How To Live With, What You Can't Live Down - TDJ

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00Right. We're going to go to 2 Samuel 12, 15-25 and we're going to go to Matthew chapter 1. 2 Samuel 12, 15-25 and we're going to go to Matthew chapter 1.
00:00:16And Nathan departed unto his house, and the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick. And David therefore besought God for the child, and David fasted and went in and lay all night upon the earth.
00:00:36And the elders of his house arose and went to him to raise him up from the earth, but he would not, neither did he eat bread with him. And it came to pass on the seventh day that the child died.
00:00:48And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we speak unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice. How will he then vex himself if we tell him that the child is dead?
00:01:04But when David saw that his servants whispered, David perceived that the child was dead. Therefore David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.
00:01:14Then David arose from the earth, and washed and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came unto the house of the Lord, and worshiped. Then he came to his own house, and when he had required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.
00:01:29Then said his servants unto him, What thing is this that thou hast done? Thou didst fast and weep for the child while it was yet alive, but when the child was dead, you got up and got something to eat. And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept for it. I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live?
00:01:49But now he is dead. Wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return unto me. And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her. And she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon, and the Lord loved him. And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and he called his name Jedidiah, because of the Lord.
00:02:17I want to go back to I think the 15th verse. And Nathan departed unto his house, and the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick. And the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick.
00:02:48It's interesting, isn't it? Go to the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 1.
00:02:52St. Matthew. The first book in the New Testament. Right after Malachi. You with me?
00:03:18The book of the generation of Jesus Christ. This is the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judas, and his brethren.
00:03:29And Judas begot Pharaoh and Zerah of Tamar, and Pharaoh begot Ezram, and Ezram begot Abraham, and Abraham begot Amenadab, and Amenadab begot Napheson, and Napheson begot Solomon, and Solomon begot Boaz, and Boaz Rahab.
00:03:46And Boaz begot Obed of Ruth, and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David the king, and David the king begot Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah's.
00:04:05Bear with me, I'm having a little trouble with my throat. Maybe because the enemy doesn't want me to share this word with you.
00:04:13I want to teach how to live with what you can't live down. How to live with what you can't live down.
00:04:30It is odd to me, well let me pray with you first. I don't know why the Lord's got me on this track, but I guarantee you, there's not a woman in this room, this is a broad statement, because there's a lot of different women in this room.
00:04:56But there's not a woman in this room that don't have a secret.
00:05:12There's not a woman in this room that doesn't have something that you don't want everybody to know.
00:05:18That could damage how people perceive you or your children. I'm preaching to the choir when I talk to you because you're secret keepers.
00:05:33If you're mamas, you're secret keepers. If you're wives, you're secret keepers. If you're living, you're a secret keeper.
00:05:42And yet, no matter how many secrets you have, there are certain things that the enemy uses to terrorize you, to threaten you, to intimidate you, to humiliate you, to disgrace you.
00:05:59How do we live with those things that we can't live down?
00:06:08Now, if you haven't lived long, you don't know what I'm talking about.
00:06:13But if you've been here long enough to see a turnip rot, you understand what I'm saying, that life will throw you a curveball sometime.
00:06:25And you gotta live with stuff because things don't always go the way you planned them.
00:06:30Kids don't always turn out the way you planned them.
00:06:34You make mistakes along the way and you didn't turn out the way you planned it.
00:06:39And yet, you gotta be able to live with it because you can't change what happened.
00:06:43Am I right about it?
00:06:45I want you to think along those lines while I'm teaching because I have a word for you that I believe is gonna cause you to walk in victory in spite of what you may have gone through.
00:06:56In spite of what you may have gone through.
00:06:57You'd be shocked what's in this room.
00:07:00But before this afternoon is over, I think we're gonna unlock some things that's gonna give you a grace and a peace you didn't have before.
00:07:07Is that alright?
00:07:08Let's pray.
00:07:09Father, I thank you for the opportunity you've given me to share the word of God with the women of God.
00:07:14Let the anointing of God saturate this place while I'm teaching.
00:07:17Let the word be made flesh in this place.
00:07:20In Jesus' name we pray.
00:07:22Somebody shout amen.
00:07:24You may be seated in this place.
00:07:28I will not spend a long time sharing the story of David and Bathsheba, but most of you know about David and Bathsheba.
00:07:40That Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah and that while she was taking a bath, the king started having a pornographic moment and became a bit of a voyeur and eyed her and hunted her down.
00:07:57And slept with her and then lied about it and then set it up to try to make it look like she was pregnant by Uriah by bringing Uriah home from the battlefield where Uriah had gone out to war.
00:08:13And he brought Uriah home from the battlefield so that he would naturally go in and sleep with his wife when it's one night off and that would be his alibi for her pregnancy.
00:08:23It's smart. It was wrong but it was smart.
00:08:28But God will let even smart plans go wrong to show you that he's God and that he's absolute and that he's still in control.
00:08:39David never thought for one minute that Uriah was so committed to him that he would not go in and sleep with his wife on his one night off.
00:08:48He was that committed to the king's charge and wanted to be out there fighting with his men.
00:08:54And his loyalty messed up David's plan.
00:08:58So then David not willing to concede and confess his sin at that point went further and said well I'm going to have to have Uriah killed.
00:09:06And he sent him with a note back to the front lines of the battle and Uriah was killed.
00:09:12I wish I had time to just work on Uriah because you must understand it was not just David's adultery that brought sin down on his own head but David broke a serious covenant with Uriah.
00:09:26And I often teach about how you have to be careful how you treat people under you.
00:09:32I believe the reason that God keeps bringing up Uriah in David's life, he doesn't just bring up adultery, he brings up Uriah.
00:09:41And the reason that Nathan came to David and said you had all of these lambs and Uriah only had one and you took his one lamb is because David's sin was against Uriah.
00:09:54Uriah was committed to him and in covenant with him and you have to be careful when you get in leadership how you treat people under you.
00:10:02Because if you use their loyalty to destroy them God will judge you.
00:10:08It's a principle of power you must understand.
00:10:11When God puts you in power he watches how you handle people under you and it will hinder your relationship with the Lord.
00:10:17That's why God told husbands if you don't treat your wife right God said your prayers will be hindered.
00:10:24I'm watching how you handle power and if you don't handle it right I'm going to mess you up because you're not submitted correctly.
