• 3 months ago
alur cerita anime gaikotshu kishi season 1
00:00:00Hello everyone, welcome back to the channel BossAnime.
00:00:05Who likes Isekai anime?
00:00:08That's right, because I'm going to talk about the anime called Gaikotsukishi.
00:00:14It's an isekai anime about a main character who fell asleep while playing an online game.
00:00:20However, when he woke up, Arc was shocked because he found out that he was still in another world
00:00:27with a look similar to his own game character.
00:00:30Well, in this confused state, Arc is a little grateful because he still uses weapons and the strongest skills.
00:00:38But unfortunately, Arc is again angry because he knows that his appearance is like a special avatar skin.
00:00:47Long story short, Arc meets Arian, an elf.
00:00:52For some reason, Doi also accepts Arian's request and they start traveling together.
00:00:58Can't wait to know the story, right?
00:01:01Without further ado, this is the story.
00:01:05Scene in our MC's view in this anime called Arc.
00:01:24And he is a warrior warrior who was born in the world of fantasy video games.
00:01:29Well, Arc usually uses a helmet as a headgear.
00:01:34This is so that people in the new world are not surprised to see the appearance of the warrior.
00:01:41His body is very tall and the armor he uses also makes him look like a strong figure.
00:01:48However, his voice will sound different when spoken as Arc.
00:01:53His voice sounds more masculine, while his real voice sounds like a young and soft figure.
00:02:00Arc is also described as a character full of enthusiasm for magical things and people in the game world.
00:02:08Arc is a character who is always playful, kind-hearted and always enthusiastic when doing adventures.
00:02:16What's more, Arc has a strong magic ability and that makes him believed to help some difficult missions.
00:02:25Once upon a time, Arc was sleeping near an oak tree.
00:02:29When Arc woke up, he was surprised by the changes that happened to him.
00:02:34Arc also doesn't know where he is now.
00:02:42Even so, Arc tries to be calm.
00:02:45What's more, he knows that the veins in his body have the blessing of light and fire elements.
00:02:52The veins are equipped with several passive supports that make it a super OP vein.
00:02:58And it's called the Belenus cleansing vein.
00:03:01There is also a night sky vein that has been blessed with the darkness of the night and also mana regeneration in its veins.
00:03:09Where the vein gives status immunity based on the level of the holy priestess Tautates.
00:03:15There is also a lightning-wrapped vein that can cast a flash called the holy sword Kalablog.
00:03:22After knowing the secret of Zira and its equipment,
00:03:26finally the MC realized that it was a character that Arc usually plays.
00:03:32Then Arc uses various spells to prove his greatness.
00:03:38Because of Arc's knowledge, the character in the game is a very OP figure because he has a lot of power and magic.
00:03:46However, the worm in his stomach cannot be compromised.
00:03:50Therefore, Arc decides to go to the city to find money and get food.
00:03:57By using the magic portal, Arc is ready to move.
00:04:01However, when he tried, Arc almost fell into the ravine.
00:04:04Nevertheless, Arc managed to survive.
00:04:07So Arc understands that if he uses a magic portal,
00:04:11he must first think about the destination he will visit later.
00:04:17Suddenly, Arc remembered to move not only using the magic portal.
00:04:22With Dimension Move, Arc can also move from one place to another.
00:04:28Although the movement is not as fast as the magic portal.
00:04:31Because Dimension Move is used to move near, not far.
00:04:37Until Arc in the city of Castillo Vierte and the atmosphere of the city looks very crowded.
00:04:43When Arc was walking, a fruit seller woman offered her business to him.
00:04:48But Arc couldn't buy it because he didn't have any money.
00:04:54Likewise, when he smelled the aroma of grilled chicken, Arc couldn't eat it either.
00:05:01While walking in the ravine, Arc accidentally met two people who were talking.
00:05:07One of them is a woman wearing a headscarf named Arian Lalatoya.
00:05:13Arian is an elf girl and is a descendant of the elf nation known as the Dark Elf.
00:05:20Arian's goal is to talk to Arc to get information.
00:05:26But Arc doesn't seem to be serious about his job as an informant.
00:05:31Even though Arc has received payment from Arian.
00:05:35Even Arian intends to double the payment.
00:05:39However, Arc insists that if he is already working, he still won't get any information.
00:05:47Because Arian's goal is not achieved, he left Arc.
00:05:53Knowing that Arc has learned to disguise himself as a sultan.
00:05:57However, Arian doesn't care and goes past.
00:06:01When Arc finds out that Arian is an elf, he is very happy.
00:06:06The reason is true if he is in the fantasy world.
00:06:11Arc tries to talk to Arian, but Arc has lost the opportunity because Arian has disappeared from there.
00:06:19After that, Arc goes to the guild to get a quest.
00:06:23Before carrying out the quest, Arc must have a payment military license first.
00:06:28For that, Arc must bring wild animals, monsters, or bandits to the guild.
00:06:34Suddenly in the forest, Arc slaughters wild animals and orcs.
00:06:39When carrying the victim's corpse, Arc passes through a group of bandits who are committing a great crime.
00:06:46When Arc feels that he is ready to fight, without hesitation, Arc also slaughters the bandits.
00:06:53After carrying out his task, Arc also brings a maid and her servant.
00:06:59The maid is a beautiful woman from the family of Lufierte, named Lauren Laria de Lufierte.
00:07:07While her servant is a red-haired woman named Rita.
00:07:12After talking to Lauren and Rita, Arc also went to get rid of the bandits' corpses by burning them.
00:07:20Then the two women returned to be with Arc.
00:07:24So that the incident that they had just experienced would not happen again,
00:07:28Rita asked Arc to accompany them on their journey.
00:07:32After bringing the maid and her servant, Arc also went to the guild to deliver the three hunts according to the agreement.
00:07:41Then the guild keeper gave the orc's magic stone to Arc.
00:07:46Do not forget that the guild keeper reminds that if you have killed the monster, you still have to take the magic stone.
00:07:53Because the magic stone can be made into items and also magic weapons.
00:07:58The guild keeper immediately gave the license of the paid soldier to Arc.
00:08:03After that, Arc asked Nyonya to accommodate to deliver food to his room.
00:08:10Because it had been a long time, Arc was hungry, so he took revenge by eating a lot of delicious food.
00:08:16Next, Arc did his first job, which was to help a young girl with curly hair named Marka to look for medicinal plants.
00:08:25Then Arc went to the village to find his client.
00:08:31Suddenly Arc was silent, Marka made the young girl look scared, especially since there was a warrior in front of her.
00:08:39With fear, Marka asked Arc about his arrival.
00:08:43Finally, Marka knew that Arc was the one who would accompany him to look for medicinal plants.
00:08:49As soon as Marka found good kokoro medicinal plants to heal wounds and skin diseases.
00:08:57If the flower is burned, it can drive away insects.
00:09:00Then Arc praised Marka because the young girl was rich in knowledge.
00:09:06Then Marka continued to look for medicinal plants and ran to the limau tree.
00:09:12However, Arc stopped him because he felt dangerous there.
00:09:18Seeing that there was something behind the bushes, Arc was ready with his sword.
