• 4 months ago


00:04:17Something I can do for you mister strong drink
00:04:26Anything in particular
00:04:34Surprised me
00:05:09Lost or something
00:05:13Makes you say that
00:05:15We just don't get your top through here that often that's all
00:05:21What type is that
00:05:30Where are your people
00:05:34The well dried up after the war and the mind blew six months later
00:05:40Just about everyone left after that
00:05:44And you I
00:05:47Still get so a few stumbling drunks in here from time to time
00:05:52Strangers mostly everyone had a West looking for gold or North looking for land
00:06:01I was no soldier
00:06:06Militia not regular army
00:06:10Each man in the guard was free to come and go as he pleased
00:06:15So when the war was over I rode north
00:06:33This is a signed court order from Brigadier General William o a bear of Galveston
00:06:44I'm sitting here to find a man by the name of John Dooling
00:06:50This warrant was made out by circuit court judge Stephen L Peck, Austin, Texas
00:07:12$200 dead or alive
00:07:17What do you do
00:07:19He's a war criminal and union loyalists that traded weapons with the north
00:07:26You're one of those bounty men I've heard stories about you fellas
00:07:34So you're Marshall any idea where I can find him
00:07:42Convenient there's nothing convenient about it
00:07:46Marshall lame is dead and I don't want drifters riding in here. They can make it have too much fun
00:07:52You any good with that pistol
00:07:57You can always try me and find out
00:08:03You don't mind if I take a look around do you
00:08:05You don't mind if I take a look around do you
00:09:05Thousands of years
00:09:26It's lame and betrayed you're not free for the break that I've brought on the way
00:10:06We won't believe
00:10:15People fail
00:10:19You're just
00:10:30In Bombay your face with your weapons and right game you are just a soul
00:10:41We'll be sure
00:12:13Know he grades on the cross not on the curve
00:12:21Gives power to the powerless
00:12:29More like takes when it's used, right? I wouldn't talking about your pistol son
00:12:39John Dooling hardly. My name is Burke Isaac Burke
00:12:50Know where I can find him
00:12:52Not in here, that's for sure. What's that supposed to mean?
00:12:58Everybody in these parts knows John Dooling he passes through from time to time
00:13:03Nobody knows when
00:13:06But we do know one thing. He ain't too fond of the good book
00:13:20Name is Daniel King. Oh, I know who you are. Mr. Miss Tully told me your business here
00:13:26I'm willing to forego a portion of the bounty if you help me
00:13:33You don't know what he looks like
00:13:36I've been on his trail for a month now
00:13:39Everywhere. I stopped I've gotten ten different descriptions from ten different people
00:13:43If you help me I can pay you $50
00:13:4850 50 Yankee dollars
00:13:52That's right
00:13:53Cash in hand. I
00:13:55Take the body back with me
00:13:58And your hands are clean
00:14:06Mister you pick one hell of a terrible place to make such a deal
00:14:17Have an agreement Burke. Yeah, I reckon we do. Mr. King
00:14:33You really think this is gonna work
00:14:35Stick to the plan
00:14:37Let do we know I want to make a ridiculous purchase
00:14:40All right, you know where to find him. Yeah, he's hunkered down to the valley a little place called Eden
00:14:47He killed the sheriff. So he's got the whole town to himself now him and that posse
00:14:54You remember the amount?
