• 3 months ago


00:00we're gonna be watching some Game Show Network,
00:02where it's all play, all day.
00:15Three of these boxes will break the $10,000 bank.
00:20Is this one of them, or is it this one, or this one?
00:24We'll find out in a moment in this game of Hide and Seek
00:27as these nine celebrities
00:30Artie Johnson,
00:32Fannie Flagg,
00:34Marianne Mobley,
00:36Bill Dana,
00:39Joey Bishop,
00:41Beverly Garland,
00:43Liz Torres,
00:46Lawrence Hilton Jacobs,
00:48and Rosie Greer,
00:50all join us in playing
00:53Break the Bank.
00:56Now meet our host,
00:58Tom Kennedy.
01:00Hey, there you go.
01:02Thank you.
01:04How are you guys?
01:06Good to see you all.
01:08I want to tell you something, we had a lot of fun this week
01:10with these nine beautiful people,
01:11and I want to thank you right here and now.
01:14And you've met them, and now we have to meet,
01:16we get to meet, I should say,
01:17the two real stars of our show,
01:18our players, Johnny Jacobs, who are they?
01:21Well, Tom, these stars are our current champion,
01:24whose winnings total more than $3,500.
01:28His name is Hal Schwartz.
01:30And his challengers are from Long Island, New York,
01:35a housewife and mother, Pat Gaither.
01:38All right.
01:40Okay, stars, Hal and Pat,
01:42you're both ready to do battle today?
01:45All right, let's tell the folks at home,
01:46give you a quick explanation of Break the Bank.
01:48Here's what a typical board might look like.
01:51All the same denominations of money are clustered together,
01:53the three $100 boxes touch each other
01:55along one of the sides,
01:57so do the three $200 boxes,
01:58and so do the three $300 boxes,
02:01each touching each other along one of the sides.
02:03The five money bags are scattered all over.
02:05The wild box is anywhere that can be used for any value.
02:08Get three of the same and you win.
02:10Get three money bags and you break the bank,
02:13which we're starting today at $10,000.
02:17We'll play for that after this.
02:19All right, when we ended our show yesterday,
02:20our game was interrupted,
02:22and here is what the exposed portions
02:24of the board looked like.
02:25Pat Gaither has one $100 box and a $200 box,
02:28and there's one blank there,
02:29and Pat is still in control.
02:31So, Pat, here we go.
02:32And remember now, for every question,
02:34you're going to hear one correct answer
02:36from one celebrity and a wrong answer from the other ones.
02:39You're just going to have to guess
02:40what the correct answer is.
02:41All right, here we go.
02:42All right, here we go.
02:43All right, here we go.
02:44All right, here we go.
02:45All right, here we go.
02:46All right, here we go.
02:47No wrong answer from the other ones.
02:49Your job is to pick the right one.
02:51Pat, pick a box.
02:52All right, I'm going to go for number 13.
02:54Number 13, looking for a $200 box.
02:56I'd rather imagine.
02:57Could we see box number 13, please?
02:59It is a $200 box.
03:01It is connected to Joey Bishop and the Beverly Garlands.
03:04Joey in the classic movie Papillon.
03:07Steve McQueen escaped by jumping on a burlap bag
03:10stuffed with what?
03:13No. Give me another chance. Actually, it was something that floats very, very easily. Bamboo.
03:22Uh-huh. Beverly Garland. Steve McQueen escaped by jumping on a burlap bag stuffed with what?
03:28It was stuffed with something that floats better than bamboo. It was coconuts.
03:35Pat Gaither. Was it bamboo or coconuts?
03:38I'll try bamboo.
03:40No, ma'am. Coconuts.
03:42So that box goes to its neutral position. Al Schwartz.
03:45We've got to try to stop her with that 13.
03:48So you want 13?
03:50All right. He wants that for a block. Box number 13 for Joey Bishop and Beverly Garland.
03:53Joey, according to the Bible, Moses praised the Lord for providing the Israelites with something special when they were crossing the desert.
04:00Providing what?
04:01I'm a Bible student. You know that. When they were crossing the desert, the good Lord provided them with suntan lotion.
04:09No. Sour cream. Give me a chance. I'm only a kid. Actually, I do know the answer.
04:15And it was... It's not going to sound like the answer, but it is the answer. Sweet water.
04:20Sweet water.
04:21Yes, sir.
04:22Beverly Garland.