00:09:23And while inspecting the bushes, it turned out that there was a green musang injured in his leg.
00:09:29With the magic of recovery, Arc also healed the green musang wound.
00:09:34However, the green musang did not want to return to his habitat, he wanted to go with Arc.
00:09:41Then Arc gave the name Awage to the green musang.
00:09:45However, the musang did not like the name and soon Arc changed his name to Ponta.
00:09:52As a result, the green musang was happy with his new name.
00:09:56After that, Marka was accompanied by Arc to continue looking for medicinal plants.
00:10:00Finally, Marka found the limau tree he wanted.
00:10:04When Marka wanted to approach the limau tree without realizing that there was a kadal monster behind him.
00:10:10When he turned around, the kadal monster was ready to attack Marka.
00:10:14However, Arc managed to move Marka from there.
00:10:18The battle between Arc and the kadal monster began.
00:10:22The kadal monster breathed poisonous breath several times and Arc managed to avoid it.
00:10:29As a result, the kadal monster released another attack, namely the stone stare.
00:10:34With the magic of protecting Arc, the stone stare can't reach Arc and his friends.
00:10:40Even so, the monster got crazier because his attack always failed.
00:10:45This time, the kadal monster also attacked Arc directly.
00:10:48However, his attack can be countered by Arc's precision.
00:10:53When seeing a glimpse of the monster, Arc also used a medium level skill if the judge.
00:10:59With that skill, Arc was able to defeat the kadal monster.
00:11:04When seeing the kadal monster's body, Arc thought that the reason Fang Boer wandered around the village was because of the monster.
00:11:13Moreover, the presence of the Fang Boer animal has terrified the entire village.
00:11:18However, according to Marka, the kadal monster was more terrifying than the Fang Boer animal.
00:11:24Because Fang Boer happened to be around Arc and his friends,
00:11:28Arc immediately spent Fang Boer to be given to the villagers.
00:11:33Then Arc and his friends returned to the village by bringing Fang Boer.
00:11:38Arc asked for fangs and also magical crystals for him, if the skin part will be given to Marka.
00:11:45While the flesh will be offered to the villagers.
00:11:49When his mother saw Marka immediately kissing his little daughter,
00:11:53there was a scene of mother and son's slap.
00:11:57Then Arc said goodbye to Marka's family.
00:12:01But before leaving, Arc had a chat with them.
00:12:05After that, Arc and Jukaponta left the village.
00:12:10That night, a group of prisoners felt happy after slaughtering the kadal monster.
00:12:16However, from the battle against the kadal monster, there were 15 people who fell,
00:12:21as well as 38 other light and severe injuries.
00:12:25While other reports were received, another kadal monster was found dead.
00:12:32According to the information, the kadal monster was defeated with just one attack.
00:12:37Even the kadal monster slayer was done by one person.
00:12:42Next, a group of criminals fled in fear of seeing the figure of Arc.
00:12:47Moreover, they already knew the terrible power of the MC.
00:12:51So that the criminals do not die in the hands of Arc, it is better for them to escape far away.
00:12:57However, Arc managed to catch the criminals and immediately tied them up.
00:13:02When Arc opened the cover screen,
00:13:05there he saw a lot of gold that the criminal group had collected.
00:13:10Then Arc saw that there was a hole and a plate inside it.
00:13:16But he didn't care about it.
00:13:19Then Arc and Ponta carried all the goods they could carry.
00:13:24While at the residence of the ruler of Diento, Triton scolded Celisca
00:13:28because he had failed to carry out the murder of the daughter of the family of Lufierte.
00:13:34In addition, Triton and Celisca discussed the experiment of the king of Dakar,
00:13:40namely two kadal monsters.
00:13:42According to reports, both kadal monsters have been killed.
00:13:46Not only that, they also discussed their jobs as elf merchants.
00:13:52On the other hand, Arian fought with Arc.
00:13:56When he saw Arian's face,
00:13:58Arc remembered that he was the woman who was found by Arc in the gang.
00:14:02It turns out that Arian misunderstood Arc.
00:14:06If Arian thought that Arc was involved in the kidnapping of the children,
00:14:10Arc was shocked by the accusation.
00:14:14Although Arc had made a defense, but Arian still didn't believe it.
00:14:19The second fight also suddenly stopped because of Ponta's presence.
00:14:23Because Arian was surprised why the holy beast was wanted to be kept by Arc.
00:14:29Because of Ponta's presence, Arian also believed what Arc said.
00:14:34Immediately, Arian apologized for attacking Arc suddenly.
00:14:39Then Arc explained that his goal was to go to the cave to kidnap a gang of bandits.
00:14:44If Arian's goal was to go there,
00:14:47because he knew the involvement of a gang of bandits in the kidnapping of elves.
00:14:51So Arc understood why there was a hole in the cave.
00:14:55Then Arian was ready to enter,
00:14:58but Arc said that the elves were no longer in the cave.
00:15:02Arc just asked why there was an elf kidnapping.
00:15:06The reason is that elves can be sold at a high price as Buddha.
00:15:10When Arc offered help, Arian refused.
00:15:15One day, Arc was accompanied by Ponta arrived in the forest of elves around the area of Diento.
00:15:20There, Arc heard a scream and rushed to the origin of that voice.
00:15:25Arc hid behind bushes and was watching the villains led by Uldaran.
00:15:31The villain's friends have killed several elves,
00:15:34but the villain's group is not satisfied with their actions.
00:15:39So they also want to increase the number of prisoners before the trade begins.
00:15:45When seeing the cruelty of the villain's friends, Arc intends to attack.
00:15:49However, Arian has appeared and immediately attacked the villain's group.
00:15:54Ulduran was afraid to see many of his members at Modiar.
00:15:59While Arian was fighting, Ulduran took the opportunity to pull the neck chain of an elf child.
00:16:05Even Ulduran pointed his sword at the face of the elf child, so that Arian could not act recklessly.
00:16:13Seeing the inhuman actions of the villains made Arc give up.
00:16:20With a whim, Arc also moved behind Ulduran and then stabbed him.
00:16:25Immediately, Arian slaughtered the rest of the bandit's friends.
00:16:29Arc easily let go of the bandit's neck chain.
00:16:32As a result, the elf kids could get out of the cage.
00:16:36However, the elf children were afraid to see Arc's figure.
00:16:40However, the elf kids used the mana suction cup.
00:16:44The cup was able to seal the elf's magic ability,
00:16:48so that the elf kids could not escape the villain's friends.
00:16:52Then Arian was worried because he couldn't let go of the mana suction cup.
00:16:58Because the cup couldn't be opened by anyone.
00:17:02However, Arc easily let go of the cup using anti-cruise magic.
00:17:07Even Arc also used healing magic to heal the wound,
00:17:12so that Arian was surprised to be made by Arc.
00:17:15Especially Arc did it without memorizing the mantra.
00:17:19As a result, the elf kids no longer felt afraid of Arc.
00:17:24After that, Arian sent a message to the whisperer bird to report to the welcoming team.
00:17:31Then the welcoming team arrived there and brought the elf kids with them.