00:14:57$1,000 that's right. Don't let him give you no for an answer either
00:15:01Raise it another thousand dollars if you have to
00:15:05$2,000 it's just for show. Hey, I'll tell him five thousand for all I care
00:15:10Just make sure you get him here. All right, you're the boss
00:15:13Don't tell me you got old man Isaac involved in this bounty yours
00:15:41No one put a gun to his head
00:15:43You go out there yourself
00:15:46How numbered
00:15:48Not too smart. I'd rather him come here where he can't play all the angles
00:15:55What's Burke's purpose here
00:15:59He seemed pretty comfortable in town is all he was our pastor that was his church
00:16:07And now now
00:16:10Now Isaac sees it as an impossible loyalty
00:16:16Forsaken beliefs, that's right
00:16:19Man can only take so much cold shoulder till they start to see the irony in it
00:16:28You need a place to rest for the night there's an old motel up the road there pick any spot
00:16:34Settle it before you leave town
00:16:36Yeah, I
00:16:38Trust that'll hold you over
00:17:39Know you're in there come out show your face
00:17:57For a ghost town there sure are a lot of people wandering around you intend on firing that thing
00:18:09You know who I am
00:18:12I'm a servant of the court
00:18:15You don't want to be hung by the neck now. Do you because that's a penalty you're facing if you shoot me son
00:18:23That's if they can find your body
00:18:26All right
00:18:29What is it that you want what's your business with John Dooling
00:18:32Word travels well, I heard you talking to the preacher man. My business is just that my business
00:18:41Didn't your daddy ever teach you that listening to private conversations is a bad habit my father's dead so
00:18:49Your mother then hey don't really matter what she thinks either cuz she's dead too
00:18:54Once you pour yourself a drink
00:18:59I'm fine right here. I
00:19:04Reckon you have business with John Dooling to what kind the pressing kind
00:19:13You live around here sometimes
00:19:17Sometimes I
00:19:20You live around here sometimes
00:19:25It's revenge isn't it
00:19:28What you're after
00:19:30John Dooling's done some terrible wrong, and you think killing him will make it right
00:19:37So why don't you tell me what it is that he did to you that led you here to this moment with the gun pointed at me
00:19:50He murdered my parents
00:19:58You want him dead well, I reckon I can help you kill him
00:20:08You talk about killing like it's no big thing
00:20:20Preacher man already took $50 of the bounty I can't spare much more. I don't want no money. I want John Dooling's head I
00:20:29Can't offer that either
00:20:31Bounty is dead or alive
00:20:33That being as it may John Dooling comes back to Austin with me
00:20:38Sorry kid
00:20:45All right, then one shot
00:20:49That glass sitting on the bar top there. I guarantee you I can hit it
00:20:53All right
00:20:55Which does what for me? Well it shows you. I'm a good shot. Should you get jammed up? I don't get jammed up
00:21:02Well, then it's a bet
00:21:05If I hit that bottle there
00:21:09You let me help you kill John Dooling yeah
00:21:34Ain't got no place to be so how's about we talk now find some place to be
00:22:23Mr. Doolin, I don't know you
00:22:28Pardon me if I don't know you it means we can be six feet apart from one another and feel the distance of strangers
00:22:50Hmm what's your name? I'm Isaac Isaac Burke
00:23:14Wait a minute
00:23:17You're that preacher man
00:23:20Well, I'll be damned. It has been a long while. I had trouble placing that face of yours that that's not why I'm here today, sir
00:23:29To tell me your name
00:23:33Well of course that's not why you are here
00:23:38There's a man in town
00:23:41Would certainly like to talk to you about a big buyout
00:23:50Pistols ammunition long guns black powder thousand dollars worth
00:23:58In this town, that's right a thousand dollars you say yes, sir
00:24:14Thousand dollars isn't worth my time tell your bio. Thank you, but I'll pass
00:24:20You know what leave off the thank you and just tell him no
00:24:30You can go now
00:24:33Five thousand five thousand dollars just to take the meeting with him
00:24:57You've seen this man's money, yes, sir
00:25:01Cash in hand. That's right
00:25:05and this man
00:25:09He's keen on doing business is he mr. Dillon from everything I can tell he's mighty eager to meet you a
00:25:20Heart spirit before you depart. No. Thank you suit yourself
00:25:39I'll recall one of your sermons from way back in the day
00:25:45It is forbidden to kill
00:25:48Therefore all who murder are punished by fire
00:25:54They kill in large amounts and to the sound of God's
00:26:00Trumpets, that's not quite how that scripture go
00:26:13Admit I took some liberties with that passage, but you got my point
00:26:25You bastard
00:26:28Preach a man who wasn't just you it was the Bible that taught us of a cruel God
00:26:37A cruel God makes cruel man
00:27:00Telly stop it's not anybody's fault. There's no need to be
00:27:04Easy now child
00:27:06The boy he came to me darling bad enough you probably got Isaac killed soon enough for dueling now
00:27:12You want to drag a youngster into this?
00:27:14Like I said, he came to me. I made no promises Telly. I can help him. I'm not a little
00:27:26Are we done with this discussion
00:27:29If doing shows up he'll be my problem those who volunteer I won't promise safe passage
00:27:35I'm good with that good
00:27:38And we're not gonna be wasting any more bullets
00:27:42Something happens to him that's on you
00:27:51I'm sorry, it's just
00:27:54Since my parents she's just Oh
00:27:57Protective that's all
00:27:59She's something
00:28:01Got anything to eat around here
00:28:03Yeah, I can fix us some coffee coffee's good
00:29:23Warned it just so much you be
00:29:30Depends on who's asking
00:29:32Last we heard this town was deserted
00:29:35Maybe you should have your ears clean
00:29:38Apparently you heard wrong
00:29:45Preacher man's been killed. That's a shame. Was it you or did dueling pull the trigger himself?