00:10:31Are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:10:33Now you have to watch that too as God begins to raise you up and puts you in a position of power that you don't get arrogant and beside yourself and start abusing people who are loyal to you because God will judge you because of that.
00:10:45Are you following what I'm saying?
00:10:47Isn't it funny how we can judge other people and be guilty ourselves?
00:10:54Truth be told all of us have been hypocritical at one time or another.
00:10:59Judge somebody or somebody's child very harshly and then your child got in the same situation.
00:11:05You wanted the whole church to go on a fast and you got all your grace scriptures out but you didn't have grace for other people.
00:11:11Come on somebody.
00:11:12And God begins to deal with David and he begins to deal with David's heart and now David is trying to correct what has become a crisis in his life.
00:11:22A crisis just a crisis of all the wonderful things that David did.
00:11:26Too numerous to name in this setting.
00:11:28David is probably more known for his incident with Bathsheba or Uriah's wife than he was anything else.
00:11:36All the victories he'd won.
00:11:38All the instruments he made.
00:11:40Re-establishing a new style of worship and praise.
00:11:43David was ahead of his time.
00:11:45He was able to access the Holy of Holies.
00:11:47Brought the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Obed-Edom.
00:11:50Was able to fight back all of the Philistines and get the glory of God back into the tabernacle through praise and worship.
00:11:58David was ahead of his time.
00:12:00A tremendous leader.
00:12:02A mighty warrior.
00:12:03Strong in battle.
00:12:05Strong enough to fight and destroy hundreds of men by his own sword.
00:12:09David took the foreskins off a hundred men and flung them down at the feet of the king.
00:12:15He was mighty in battle and yet sensitive enough to write poetry.
00:12:18Creative enough to create instruments.
00:12:21David was awesome but this one incident marred his entire life.
00:12:26Isn't it funny how one moment of weakness or passion or foolishness can mess up a glowing career
00:12:33and be a blot on the rest of your life and people will define you by one mistake and forget everything positive you did.
00:12:42There's a certain vulnerability that goes along.
00:12:45Everybody wants to be in the spotlight.
00:12:47They want the light but they can't handle the heat.
00:12:49You can't get bright light and not have hot heat.
00:12:53They go together.
00:12:55So before you start craving the spotlight, just count up the heat.
00:12:59Yeah, because there's a lot of heat up on this stage.
00:13:03And David was on this stage and he got the light and he had to deal with the heat because you cannot always separate one from the other.
00:13:10And all of a sudden he's in a situation where his newborn baby, now that he's taken Uriah's wife, is sick.
00:13:18And God says the baby's going to die.
00:13:20And David has wrapped himself up in sackcloth and ashes to pray down this terrible condition.
00:13:26It is interesting when we read in the text in Samuel about this incident, God is still referring to Bathsheba as Uriah's wife.
00:13:36And the interesting thing to note is Uriah is dead.
00:13:41Isn't it funny how something can be dead and still be over and people are still talking about it?
00:13:49It doesn't go away.
00:13:51It doesn't go away.
00:13:53It leaks out.
00:13:54It eats out.
00:13:56It flows out.
00:13:58And you're trying to go on about your business, you say that was then, this is now, but for somebody it's not over and they keep bringing up your past.
00:14:07You'd be shocked what's in this room.
00:14:10You'd be shocked who's in this room.
00:14:13Oh yeah, I'm not talking about the big name, there's some big names in here, there's some important, prestigious people.
00:14:19To me, everybody's important.
00:14:21But I'm not talking about all of that kind of stuff.
00:14:25You'd be shocked what's in this room.
00:14:27There's some doctors and lawyers and judges and CPAs and what have you in this room.
00:14:34Business owners, entrepreneurs, women of God, women forging ministries on the battlefield for the Lord, pastors and pastors' wives, women of influence, book writers, authors, teachers.
00:14:46But that's not what I'm talking about today.
00:14:47You'd be shocked at how many abortions are in this room and how many lesbian experiences are in this room and how many adulterous affairs are in this room and how many people are in here with false pretense.
00:15:04You really don't have a degree but you said you did and you got the job and nobody knows that you really didn't get the degree, you just took business classes.
00:15:11You don't have a degree in it but your legs are crossed and you look all important but people don't know the real deal.
00:15:17You'd be shocked at who came down here with bad credit, no credit, some kind of credit and holding their breath at the counter trying to see if the credit card was going clear.
00:15:27You'd be shocked.
00:15:29You'd be shocked what's in this room.
00:15:31You'd be shocked at the stories.
00:15:32I mean ugly, strange, unusual stories.
00:15:35People are pregnant by their fathers and uncles and been molested and raped and abused and ostracized because if you live long enough things happen along the way.
00:15:46They happen, they happen, they happen early in life.
00:15:49Sometimes they happen in the middle of your life.
00:15:51Sometimes they happen because you're going through a crisis.
00:15:54Sometimes they happen because you're going through grief.
00:15:56Sometimes they happen because you wouldn't listen to anybody.
00:15:58There are a thousand ways to be wrong.
00:16:01A thousand ways to be wrong.
00:16:03Only one way to get right.
00:16:05But there's a thousand ways to get wrong.
00:16:07And any one of those paths will take you down the wrong path.
00:16:10And you'd be surprised how you go through things and get beyond it and you try to get beyond it.
00:16:15And every time you try to get beyond it somebody will bring it up or say something about it or refer to you as that.
00:16:21Here this woman is now the first lady of Israel.
00:16:25She is in a position of prominence.
00:16:27She's got chariots moving her in and out.
00:16:30She's got medical physicians at her beck and call.
00:16:33She has come to a place of prestige.
00:16:36She is now married into the upper echelon of Israel.
00:16:39She now has a tailor to make all of her custom outfits and dresses.
00:16:43Her shoes are custom made.
00:16:45Her jewelry is crafted and designed in such a way that to be the wife of the king would mean that even when you died you would die surrounded in jewels and riches and majesty.
00:16:56David was rich.
00:16:58David was important.
00:17:00David was influential.
00:17:02She had arrived.
00:17:04She was there.
00:17:06And even at the pinnacle of success they're still calling her Uriah's wife.
00:17:11What do you do when you get there?
00:17:14And you're finally there.
00:17:16And you finally arrive.
00:17:18But something you did out of your past is threatening to contaminate where you are right now.
00:17:23What do you do?