00:17:36When only Arian and also Arc and Ponta were left,
00:17:39the two of them got to know each other.
00:17:43Next, Arian also hired Arc's service to help him.
00:17:48Arc was also ready to become Arian's pay assistant.
00:17:52So there was a collaboration between the two.
00:17:55After that, Arc and his friends arrived in the area of Diento and met Danka.
00:18:01Immediately, Arian introduced Arc to Danka as a pay assistant who accompanied him to carry out the mission.
00:18:08Then Arian and his friends moved to the food stall.
00:18:12There, Arian explained about the name to the elf nation.
00:18:16When Arc talked to Danka, he was chewed.
00:18:20Danka was busy discussing the food served on the table and then licked it.
00:18:25Shocked, Arc was surprised to see himself neglected by Danka.
00:18:30After drinking, Danka also asked about Arc.
00:18:34Arian immediately explained the kindness that Arc had done to him.
00:18:39Then Danka started a serious conversation about their mission.
00:18:44Danka managed to find the enemy's base location at the nightclub.
00:18:48As well as all the elves kidnapped were also in that place.
00:18:53Based on the situation at the entertainment place, Danka and his friends will carry out the mission in the middle of the night.
00:18:59Because Arc had a lot of time before the mission was carried out, he also asked to work on his business first.
00:19:07After Arc sold the harvest, he also bought some food and drinks.
00:19:13He then brought all kinds of food and drinks to the gang to be drunk.
00:19:18Both Arc and Ponta were very drunk.
00:19:22While in prison, the elf friends looked very sad.
00:19:26In the middle of the night, Arc and his friends were ready to take action.
00:19:31Without realizing it, there was a woman from the ninja clan named Chiyome watching from the roof.
00:19:39Arc and his friends arrived in front of the nightclub gang.
00:19:43Seeing the front door tightly guarded, Arian also asked Arc to use his teleportation.
00:19:49After that, Arc and his friends entered the nightclub and infiltrated it.
00:19:54When they entered one of the rooms, the bad guys were no longer alive.
00:20:00Seeing their death, not long ago, Arc also thought that there was another intruder who entered the nightclub.
00:20:07In order to be more efficient, Arc and his friends decided to split up.
00:20:12With the shift of dimensions, Arc entered the room and there were several corpses there.
00:20:18Suddenly, Arc got an attack, but he managed to win his kiss.
00:20:24Chiyome appeared in front of Arc and immediately launched an attack.
00:20:29Then Arc and Chiyome talked together.
00:20:33Before leaving, Chiyome also gave information and a roll of paper in the form of an elf contract to Arc.
00:20:39After that, Arc gathered again with his friends.
00:20:43Based on information from Chiyome, Arc told him that the elf was in prison, while the other two elves were detained at the governor's palace.
00:20:52Then Arian asked how Arc could get the information and the elf sales contract.
00:20:59As soon as Arc replied that he got information from a bandit,
00:21:03even though the information came from Chiyome so that it wouldn't be complicated, Arc lied.
00:21:10Then Arian and his friends arrived in prison and saved the elf prisoners.
00:21:16Then Arc hung the iron prison so that the elves could get out.
00:21:21Using a magic portal, Arc and his friends also brought the elves with them.
00:21:27After arriving at the destination, Arc opened the elves' bags.
00:21:31When he saw Arc easily releasing the bags, he was surprised.
00:21:36So all the elves thanked Arc.
00:21:40Next, Arc and Arian sneaked into the palace using a debuff.
00:21:45Suddenly near the bell, both of them were caught by the guard.
00:21:49And with the spell Wyvern Slash, Arc managed to break the devil's bell.
00:21:55And made the situation there a mess.
00:21:58As a result, Arc and his friends managed to escape from that place and went straight into the palace.
00:22:05When the bell rang, it caused the elves to look for the intruder.
00:22:10However, Arc and his friends were not found.
00:22:15Then in Triton's room, he got a report from Celisca that her servant was being intruded.
00:22:22Before Celisca finished talking, she banged on the door of the room and it was destroyed.
00:22:28When Arc and Arian appeared in the room, it caused the elves to be hysterical.
00:22:33Moreover, the elves had experienced a terrible event with Arc and his friends.
00:22:39Then Arc approached the elves who were quietly trying to escape.
00:22:43The elves were terrified and cried.
00:22:47While Arian chased Triton.
00:22:51Both of the elves also cursed Triton.
00:22:55Seeing the horror of Triton's torture, Arc and Ponta were terrified and closed their eyes.
00:23:02When the guards came, Arc asked Arian to protect them.
00:23:07While Arc will enter the treasure room owned by Triton.
00:23:11With the attitude, Arian also burned the guards.
00:23:15Then asked the two elves to join Danca and Lalatoya.
00:23:21After that, Arian approached Arc who was busy snitching.
00:23:25To get rid of the shame, Arc said that if he reconstructed the organization, he needed a lot of money.
00:23:31If Triton wants to set up a thievery syndicate again, but they have stolen the money.
00:23:37So without Triton's money, he can't operate immediately.
00:23:42By saying that, the price of an Arc will not be cut off in the eyes of Arian.
00:23:47Before deciding to go, Arc and his friends also wandered around the castle.
00:23:52With the magic portal, both of them managed to leave the castle.
00:23:57Suddenly outside, Arian also gave Arc a change.
00:24:01Curious about the face behind the helmet, Arian also asked Arc to show his face.
00:24:07As a result, Arian knew that Arc was a thief.
00:24:11Arc told Arian that he was cursed.
00:24:16So Arian suggested that in his village, the oldest knowledge could cure Arc.
00:24:23The scene also moved to Olav, the capital of the kingdom of Roden.
00:24:27There, the king along with the princes and also the princesses were discussing.
00:24:32There is also a topic, the problem is the incident that happened at the residence of Marcus Diento aka Triton.
00:24:39Back to Arc and his friends who are resting.
00:24:43Because Arian is still hungry, Arc also went to hunt for bulborbs.
00:24:47When Arc left, Arian brushed his hair.
00:24:51Without realizing it, Arc was already near him and made Arian feel ashamed.
00:24:56Next, Arc and his friends arrived in the village of Elphalatoya.
00:25:01Before Arc entered, Arian first asked permission from someone in the village.
00:25:07So Arc has to wait outside first.
00:25:10While waiting, Arc also sharpened a sword.
00:25:13He was happy and also moved there.
00:25:17But Arian did not visit him.
00:25:20As a result, Arc's long wait was paid for because he was allowed to enter the village.
00:25:27Then Arc entered the village and the atmosphere there was very beautiful.
00:25:32Arc and Arian arrived at a village house.
00:25:36Then they were greeted by the leaders of the tribe there named Dylan and Glance.
00:25:41Both are the parents of Arian.
00:25:44They also had fun talking and after talking outside, Arc was finally allowed to enter the house.
00:25:52Then Arc ate together with Arian's family.
00:25:56The two parents of Arian already knew the physical condition of Arc,
00:26:00so Arc was allowed to take off his helmet to enjoy the meal.
