We're done having kids. (Coles having surgery)

  • 2 months ago
Cole and Savannah talk being done with kids, taking their kids off social media, and plans for the future.
00:00Hello. Okay, so we're back to talking. Life has been bonkers over here. It has been.
00:09Has it been bonkers? Yeah. So we need to catch up. Guys, it is getting lit in the
00:14LeBrant family household. I guess that's one way to put it. And by lit, I mean if you are thinking about
00:19having five kids, think again. Okay. I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just saying
00:26make sure you're really thinking this through. Five kids is a lot of kids. I feel bad saying
00:33this because four kids is still a lot of kids, but I didn't feel like four kids was a lot on
00:38me. And I feel like five kids, I'm finally like, oh, I get stressed out a little bit.
00:42Everybody has their limit and it's all situational. Yeah. More so in the fact of like not,
00:51it's more so like, I can't, I feel like right now in this moment, I can't like go to a pool
00:56with all the children by myself, which I'm not used to that. I feel like I can go anywhere by
01:01myself with all my kids. I'll talk as a husband. Savannah is, Savannah is super mom. Like everything
01:05that you guys see on. I don't mean it like that, but I just, I'm not a very, I don't get stressed
01:10out very easily. So I'm, I thrive on chaos and I do really well with chaos. But I personally feel
01:16like if I were to go to the pool with all five kids right now, I would probably be a little
01:19stressed out that like something was going to happen. I mean, you do have an 11 year old who's
01:25relatively easy, but then you got five, three, two newborn baby. I just turned two. So it's just,
01:31it's a lot right now. And that's totally fine. We love it. So like anything that you're saying,
01:36like we would not trade this season of life for anything. So it's just five kids, a lot of kids,
01:41but we will admittedly say that it feels like a lot and there are no breaks whatsoever.
01:48Um, it's fun though. It's fun. 99% of the time, but there is that 1% where we're like,
01:55have you seen cheaper by the dozen? I'm assuming that anyone here has seen cheaper by the dozen.
01:58I was thinking about that the other day. I was like holding the kid and other kids coming up to
02:02me. I'm seeing like a kid, like ride the bike down. But we're also in the newborn stage stage
02:08where I feel like once he's like four or five months older, we're going to be okay. Savannah
02:13thinks it's going to get fragile right now. I think, you know, he's gonna, whenever he gets
02:21mobile, it's harder, but not really. Cause all the other kids are a little bit like, I guess so,
02:25you know, like Sunday's still so tiny. I guess so. We're saying that this has got to be the
02:29thick of it. Like in every season, you know, in everyone's life at some point in your life,
02:34you were in the thick of it and maybe several times, but we were saying like, remember,
02:37we look back 20 years from now, like what was the hardest point with raising our kids? This
02:42is probably physically it's now. Cause we're just, yeah, there's no breaks. I'm sure mentally
02:47and emotionally, whenever there were teenagers, that's going to not be fun. Yeah. Cause I love
02:51it so much. And if he wanted another kid, I'd probably have another. Yeah. So, uh, life's
02:59chaotic, which I, I, I see some questions in some of your guys' comments and other things,
03:04just like why we don't film as much anymore. I know we've kind of addressed it, but we,
03:09we, we documented the baby being born and we were kind of like posting a little bit more,
03:12but I think too, we don't have help at all. Like we don't have babysitting help. And I think a lot
03:18of people don't realize that too. Cause probably just assume that we do, but we don't have any
03:23help with the kids. So I feel like for us to be blogging all the time, we just be like, yeah,
03:28so all of my family, I have a ton of really great family, but they're all in Florida and we're here
03:33in Tennessee. We have my mom who is helpful, but she's just a single grandma and also has a life.