00:17:24They won't let you go on and they won't let you forget.
00:17:27And now you find yourself in a situation and something that was birthed out of sin is now sick and decayed.
00:17:33And this is one of the problems you must notice in this test.
00:17:37When David hears about the baby dying, David wraps himself up in sackcloth and ashes and he begins to pray.
00:17:44And he begins to labor.
00:17:46And he begins to go before God asking God to straighten out this crisis because it is a terrible crisis in his life.
00:17:51And while David is fasting and praying, he gets worried that the child is dead.
00:17:57And they don't even want to tell David that the child is dead.
00:18:00Because they said if he was doing all of this before the child died, when he hears that the child is dead, he's going to go berserk.
00:18:06He's going to flip out.
00:18:08He's going to go off.
00:18:10There's been some times my wife wanted to tell all the kids, well, hold on, how are we going to tell daddy?
00:18:13You tell him. No, you tell him. You tell him. No, get mama to tell him.
00:18:16Mama, you tell him.
00:18:17And sometimes they think I would react one way and I react totally different from what they expect.
00:18:22They thought David was just going to flip out and go crazy and go off and have a fit.
00:18:27And they told David that the child was dead and David said, well, that's that.
00:18:35Let me wash my face, anoint myself with oil, change my clothes, get something to eat.
00:18:40That's over.
00:18:42But it wasn't over for Uriah's wife.
00:18:45Isn't it interesting that men can let go of things so much easier than women do?
00:18:55You very seldom run into a guy who's in love with somebody he hadn't seen for five years.
00:19:02Still believe in God. There's some kind of way we're going to get back together.
00:19:08I mean, let me tell you something, sisters.
00:19:11Men, we cry hard, but we don't cry long.
00:19:14We have a fit and we can't live without you and we can't breathe.
00:19:18And we're so upset and we don't know what we're going to do if you don't make it.
00:19:21And if you don't come back to me, I don't know what I'm going to do because you know you're the only one for me.
00:19:26You're the one. You're the one.
00:19:28If you don't come back, we get somebody else.
00:19:34I'm telling you right now, it's a fact. We get somebody else.
00:19:37Don't play hard to get. We will get somebody else.
00:19:40We can be old, crippled, and blind and get somebody else.
00:19:44We can be fat, knock-kneed, bow-legged, and snaggle-toothed and get somebody fine and beautiful and wonderful.
00:19:51We will get somebody else.
00:19:55I have been passionate for 32 years.
00:19:58I have seldom seen a man come up in a prayer line asking me to pray that their relationship would be worked out,
00:20:04that he's still helplessly in love with somebody who's gone on and married somebody else,
00:20:07but he knows that deep down in his heart that that's not who she should be with,
00:20:12that he's still the husband that she needs to have.
00:20:15And even though she's married to somebody else, in the spirit, they're still married.
00:20:19Men don't stay married in the spirit.
00:20:21If ain't nothing happening in the flesh, ain't nothing happening in the spirit.
00:20:25Come on, baby. Come on.
00:20:28Let Papa talk to you a little bit in here.
00:20:31But sisters can be married in the spirit.
00:20:35I don't understand what married in the spirit is.
00:20:38I'm telling you, I don't have no revelation on that.
00:20:42I don't have it. I don't have it.
00:20:46If we ain't become one flesh, we ain't gonna be one nothing else.
00:20:51But y'all can love a picture.
00:20:54No, no. You don't even have to have a picture.
00:20:57You can have a cologne.
00:21:00And every time you smell a handkerchief that's got his cologne on it, it brings back...
00:21:06Lord, you don't see no man sniffing no rag talking about...
00:21:10Oh, my God.
00:21:12Come on, somebody.
00:21:14We're just not gonna... Stay with me.
00:21:17Stay with me.
00:21:19We're just not gonna do that.
00:21:23You have to realize that you were created not only to give life,
00:21:27but to nurture life.
00:21:30You're a nurturer.
00:21:32That's why when little kids get hurt and they got a good mama,
00:21:36and they run past everybody to get to mama,
00:21:38because mama's a nurturer.
00:21:40Oh, come here to mama.
00:21:42Let mama make it better.
00:21:44Mama nurtures you.
00:21:46She's breasted.
00:21:48She nurtures you.
00:21:50The baby lives off of her breast milk.
00:21:52She's a nurturer. She's not just a life giver.
00:21:54She's a nurturer.
00:21:55And that's a wonderful thing when we talk about babies.
00:21:58But it's a terrible thing when you start talking about pain.
00:22:02Because the same way that you nurture life,
00:22:05you nurture pain.
00:22:07And when pain gets down in you,
00:22:09if you don't walk in the Word,
00:22:11you will hold on to pain for years
00:22:13and bring it to your breast
00:22:15and nurture it at your bosom
00:22:17and you will keep the pain alive.
00:22:19You will keep it alive because you do not let it go.
00:22:22I don't understand that other man.
00:22:23You don't let it go.
00:22:25I will dismiss you.
00:22:27I will release you.
00:22:29I will disconnect you.
00:22:31I will disfellowship you.
00:22:35See you.
00:22:37We are finito.
00:22:39It's over.
00:22:41I'm telling you right now,
00:22:43I don't have to get mad.
00:22:45I don't have to flip out.
00:22:47I can cut you out of the picture like you were not even there.
00:22:49I won't feel hostility.
00:22:51I won't feel anger.
00:22:54I'm telling you.
00:22:56No sweat.
00:22:58I can release it.
00:23:00David washed his face and he was done.
00:23:03But Bathsheba was still grieving.
00:23:06And rightfully so.
00:23:08She lost a child.
00:23:10She made a mistake.
00:23:12No doubt she felt guilty.
00:23:14She had a hard time going on with her life.
00:23:18And what happens most of the time
00:23:20when men start ministering to women,
00:23:21we can be snide.
00:23:23Just get over it.
00:23:25Let it go.
00:23:27I counsel couples all the time.
00:23:29I just got back from California.
00:23:31I was doing a show.
00:23:33Dr. Phil asked me to do some counseling
00:23:35with him that I just came back from
00:23:37on the Dr. Phil show.
00:23:39And the man has had 50 affairs.
00:23:4250 affairs in five years.
00:23:45And he referred to it as a mistake.
00:23:48I said a mistake?
00:23:49I said a mistake is showing up late
00:23:52for the kids' choir rehearsal.