00:26:06Then Dylan and Glance arrived at a place.
00:26:10There people were already waiting for them.
00:26:13Because the teleportation mechanism to Maple was ready,
00:26:16finally the father and his son went to Maple.
00:26:20The two arrived there to meet the high elves.
00:26:24Dylan was asked to report the results of the incident of the elves being kidnapped by humans.
00:26:31Because humans have broken a peace agreement that has been going on for 400 years,
00:26:37so it became a good reason for them to start a war.
00:26:42Even if it is related to this incident,
00:26:44the high elves will send an official letter to the Kingdom of Rodan to explain the problem.
00:26:49According to the head of Agung Fanggas, there is no need to send a letter,
00:26:53because people who have participated in the mission will be judged in the Kingdom of Rodan.
00:26:59Then Brienne ordered to continue the mission to save the elf nation
00:27:04while observing the reaction of the Kingdom of Rodan.
00:27:07Then Glance invited Arc to fight against him.
00:27:11Before fighting, Glance said that he was the one who taught Arian how to fight.
00:27:17In addition, the Dark Elves are blessed with physical ability above average.
00:27:23Especially when meeting great people like Arc,
00:27:26that's why Glance always wants to measure his abilities.
00:27:29Finally, the battle began.
00:27:32Glance was seen to be very fast to attack.
00:27:35Glance's agility, strength, and speed were truly extraordinary.
00:27:40Glance's figure was really OP, and Arc was overwhelmed.
00:27:46Arc even fell.
00:27:48Then Glance gave the sword to Arc,
00:27:51then asked Arc to get ready because Glance would continue to attack.
00:27:56In his heart, Arc considered it a training,
00:27:59especially since he could learn directly from his master.
00:28:03Then Glance attacked Arc again,
00:28:05but still Arc couldn't avoid Glance's super fast attack.
00:28:10Fortunately, Arc was always attacked,
00:28:13even Arc couldn't avoid it at all.
00:28:17After the match, Dylan and Arian went home and met Evan.
00:28:23Without a word, Evan hugged his brother.
00:28:27Their father could only watch his children's mischievous behavior.
00:28:31His father also left.
00:28:34After teasing his brother,
00:28:36Evan also invited Arian to have a long chat.
00:28:39Back to the battle between Arc and Glance,
00:28:42where Arc thought he could attack the opponent using teleportation magic.
00:28:47However, Arc's efforts were in vain because Glance easily attacked him.
00:28:52Finally, Arc was defeated.
00:28:54Because it was already evening, Glance invited Arc to go home.
00:28:59Next, Arc thought whether his body was a skull or just an avatar.
00:29:06If it was a skull,
00:29:08if he used anti-cruise magic on his body,
00:29:11maybe he could become a normal human body.
00:29:14To test it, Arc then planned to change his fingers first.
00:29:20After trying, the result was amazing,
00:29:23but it was only temporary.
00:29:26And in a blink of an eye, it was back to normal.
00:29:29Repeatedly, Arc tried and the result was still the same.
00:29:34In the morning, Arc walked with Arian.
00:29:37Finally, Arc and his friends arrived in the forest,
00:29:40and there were many insects nearby.
00:29:43However, the insects only attacked Arc,
00:29:47so Arc ran to the wrong direction.
00:29:50When at the restaurant, Arian talked about the insect that chased Arc.
00:29:55Arian said that the insect's central part could be fried and eaten.
00:30:00Moreover, it tasted quite crispy and delicious.
00:30:04When will Arian want to try eating it with Arc?
00:30:08If there is a chance, Arc is ready to try it.
00:30:12Then, Arc and his friends started a serious conversation about tomorrow's mission.
00:30:17They will go to Olaf, the mother of the kingdom city of Roden.
00:30:21To go to Olaf, usually take a train through the forest,
00:30:25but Arian chose the crossroad by crossing the forest.
00:30:30However, the mother of the restaurant's keeper
00:30:32forbade Arc and his friends to cross the forest,
00:30:35because it was very dangerous there.
00:30:38Moreover, there are many monsters in the forest,
00:30:41especially the monster Handled Wolf.
00:30:43According to the news, in a few days,
00:30:45ten people have been attacked.
00:30:48Nevertheless, Arc and his friends will still go to the forest tomorrow.
00:30:53The next day, Arian and his friends arrived in the forest.
00:30:58There, the two immediately met the Handled Wolf.
00:31:01The Handled Wolf is a group of Serigala monsters.
00:31:05The monster can multiply itself with illusions to confuse its prey.
00:31:10Arian and his friends fight against the monsters continuously,
00:31:15but only in the form of shadows.
00:31:18With his magic, Arian managed to kill three Serigala monsters.
00:31:23Arc realized that the Serigala boss was on the cliff
00:31:27and with the Dimension Move, Arc also attacked the monster.
00:31:30But the attack could be avoided.
00:31:34When seeing the Serigala boss floating in the air,
00:31:37Arc saw a bracelet on his feet
00:31:39the same as the bracelet on the monster's feet.
00:31:42And the fight continued.
00:31:44Arc tried to attack again,
00:31:47but in an instant, the Serigala boss was behind Arc.
00:31:52While near the cliff,
00:31:54Arc used a fire spell to burn the Serigala boss,
00:31:57then pierced his bracelet.
00:31:59Even though he was attacked,
00:32:01the Serigala boss was still in good health.
00:32:04Then the Serigala boss called his friends
00:32:07and then they left from there.
00:32:10Arc also moved to Olath
00:32:12without Yuryarna's daughter who was accompanied by Verna to go to Limbult.
00:32:16All this time, Yuryarna's daughter always went to Limbult quietly.
00:32:21But this time, Yuryarna's daughter went to Limbult
00:32:24because she was ordered by her father.
00:32:27So it makes the daughter feel anxious.
00:32:30Especially her sister, the prince of Dakares,
00:32:33may be involved in the trade of elves.
00:32:35Dakares must not be happy with the negotiation.
00:32:40While his other sister, the prince of Sej,
00:32:43is aiming for the throne and will not be silent.
00:32:47Yuryarna's daughter hopes
00:32:49nothing happens to her family.
00:32:52Suddenly, the train carried by Yuryarna's daughter
00:32:55and also Verna was shaking.
00:32:57Apparently there was an attack there.
00:33:00Then the train stopped
00:33:02and outside there was an army of villains waiting.
00:33:06To protect the princess, Verna also attacked the enemy.
00:33:09However, Verna was attacked in his body.
00:33:13Then the princess tried to approach Verna's body.
00:33:16However, he was also stabbed by the enemy's sword.
00:33:21After committing the murder,
00:33:23one of the enemies also gave the princess's belongings to Yanto.
00:33:27Suddenly Ponta appeared there and he was angry.
00:33:31Then Yanto ordered the guards to kill Ponta.
00:33:35Then Ark appeared there,
00:33:37who broke the guard's arm
00:33:39because Ark had seen their wickedness.
00:33:42The villains also shot Ark with magic.
00:33:45But their attack was useless.
00:33:48While Ark was busy identifying Yuryarna's daughter
00:33:51and also Verna.
