Ekspansi Jejakin Pasca Pendanaan

  • 2 months ago
Pertengahan Mei lalu, startup platform manajemen karbon, Jejakin mengumumkan penerimaan dana investasi sebesar US$2,7 juta atau setara Rp43,4 miliar. Pendanaan tahap awal ini diperoleh dari PT ITM Bhinneka Power dengan partisipasi sejumlah investor institusional seperti Indogen Capital, SMDV, dan East Ventures.

Dana segar ini akan digunakan pihak Jejakin untuk penelitian dan pengembangan, peningkatan teknologi, pertumbuhan pasar, dan lain-lain.

Bagaimana peluang cuan Jejakin pasca pendanaan awal?


00:00Thank you, Mr. Miersan, for joining us with me, Wiki Adrian.
00:04That's right. And this time, we will discuss about a leading company in the climate tech sector.
00:11The expansion of Jejakin Pastia Funding has been linked to the video conference.
00:15There are Mr. Arfan Arlanda, who is the CEO and co-founder or founder of Jejakin.
00:21How are you, Mr. Arlan or Mr. Arfan?
00:24Mr. Arfan.
00:26I'm fine.
00:28How are you? Thank you for joining us.
00:30Okay, this is Jejakin, a climate tech or climate change technology.
00:35They say it can measure carbon footprint and so on.
00:38Can you explain it first?
00:41I don't know, so I don't use it or I don't know.
00:46How about this Jejakin?
00:50Yes, so our focus is to provide a carbon management platform.
00:58So a climate tech company that focuses on, actually we have three pillars.
01:03So first, we help companies to be able to calculate their carbon emissions.
01:09So there are Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3, direct and indirect emissions.
01:15Then their target set, let's say they want to be a net zero company.
01:20Or they want to reduce their emissions by 30% by next 5 years for example.
01:26And later we can also help to provide recommendations on what needs to be done
01:31to reduce and then offset their emissions.
01:34That's the first pillar.
01:36The second pillar, we have like a marketplace.
01:39So the contents of the green programs, whether it's for planting trees,
01:44or renewable energy, or other carbon projects.
01:48So later they can also choose,
01:50sometimes they have an interest to be involved in green projects.
01:55We have quite a lot of lists,
01:59both our own programs and our partners.
02:06The third pillar, we call it digital MRV.
02:10So to measure, monitor, report, and verify
02:14in the green programs in the forestry or in the agricultural sector.
02:22So it helps to measure how much potential can be produced
02:28from one area, the carbon potential.
02:31Then we also help to monitor and make sure
02:35that every project can be measured,
02:39its impact, its success,
02:42the data is transparent,
02:44and we can provide information quickly to all stakeholders.
02:51So end to end, from the beginning to throughout the journey
02:56in a company to do decarbonization, we can help.
03:03The story can get funding in early May or mid-May, if I'm not mistaken.
03:08What's the story like until you get the initial funding to measure the city?
03:14So we actually started in 2018.
03:18So we started in 2018.
03:21At that time, maybe it wasn't as crowded as it is now
03:25related to climate and carbon.
03:27So when we started, it was like shooting in the dark.
03:33We didn't have a benchmark either.
03:36So we started, we learned to start from measuring.
03:42So measuring and monitoring from one program, one project.
03:49How can we measure the impact, that was the first start.
03:53Then at that time, maybe it was a bit,
03:57not to get investment,
04:00to invite companies to use this platform,
04:07it wasn't easy in the beginning.
04:09Because maybe what we did in 2018 was still very niche at that time.
04:16Now it's more booming, right?
04:18And many foreign companies want to run ESG, for example.
04:27So that's also what makes FISI interested in funding in Jejakin.
04:30What will this funding be used for?
04:35So our main focus is to add resources, subject matter experts.
04:41Because there are quite a lot of projects that are currently underway,
04:45so we add resources to ensure that the product can continue to develop better.
04:55So in addition to focusing on Indonesia,
04:58we are also now starting to expand to outside Indonesia.
05:03So we really need resources.
05:06So we are now starting to start in several countries in Southeast Asia.
05:15After the funding, is it just expansion?
05:18Or from the pillars, there is an expansion of services?
05:21Maybe we will discuss the next topic, Mr. Arfand.
05:24For example, we will be back soon.
05:28Yes, Mr. Arfand.
05:29Still with the founder and CEO of Jejakin,
05:32which is Climate Tech or Climate Change Technology.
05:34It was said that it will start expanding to South Asia,
05:36and requires a lot of resources,
05:39such as products and experts,