00:23:54This is not a mistake.
00:23:56This is a disaster.
00:23:5850 affairs in five years
00:24:00and she's got three kids in five years.
00:24:02So all while she was pregnant,
00:24:04all while she was pregnant,
00:24:06I said, God, man, wow.
00:24:08He reduced it down to a mistake
00:24:10and he looks at her and basically says,
00:24:12get over it.
00:24:14But what do you do
00:24:16when something has happened
00:24:17that you can't get over?
00:24:19And now you're in a situation
00:24:21as she is in
00:24:23that David has now washed his face
00:24:25and gone on about his business
00:24:27but Bathsheba is still grieving.
00:24:32Now the funny thing,
00:24:34her womb is empty of life
00:24:37but now it is filled with pain.
00:24:41And now she is nurturing her pain.
00:24:45Are you holding on to something
00:24:49that you need to let go?
00:24:56See, before we deal with
00:24:58how other people remember,
00:25:01the first thing we got to deal with
00:25:03is how you remember.
00:25:05Before we deal with
00:25:07their ability to forgive you,
00:25:09I want to talk about your ability
00:25:11to forgive yourself
00:25:13because many, many times
00:25:15everybody else has gone on with their life
00:25:17and you still got this guilt
00:25:19nursing at the breast of your thinking
00:25:22holding on to something
00:25:24that you need to let go of.
00:25:26And the Bible says
00:25:28that when David washes his face,
00:25:30he has service, he has dinner.
00:25:32Most theologians agree
00:25:34that this was the point when David said,
00:25:36I was glad when they said unto me,
00:25:38let us go into the house of the Lord.
00:25:40He was back shouting again
00:25:42and she was still crying.
00:25:45You'd be surprised
00:25:47at the secret pains we bear.
00:25:49It's amazing
00:25:51how you can be dressed up and looking good
00:25:53and doing so well
00:25:55that other people are jealous of you,
00:25:57jealous of you
00:25:59and don't have a clue
00:26:01that beneath all of that silk and lace
00:26:03you are harboring all kinds of pain
00:26:05and injustice and hurt and insecurity
00:26:07and you got it
00:26:09and you're just going on with it
00:26:10and you look nice
00:26:12and nobody knows that beneath it all
00:26:14you are vulnerable and tired
00:26:16and insecure and worried
00:26:18and oppressed
00:26:19and you have to fight back the haters
00:26:21all the while you're fighting with one hand
00:26:23and trying to heal yourself with the other hand
00:26:25because nobody has a clue
00:26:27what you have been going
00:26:29Am I talking right in here or not?
00:26:31Because if I say
00:26:33you don't have a clue
00:26:35what I've been through.
00:26:37You don't have a clue.
00:26:38I smile over top of pain
00:26:40I endure stuff
00:26:42that you don't have a clue
00:26:44what I've been through.
00:26:46I remember one time
00:26:48my wife got sick, got the flu or something
00:26:50she was coughing and sniffing
00:26:52and getting the kids off to school
00:26:54and getting everybody ready
00:26:56and pressing something for me
00:26:58and going on about her business
00:27:00and I said you look like you don't feel good
00:27:02she said I know but I'll be alright
00:27:04and I said okay
00:27:06I went on about my business
00:27:08when she gets sick you know
00:27:10I quarantine her
00:27:12I pray her strength in the Lord
00:27:14I speak the word of faith
00:27:16and we lay down at night
00:27:18she face the east I face the west
00:27:20and pray for deliverance
00:27:22but some kind of way
00:27:24and I guess in a weak moment or something
00:27:26I don't know what happened
00:27:28I'm going to leave that out of the story
00:27:30but I got it too, I got it
00:27:32I got it, okay, I got it
00:27:34well Lord when I got it
00:27:36I got to coughing, I couldn't breathe
00:27:38I was sick, I canceled all appointments
00:27:40I told nobody I'm going anywhere
00:27:42I'm not doing anything
00:27:44I wanted my chicken noodle soup
00:27:46I wanted my binky and my mama
00:27:48go get mama I'm sick
00:27:51and I said this is what you had
00:27:53you felt like this
00:27:55she said yeah
00:27:57but I kept on going
00:27:59I said why do you keep on going
00:28:01when you're feeling that bad
00:28:03why don't you just stop
00:28:05and act like you're important enough
00:28:06take a day off
00:28:08and get yourself back
00:28:10I don't understand how you all
00:28:12keep on going over top of all kind of stuff
00:28:14and if how you feel doesn't matter
00:28:16sometimes you have to stop
00:28:18and say wait a minute
00:28:20I am important too
00:28:22and I've got to get over this
00:28:24so I can go on with my life
00:28:26I don't know who I'm talking to today
00:28:28but before you can go to the next level
00:28:30you got to get rid of the things behind you
00:28:32and get released
00:28:34so that you can go on with your future
00:28:36I can't wait to see these church monkeys
00:28:38shouting all over the church
00:28:40and not being delivered
00:28:42dancing and hooping and hollering
00:28:44slain in the spirit
00:28:46falling out talking in tongues
00:28:48and getting up hateful and bound and frustrated
00:28:50let's get down to business
00:28:52and see somebody really get delivered
00:28:54and really be set free
00:28:57I hate to bust your bubble
00:28:59but if all the noise
00:29:01that you see in these conferences was real
00:29:03dead people would be raised from the dead
00:29:04raised from the dead, sick people would be walking, bound people would be loose but
00:29:09because we're shouting over calamities, disasters, crisis, emotional disorders
00:29:15we're making a lot of noise but we're not producing any power because with God
00:29:20you've got to stop and deal with some stuff so that you can go to the next
00:29:25level. Am I in the right house today? Shake somebody's hand and say I want to
00:29:31go to the next level. So I can't, I can't have stuff pulling on me and tugging on me
00:29:39and yanking on me and holding me down and pulling me back. If I'm gonna go to
00:29:44the next level I've got to be free and loose and untangled to go to the next level.
00:29:55Glory to God. I need you to help me preach. Look at your sister and say
00:30:00something's about to happen in your life. That's why you had to be at this
00:30:06conference, you had to be at this conference, you tried to get your
00:30:10girlfriends to go, some of them wouldn't go, it wasn't for them, it was for you because you've got to go to the next level, you've got to go to the next dimension.