00:33:53Suddenly the monster Hunted Wolf appeared there
00:33:56and captured the villain's comrades.
00:33:58It turned out to be an order from the boss of Srigala.
00:34:02Ark also killed the group of villains.
00:34:05But unfortunately some of the villains managed to pass.
00:34:09And after doing his job,
00:34:11Hunted Wolf also left the prison.
00:34:14Because there was no one there,
00:34:16Ark also used the Regeneration magic.
00:34:19The magic can revive someone's vitality to full.
00:34:23However, the magic can fail if the body is too damaged
00:34:27or has been dead for a long time.
00:34:29Finally, Yuryarna's daughter came back to life
00:34:32and asked Ponta to watch her.
00:34:34Then Ark tried the Regeneration magic on Verna and the other guards.
00:34:39Not all of them came back to life.
00:34:43There were some who could not be saved
00:34:46because they had been dead for too long.
00:34:48Then Yuryarna's daughter opened her eyes
00:34:52and saw Ark's figure like an angel
00:34:54who was using the Regeneration magic.
00:34:56But soon the princess fainted again.
00:35:01Not long after, Verna woke the princess up from her sleep.
00:35:05Even though Verna didn't understand when he woke up,
00:35:08there was no wound on his body at all.
00:35:11Verna also told that some guards were dead
00:35:14and others came back to life.
00:35:16Looking at the blood on his clothes,
00:35:18Yuryarna's daughter was sure that it wasn't a dream.
00:35:22After that, Yuryarna's daughter bowed to her guards.
00:35:27Then Ark and his friends arrived in the city of Olaf.
00:35:31While walking in the city market,
00:35:33Ark was told about the birth of a young boy.
00:35:36In a blink of an eye,
00:35:38Chiyome managed to defeat several men in one attack.
00:35:42After that, Chiyome greeted Ark and his friends
00:35:46and immediately told them about Ark's mission
00:35:49and his friends in the city of Diento.
00:35:52Ark was reminded of the ninja woman he met in the castle.
00:35:57Next, Chiyome told about himself.
00:36:00In order to save his clan that was captured by humans,
00:36:04Chiyome kept wandering
00:36:06and then arrived in the city of Diento
00:36:08and met a strange human named Ark.
00:36:11According to Chiyome,
00:36:12both elves or animals each have a special smell.
00:36:16But the smell of Ark is very different from the others.
00:36:20Ark has a strange presence that Chiyome has never felt.
00:36:24Finally, Chiyome can meet Ark again in the city of Olaf.
00:36:28For Chiyome, meeting Ark again is a blessing.
00:36:33Then Chiyome invited Ark and his friends to talk about something.
00:36:37Then Ark asked about Chiyome.
00:36:40Ark replied that Chiyome was the one who had given the elf trading contract.
00:36:45Because they were uncomfortable talking in the middle of the road,
00:36:48Chiyome offered to talk elsewhere.
00:36:51Chiyome was willing to give information to Ark and his friends
00:36:55about the presence of people registered in the elf trading contract.
00:36:59However, in return, he asked Ark and his friends to help him find his clan.
00:37:06Arian was also willing to lend Ark's power to Chiyome.
00:37:11On the other hand, the lord of Dakares was upset
00:37:14after learning that his experiment, namely Huantet Wolf, was in the way.
00:37:19It turned out that the lord of Dakares was the one who ordered Ianto
00:37:22and his henchmen to kill the daughter of Yuryarna.
00:37:26Because the lord of Dakares felt anxious if his brother managed to negotiate with the elves.
00:37:32Chiyome said that since the incident in Ianto, the trade between elves and humans has become difficult.
00:37:38As a result, the business of the lord of Dakares is getting worse.
00:37:42Based on the information received by Chiyome,
00:37:44if elves are involved in the incident in Ianto.
00:37:47Although there is no detail, Chiyome guarantees that the enemy will arrive at Olaf.
00:37:52As a result of the invasion of Kukang, the lord of Dakares became even more frustrated.
00:37:57Especially knowing that his life was also targeted.
00:38:00Then the lord of Dakares ordered Kukang to prepare a secret hiding place.
00:38:06So that the lord of Dakares rushed there.
00:38:10Then while walking, Chiyome told the story of his clan's founder.
00:38:15If the founder used to work as a guard in the Roflon empire.
00:38:20The founder protects the humans and animals that are persecuted in the empire.
00:38:24And he was made his subordinate.
00:38:27That is the basis of the Jinshin clan.
00:38:30As soon as the lord became a threat to the founder.
00:38:34Because according to the lord, the founder is a Japanese named Hanzo.
00:38:38Then enter the other world.
00:38:40After that, Hanzo created the Shinji clan in the fantasy world.
00:38:45Unconsciously, Ark shouted enthusiastically imagining the sensation of Hanzo, the founder of the ninja clan.
00:38:51As a result, Ark's strange attitude made his friends wonder.
00:38:56What's more, Ark sometimes likes to play alone with something unique in the fantasy world.
00:39:02Long story short, they finally arrived at the largest buddha market in the capital, which is called the Edzat market.
00:39:09In prison, many animals are seen.
00:39:12If the city has been gathered, they will later be traded.
00:39:17The Edzat market is closely linked to the operation center.
00:39:21And if attacked, the Edzat market will immediately send an ambulance.
00:39:25Where the majority of the ambulances come from the royal army.
00:39:30So that makes it difficult for Chiomei to escape his captivity from prison.
00:39:35Therefore, Chiomei wants Ark and his friends to make a big fuss and then escape first.
00:39:42The Edzat market is just a waste.
00:39:44There are still 4 other buddha markets that will be attacked simultaneously.
00:39:48Chiomei's friends have infiltrated the OLEF.
00:39:51When the attention is focused on the Edzat market, then humans and animals in other places can be saved.
00:39:58Ark and his friends will help Chiomei to the end.
00:40:03However, Chiomei cannot involve Ark and his friends deeper.
00:40:08Even so, Ark and the gang will do it.
00:40:12Ark then said that if he could teleport and that surprised Chiomei.
00:40:18Because the founder could use ninjutsu space and time.
00:40:22With that title, the founder could move very far in an instant.
00:40:27Ninjutsu space and time is a legendary title.
00:40:30If with the title of Ark's teleportation, then the offer at Edzat could be saved.
00:40:36Before leaving, Chiomei informed that the attack would be carried out at night.
00:40:43At night, Ark was ready to carry out the mission.
00:40:46But he changed his appearance so as not to be a nuisance.
00:40:50However, Arian felt disgusted with Ark's hat.
00:40:54So did Ponta who really didn't like Ark's new face cover.
00:40:59Not long after, Chiomei and his friend named Goemon came to the meeting location.
00:41:04Hearing the name Goemon, Ark began to ask for Chiomei's name.
00:41:08It turns out that Chiomei is not the real name, but the name given from generation to generation to the six reincarnated ninjas.
00:41:17After knowing that, MC was again stunned by his ninja fantasy.
00:41:22Chiomei's name comes from the famous kunoichi with the full name Mochizuki Chiomei.
00:41:28There is also his founder named Hattori Hanzo.