03:40So she's as helpful as she can be, especially just with Everly and dance stuff. Cause that's
03:46alone is a lot. And we're navigating that. We just had like family discussions. So we're just
03:53kind of like, whenever we turn the camera on, sometimes we have like an agenda of like what
03:56we're going to say. And sometimes it's just like, we're going to let it roll and catch up with you
03:59guys. And uh, like Everly's actually starting a new dance season, which is going to be on the
04:04dance team and she loves it. And we want to encourage her, not encourage her, but support
04:08whatever she's doing and always encourage them that way. This past year, she didn't do a dance
04:13team. She did still dance and was dancing with the team and doing all the classes. And she was
04:18competing her solos, doing all the same stuff, but she wasn't technically on the team doing group
04:22routine. So it was like a lot of free time for us as a family and her, and she liked it for the
04:28year, but now she's ready to go back to full force team. So it's going to be a big change for
04:33us. We're like, Oh man, five kids full force team. We're building a house, which from what I hear,
04:38and for people who have built a home from scratch, they say that building a house puts more pressure
04:44on a marriage and on a family. Yeah. Then like, I don't think for us, for the fact that we both
04:49don't really care about details too much. And we both agree on everything in the house. I agree
04:54with that. And that's why we went for this. But I remember like a lot of my mentors and people in
04:57my life were like, just beware, like building a home is supposedly like the most stressful and
05:02like separating thing. Like if you can build a house together and still love each other after.
05:07And then I was like, man, well, we're doing that on top of just welcoming a fifth baby,
05:10letting everybody go like full force into it. And just with allowing everybody to do that,
05:14it's just, it's just very time dependent. Right. There's a lot of dropping off and picking up
05:19anybody who has like very active kids and things. Yeah. And we only have one kid over here. We only
05:26have one kid. That's like really an activity. It's like cozy, just started doing gymnastics.
05:29That's like once a week for an hour in Zeeland, a soccer once a week for an hour, but it's nothing
05:33like, like Everly is full force in this dance world. Yeah. But Hey, but we'll report back how
05:39we're doing after the house is built. But we are still, we are still so in love. I mean, like
05:44Savannah, can you just tell people how in love we are after you tell people how in love you are with
05:50I am so in love with my wife that it's Sunday. We got home from church and I was trying to just
05:56like kiss her for hours on end. What I was until I eventually somehow convinced you to kiss me back,
06:06which was one of the best days of my life. Okay. Um, I feel like we don't ever kiss.
06:11No kisses, uh, kisses code. Oh, got it. Kisses code acting like we don't ever kiss.
06:17Well, we got kids. We have a date night coming up and we had the babysitter come an hour early
06:25so we could film this. Um, how's my makeup? Beautiful per up per usual, honey. Pretty
06:31usual, but it's so like crazy, right? We actually got some lights. Um, we are still homeschooling
06:36our kids. That was another thing I was going to lead into is we are still homeschooling our kids.
06:39We're still intending to homeschool our kids, which has been, I feel like a major blessing
06:43in our life. I love homeschooling. It's like the end time that we're talking about with Everly
06:47cause she's going to be gone more dancing, which I personally don't love. I don't love the idea of
06:52my kid. I don't love it either. Being gone that much. Yeah. To elaborate on that though is she
07:00was doing this prior to us slowing down here in Texas. This is what she's always done. So for us,
07:07it's like, and she loves it so much and she's so good at it. This is what she loves doing. So for
07:12me, it's like, I can't, I can't pull the reins on it when it's something that she's already so
07:18into. If she were five or six, I feel like I could. Yeah. We, I would actually be very curious.