04:23No. When they were crossing the desert, what he gave them was a place to be protected, which was shelter.
04:32All right. Hal, was it sweet water or shelter?
04:35I'm going to try shelter.
04:37Sweet water.
04:39The box goes back to its neutral position. Pat Gaither.
04:42I'm going to go for 13, please.
04:44She wants it. All right. Here we go again. And once again, it's connected to Joey Bishop and to Beverly Garland.
04:50Joey, Gerber's baby foods are distinguished by a sketch of a baby's face on all the bottles and cans.
04:56Whose face was the original Gerber baby?
05:00Now, that's ironic because the person we know today, as far as the American public is concerned, could never sell a can of baby food.
05:09Jane Fonda.
05:10Uh-huh. All right. Beverly Garland.
05:15You're not going to believe this, but it was Humphrey Bogart.
05:18I see. All right. Pat Gaither. Jane Fonda. Now, you understand?
05:22Gerber's baby foods are distinguished by a sketch of a baby's face. Whose face was the original Gerber baby?
05:28Jane Fonda or Humphrey Bogart?
05:32I'll try Jane Fonda.
05:34Ladies and gentlemen, the answer, Humphrey Bogart. Humphrey Bogart.
05:39May I tell you something?
05:40Yes, Joey.
05:41See, he not only posed, he ate it. And that's why your baby, he still kept going, yes, sure, that's the way it is, sweetheart.
05:47All right.
05:48He was wiping the food.
05:49Box 13 is still at large. Hal, pick him up.
05:53Leave it open.
05:54He wants it. All right. Box 13 again. And so, here we go again, Joey and Beverly.
06:00Name the singer who has sold a total of more records than any other singer or singing group.
06:08This is for you, Joey.
06:09I know this as well as I know the Bible.
06:11What's that?
06:12Elvis Presley.
06:13Beverly Garland.
06:19White, no, not White Christmas, Bing Crosby.
06:22Elvis Presley or Bing Crosby, Hal?
06:26Bing Crosby.
06:27That's it, Bing Crosby. You finally got box number 13.
06:30That's a $200 box and that's a block unless, of course, Pat finds a wild card later.
06:34Pick another box, Hal.
06:35Let's try, move away here.
06:38Number two.
06:39Could we see box number two, please?
06:41What did he find there?
06:42Hey, there's a money bag.
06:43The bank is at $10,000.
06:45If you get three of those, you break the bank or you can pass it by and keep on playing.
06:48What do you want to do?
06:49I'll pass it by and try to look for maybe a $300.
06:51All right.
06:52Which one do you want next?
06:53Do you want to return number two?
06:54Let's go over to number 20.
06:56Could we see box number 20, lower right-hand corner?
06:59See what he finds there.
07:00He finds a blank.
07:01Over to you, Pat Gaither.
07:04Okay, I'll try number 15.
07:06Box number 15.
07:07Could we see that one, please?
07:09Did she find...
07:10Oh, there's another money bag.
07:12All right, Pat.
07:13Three of those breaks the bank at $10,000.
07:15If you keep it, you forfeit your turn or pass it by and keep on playing.
07:18What do you want to do?
07:19I'm going to keep it.
07:20Going to keep it.
07:21You now have one money bag.
07:22Get two more of those and you have $10,000.
07:26Over to Pat.
07:28Let's try number 17.
07:29Number 17.
07:30Could we see box number 17, please?
07:32What did he find there?
07:34Oh, a blank.
07:35Back now to Pat Gaither.
07:39Does she remember?
07:40Yes, I do.
07:44What do you think?
07:45I'm going to try number 19.
07:46Number 19.
07:47Could we see box number 19?
07:49Box number 19.
07:50She has...
07:51Oh, there is a money bag.
07:53She did it.
07:55You know your option now.
07:57You want to keep it?
07:58She's going to keep it and all you do is find one more and get it
08:02and you will break the bank and $10,000.
08:05Back now to Hal Schwartz.
08:07Defense number two.
08:09Number two.
08:11Could we see box number two?
08:14He revealed that earlier and now I presume you want to keep it, huh?
08:17Keep it.
08:18This time he wants to keep it because he doesn't want it to get to the hands of Pat Gaither.
08:21But now we're back to Pat.
08:23Since he takes that, you now have one money bag.
08:25Pat, you have two.
08:27Find the third one and you get $10,000.
08:29Which box do you want?
08:31I'm going to try number 16.
08:33Number 16.