00:41:31Meanwhile, Chiomei's friend has the full name Ishikawa Goemon.
00:41:35So the other six ninjas are named Sarutobi Sasuke or Kirigakure Saizo.
00:41:41Remembering those ninjas made Ark happy alone.
00:41:46Suddenly, Goemon also asked for a duel with Ark.
00:41:49However, it turned out that they were getting to know each other and made the audience fail to understand.
00:41:54After that, Chiomei and his friends began to carry out their rescue mission.
00:41:59Started with Ark and Goemon as a diversion team.
00:42:03Immediately, the two of them made a mess and looked OP when defeating the guards.
00:42:09Especially the super-terrifying Arks and their friends.
00:42:14When the quarrel occurred, Chiomei and his friends rushed into the Edzard building.
00:42:22It was seen that Kukang told the prince of Dakar if the Edzard market and the other four children's markets had been attacked.
00:42:29Moreover, the attack was quite swift.
00:42:32After they attacked, the aid has also been sent.
00:42:35The prince of Dakar was also self-pitying.
00:42:38He is not willing if his money is lost again.
00:42:42After being in the Edzard building, Chiomei and his friends were caught by the guards.
00:42:48With a headscarf, Chiomei was able to cast the guards.
00:42:52So did Aryan who cast his spell and burned the other guards.
00:42:58After casting his enemy, Chiomei and his friends continued their search.
00:43:04Finally, Chiomei and his friends managed to arrive in prison, then released the entire prison.
00:43:11Then Chiomei ordered the animals that could fight to help in the rescue mission.
00:43:19Then the guards appeared again and disturbed Chiomei and his friends.
00:43:24Aryan ordered Chiomei to continue the rescue, while he would kill the guards.
00:43:31And quickly, Aryan also defeated the enemy.
00:43:35Then Chiomei and his friends gathered again with Arks and his friends.
00:43:40Chiomei asked Arks for help to rescue the animals in the back area.
00:43:45While Goemon was still there to fight the aid.
00:43:50Arks and his friends arrived at the destination location and there they found several animals.
00:43:58Back to Goemon and there he was busy fighting the enemy's aid.
00:44:04Meanwhile, Arks and his friends managed to bring a group of animals out of the Edza market.
00:44:10After doing his job of moving all the prisoners, Arks went back to the Goemon battle location.
00:44:17And suddenly there, Arks and Goemon immediately defeated all their enemies.
00:44:23As a result of the battle, the condition of the Edza market was devastated.
00:44:28After doing his job, Arks and Goemon brought the bodies of the animals.
00:44:34Then Aryan washed the bodies of the animals.
00:44:39While elsewhere, the prince was busy gossiping because he hadn't received a report from the Edza market.
00:44:45So the prince of Dakar decided to go to the location.
00:44:49But suddenly Kukang attacked him fiercely.
00:44:54It turned out that Kukang was betrayed and even cooperated with the prince of Sek.
00:44:59Then Kukang explained that he actually knew there was a spy in the market.
00:45:05However, Kukang took advantage of the chaos to help the prince of Sek.
00:45:10However, the problem of Princess Yuryarna has also gone smoothly.
00:45:14Although many evil friends were killed by Srigala and also the mysterious warrior aka Arks.
00:45:20However, from the villains who managed to escape, Kukang received the goods of Yuryarna.
00:45:25Kukang and the prince of Sek thought that the princess of Yuryarna was dead.
00:45:30As a result, the prince of Sek was ready to announce that the princess of Yuryarna had risen in the evil plan of the prince of Dakar.
00:45:38Then the prince of Sek felt that he no longer had a rival.
00:45:43So the prince of Sek thought that he was the one who would inherit the throne of the kingdom of Roden.
00:45:49Back to Arks and his friends.
00:45:52Because the mission of rescuing the animals has been accomplished,
00:45:55Chioumei and Goemon thanked Arks.
00:46:00On the other hand, Yuryarna's daughter had arrived in Limbul and met her sister.
00:46:06The brothers also hugged each other.
00:46:08Then Maya explained that Dakar was behind the murder of Yuryarna.
00:46:14Finally, General Kukang killed the prince of Dakar because he was involved in the murder of Yuryarna.
00:46:20Maya even wanted to report to her father that the princess of Yuryarna was safe.
00:46:25However, the princess of Yuryarna wanted to keep it a secret that she was still alive.
00:46:30In the meantime, let people think that the princess of Yuryarna has passed away.
00:46:35Thus, it will give the princess of Yuryarna time to find out the facts of her own murder and the death of the prince of Dakar.
00:46:43Not only that, Yuryarna wanted to do his job to meet and talk to the elves.
00:46:49Yuryarna asked his sister to lend his strength for the future of humans and elves.
00:46:56Then Arian gave a report to Danka about their situation.
00:47:01Arks remembered Chioumei's words that the people who were in the trading contract had been brought to the Holy Ravlon Empire in the east.
00:47:10Arks was curious about what the Ravlon Empire was like.
00:47:14Arks did not expect that he would go abroad.
00:47:18Shin also moved to the Ravlon Empire.
00:47:21Moreover, Emperor Domitian was listening to the report that the prince of Dakar was killed by the prince of Sek.
00:47:28While the princess of Yuryarna has passed away.
00:47:31About the bracelet, before the operation, it had been destroyed by someone until the Hunter XII monster became useless.
00:47:39Now the mission to destroy the country has gone smoothly.
00:47:42Hearing this makes the emperor happy.
00:47:46Arks and his friends were seen on the cliff.
00:47:50There, Arian wanted to send a message to Danka.
00:47:53But there were so many wyvern birds flying in the air.
00:47:57Because of it, the whispering birds could not hear the message.
00:48:01To solve the problem, Arks immediately descended from the cliff.
00:48:06As soon as he was brought down, Arks immediately issued a medium-level curse from the whisperer.
00:48:11With the spell of the lightning element area plus the curse of lightning rain, the surroundings were filled with electricity.
00:48:18Because Arks set up a fence in the arena and caused him to be protected from the electric attack.
00:48:24But not with the wyvern birds or Arian and his friends.
00:48:29They were all affected by the flow of electricity.
00:48:32Finally, all the wyvern birds fled from the location.
00:48:36While Arian and his friends had a tragic fate of being hit by electricity.
00:48:41Arks did not realize that his actions made his friends become paralyzed.
00:48:46Then Sin moved to a restaurant where Arian discussed how to reach Roflon.
00:48:52They need to cross the Sipurt River.
00:48:54Then the fastest way is through Rawa, Fabiento.
00:48:58The problem is that Arks and his friends are still unaware along the way to the Kasek border.
00:49:05Then a man with green hair named Kersi approached Arks and his friends.
00:49:10Kersi asked about the incident where Arks unleashed the curse in the mountain area.
00:49:16Suddenly Arian covered Kersi's head.
00:49:19The reason is because Arian is afraid if Kersi's ears are seen by people.
00:49:24Because Kersi is an elf.
00:49:27It turned out that everyone in the restaurant knew Kersi.
00:49:30In fact, they all looked very friendly to Kersi.