07:23She's already at 11 and in it. I know we have like a lot of families that follow us. And
07:28at this point we've kind of built a community of very like-minded families who have a similar
07:32values and culture. So I'd actually be curious your inputs if you, if you have kids and I'll
07:36actually read these comments down below. It was like, if you have kids or if you've raised kids,
07:39or if you're going through this too, who are in activities, this is kind of the only thing
07:43that me and Savannah, like we don't fight about it, but we just like, it's a constant conversation
07:49of like how much we've had arguments about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not fights, but we definitely
07:54have had arguments. Heavy discussions. To be honest, because it's something that's just a lot,
07:59but I mean, and to explain to them too, just so they don't think it's like
08:04barely anything. I mean, it's four days a week, full four days a week, you know, like three to
08:08nine and several weekends of the year. I mean, a lot of weekends, like eight, eight to nine full
08:13weekends of the year that are completely taken up Friday. What gets me is the dash of the dance
08:18nationals is, and it's expensive. It's 10 days, usually in Vegas, if not Vegas, somewhere equally
08:25or even more expensive over the 4th of July, over the 4th of July, which is like all time favorite
08:30holiday. I want to be on the beach with my kids. You know, I don't want to be at a dance convention
08:35and the kids always get super COVID 2.0. It's very sick. They get so sick because you're in
08:40the congested area with a million. It's just like, and it's so expensive because you're traveling to
08:44go to all the dance competitions. Anybody, any dance family knows exactly what we're talking
08:48about. If you're not, I know that other activities have certain things. So, and we have, but I want
08:54to go back. This wasn't the point of the conversation. She loves it. And we are going to
08:57let her do it because she loves it so much. And we would not hold her back from doing what she
09:01loves. And also it's just hard for us because we're trying to slow down right now. And then
09:05we still have that going and we're like, well, that's not slowing down. And I need to say,
09:08I know I might sound like the bad guy. It's not just everything in her dance. It's like
09:12whatever my kids do, I just want to find that healthy balance of like, what is enough to like
09:17support them so that they can get good at it and go as far as they can. Where also it doesn't become
09:21the number one priority in our life. And that's what we always are trying to discuss. Like, okay,
09:25yeah, let's let her do this. But how can we balance this with like life? Cause it's already
09:29so hard to balance life as is. Yeah. So we're going to figure that out. Right. We don't have
09:34an answer. So if you guys have things comment below, um, leading into that, I think we're
09:43done having kids. Yeah. I mean, this is the first time where I'm like very close to saying I'm 100%
09:52done. I'm, I always have like a little inkling in the back of my mind whenever I say that.
09:59So it makes me sad, but I think I'm done. We might, and likely will adopt down the road. I
10:06would love to adopt. So I know that if I want him to get more on board for adopting, you hear that
10:13out there, the children, if I want him to get more on board for adopting that I need to be done having
10:20kids. God has blessed us with so much, the means and, uh, just the love to raise kids. And, um,
10:27we, we love the season of life so much. It's chaotic and it's a lot. And with me, it's not
10:32that like, I don't want another kid is that the five kids that I have, I love them all so much.
10:38I know that you do too. You have the same perspective. Your capacity is just more than
10:41mine where I feel like I am maxed out. Like I, I, I remember we had four kids. I was like,
10:45I can love these four kids well. And I'm pretty sure I can do a fifth. We had the fifth and I'm
10:49like, okay, I can love these five kids. Well, I don't think I can love six kids really well.
10:57At some point. Okay. You need to elaborate more on love. He means more. He means more,
11:02give his time to them. I'm very special time. I'm very intentional. Like every week I make
11:08sure that throughout the week I pull each kid aside and have special time with each kid in
11:13certain areas. Um, and just the more, cause I have, I mean, cause eventually you got to stop
11:18at some point. So if it was like seven, eight, nine, 10, whatever number that is, at some point
11:22you run out of time in your week. For me, I've ran out of time with five kids. Yeah.
11:26Yeah. I guess that's what it is. Yeah. That's how I feel. Um, so I, I just want,
11:31I just want to be the best dad that I can be. And I feel like I can still do that with five kids.
11:35Yeah. Um, and that's why I don't even want to entertain adopting right now. Cause I want to
11:38make sure that I can love these five kids. Yeah. And I'm not really entertaining the idea of
11:44adopting anytime soon either. I think if we adopt, it'll be obviously we're so young,
11:49but let's say it's five or 10 years on the road guys. Reminder, I'm 27. So that's like,
11:54I know we have a lot of kids, but 10, 10 years, I'm still only 37. And then we have so much more
11:58capacity and like this conversation boring you. No, no, no. But yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Totally.
12:07I mean, it's a really deep conversation. It's fun that we talk about. And I thought it would
12:11be kind of fun to, I don't know if I've talked about this before, but to put, to adopt a kid
12:15in the middle of Posey and Everly, because there's such a big age gap there and there's not with all
12:20the other ones. And I feel like it'd be fun. Like I talked about that with everything. She's like,
12:23I would love that so much. Like, she'd be stoked about it just to have someone like even a little
12:27bit closer in age. Cause her and Posey are actually getting really cute and playing so much right now.