00:29:53Well, just so you boys are aware
00:29:56I'm a messenger of the court
00:29:58You boys just showing up here with the acute knowledge of Isaac's death means you can be charged with murder yourselves
00:30:04You'll be hung by the neck
00:30:06Hell he just say shut up
00:30:10Mr. Doolin sent us here to make you an offer an offer
00:30:15You leave town he won't come look for you simple as that
00:30:20No deal
00:30:22You fellas know what I am what I do for a living. Oh, we know all about you bounty man
00:30:30Snow your final answer
00:30:32if I may offer a
00:30:38You to get back on those horses and ride back where you came from
00:30:43You don't get shot
00:30:45You don't die
00:30:48My business is with John Dooling not you
00:30:52You tell him show his face
00:30:54We figure this out just he and I
00:30:58What do you say?
00:31:03Mr. Doolin respectfully declines
00:31:07You bounty man don't seem to count so good way I see it we got two pistols pointed right in your direction
00:31:23Do and said that he'd be alone
00:31:26well now
00:31:28How do we
00:31:30Fix this pickle we seem to guide ourselves in
00:31:34One of you dies the other goes back to John Dooling wounded and offers in my terms
00:31:42Which one of you gunslingers wants to go first
00:31:45Now what do we do
00:32:01Bad this is real bad
00:32:19Looks like you drew the lucky straw today come out with your hands up
00:32:31Toss it
00:32:35Now you're gonna get back on your horse and you're gonna find John Dooling
00:32:40You tell him if he wants to turn himself in he knows where to find me
00:32:44He refuses and I put the word out
00:32:48$100 to the man or men who bring him here to me alive. Oh, why in the hell would he agree to that?
00:32:55One man looking for you is manageable
00:32:58100 men
00:32:59Keeps you up at night
00:33:01My guess is John Dooling likes his sleep
00:33:05Now go on. Oh
00:33:07Wait, I almost forgot
00:33:11We agreed you'd go back wounded
00:33:36Did good yeah
00:33:41You think this is gonna work
00:33:44We'll find out
00:34:27What you know what you'll be paid the both of you does it look like I need a coin
00:34:35Tell me why you're doing that doing what pretending he's yours when he's not
00:34:41Nothing to say that's a first
00:34:46I've raised that boy since he was still on the vine. He's my nephew
00:34:53John Dooling killed his daddy over an old day and when my sister refused to marry him
00:35:00He shot her in the head
00:35:03It happened right over there in the street
00:35:06Parker saw it all
00:35:11Vowed to take care of him and I intend to keep my promise
00:35:17Promise to who?
00:35:19His parents are dead
00:35:21You wouldn't understand
00:35:24Is that right? I
00:35:27Watched the Union forces slaughter my fellow men at Galveston
00:35:32You don't think I made a promise or two
00:35:35That I'd avenge their death
00:35:38that I take care of their wives their children a
00:35:43Promise is only as good as the world around you allows you to keep it
00:35:46So story supposed to make me feel sorry for you. Like I can't understand the world unless I'm a soldier
00:35:58Those are just the facts
00:36:08Appreciate your help out there. I want John Dooling dead as much as you maybe even more
00:36:19Then let me kill him I intend to I just ask that you leave Parker out of it
00:36:36Decision is up to the kid
00:36:44We'll see about that
00:37:13What happened your ass he shot it
00:37:19He shot it yeah shot me in the ass
00:37:23You have any idea?
00:37:25How hard it is to ride with a bullet stuck in your ass?
00:37:30the bounty man
00:37:31No, not him some kid
00:37:35Little bastard shot Jeb to while he's at it
00:37:43You're saying you saw the bounty man killed Jeb
00:37:51Well, what does he want
00:37:54Well, I don't know Johnny
00:37:57He said something about you either come to town so he can take you in there
00:38:01He's gonna tell every guy with a pistol out there. There's just $100 on your head
00:38:12There were two
00:38:15There were two of you and only one man and child
00:38:21Could you have been this stupid well, it wasn't just two of them there was a woman too and she was shooting
00:38:30One you see yeah woman
00:38:35What did she look like I
00:38:39Don't know John it all happened so damn fast
00:38:43She was pretty I remember that
00:38:49Why don't you take the edge off
00:38:57Are you better
00:39:00My ass is killing me John. No, I need to go see a doctor
00:39:04Well go on then you best hurry up, too
00:39:49Can I help you where it is you're hiring. That's true. You got a pistol
00:40:01Do you know how to fire a set pistol you want to find out
00:40:10Don't know how to fire a set pistol
00:40:13You want to find out?