00:49:34So Arian was also surprised.
00:49:37Then Kersi explained that he was with the city and its inhabitants had gone.
00:49:43Kersi had stayed there for 10 years.
00:49:46Because at first humans and elves lived side by side.
00:49:51But Arian did not agree with that opinion.
00:49:55Because many humans were rude to elves.
00:49:59Then Kersi asked Arian who rejected his opinion.
00:50:03But he wants to get along with humans in full.
00:50:07In addition to the sacred animals that make Arian's party very unique.
00:50:13Then Arks asked Kersi's goal to deceive them.
00:50:17The reason Kersi does research on monster ecology as a profession.
00:50:22Only Kersi had a hard time with the hunting monster at that time.
00:50:27Thus Kersi needs the help of Arks and friends to catch that monster.
00:50:33But Arian refused because they had other missions.
00:50:38Immediately Kersi showed the map of the Holy Ravlon Empire as a reference.
00:50:43Thus Arian agreed to help Kersi.
00:50:47Not only that, Kersi will give the Encyclopedia of the Karangan Monster.
00:50:52Knowing the Encyclopedia as a reference also motivated Arks to carry out Kersi's mission.
00:50:59The three agreed to meet tomorrow at the city gate.
00:51:03In the morning, Arks and friends met Kersi and his friends according to the agreement.
00:51:09Then by boarding the caravan they went to the hunting location.
00:51:14It was seen that Arian felt nauseous with a bad smell nearby.
00:51:18So Arks asked what was behind it.
00:51:23It turned out that the monster was a goblin.
00:51:26Suddenly Ponta and Arian became pale.
00:51:30Kersi's goal is to bring the goblin because it will be spread to attract the attention of the sandworms.
00:51:36The more smelly it is, the more effective it will be to attract the prey.
00:51:41Then Tommy gave the anti-drunk tea to Arks and friends.
00:51:46Drinking the tea made Arian feel better.
00:51:50Finally they arrived at the hunting location.
00:51:54There Tommy wanted to be forced by the monster.
00:51:57Arian immediately fought against the sandworms.
00:52:00However, Arian's fire attack failed.
00:52:03The sandworms immediately attacked Arian and were chased away by Arks.
00:52:08Arian took Tommy away from there.
00:52:11Now it's Arks' turn to fight the sandworms.
00:52:15With full strength, Arks beat the sandworms to the point of death.
00:52:20After Arks and friends completed the mission, they often said goodbye.
00:52:26Before saying goodbye, Kersi delivered the latest warm news in the city of Lombard,
00:52:32which is a port city in the west of the Kingdom of Rhodes.
00:52:36The ruler of Lombard married an elf woman.
00:52:40Arian was surprised.
00:52:43He thought that the woman might be forced to marry.
00:52:47However, the elf woman was saved by the ruler when she was sold as a Buddha.
00:52:53So they married purely out of love.
00:52:56The two couples also said that for the sake of humanity and the elves,
00:53:01they will continue to fight to improve their relationship.
00:53:05Sin also moved to Partho who told Fumba about many people missing there.
00:53:11Partho accused Fumba of losing those people.
00:53:15However, Fumba was jealous and he was even in love.
00:53:19Then Fumba also invited Partho and the two girls together to the monster's place.
00:53:25Suddenly there, Fumba also pushed one of the girls into the monster's place.
00:53:30So the monster immediately attacked the woman.
00:53:34The woman was immediately shocked to see the incident.
00:53:38So was Partho.
00:53:40Back to Ark and his friends who arrived in the border city.
00:53:44Arian decided to wander and meet there before the sun sets.
00:53:50The two also began to look for information from the people around.
00:53:54Based on information obtained by Ark,
00:53:56that every night there is a strange cry heard from the wall in the east.
00:54:01There are also monsters often seen on the border of the empire.
00:54:05Lately, the number of people missing in the city has increased,
00:54:09so the security of the city there is not maintained.
00:54:12But Ark didn't even get any information about the elven kidnapping.
00:54:17Then Ark met a group of gamblers who were bullying a woman named Cece.
00:54:23Ark began to chase Johnny because he had been rude to the woman.
00:54:28Johnny's friends wanted to help him, but they were tempted by Ark.
00:54:33When they met Ark,
00:54:35Arian accidentally saw Ark being hugged by Cece.
00:54:39So Arian failed to understand and immediately asked about the woman.
00:54:44Calmly, Ark replied that Cece was a victim of bullying.
00:54:49When Arian saw Cece with a serious look,
00:54:52it made the woman tremble with fear.
00:54:54As soon as Cece ran away, Ark thought that Cece was scared after being bullied,
00:55:01even though he was afraid of Arian.
00:55:04Then Ark apologized because they were supposed to meet at the promised place,
00:55:09but instead Arian picked him up.
00:55:12Then Ark was surprised why Arian was still angry with him.
00:55:16Angry, Arian replied that he was not upset.
00:55:21On the other hand, in the silence of Fumba, he was talking to his friends.
00:55:26Fumba was surprised this time that he did not get a single human food.
00:55:31As a result, the helpers blamed each other.
00:55:35Because the gamblers could not get food,
00:55:38they were the ones who would become their slaves.
00:55:41Shamelessly, the monster slaughtered the three of them.
00:55:44Then Fumba also promised to give food to the monster in the well.
00:55:50Back to Ark and his friends,
00:55:52Arian said that according to information about four months ago,
00:55:56the elf was brought to the wall.
00:55:59And because it's been four months, the possibility of the elf being alive is doubted.
00:56:03Nevertheless, Arian wants to bet that the elf is still alive.
00:56:08Then Ark and his friends sneaked into the wall.
00:56:12The atmosphere inside was quiet.
00:56:15Ark and his friends opened the secret door,
00:56:17and when they came down, Ark and his friends smelled like wild animals.
00:56:22Seeing that there was a guardian there,
00:56:24Ark and his friends immediately grumbled at him.
00:56:28When they entered the prison,
00:56:30they saw a lot of skulls and stench over there.
00:56:34Then Ark and his friends sneaked elsewhere and met Fumba.
00:56:39Remembering that his guardian monster wanted to eat,
00:56:42Fumba told Ark and his friends not to make noise.
00:56:45Seeing Arian's arrogance,
00:56:47Fumba suddenly judged that Arian was his own,
00:56:51while Ark was ready to be killed.
00:56:54Suddenly, Arian attacked Ark and beat him up.
00:56:59Arian began to stab Ark's body.
00:57:01As soon as the skull was opened,
00:57:04Fumba knew that Arian was a Dark Elf.
00:57:07I don't know why Arian always obeys Fumba's orders.
00:57:10Ark thinks that Arian is already affected by magic.
00:57:14By using an antichrist,
00:57:16Ark also tries to remove the effect of Arian's magic,
00:57:19but it doesn't work and Arian continues to attack.
00:57:24Then Ark still tries to warn Arian,
00:57:27while Arian continues to beat up Ark's body.
00:57:31Seeing something in Arian's skull,
00:57:33Arian, Ark also ordered Ponta to enter the cave.