12:31Like they have sleepovers all the time and they do each other's hair and they're, they're just
12:35really cute. But I think it'd be even more fun for Posey and Everly to have someone right in the
12:42middle of them. Another little buddy. So that's my thought on that. But also I'm open to. And
12:47we're totally open to that. And ultimately our thing is like, if God wants us to do it,
12:51then he'll make it evident. And if like, we meet a kid in a situation where it's like,
12:54oh, this is the kid that God brought into our life who needs a family. Boom. You know,
12:58but I guess not something that I, in this moment, we're like heavily pursuing just
13:02got so many little kids. But all that to say, I think I am done being pregnant.
13:09Wow. You just said that. Are you going to cry? I think so. Savannah's life has consisted of
13:17creating humans and you've done it so well. We just, it almost feels like a, like a marathon
13:24finish line. As far as like, we have our seven year anniversary coming up next week. Uh, and
13:30like, as long as I've known you, you've been pregnant or breastfeeding like all of our
13:36anniversaries. We're still in it, but like you not getting pregnant again, it's like you, you
13:43finished wrong. I'm saying like, life is seasonal. And so I think that like, it can be a sad
13:49transition, but I see it as like a very hopeful and exciting transition of like, now we can just
13:52like really, not that we weren't in the past, but now we can really just focus on, you know,
13:57what we have and moving forward. Having said guys, I got a vasectomy consultation tomorrow at 2 30 PM
14:05with my urologist. So excited about it. And this was something we both decided on.
14:13I would have never done this. I would have never pressured Savannah.
14:16Like pressured me to get one. Well, no, not like pressured you to like, let me get one.
14:20This is just like a conversation. I was like, yeah, I think, I think we might be done if you
14:27feel the same. No, I do. I do feel the same. I definitely don't. I don't want to be pregnant
14:34again. Now God could have other plans and this vasectomy could happen and we could still get
14:39pregnant again. So all that to say, but it is a major blessing that we are both extremely fertile,
14:46but we would love to not. We were not trying with Beckham blue by trying, obviously we're doing the,
14:53we're doing the thing, but we did want a fifth. That was definitely something that was going to
14:59happen. But the fact that you did get pregnant, even with us, not anybody who's had babies,
15:04you can, you can try. It's like, Oh, we're trying to get pregnant. Right. That was not the case at
15:08all with this. Yeah. Um, so cause our last four are all under two years apart. All of them are
15:14under two years. Yeah. We just know we gotta, we gotta like do something. Otherwise we're just
15:18going to back rabbits and just like, I literally always get pregnant right when I stopped
15:21breastfeeding. It's like that exact month. They're all right there. So we just need to be super
15:27careful and we're taking steps to not have six baby. Yeah. Even though we love babies so much,
15:34they're such a blessing. We are done with that stage of life. Yeah. I'm a little nervous. I'm
15:38so young. So I'm like most guys that I know who get a vasectomy, it's like maybe I'm around like
15:4140 low 40s. I wonder what they're, well, I'm sure that's happened before, but I wonder what their
15:48youngest guy is to get a vasectomy was like, I'm wanting to fix kids. None of my siblings are even
15:52married. I don't know. After your fifth baby, that's nuts. Yeah. We're weird. Crazy. We're weird.
16:02I don't know. I guess follows. Um, I know we've touched on this in previous conversations, but
16:08we got 18 acres. We got the, uh, architectural plans done. We're building a new house. We're
16:14going to be moving out of this house and it might be a little confusing with some of the things that
16:16we talked about, but the plan is to move onto this land. We're building a house that we plan
16:20to live on hopefully forever. Um, I know we kind of talked about like our family farm. We really
16:26don't know what our plans are for this. Like we don't have like a, um, like, Oh, we're gonna get
16:31a bunch of animals. We're going to start growing our own stuff. Like we don't know, but we just
16:34wanted the land to, our main goal is to serve people on this land. We want to host anything
16:42and everything on this land. And we could host in the house that we're in now, but there are just
16:50restrictions that they wouldn't let us build anything in our backyard. And I feel like hosting
16:54in summer would be awful here. And we have like a lot of, we have a lot of parties. We have a lot
16:58of events. We have a lot of kids, church things. And like, they won't let us put in a pool. And
17:03like our neighbors, they'll like call and complain. Very nice. Sorry if you're watching this.