00:30:21Are you hearing what I'm saying? Look at somebody say this is for me. You can have
00:30:28secret things pulling at you, secret things holding you down, secret things
00:30:33weighing in your mind, secret things taking your rest, secret things making you eat
00:30:38too much, secret things making your blood pressure go up, secret things giving you
00:30:42diabetes and before this week is over, yes, take it all away.
00:30:58Look at your neighbor say, I've got to get this off of me.
00:31:29Oh God promise me if I teach this, there's going to be some deliverance in here today.
00:31:37God promise me if I would teach this, somebody was going to be set free in here today.
00:31:42Oh yeah, somebody's about to weave that thing that's been hanging on you, it's been hanging on you like a rope, but God is getting ready to cut that thing off of you and set you free in the name of Jesus.
00:31:55Give him a praise in this house.
00:32:16You can't keep being tied up to somebody that's going on with their life.
00:32:20He don't want you, you don't want him, see ya.
00:32:23I've got to go ahead, see ya.
00:32:25I've got to go on with my life, see ya.
00:32:28God's got something else he wants to do with my life.
00:32:30I'm not going to keep something alive that God wants to die.
00:32:34Take out of my life anything you don't want me to have and leave me what you want me to have.
00:32:40I'm yours Lord.
00:32:42Everything I am, everything I've got, everything I'm not, I'm yours Lord.
00:32:51Thank you.
00:32:57Now, sit with me, I just want to talk to you.
00:33:01As soon as David was able to get himself together, he now takes on the task of ministering.
00:33:20I wanted to say to his wife, but...
00:33:27Isn't it funny?
00:33:29Isn't it funny how you can have these complicated situations?
00:33:36Is that your daughter?
00:33:37Well, uh, yes.
00:33:47How long have y'all been married?
00:33:48Well, we've been together for 20 years, we've been married 17...
00:33:57Isn't it funny how you have these complicated situations?
00:34:03If people were to write your life story, you know there's some chapters you'd want them to leave out.
00:34:13And that's why people are so quick to tell you none of your business.
00:34:16Because when you start asking certain questions and you're just trying to make conversation, you have struck a nerve because you have run into a situation.
00:34:27What do you mean, where do I work?
00:34:29It's none of your business.
00:34:30It wouldn't be none of my business if it wasn't a situation.
00:34:35But when you've got a complicated situation, you don't want to talk about it.
00:34:41You don't want to talk about it.
00:34:45And so you just carry it.
00:34:47And she was just carrying it.
00:34:49The grief. And the pain. And the guilt.
00:34:53She was just carrying it.
00:34:55David was free.
00:34:57Gone back to church dancing.
00:34:59Ate him a big prime rib dinner and a baked potato.
00:35:02Sour cream on it.
00:35:04Chives. Onions. Cheese.
00:35:08Yeast rolls.
00:35:10Caesar salad.
00:35:12I just got off a plane too. I feel your pain.
00:35:22And she, she couldn't eat.
00:35:25She couldn't drink because she's still nurturing it.
00:35:28And the Bible said David came in to comfort her.
00:35:32And this word comfort is to sedate.
00:35:36To get her past the pain.
00:35:40To sedate her.
00:35:44To get her out of this rut.
00:35:47To bring her to a place of healing.
00:35:53Perhaps David knows that there is a king in her.
00:35:57There is a king that shall come forth out of this grieving woman.
00:36:09That will project the lineage through which Christ himself would be born.
00:36:15That this woman with her situation was about to produce a Solomon.
00:36:23A beloved child of God.
00:36:25A child of God that will perpetuate the bloodline for which the Lamb of God himself would be born.
00:36:34And do not tell me that God used Uriah's wife because he didn't have anybody else.
00:36:41He could have used Abigail.
00:36:43He could have used Micah.
00:36:45He could have used one of them hundreds and hundreds of concubines that David had.
00:36:50But he chose a complicated woman with a situation.
00:36:55And said if I can ever get you to stop grieving over your past.
00:37:00I'm going to show you how I can use your past to determine your future.
00:37:12God, why does God put kings in complicated situations?
00:37:19Every gifted, anointed, powerfully used woman of God I have ever known.
00:37:25In fact, every extremely gifted, important, prestigious CEO I've ever known.
00:37:31Every gifted, talented artist I've ever known or writer I've ever known has come from a complicated situation.
00:37:41Complicated situation.
00:37:43Abraham Lincoln flunked everything that he ever did.
00:37:46Everything that he ever did.
00:37:48Failed every test.
00:37:50Couldn't win in the primaries. Couldn't win an election.
00:37:52Flunked out of school.
00:37:54Got in all kinds of trouble and ended up being one of the most legendary presidents in our country.
00:38:01The founder of Wendy's, Dave Thomas, didn't even have a degree.
00:38:06Complicated situation.
00:38:08Talented enough to walk with the most intellectual people around him and he himself didn't even have a degree.
00:38:13Bill Gates didn't have neither.
00:38:15You'd be surprised at the people who survive complicated situations and rather be gifted.
00:38:21Single mothers who become CEOs over corporations.
00:38:24And now you've arrived in the spotlight, but you've got spots in the light.
00:38:31Now you've arrived in the spotlight, but you've got spots in the light.
00:38:35Now you're the first lady.
00:38:37Yes, you're the first lady, but you've got a few situations.
00:38:41I know you're not going to say nothing today.
00:38:44Because you've got your makeup on.
00:38:47But when you wash your face tonight, you can be real.
00:38:50There's some situations up in here.
00:38:53There's some issues up in here.
00:38:55In fact, you cannot get the oil of God's anointing to come out without pressure.
00:39:01It is the pressure and the pain that secretes the anointing of God in the first place.
00:39:06And to him whom much is given, much is required.
00:39:10And God knows the right pressure to get the oil to come out of your life.
00:39:15You don't pray because you're so holy and you're so perfect.
00:39:18You pray because you desperately need the Lord every day and every hour and every minute.
00:39:25And without him, you cannot make it.
00:39:30Are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:39:33He comforted her.
00:39:34He comforted her.
00:39:36He comforted her.
00:39:38The comforting separates her from the crisis.
00:39:44God wants to heal you so you can go ahead.
00:39:49Not for you to fake like you're free.
00:39:53See, you see these people go buckwild and tear up furniture and step on top of people and break their shoes and kick their leg and gotta go home in a brace.