00:57:37Ponta managed to bring out the Bat Monster
00:57:39and Ark immediately burned it.
00:57:42After the Bat Monster was stunned,
00:57:44Arian fainted.
00:57:46Then Fumba explained that his beloved monster
00:57:49likes to hide in the blind spot
00:57:51and continue to use illusions.
00:57:53So Fumba was amazed
00:57:55and Jengkel saw the sharpness of Ark.
00:57:57As a reward,
00:57:59Fumba also revealed his identity.
00:58:01Fumba is a monster sorcerer.
00:58:05With his strength,
00:58:07Fumba can control monsters as he likes.
00:58:09Fumba is proud that he is a rare human,
00:58:13because Fumba can control all kinds of monsters.
00:58:17Ark also saw a bracelet in Fumba's hand
00:58:19exactly like the previous bracelet he met.
00:58:23Until a monster appeared in front of Ark.
00:58:26After putting Arian on the floor,
00:58:28Ark then asked about the elves.
00:58:30But the elves are no longer with Fumba.
00:58:33Most elves are used for imperial magic experiments.
00:58:38While the rest became the monster's food.
00:58:41Fumba really enjoyed torturing the captured victim.
00:58:46When Fumba was busy talking,
00:58:48Ark immediately stabbed the monster's head.
00:58:51Usually, Ark is always calm
00:58:53in various situations facing many villains.
00:58:56However, Fumba has made Ark scared.
00:58:59Even so, Fumba is not at all afraid of Ark,
00:59:02because he still has many pet monsters.
00:59:06In an instant, many monsters appeared there.
00:59:09But even so, for Ark,
00:59:11a group of monsters is not a problem for him.
00:59:14As soon as Ark's lightning ran out,
00:59:17Fumba luckily brought out a monster friend.
00:59:20So did Ark,
00:59:22who can always guess the monsters that appear.
00:59:25It turned out that without Ark realizing it,
00:59:27there was already a monster approaching Arian.
00:59:30Chiyome appeared and immediately issued an order
00:59:33to attack the monster.
00:59:35Seeing the enemy increase,
00:59:37Fumba was ready to call another monster.
00:59:40But the monster was already dead.
00:59:43When he found out that all the monsters had been destroyed,
00:59:46Fumba was forced to call the monster in the well.
00:59:49Because the building was about to collapse,
00:59:51Ark and his friends immediately left there.
00:59:54Finally, Ark met the monster
00:59:56with a high-level magic called Hydra.
00:59:59It looks like Hydra realized
01:00:01the existence of Ark and his friends
01:00:03and then began to attack the monster.
01:00:06Fumba was already dead,
01:00:08but the monster was still alive.
01:00:11Then Ark and his friends
01:00:13divided their tasks,
01:00:15where Ark will fight Hydra,
01:00:17while Chiyome and Arian will take care of Fumba.
01:00:20After that, Ark and his friends
01:00:22went back to the well,
01:00:24but the monster was still alive.
01:00:26Fumba was also laughing
01:00:28while proud of himself.
01:00:30Fumba didn't stop talking,
01:00:32then ordered Hydra
01:00:34to catch all the monsters in the well.
01:00:37Then Ark and his friends
01:00:39followed Fumba.
01:00:40After that, they also split up
01:00:42to carry out their respective missions.
01:00:44After Hydra almost arrived in the city,
01:00:46Ark attacked him with a dagger,
01:00:49as a result, Hydra agreed to Ark
01:00:52and rushed to attack him.
01:00:54Then Hydra released a spear,
01:00:57but it still didn't hurt Ark.
01:00:59Then Ark was caught
01:01:01by another Hydra's head.
01:01:03It looks like Hydra will sacrifice
01:01:06one of his heads to destroy Ark,
01:01:08but Ark can still save himself,
01:01:11then release a high-level
01:01:13holy warrior technique, Judgment.
01:01:15With that spear,
01:01:17Ark also managed to cut off
01:01:19all of Hydra's heads.
01:01:21However, Hydra regenerated his head.
01:01:24Seeing that situation,
01:01:26Ark released a spear
01:01:28that he had never used before.
01:01:30Ark then called the devil god of hell
01:01:32named Ifrit to be
01:01:34an opponent of Hydra.
01:01:36On the other hand,
01:01:38Aryan and Chiyomi fought with Fumba.
01:01:40As soon as Aryan flashed,
01:01:42he burned Fumba's spear,
01:01:44and Fumba began to be afraid
01:01:46and said that he was just
01:01:48following the order of Kaisara.
01:01:50But for no reason,
01:01:52Fumba asked for forgiveness,
01:01:54Aryan even killed him.
01:01:56Back to the battle,
01:01:58Ark was accompanied by Ifrit
01:02:00against the monster Hydra.
01:02:02The cooperation between Ark and Ifrit
01:02:05and managed to defeat Hydra.
01:02:07After that,
01:02:09Ark and his friends
01:02:11gathered again.
01:02:13Suddenly, a whispering bird
01:02:15came and brought news from Danka.
01:02:17It was reported that
01:02:19Princess Yuryarna
01:02:21had met Agung Fanges's father.
01:02:23Then Princess Yuryarna
01:02:25admitted her mistake
01:02:27and was ready to help
01:02:29the search for the elves.
01:02:31The prince of Sekh and the prince of Dakar
01:02:33met with a country with a black record.
01:02:35If the prince of Sekh ascended the throne,
01:02:37then the massacre
01:02:39against the non-human nation
01:02:41would always happen.
01:02:43And to avoid that,
01:02:45Princess Yuryarna had to ascend the throne
01:02:47with the support of the elves.
01:02:49In return,
01:02:51if the Revlon invaded the elf territory,
01:02:53then the Kingdom of Rodan
01:02:55would become a hostage of the elf nation.
01:02:57Finally, the elves and the Kingdom of Rodan
01:02:59also cooperated.
01:03:01However, in the Kingdom of Rodan,
01:03:03the prince of Sekh received a report
01:03:05that the majority wanted
01:03:07Princess Yuryarna to inherit the throne.
01:03:09Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Revlon,
01:03:11there was news that
01:03:13Heidre and Fumba had died.
01:03:15For the emperor, it was not a problem,
01:03:17he was just curious
01:03:19about the figure of Ark.
01:03:21Then Chiome, who saw the figure
01:03:23of the archer Ark, became afraid.
01:03:25Aryan planned to invite Ark
01:03:27to Lothcrow to bring Ark
01:03:29to the waters there.
01:03:31The waters can cure
01:03:33all curses. Ark
01:03:35was also very happy to be brought
01:03:37to the waters where there is a dragon
01:03:39there. Moreover,
01:03:41he can also visit the ninja village
01:03:43where Chiome lives.
01:03:45With fear, Chiome also considered it.
01:03:47And the story
01:03:49ends here.
01:03:51Well, this anime
01:03:53carries a theme about another world,
01:03:55where the protagonist's character
01:03:57is trapped in the game world
01:03:59he is playing. Actually,
01:04:01the theme is quite common
01:04:03and unfortunately this anime has no explanation
01:04:05about the origin of the main character.
