament to the shared history of humanity.
09:27Future research and ongoing discoveries will continue to enhance our understanding of the
09:31Dead Cities.
09:33As new technologies and methodologies are developed, we can expect to uncover even more
09:38about the lives and legacies of the people who once inhabited these ancient settlements.
09:43The enduring legacy of the Dead Cities is a powerful reminder of the impact of history
09:47on our present and future.
09:49They challenge us to reflect on our own place in the continuum of human civilization and
09:54to appreciate the richness and diversity of our shared heritage.
09:58The timeless wonder of the Dead Cities lies in their ability to captivate and inspire.
10:03Their beauty, though weathered by time, continues to draw visitors and scholars alike, each
10:08seeking to uncover the secrets of these ancient ruins.
10:11Exploring the Dead Cities is more than just a historical journey.
10:14It is an adventure into the heart of human history.
10:17Each step taken among these ruins is a step back in time, a chance to connect with the
10:22past and to marvel at the achievements of ancient civilizations.
10:26The ancient wisdom embedded in the stones of the Dead Cities offers valuable insights
10:31into the human condition.
10:33They remind us of the enduring quest for knowledge, the pursuit of excellence, and the resilience
10:38of the human spirit.
10:40As we reflect on the history and cultural significance of the Dead Cities, we are reminded
10:44of the importance of preserving our heritage.
10:47These ancient ruins are a testament to the achievements of the past and a source of inspiration
10:52for the future.
10:54The timeless legacy of the Dead Cities will continue to endure, captivating the imaginations
10:59of future generations and inspiring a deeper appreciation for the richness of human history.
11:05They are a reminder that, though civilizations may rise and fall, the stories they leave
11:10behind will always be a part of our collective heritage.
11:16So, there you have it, 10 unbelievable discoveries from a country that's so much more than what
11:21you see in the headlines.
11:24Syria is a place of rich history, vibrant culture, and resilient people.
11:29Keep exploring, keep asking questions, and never stop being curious about the world around you.
11:34Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you in the next one.