00:40:02You're not dancing, you're fighting.
00:40:05You're kung fu fighting in the spirit.
00:40:08Your spirit is not free.
00:40:10Your spirit is not free.
00:40:12If you knock my teeth out and black my eye and bust my lip trying to praise the Lord, it's not because you're anointed, it's because you're bound.
00:40:18When you really get free, I can move you with my finger to the left or the right.
00:40:23The Holy Spirit is a gentle spirit.
00:40:25These wild, crazy spirits, these are not the spirits of God.
00:40:28This is just out of control.
00:40:30You're fighting in the spirit.
00:40:32You're kicking in the spirit.
00:40:34God wants you to be free.
00:40:40David came in and he comforted her.
00:40:43And then he slept with her.
00:40:46And all of a sudden, this woman in the complicated situation, who the Bible refers to as Uriah's wife, who's got a situation that is so difficult that even after he's dead, we're still talking about it,
00:41:02is now carrying the next king of Israel.
00:41:08Ladies, sisters, do you have any idea what you are carrying?
00:41:17If you can release the pain and the guilt and the condemnation out of this womb, this womb that has engaged in adultery and fornication, that got pregnant through an illicit affair, this is the same womb that will push out the next king of Israel.
00:41:45You talking about reposition yourself?
00:41:48Girlfriend repositioned herself on another level.
00:41:52I'm telling you right now, if you can live with the rolling of people's eyes, the snide remarks, the notes and the gossip while they're getting their hair done, God is going to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.
00:42:11You will not have room enough to receive.
00:42:15If you can live with people whispering and looking at you funny and saying, oh, she's not so much. I knew her when. I heard something about her.
00:42:24If you can live with the controversy, God will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive.
00:42:32But as you go up and as you move forward and as you go on, you got to know that there's a king inside of you.
00:42:39Somebody said there's a king inside of me.
00:42:43I've been through some crisis. I've made some mistakes. I've had some issues. I've had some setbacks. I've had some dilemmas.
00:42:51But in spite of all of that, there is a king inside of me.
00:42:56Somebody threw me away, said I wasn't worth anything.
00:42:59Somebody put their foot on me and said I'd never be back.
00:43:01Somebody laughed at me and said I had no gifts and talents.
00:43:05But the Lord has put a king inside of me.
00:43:09There's a king inside of me.
00:43:12That's why you have to be careful who you look down your nose at.
00:43:16I said that's why you have to be careful who you look down your nose at.
00:43:20Because she can be a rayhead in one chapter and she can produce a king in the next chapter.
00:43:26She can be messed up at one stage in her life and go to another stage in her life and be an overcomer.
00:43:32Some of you have had a bad season, but the season is over.
00:43:43Slap somebody and tell them the season is over.
00:43:47I call you out of your funeral.
00:43:50I call you out of your depression.
00:43:53I call you out of your dead thing.
00:43:55I call you out of your grave clothes.
00:43:57I call you out of your grieving.
00:43:59I call you out of your sorrow.
00:44:01God said I will do a new thing in you.
00:44:06The former things are passed away.
00:44:09Who am I speaking to today?
00:44:25You need to know that God has something else for you.
00:44:34That the story doesn't end with your last crisis.
00:44:38I know this isn't good English, but it's good faith.
00:44:41Look at somebody and say it ain't over.
00:44:43Tell that other sister on the other side.
00:44:45Look her square in the eye and say baby it ain't over.
00:44:48I know you've been hurt.
00:44:50I know things didn't go like you wanted to.
00:44:52I know you've been through a divorce.
00:44:53I know you lost your job.
00:44:55I know the church isn't growing.
00:44:57I know half your members left.
00:44:59I know your husband's been tied up in infidelity.
00:45:01I know you married somebody on the down low.
00:45:03I know people are talking about you.
00:45:05I know you're embarrassed.
00:45:07I know you're humiliated.
00:45:09I know your son's in jail, but stop crying baby girl.
00:45:11It ain't over.
00:45:13God's going to do something fresh.
00:45:14God's going to do something fresh.
00:45:22Slap somebody and say he's talking to me.
00:45:40See you've got to believe
00:45:42that God has something else for you
00:45:45other than what you've been through.
00:45:48The enemy will try to convince you
00:45:50that where you've been
00:45:52is where you're going.
00:45:54But the devil is alive.
00:45:56If that's all that God has for you,
00:45:58you could have died in childbirth
00:46:00and died with the baby.
00:46:02But if you survive something
00:46:04that something else didn't survive
00:46:06it's because God is not finished
00:46:08with you yet.
00:46:09And the Lord told me
00:46:11to come down here to Dallas
00:46:13and stop the funeral
00:46:15and pull you out of your grave clothes
00:46:17and tell you it's time
00:46:19for you to move in another direction.
00:46:21All this grieving,
00:46:23all this mourning,
00:46:25all this regretting is over.
00:46:27They're the king you've got to deliver.
00:46:29Your water is going to break
00:46:31in this meeting
00:46:33and you're going to deliver
00:46:35the thing that God promised you.
00:46:37Take 30 seconds to do that.
00:46:39And give God a praise right now.
00:47:09Will you do me a favor
00:47:11and touch seven women
00:47:13and say they're the king in you?
00:47:15They're the king.
00:47:16They're the king in you.
00:47:40See, you just simply need
00:47:42to believe this word
00:47:44for your life.
00:47:46The angel Gabriel came to a virgin
00:47:48and said,
00:47:49Hail Mary,
00:47:51you've been highly favored amongst women.
00:47:53You shall bring forth a son
00:47:55and his name shall be called Jesus.
00:47:57And the first thing she did
00:47:58was bring up her situation
00:48:00and said, Lord,
00:48:01how can these things be
00:48:03seeing as I know not a man?
00:48:05Let me tell you something,
00:48:06God does not need a man
00:48:07to verify the word
00:48:09in your life.
00:48:12In fact, God will purposely
00:48:14choose somebody
00:48:16that man didn't help
00:48:18so that when you get the blessing
00:48:20you will know this thing
00:48:21is of the Lord
00:48:22and not of yourself.
00:48:26That's why you can't get bitter
00:48:28about who didn't accept
00:48:29your ministry.
00:48:30You can't get bitter
00:48:32about who didn't accept you
00:48:33because bitterness
00:48:35will cancel out
00:48:36the creativity inside of you.