05:41because there are a lot of projects that are underway,
05:43and this company has been operating since 2020.
05:47If we look at the funding that has been received,
05:51the market expansion has been announced,
05:54and the service pillars have also been announced.
05:57Will there be additional services in the three pillars?
06:02Or what is it like, Mr. Arfand?
06:06So, in addition to the new features of the three pillars,
06:11we also have downloads from the existing pillars,
06:16and we are now starting to develop our own carbon project.
06:21So, if before we worked with Mitra,
06:25then we also helped others,
06:28and now we have also started to develop our own projects.
06:34So, the users of Jejakin are corporate,
06:37and what has been the usage so far since 2020?
06:44So, surprisingly, since 2020,
06:48there have been quite a lot of shifting,
06:51from CSR to ESG,
06:57so incorporating ESG into their business process.
07:00Currently, we have been cooperating quite a lot
07:03with local and multinational companies,
07:06BWMN companies as well.
07:08However, in addition to focusing on B2B,
07:11we also actually have a pillar for B2B2C.
07:15So, currently, we are also cooperating a lot with the platform system
07:20to provide access to all consumers,
07:24to then be able to contribute.
07:26Currently, we already have millions of subscribers
07:29at this retail level.
07:33So, it means that from the second corporation
07:35and also retail, it has also started to cater.
07:38The interaction with the stakeholders of the carbon exchange,
07:43where is Jejakin located, Mr. Arfan?
07:49So, from the ecosystem,
07:53the carbon project, or later,
07:55after it becomes SPGRA,
07:58the carbon credit has been issued,
08:00it can be sold in the exchange.
08:02Jejakin's position right now is as a project developer.
08:06So, it's good to run our own carbon project,
08:10or cooperate with our clients or partners
08:14to help them develop the carbon project
08:17which can then be sold in the carbon exchange.
08:21In the future, what kind of market will be served by Jejakin?
08:29So, Indonesia is actually one of the countries
08:34with the largest potential in the world related to carbon.
08:38So, we are very grateful
08:42for our nature, not only in the forest,
08:45but also in the agricultural sector,
08:47in the carbon sector, in the coastal sector.
08:52So, it's not just mangrove, but also coral and so on.
08:55So, our potential is very large.
08:57At the moment, if we look at the data,
09:03there are about 51 million hectares or more,
09:07the total area of the forest that already exists.
09:10But what about the players?
09:12As I understand, there are still many players
09:16who say it's still a bit easy.
09:18How do you see it?
09:23This is one thing that is quite complex.
09:28So, it's not a common thing that has been done a lot before.
09:35This is a new thing.
09:36So, there are still a lot of things that need to be learned.
09:42Because the policy regulation is still quite dynamic.
09:47Although there are quite a lot of policies and regulations in place,
09:51but there are also some that we are still waiting for.
09:54And this is quite a dynamic situation.
09:58Dynamic and complex.
09:59The rules are still quite consistent.
10:05Thank you, Mas, for sharing the information.
10:07It's always a pleasure to chat with you.
10:10Thank you.
10:11Thank you, Mas Arfand.
10:12See you again.
10:14Thank you, Mas.
10:16We will update on the movement of IHSG from the opening of S1 until now.
10:19What is it like?
10:20IHSG at 9 more than 29 minutes,
10:22when Indonesia is in the West.
10:23IHSG players are in the green zone,
10:25strengthening 0.48% at level 7097.222.
10:30Then, for the players who are in the top-gen and top-losers category,
10:35you can also see it on the player's screen.
10:38There are lead players who are 18%,
10:43GPSO 15%,
10:44SMDR 7%,
10:46Arna 5%,
10:48Temas, SMGR 4%,
10:50Aman Mineral 3%,
10:51Teens also increased,
10:52Pemirsa almost 3%,
10:54and some other players.
10:55Loser Sadaheli decreased by 18%,
10:58Laba, Inov, BDKR,
11:00Ibos, MTW,
11:01Smil, Trin, LPKR, Pemirsa,
11:04and some other players.
11:05Of course, this still continues to shape the price
11:08because the trade has just started for about 30 minutes.
11:14That's it, Pemirsa,
11:15a brief review of the opening of the trade until now.
11:18And, Pemirsa,
11:19we have accompanied you in Power Breakfast for 90 minutes.
11:22Hopefully, our discussion today can be a reference and source of information for you.
11:26Stay updated with your information only on IDX Channel,
11:29the trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
11:32Because the future is the future,
11:34I am an investor in the stock market.
11:35I'm Prisa Sombudatuk. Goodbye.
11:37I'm Adrian. See you.
11:56Transcribed by https://otter.ai