00:40:15You are hired feel free to have a drink over there I will be with you shortly
00:40:46I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here. I'll come back. No, it's okay
00:40:55Really it's okay just sit I
00:41:09Felt guilty about this morning
00:41:12This place make you feel better about it a
00:41:20My father was friends with mr. Burke
00:41:23they worked in the mine together, but before he became a pastor and
00:41:27He used to bring me here when I was bad
00:41:31But mr. Burke always made me feel better
00:41:35You shouldn't feel bad about what you did today
00:41:38Yeah, cuz cuz it was the right thing to do, right I
00:41:44Don't know about all that or because he was a really bad man
00:41:49Bad man
00:41:53The Old Testament was full of bad men
00:41:57God was pretty vengeful towards them
00:42:01You don't consider God a bad man for doing what needed to be done. Do you
00:42:05Guess not
00:42:10Look kid
00:42:14Your aunt doesn't want you to be a part of this maybe you should listen to her this time
00:42:26Now that's out of the question I
00:42:28Thought we had a deal
00:42:31Now that's out of the question I
00:42:33Thought we had a deal. I
00:42:36Know all about deals kid
00:42:38But you don't really want to kill anyone and how would you know that I?
00:42:49Was born in Zion
00:42:53God's country
00:42:56Those holy ghost stories and bloodshed never scared me enough
00:43:01Every Sunday while the town bowed their heads I
00:43:05Cut out through the hedges and fields
00:43:09Not right up to the canyon and watch the sunset
00:43:15It was so peaceful
00:43:18So quiet
00:43:23I served alongside a black man
00:43:27His name was Abram Turner
00:43:31His mother was Gula Geechee
00:43:34His father worked the cotton gin off the banks of the Santee
00:43:43When the war ended Abram was set free
00:43:48And once he saved up enough coin he rode up to Charleston and met up with a group of bounty men from that part
00:43:53of the country
00:43:54Together they chased down a man by the name of Louie Manuel
00:44:00Not only was Louie a wanted slave trader
00:44:05He also happened to be black like Abram
00:44:15So so what they find him
00:44:20Indeed they did
00:44:23They gave him a tongue lashing first a real lashing not long after
00:44:30Then they tied him to a post and all five men shot Louie dead where he stood
00:44:40They considered Louie the lowest form of human being that you could be a
00:44:46Black man who oversaw the sale of his own kind to the whites for slave labor
00:44:55A couple months after all that I ran into Abram in Louisiana
00:45:01That's where he told me about the Louie Manuel bounty
00:45:07He said that killing that man sunk inside of him like a stone
00:45:17Sitting here today I can attest to that
00:45:27It's one that's too heavy to move
00:45:31Killing a man
00:45:34It isn't a burden one can carry lightly
00:45:42That's all you're left with
00:45:46Silence of bullets
00:45:49Silence of death
00:45:55So then why do you do it for money
00:46:01Truth is
00:46:03I'm hoping that dooling comes quietly
00:46:09I think using I both know that John dooling in the quiet man
00:46:15Then you see why it's so important that he does
00:46:22Five years in the guard
00:46:27If this life is about stealing time
00:46:31That's more than any one of us should be willing to give I
00:46:36Know you don't want to listen to your aunt
00:46:40But maybe you should
00:47:07So tell me Deacon you ever shot anyone before I
00:47:15Was with the regulars in Virginia
00:47:18You don't say who'd you start wonder
00:47:23Jeff Stewart in Chancellorsville
00:47:27Again at Gettysburg
00:47:30So right you fought at Gettysburg, that's right
00:47:37Well, you wouldn't happen to know any gunmen between let's say here in town would you
00:47:46One or two
00:47:53Well, I thought I'd get us through the night
00:47:59Randy I knew friend Deacon here was just telling me that he fought under Jeb Stewart at Gettysburg
00:48:12That don't impress you none that a man can be just sitting right to your side fought in one of the most deadliest battles of
00:48:19the war
00:48:2428,000 Confederate brothers killed
00:48:27Huh, I'd have been more impressed if it wasn't a battle
00:48:34Randolph I
00:48:37Didn't mean anything by it John then apologize
00:48:44I'm sorry John not to me you idiot apologize to him
00:48:56Apologize like you mean it
00:49:02I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect to you
00:49:07Very nice perhaps something to drink. No, I'm good John
00:49:48Now he means it
00:49:57Don't tell me about these gunmen
00:50:03Got an old-timer he's nearby
00:50:09An old-timer he can still shoot that's all that matters in it
00:50:20Fair enough
00:50:26Feel free to help you'll fail
00:50:52Need a couple extra minutes
00:50:59Look I know I'm not your mother, but I need you to be safe
00:51:09How are we safe telly I haven't felt safe in years
00:51:16But now this bounty man coming to town I just I
00:51:21I got to do right, but my parents say I was afraid of that
00:51:33Promise me you'll get to bed soon, okay?