08:34Did she find another money bag?
08:36Could we see box 16?
08:39It's a $300 box.
08:41And that is connected to Artie Johnson and to Lawrence Jacobs.
08:44Artie, here is your question, sir.
08:46Per acre, how much did the United States pay Russia for the purchase of Alaska?
08:53Is that your answer?
08:54I insist, $4.
08:55Thank you.
08:56All right.
08:57Lawrence, per acre, how much did the United States pay Russia for the purchase of Alaska?
09:02$0.02 an acre.
09:03I see.
09:04Pat, $4 or $0.02?
09:06I'm going to go with $0.02.
09:08That's it.
09:09$0.02 an acre.
09:10You have a $300 box.
09:12Take another box.
09:14I'm going to try number 12.
09:16Is this a money bag?
09:17If it is, she's got $10,000.
09:19Could we see box number 12?
09:22It's a $200 box.
09:24You already have one of those, but so does Hal.
09:26And that is connected to Marianne Mobley and to Beverly Garland.
09:30And, Marianne, here is your question, dear.
09:32When the Mormon leader, Brigham Young, died, how many wives survived him?
09:37Would you believe 17?
09:39Whatever you say, Beverly.
09:41Whatever you say.
09:46All right.
09:47Is it 17 or 3, Pat?
09:48I will guess it's 17.
09:50That is correct.
09:5117 wives.
09:52And you're still in control, Pat.
09:54Take another box.
09:55I'm going to go for number 11.
09:57She's still looking for a money bag.
09:59If she finds it, it means $10,000.
10:01Could we see box number 11?
10:04It's a $300 box.
10:06And that is connected to Artie Johnson and Beverly Garland.
10:09Artie, here is your question.
10:10Of all animals and creatures, which holds the longest record for life?
10:14Of all animals and creatures.
10:16An elephant.
10:17All right.
10:18Beverly Garland?
10:19A turtle.
10:20Pat, elephant or turtle?
10:22I'll go with turtle.
10:23Turtle is right.
10:24You've got the elephant.
10:25That's a box.
10:26You've got the elephant.
10:27So now you have two $300.
10:29Now you can win two ways.
10:31You can either get another $300 box and win $900 in the game
10:34or a money bag and break the bank.
10:36Oh, God.
10:38There are two money bags at large.
10:40And I tell you what, Pat, time is catching up with us.
10:42You think about it.
10:43Study the board.
10:44Map out your next move.
10:45We'll be right back, folks.
10:46Don't you go away.
10:47We'll be right back.
10:48Don't you go away.
10:49Don't you go away.
10:50Don't you go away.
10:51Don't you go away.
10:52Don't you go away.
10:53Don't you go away.
10:54Don't you go away.
10:55Don't you go away.
10:56Don't you go away.
10:57Don't you go away.
10:58Don't you go away.
10:59Don't you go away.
11:00Don't you go away.
11:01Don't you go away.
11:02Don't you go away.
11:03Don't you go away.
11:04Don't you go away.
11:05Don't you go away.
11:06Don't you go away.
11:07Don't you go away.
11:08Don't you go away.
11:09Don't you go away.
11:10Don't you go away.
11:11Don't you go away.
11:12Don't you go away.
11:13Don't you go away.
11:15Kendall's superb multi-viscosity motor oil for confident car care uses specially engineered
11:19high-quality motor oil from Kendall, the lubrication experts, and drive with Kendall confidence.
11:25You ought to hear the discussion of strategy going up here between Pat and Hal during that
11:29commercial break.
11:30Here's where we stand.
11:31Now, Pat's in control, so let's look at where she is on the board.
11:34She has two $300 boxes.
11:37She can win the game by finding the third one and win $900.
11:40But she also has two money bags, and the bank is at $10,000.
11:45If she goes for a third money bag, she can win the game in $10,000.
11:48All right.
11:49Three, six, there are seven boxes up there.
11:52Pat, everybody's waiting to see what you're going to do.
11:55Which box do you choose next?
11:56I'm going to choose number 18.
11:58She's going...
11:59She obviously is looking for the money bag.
12:02If this is the third money bag, it means $10,000, folks.
12:07Could we see box number 18?
12:10It's in.
12:12All right.
12:13You did it.
12:14Oh, what a move.
12:18Oh my god!
12:19What a move!
12:21Oh my god!
12:24You're gonna make me up onstage there.
12:27Oh my god!
12:29Oh my god!