17:08They're, uh, you know, if we have music playing outside, right. We, we, we are all about kids
17:13riding scooters, just being loud. So we had to, we bought land a little right outside the city.
17:17Um, so there's no restrictions, but we can just do whatever the heck we want. Yeah. So we're
17:23excited in a place to host people. We want to build a big barn where we can have events for
17:28worship nights and marriage, all the things. So that's our main goal. But if we do want to get
17:35some animals and some chickens and start doing the farm life, we might be doing that too. Yeah.
17:39Just something where we've been talking about. Yeah. We've been sharing our life on here for
17:44about eight years now. Yeah. On this YouTube channel for eight years now. And I know that
17:47we're posting probably the less that we've ever posted. And there's a ton of reasons for that.
17:53The biggest one being, uh, we're busy, um, with the kids and just kind of focusing on this season
18:01of life. But, uh, another one being like, you know, just our perspective on things that have
18:07changed. Like, like we don't even let our kids and this is, it might sound strange, like we don't
18:12let our kids watch YouTube. Um, like, like we'll let everybody actually watch Mr. Beast and like,
18:17she's a little older. So like, we'll let her like watch certain things. But like, I feel like social
18:22media has changed as a whole. Um, as opposed to like what it was a while ago. And our perspective
18:27on things has changed as a whole. So like as social media has changed and even our perspective
18:30on things has changed. Like I really have an Instagram account, but it's on my phone and it's
18:36my Instagram account because I'm the one who's posting on it and all the things,
18:39but she doesn't have social media. She won't for a while. Yeah. And like the reason for that was
18:46like a team, I expand on like why she has it as like, whenever we started creating social media
18:51and making our videos forever ago, uh, it just made sense. Right. She was like a part of our
18:56family back then people were creating Instagram accounts for their dogs and for like, you know,
19:00just everything, especially if you're like in the creator space. So everyone was always so energetic
19:04and such a cute, fun dance that it just, it just became a landing page to like put her, her dance
19:09stuff in her, her face and we see it as a major blessing that it's grown to what it is and the
19:14opportunities that it's brought her and her love for dance. We know that, um, with her Instagram,
19:19with her platform, that she'll be able to do what she loves for the rest of her life, which is just
19:23a tremendous blessing, especially if in our eyes, we can raise her well to where she loves the Lord
19:27and she can use her platform to encourage others to do the same, which is the biggest thing. You
19:32know, uh, I know that I look up to people and people that I look up to who are maybe athletes
19:36or whatever it is, whenever they share their faith, it's like, that is the most encouraging
19:40thing. So if everybody can be this role model in this space who does have a following, um,
19:45we hopefully teach her how to steward it well and, um, whatever, but then she can point people
19:49to the Lord through it like that. That's what excites us. Right. And then if through it
19:52opportunities and fun stuff comes along and that's, that's great as well. Um, but that's
19:56kind of the perspective with everyone's Instagram. The other kids, um, the other kids, again,
20:03naturally as we kind of were growing our family in the space, we create an Instagram for each of
20:08the kids as they're born, just kind of post cute baby pictures. Yeah. And really just to like,
20:12have as like baby books. Cause I didn't make the kids baby books. So I feel like it was like my
20:16baby book for them to like, look back on. Yeah. And I know a lot of other families have done that.
20:19Yeah. Um, we have, we have friends who've done it, but then I, again, as our perspective on
20:23things change, we started posting less and less and we started thinking about things and we're
20:27just like, we never post on this and it's unnecessary. So yeah, we deleted them. Uh,
20:32because we didn't see a purpose that was being served where, where the evidence we really see
20:36at this point in her life, it would be, uh, we felt like it would be wrong to take that from her.