00:51:41Your parents spent a lot of time in here too, you know
00:53:50Hope you slept well
00:53:53What happened
00:53:57That came flying through the saloon window last night this was attached to it. It's fun read
00:54:15You're sure I checked his room. He's nowhere to be found
00:54:24Do you check the church he seems to like it in there he isn't there either
00:54:36Wait here get your gun and hunker down in the saloon. Don't serve anyone till I get back you here
00:54:43Where are you going find Parker and bring him back?
00:55:07How old are you
00:55:15Can he talk speak up boy
00:55:25Know what you're thinking
00:55:29You're thinking that you won't talk and that'll spare your life because after all you're just a kid
00:55:38Tell you it won't do a goddamn thing except make me very angry
00:55:46So let's try this again
00:55:51How old are you
00:55:5717 see wasn't so hard now was it?
00:56:03You got a name
00:56:06Parker Parker
00:56:09Well Parker, my friend Deacon here tells me you know everything about this bounty man. Yo
00:56:16Was that a question
00:56:26Tell me about the bounty man
00:56:30What's to tell
00:56:32He's a contract killer
00:56:34And he's looking for you. He killed one of my men
00:56:41No, actually that was me
00:57:05Now you're gonna tell us everything you know about the bounty man
00:57:08Oh, we're gonna ride into town and take turns ravaging that bitch aunt of yours
00:57:14Do I make myself perfectly clear?
00:57:27Did you think I forgot about you or your foolish family after all these years
00:57:39Well, that's sweet I asked your aunt cares around on I
00:57:45Can just see her right now sashaying around that's one of those
00:57:50Kind of thing it makes man weaker
00:57:59My interest you in a hard spirit
00:58:12Well, then
00:58:16Why don't we just start from the very beginning
00:58:22We're all ears
00:58:40Have your good fortune in the San Antonio Express my congratulations, sir. That's me. He's here
00:58:58Name is Daniel King. I
00:59:01Have a warrant for the arrest or capture of one John Dooling signed by circuit court judge Stephen L Peck, Boston, Texas
00:59:08I know who you are. Mr. King this little radios told us everything we needed to know
00:59:16Now unfortunately for you. I don't intend on surrendering by any means to some
00:59:22Servant of the court
00:59:24So what we have here is what they call a Mexican standoff on our hands
00:59:32Now, do you know why they call it a Mexican standoff
00:59:36Maybe because it was invented by some Mexicans. The boy has nothing to do with this. Let him go
00:59:43You must take me for a goddamn fool
00:59:46I'd rather shoot that boy right there where he stands and just hand him on over to you
00:59:52All right, then
00:59:54Here's our way out of this mess. I
00:59:57Put my pistol away. I
00:59:59Take the boy with me and we leave
01:00:03No one gets shot
01:00:05No one gets killed. No one gets killed and what's in this deal for me? I
01:00:11Rip up the bounty
01:00:14As long as we're promised safe passage, that'll be the end of it
01:00:18So, what do you tell this judge Peck after you ride back into Austin empty-handed and all I
01:00:27You were my last bounty
01:00:30I'm retired
01:00:31Just as well if you ask me
01:00:34What do you want to do?