12:30Oh my god!
12:32Oh my god!
12:34Oh my god!
12:35Oh my god!
12:36Oh my god!
12:38That ain't the end.
12:39Oh my god!
12:41We're all in the back over there.
12:44Yes, yes, yes.
12:45No, Hal said that's the only way to go.
12:46I'll tell you, that was a gutsy move to move, folks, because she knew the other $300 box
12:59was on number six.
13:01She could have gone for that for a sure win, and she had a one out of six chance of finding
13:05the other money bag, and by golly, she did it, and she won $10,000 and the game.
13:12And, of course, the guy who's congratulating your house won't get to say goodbye to you,
13:17but, Hal, you won the bedroom set, the Greyhound trip, and the hotel certificate, and the cash
13:23of $1,800 for a grand total of $3,570.
13:27Yes, sir.
13:28Well done.
13:29Now, all of this was a conference, folks, without the wild card.
13:34Can we see where the wild card is or was?
13:37It was right there.
13:38Number nine was the one.
13:39Oh, what a game.
13:40We'll be back in a minute.
13:41Don't you go away.
13:42... air and dry.
13:47All right, this is Pat Gaither.
13:58She just broke the bank, folks, for $10,000.
13:59Anyone, do you have any family in the audience?
14:01Who's in the audience?
14:02My mother and my niece.
14:03Your mother and your father and your niece.
14:04Tell the folks at home what you told me about your mom and your dad.
14:10My mom and dad are celebrating their 42nd anniversary tonight.
14:13What are their names?
14:14Joe and Vi Pinto.
14:15Joe and what?
14:16Joe and Vi Pinto.
14:17Joe and Vi Pinto.
14:18Happy anniversary.
14:19Many happy returns.
14:20Hey, Johnny Jacobs, we're going to start a new game here.
14:21Would you introduce our new challenger, please?
14:22Okay, Tom.
14:23He served in Africa as a military policeman and is now a motorcycle police officer.
14:24Jim Merritt.
14:25Hey, Jim.
14:26Welcome aboard here.
14:27Well, you've seen what can be done.
14:28Incidentally, Jim, some of the things that you can do, you can do.
14:29We're going to start the bank off at $5,000 in this game, and we're going to start with
14:45you, Officer Merritt.
14:47Pick a box.
14:48I'll try number 11.
14:49Number 11 he wants.
14:50Could we see box number 11?
14:52Here we go.
14:53Hey, there's a $100 box right off the bat.
14:55That is connected to Mr. Artie Johnson and to Beverly Garland.
14:59Hey, Artie.
15:01The Sphinx is one of Egypt's great monuments.
15:02Now, what most people don't realize is that the bottom of the Sphinx is what?
15:07Eighty tons of matzah.
15:10You don't believe me.
15:14Actually, he happens to be a lion.
15:18Beverly Garland.
15:19Or she.
15:20Actually, it is really a horse.
15:23Jim, is it a lion or a horse, the bottom of the Sphinx?
15:29It's a lion.
15:30It is a lion.
15:32$100 box.
15:33Pick another box.
15:34I will try for another $100 with number 6.
15:36Number 6.
15:37He's looking for another $100.
15:38Could we see box number 6, please?
15:39Did he find another $100?
15:40Oh, there's a money bag.
15:41You know what that does.
15:42Three of those will break the bank at $5,000, or if you want to keep control, you can turn
15:47it down.
15:48I'll pass it.
15:50You're going to turn it down and play on?
15:52Still looking for $100.
15:53I'll try number 12.
15:54Number 12.
15:55Could we see box number 12, please?
15:56He knows they touch on at least one side.
15:58Box 12, please.
15:59And there is another $100.
16:01Jim, what are you going to do?
16:05You can keep it and forfeit your turn.
16:07I'm going to pass.
16:09You're going to pass and keep on playing.
16:11The man came to win.
16:12All right.
16:13Which box would you like next?
16:14I will try number 16.
16:17He knows that's going to be a $100 box.
16:18Could we see box number 16?
16:20They touch on at least one side.
16:21And there it is.
16:22All right.
16:24Let's give a round of applause to Artie Johnson
16:25and to Lawrence Jacob.
16:26And Artie, here is your question.
16:27In China, they call it a spring roll.
16:30What do we call it?
16:31We call it a mattress.
16:39That's your answer.
16:40What do you want?
16:41A chung fu yung gao sao?
16:42Whatever you say.