20:42Yeah. Um, so that just kind of goes into a whole as why we're posting less. Uh, I know that some
20:49people are even just like entirely anti showing their kids on certain things. And it's not
20:54something that we talk about a lot and not something that we feel, uh, super passionate
20:57about personally. Uh, it's not something that we ultimately disagree with. I think that each
21:02family has their own way of doing things. We feel like, um, you know, God puts certain people in
21:08spotlights and, um, I think that there, that ultimately showing a happy, healthy, imperfect
21:16family who loves God, uh, is our goal and is our mission. Yeah. Um, so, you know, I can get too
21:25into the weeds with that, but that's ultimately how we feel. Um, but it also means that, you know,
21:31it's more so me and Savannah being the focus, but that our kids are the entirety of our life.
21:39Like without our kids, I just feel like I would just not do anything. Some people,
21:44some people are great influencers. Some people are really great influencers and they're like
21:48making like these montages and the kitchen or like in the gym or like out in the yard,
21:53building things like whatever it is. Like, yeah, we're a husband and wife and a mom. Yeah.
21:58I, whatever I'm doing, I'm doing them and that my kids are with me on me while I'm doing it.
22:03We aren't talented because again, too, it just goes back to, we don't, we don't hire help.
22:09Yeah. And it's funny. I keep, I keep this really brief, but I remember I had a memory before I
22:14even got a following that there's this guy, I think I've told this story before. There's this
22:17guy who was several years older than me who I looked up to and he, uh, got married to this
22:23beautiful girl and they had a kid and his entire Instagram, he didn't have a single picture of
22:27himself. It was all his wife and his kid. And I remember thinking like, that is so cool. Like,
22:31you know, I was like, this is like back in the day when everyone was like posting selfies,
22:33like just themselves and whatever else. And I was thinking like, this guy's so obsessed with
22:36his wife and his kid, but like, that's what he's known for. And I was thinking, I'm like,
22:39that's what I want to be. Um, so then it kind of has become that, but then people can look at that
22:45in a bad light, which again teach their own. And I understand every perspective, but, um,
22:51yeah, so we just don't post as much, but we, we, that doesn't mean that we aren't working
22:55on some fun things. I wanted to close this with what we are doing, even though we're not posting
23:00as much, we're still going to continue to post. And obviously if you guys follow us on Instagram,
23:03you see that we were more active on there. Follow us on Instagram if you want to follow us on
23:06Instagram cause we're more active on there. Um, but we have two really big things that are
23:11happening right now. One, things that we've never done before and that we think could just be really
23:16awesome. They're actually not fighting. They're being silly and laughing at each other.
23:22Silly, happy. Um, but yeah, it's two things that we're, we've been working on for ultimately,
23:28I would almost say like two years in the works, like two years in the works, like two years ago,
23:33we kind of made the decision like, okay, we're going to do less, maybe even three years ago.
23:35It's like, okay, we're gonna start doing less and less and less. And we're going to look for
23:39bigger opportunities that we feel like are open doors from God. And two are now in our laps.
23:46And I think that one is going to, we're going to release in September and one in October,
23:52the launches of these in September, October, totally different things, totally different
23:56things, catering to different areas of our audience. But I think that things that, um,
24:01we are very excited about two things that we're actually really passionate about too,
24:06very passionate about. And we think that you guys will love and be passionate about too. Um,
24:11so we're very excited for that. So just so you guys know, like, we're not just like,
24:15um, done with being boring. We're not just done with social media. We're not doing anything. We
24:19think that these things could be bigger than anything that we've ever done. Yeah. Uh, and I
24:23truly believe that. Like, I think that these things, like you guys will be really excited
24:25about because like, Oh yeah, we know cool in Savannah and like, this is cool. But then you
24:30guys see what it is like, wow, this is bigger than going Savannah. Um, so we're, we're really
24:35excited. Yeah. And we got some awesome people who've helped us along the way. Like this isn't
24:39like an us thing. There's like a team building these things out that are like, it's like way
24:42beyond, way bigger than us. And, uh, but that's all that's all for now. We can't wait to say too
24:46much more, but got to go get the kids now. Yeah. And we got to go on a date. Yeah. I'm so excited.
24:53We have to go on a date because if we don't, we're going to get divorced. Okay.
24:57Are we going to get divorced? No, no, no. We'll talk about it later.
25:00What'd you say? We'll talk about it later. Talk about what later? Nothing.
25:05All right.