00:48:38Somebody in here today
00:48:40needs to just shake it off.
00:48:45I don't want to be bitter.
00:48:46I want to be better.
00:48:47I don't want to be bitter.
00:48:49I want to be better.
00:48:50I don't want to be bitter.
00:48:51I want to be better.
00:48:53God's getting ready to do
00:48:54something awesome in your life.
00:48:56Can I go a little bit further?
00:49:01this is a battle of words.
00:49:03This is a battle of words.
00:49:04This is a battle of words.
00:49:05I want you to write down
00:49:06the battle of words.
00:49:08The battle of words.
00:49:11The battle of words.
00:49:13At every stage in my life,
00:49:14every step along the way,
00:49:16there's always been
00:49:17a battle of words.
00:49:19Every job interview I went to,
00:49:21part of me was saying,
00:49:22you're going to get this job.
00:49:23Another part of me said,
00:49:25you know you can't get this job.
00:49:26There's no way in the world
00:49:27they're going to hire you.
00:49:29Both words
00:49:30are fighting in your head
00:49:32at the same time.
00:49:34On one hand,
00:49:35you've got all kinds of faith
00:49:36and you just believe in God
00:49:38for supernatural stuff.
00:49:39On the other hand,
00:49:40you're dumb and you're stupid
00:49:41and you're old and you're fat
00:49:43and it's too late
00:49:44and you can't do it
00:49:45and you've got to be able to live
00:49:46in the battle of words.
00:49:52Some of those words
00:49:53come from other people,
00:49:54things they said to you
00:49:55along the way.
00:49:56You need to understand
00:49:58that the victory
00:50:00is not getting them
00:50:01to change their mind.
00:50:02That's not the victory.
00:50:04The goal is not predicated
00:50:06on them ceasing
00:50:07to talk about you.
00:50:12That is not
00:50:13the king you want to birth.
00:50:16So don't stop birthing your king
00:50:19to respond to your critics.
00:50:25Let the critics say
00:50:27what they're going to say.
00:50:29In fact,
00:50:30you need them to say it.
00:50:33So that God can show your critics
00:50:37that his word
00:50:39is stronger
00:50:41than their word.
00:50:43And he didn't mean for them
00:50:44to help you
00:50:45and he didn't mean for them
00:50:46to give you the money
00:50:47because he's going to give you
00:50:48the money
00:50:49and he's going to open the door
00:50:51and he's going to make the way
00:50:53and they're going to be laughing
00:50:54and they're going to be
00:50:55pointing at you
00:50:56and they're going to be
00:50:57bringing up your past
00:50:58and they're going to call you
00:50:59Uriah's wife
00:51:00but that doesn't stop you
00:51:01from producing Solomon.
00:51:03It's still going to happen
00:51:05but you've got to be able
00:51:06to live with
00:51:08what you can't live down.
00:51:15I cannot find
00:51:17any extremely
00:51:19influential person
00:51:22in this country
00:51:24who's not controversial.
00:51:29And if you think
00:51:30you're not controversial
00:51:31move in their city.
00:51:37A prophet is without honor
00:51:38in his own country.
00:51:41Of course you're going to be
00:51:44Even nice you.
00:51:46As nice as you are.
00:51:49As wonderful a person
00:51:50as you are.
00:51:51As a nootif
00:51:53as you are.
00:51:55They're going to get you too.
00:52:00So what do you do?
00:52:02You live with it.
00:52:05You live with it.
00:52:07You live with it.
00:52:09You know why?
00:52:10Your witness is in heaven.
00:52:13Your record is on high.
00:52:15And what God has spoken
00:52:16over your life
00:52:18it will come to pass
00:52:21in spite of
00:52:23in spite of
00:52:25what they said.
00:52:31How do you live with
00:52:33what you can't live down?
00:52:34First of all you need to understand
00:52:36that God could have picked
00:52:37an easier woman.
00:52:41He picked Bathsheba
00:52:43to produce the king through.
00:52:47He could have picked
00:52:48a nice
00:52:50politically correct
00:52:54But that's not how grace operates.
00:53:01Where sin did abound
00:53:05grace does
00:53:06that much more
00:53:09In other words
00:53:11is often painted
00:53:13on the canvas
00:53:14of despair.
00:53:16Why does he do that?
00:53:18God chooses people
00:53:20with whom there is controversy
00:53:22so that the glory
00:53:23goes to him
00:53:25and not to them.
00:53:28So he'll use somebody
00:53:30who's had 5 husbands
00:53:32in a situation
00:53:34and send them
00:53:35to the same city
00:53:36that they have been
00:53:37sleeping around in
00:53:39and say
00:53:40I'm going to use you
00:53:41as the evangelist
00:53:42that unlocks a door
00:53:44that starts revival
00:53:45in Samaria.
00:53:46I could have got somebody
00:53:47nice and new
00:53:48I could have got somebody
00:53:49from out of town
00:53:50I could have got somebody
00:53:51that they weren't talking about
00:53:52at the barbershop
00:53:53but no I want you.
00:53:54You know why?