16:43Lawrence, in China, they call it a spring roll.
16:48What do we call it?
16:49We call it an egg roll.
16:52That's your answer.
16:53I don't know.
16:54That's my answer.
16:55I never know.
16:56All right, Jim, is it a mattress or an egg roll?
16:57I'll go with mattress.
16:58It's an egg roll.
17:01All right.
17:02We're now over to Pat Gaither.
17:03And that box returns to its neutral position.
17:04All right.
17:06I'm going to go to the opposite end.
17:07Go number four.
17:08All right.
17:09Could we see box number four?
17:10What have we there?
17:11Hey, there's that $300 box.
17:12That's connected to Liz Torres and the Fanny Flag.
17:13Liz, you take some finely ground sand, some baking soda,
17:14and some chalky lime.
17:15And what do you do with that?
17:16You mix it up.
17:17You mix it up.
17:18You mix it up.
17:19You mix it up.
17:20You mix it up.
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19:32You mix it up.
19:33You mix it up.
19:34You mix it up.
19:35You mix it up.
19:36You mix it up.
19:37You mix it up.
19:38You mix it up.
19:39You mix it up.
19:40You mix it up.
19:41You mix it up.
19:42You mix it up.
19:43You mix it up.
19:44You mix it up.
19:45Box number 17.
19:46Could we see box number 17 if it's a $100 box?
19:48And it is.
19:49You could win this game and $300.
19:52And that box is connected to Mary Ann Mobley
19:55and to Lawrence Jacobs.
19:56And Mary Ann, here's your question.
19:58What is the Taj Mahal?
20:03A palace in India's capital city.
20:06All right.
20:07Lawrence Jacobs, what is the Taj Mahal?
20:10A mausoleum.
20:11All right.
20:12Jim Merritt for $300 and the game
20:14and a special surprise prize.
20:16Is it a palace or a mausoleum?
20:20I will say a mausoleum.
20:22You have won the game, Jim Merritt.
20:24And $300.
20:26Yes, indeed.
20:29All right.
20:30We'll come back and look at the rest of the board
20:32and talk to our key players in just a moment.
20:34Don't you go away.
20:36First of all, let's see where the wild card was
20:39on the board for the last game.
20:40Where was it?
20:42Box number two.
20:43So, Jim Merritt, you won the game, $300.
20:45And we're going to tell you about the prize you won
20:47on Monday when we come back
20:48because we're kind of short on time.
20:50We have to say goodbye to Pat Gaither
20:51who broke the bank with $10,000.
20:53Congratulations once again, Pat.
20:54Thank you.
20:55Well done.
20:56We had a great week.
20:57Thanks to Arnie Johnson,
20:58who's going to be on the show next.
20:59We'll be right back.
21:00Congratulations once again, Pat.
21:01Thank you.
21:02Well done.
21:03We had a great week.
21:04Thanks to Arnie Johnson,
21:05who's going to be on the Playboy Bunny special
21:06here on ABC.
21:08Lawrence Jacob, boom, boom, Washington.
21:10Yes, indeed.
21:11Thank you, buddy.
21:12Mary Ann Mobley and Gary Collins
21:14are going to Sacramento for Irene.
21:16Beverly Garland, thank you, doll.
21:17What a pleasure to have you with us.
21:19Joey Bishop, still in Las Vegas.
21:21And Bill Dana with the Playboy Bunny pageant
21:24on May 10th.
21:25May 10th on ABC.
21:27Liz Torres on Phyllis.
21:28Penny Flagg from the movie Stay Hungry.
21:30Rosie Greer down there in South Central
21:32working with the folks.
21:33Right, Rosie?
21:34Thank you, buddy.
21:35Have fun, gang.
21:36$5,000 in the bank.
21:38See you next time on Break the Bank.
21:41Our departing contestants
21:42will receive one white dust cloth.
21:44The only treated dust cloth
21:45you can effectively rewash up to 20 times
21:47safe for any surface.
21:48One white.
21:49America's favorite dust cloth.
21:51And however you like chocolate,
21:52there's a Chunky for you.
21:54Four delicious different family-sized bars.
21:55Famous Original Chunky or New Peanut Chunky.
21:57Plus, Pecan Chunky and Solid Milk Chocolate Chunky.
22:00Extra thick for extra flavor.
22:01Brings in 24 thick bite-sized pieces.
22:03Chunky, thicker chocolate.
22:05$5,000 in the bank.