01:00:37Take care of this pistol on the table nice and easy easy
01:00:48I warned tear it up
01:00:59Good one more thing
01:01:05If I ever see either you pieces of pork shit again
01:01:10I'm gonna burn down that town
01:01:13I'm gonna kill his aunt and I'm gonna string you both up and I'm gonna start with him and make you watch
01:01:26Let him go
01:01:46Heard no, let's walk this way. Never turn your back on him. It's lonely
01:01:54Just shut up and do as I say
01:02:03That was surprisingly simple
01:02:06Hmm you want shut check the warrant if you would be so kind
01:02:19We got a problem what now
01:02:26It's the same goddamn letter we left them
01:02:43Get the goddamn horses
01:03:06Are you okay
01:03:08Did I hurt you? I'm fine
01:03:11He needs some water and I need a pistol and I need took my pistol, too
01:03:16All right, clean yourself up
01:03:23Maybe you and Parker ought to leave town. What did you do?
01:03:28He's coming for us, isn't he a pistol?
01:03:41Take what you need and go
01:03:44Anything you leave behind consider it gone. You can't tell me to leave my own town your town
01:03:52Regardless this is between dueling and me and me. I have just as much debt to collect with dueling as you do
01:04:01and me to
01:04:02Parker no
01:04:04He's right
01:04:06Dueling made him a part of this the moment. He took him hostage. I
01:04:10Say he stays and helps me bring him in
01:04:14So, what do we do
01:04:20When dueling figures out we pulled a fast one on him, he'll come looking for us all of us and he won't be alone either
01:04:29So we set a trap in town lure him in take our best shot
01:04:34Okay, what kind of trap the fishing kind with bait and who's the bait
01:06:08Check in the back of the saloon
01:06:15Ain't nobody here
01:06:27Easy with that rifle little missy
01:06:38What the hell is going on in there
01:06:42You see anyone
01:06:47You idiots, you know who that is the devil's looking for you
01:07:03Well, come on out and quit wasting time
01:07:18Everything's fine. Hey nobody here
01:07:24Come on out of there didn't quit waste my goddamn time
01:07:28Now what little lady?
01:07:31Is this what your plan is?
01:07:36Not quite
01:07:41Glasses cold weather
01:07:45Tell you you want anything done, right best do it yourself
01:07:57Don't know how the preacher man got such a wonderful horse
01:08:40Let a woman take your pistol
01:08:46You of all people should know I'm a good shot John Dooling. Oh, I know all about you
01:08:54As well as I'd like to well enough
01:09:00So, where's my other man
01:09:04Parker come on out
01:09:11Hmm good help is so goddamn hard to find
01:09:27Know you're looking for the bouncy man
01:09:30He isn't here John
01:09:33Is that right?
01:09:35He left this morning
01:09:36Say he was gonna go find the guard
01:09:39Bring the fight to you and yours
01:09:43The guard you see that's right the way I see it you and your dogs have no business here
01:09:50Well, I don't know about all that
01:09:53Kitty a shot and killed one of my men and he admits to it
01:09:58That was an accident that was no accident
01:10:02Not no willing good that lawman is hiding in this town somewhere
01:10:07If you don't want to die today, I suggest you tell me where he is
01:10:14Doesn't look like you're in the position to be making demands
01:10:17All right, then
01:10:21I'll leave town. You'll never see me again. What about your men?
01:10:30You can keep them, how's that sound sounds good to me
01:10:34Well, if it isn't the man of the hour
01:10:43Well, howdy, mr. King I suspect you're still looking for me
01:10:50I'm not looking for you. I'm looking for the man of the hour
01:10:56I'm not looking for you. I'm looking for the man of the hour
01:11:04That's right
01:11:08We can do this the easy way or you and your men can die choice is yours I
01:11:19So what happens I've tossed my pistol
01:11:23You tie my hands behind my back and drag my ass all the way back down to Austin. Is that it?
01:11:29Judge said dead or alive
01:11:34All right, how much do you want bounty man, hmm name your price
01:11:42What for this one
01:11:54Well, I hardly knew the man
01:11:57All right, what about this one
01:12:01You know him all right
01:12:05All right
01:12:08So it's not money you're after you're wasting time three two one
01:12:15Now that was uncalled for
01:12:18Three against one now
01:12:20And guess what the easy way?
01:12:23It's just been taken off the table
01:12:45Serve my country just you
01:12:52Now you killed a man did what he what he had to survive
01:12:57I'm not killing you for what you did in the war. This is for the boys parents
01:14:28What is it
01:14:30Some note from the bounty man
01:14:33What's it say?
01:14:38The church
01:14:57What's that it's the whole bounty