00:53:55Because I'm going to make you
00:53:56so effective
00:53:58that if you weren't
00:54:00you'd get arrogant
00:54:01but every time
00:54:02you get ready
00:54:03to be puffed up
00:54:04you're going to hear something
00:54:05that brings you right back
00:54:06down to your knees
00:54:07say though he slay me
00:54:08yet shall I trust him
00:54:10behold you send me out
00:54:11as sheep amongst wolves
00:54:13I'm vulnerable Lord
00:54:14but I'm willing to go
00:54:15and I trust you to help me
00:54:17because God's strength
00:54:18is made perfect
00:54:20in weakness
00:54:21so he's not looking
00:54:22for somebody
00:54:23who's got it all together
00:54:24he's looking for somebody
00:54:25who's down on their knees
00:54:27saying I can't speak
00:54:28without you
00:54:29I can't think without you
00:54:31I'm living by your mercy
00:54:32any day I could be destroyed
00:54:34if it had not been for you
00:54:36I would have been
00:54:37swallowed up
00:54:38thank you for the victory
00:54:39thank you for the triumph
00:54:41thank you for the glory
00:54:42and by the way
00:54:43you can count on me
00:54:44to praise you
00:54:46you can count on me
00:54:47to lift you up
00:54:50because they're calling me
00:54:51the first lady
00:54:53they're calling me
00:54:54the new CEO
00:54:55they're calling me
00:54:56the manager
00:54:57they're calling me
00:54:58the president of the choir
00:54:59but Lord you know
00:55:01I'm Mariah's wife
00:55:03you know where I've been
00:55:05you know what I've done
00:55:06you know how I messed up
00:55:08you know how I suffered
00:55:10to God be the glory
00:55:14can I get one witness
00:55:16in this room
00:55:18one real honest witness
00:55:20in this room
00:55:28so here they are
00:55:30all the way
00:55:32in the New Testament
00:55:34proving the genealogy
00:55:35of Jesus Christ
00:55:37and they're bringing up
00:55:38all the aristocracy
00:55:40from which he came
00:55:42they're talking about
00:55:43great women of God
00:55:46women of faith
00:55:47men of faith
00:55:48people like Naomi
00:55:50men, great men of God
00:55:51like Boaz
00:55:52and Obed
00:55:53they're talking about
00:55:54these strong
00:55:55spiritual towers
00:55:57and they're talking about
00:55:58all of these in the lineage
00:55:59of Jesus Christ
00:56:00it's so impressive
00:56:01so impressive
00:56:02they're all lining up
00:56:03one right after the other
00:56:04all the patriarchs
00:56:05are lining up
00:56:06to prove the authenticity
00:56:07of who Jesus Christ is
00:56:09and here comes
00:56:19and you would think
00:56:20that the Holy Spirit
00:56:21would have covered up
00:56:22because there was no
00:56:23need to mention her
00:56:25they were listening
00:56:27they didn't say
00:56:28who Obed was married to
00:56:30they didn't say
00:56:31who Jesse was married to
00:56:32but when it comes
00:56:33to Solomon
00:56:34the Holy Spirit
00:56:35goes out of its way
00:56:36to say
00:56:37yeah, you know
00:56:38his mama was
00:56:44Uriah's wife
00:56:48and here she comes up
00:56:50everybody else
00:56:51could walk up there
00:56:52like this
00:56:57but not her
00:56:59let me show you
00:57:00how she has to come up here
00:57:16can somebody say
00:57:17I made it
00:57:19by His grace
00:57:20I made it
00:57:21by His mercy
00:57:22I made it
00:57:23through His forgiveness
00:57:24I made it
00:57:26I can't sit here
00:57:27and act like I'm supposed
00:57:28to be here
00:57:29I'm the one thing
00:57:30that don't make any sense
00:57:31in this story
00:57:32it's by His mercy
00:57:33that I'm dealing with it
00:57:35for God be the glory
00:57:38for God be the glory
00:57:41for God be the glory
00:57:47for the things
00:57:49He has done
00:57:52and this is what God
00:57:53wants me to get you
00:57:54ready for
00:57:57you with the secrets
00:58:00God said
00:58:01I'm gonna bless you
00:58:03I'm gonna make a covenant
00:58:04with you
00:58:05God said
00:58:06I swear I'm gonna bless you
00:58:08I'm gonna make you the head
00:58:09and not the tail
00:58:10I'm gonna make you above
00:58:11and not beneath
00:58:12I swear I'm gonna open
00:58:13doors for you
00:58:15I swear your gift
00:58:16is gonna bring you
00:58:17before great men
00:58:18I swear that no weapon
00:58:19formed against you
00:58:20shall be able to prosper
00:58:21I swear a thousand
00:58:22shall fall
00:58:23on thy right side
00:58:24ten thousand
00:58:25on thy left side
00:58:26but it will not come
00:58:27out of thee
00:58:28as long as you don't
00:58:29start acting like this
00:58:31as long as whenever
00:58:32I call your name
00:58:33you come before
00:58:34my presence
00:58:36with praise
00:58:37and glory
00:58:38and adoration
00:58:40and bless my name
00:58:42and tell your children
00:58:44if it had not been
00:58:45for the Lord
00:58:46that was on my side
00:58:48I would have been
00:58:49swollen up
00:58:50but thanks be unto
00:58:52who gives us
00:58:53some victory
00:58:54through Jesus Christ
00:58:55our Lord
00:58:56I don't know
00:58:57where you are
00:58:58Uriah's wife
00:58:59but if you're in here
00:59:00this afternoon
00:59:02you are a gift of
00:59:04the praise
00:59:05right now
00:59:42it's the first session
00:59:44of the four ladies
00:59:45only conference
00:59:46you go ahead
00:59:47and let all these
00:59:48other girls be cute
00:59:49you go ahead
00:59:50and let them be important
00:59:51You go ahead, let that be important.
00:59:53You go ahead, let that be prestigious.
00:59:55What else for you, baby?
00:59:59Enter into his gates with thanksgiving.
01:00:02Go into his courts with praise.
01:00:05Be thankful unto him and bless his name.
01:00:08For the Lord is good.
01:00:11Give mercy in everlasting.
01:00:14His truth is purer to all generations.
01:00:18Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
01:00:25Say so!
01:00:27Say so!
01:00:29Uriah's wife!
01:00:31Uriah's wife!
01:00:33Uriah's wife!
01:00:35Say so!
01:01:02Tell your sister I got to praise him.
01:01:04I got to praise him.
01:01:05I got to praise him.
01:01:06I got to praise him.
01:01:07I got to praise him.
01:01:09Too much bustle.
01:01:10Too much trouble.
01:01:11Too much turmoil.
01:01:12Too much strife.
01:01:14Too many mistakes.
01:01:15Too much trial.
01:01:16trial, too many tribulations, I will bless the Lord that all that is praise shall continually be in my mouth, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my soul, my
01:02:14Listen, I'm out of time.
01:02:16this is what I want to do. There's some women in this room you might not have
01:02:20done what Uriah's wife did but you've been through something that you have to
01:02:24live with something that you can't live down and God wants to bless you but it's
01:02:29a struggle for you to see yourself walking in these new opportunities
01:02:33because there's always those little voices bringing up where you came from I
01:02:37want you to come down to this altar I believe God brought you here for a
01:02:41release this morning I want you to come right now I want to pray with you today
01:02:45I believe God for a breakthrough in your life
01:02:55as you're coming the Lord said their unbelief does not make his word of no
01:03:00effect just because you got doubters and haters doesn't mean that God's not gonna
01:03:05bless you Oh God who am I talking to today
