In this video I take a quick look at the updated description of the crew skills in War Thunder, hopefully giving people a better idea on what skills do what and what effects they have on your crew and aircraft.
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00:00Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of War Thunder.
00:03Just a general hints and tips video, a bit of a guide I suppose,
00:07on crew skills. Now I've always had crew skills for air vehicles, recently got them for ground
00:12vehicles, but we never really knew what they did and we knew roughly keen vision, let you see
00:17further, gunners, fire accuracy, help with your accuracy, repair speed, obviously how fast you
00:25repaired, same with reload speed, but with reloading, but we never had descriptions of them
00:30until quite recently when Gaijin put a little guide on the aircraft skills on their website
00:36in a forum post. I'd looked at it at the time, sort of forgot about it, but they've now added
00:42the descriptions to the actual crew skills, so now we can know a bit more on how they affect,
00:50well how different skills affect your aircraft and your crew. So we're quickly going to go through
00:55that today really, just to let you know what the different skills do. Some of these may surprise
01:00you, some obviously won't because they'll be quite obvious. First one, keen vision,
01:06affects the pilot's visual range in the direction he is looking, i.e. maximum distance, which he
01:11can detect the enemy in front of himself, and obviously this is affected by the sun,
01:17altitude difference, but eventually you can increase your range of detection up to two times.
01:27So we knew roughly what that was anyway, but you know, just so you know. Also got awareness,
01:33the range at which enemies are detected in the vicinity around the vehicle, but not directly in
01:38front of it. So obviously if someone's behind you, once they get near enough, you'll be able to
01:42detect them. Again, increases the range of detection up to two times. So, vaguely knew
01:49what that was, but some speculation actually decreased how, or increased how near the enemy
01:56had to be to you, that to be nearer to you, the higher it was to detect you. But yeah, apparently
02:01it does this instead. G tolerance, your tolerance of positive and negative Gs, and can affect the
02:09control accuracy of the aircraft in mouse aiming mode. We knew roughly what that was anyway, but
02:15just so you know. Stamina, allows your crew to resist fatigue for a longer period of time.
02:22An accuracy in G tolerance will gradually decrease, depending on the time in the session,
02:26number of G-forces sustained, which can affect your aiming accuracy in mouse aiming mode.
02:32Again, we knew roughly what that was, but just so you know. Now this is surprising, vitality.
02:39We knew what it was, it's the health of your crew members, but I personally didn't know
02:47how it affected it. I always knew it wasn't going to be too great, but I was surprised at
02:54the actual effect it has. A novice pilot will probably be killed in the second bullet from a
03:04303. So he can take one 303 bullet, second one will kill him. But a pilot with max vitality,
03:12with a measure of luck, so this isn't even guaranteed, might survive one hit from a 50
03:17caliber machine gun. Now this was surprising, because obviously we always used to have lots
03:23of pilots being killed, or we still do. Pilots being killed, so people always said increase
03:28your vitality, but as we can see here, even with max vitality you're unlikely to survive,
03:36or you might possibly survive a 50 caliber bullet. Not a cannon shell or shrapnel. I don't know how
03:43shrapnel would count into this, but I was actually very surprised at this. Because you're not really
03:51increasing your health that much, you're going from maybe survive, well dying from one, two 303
03:57bullets, to maybe surviving one 50 caliber bullet. So it might have some effect in the lower tiers,
04:03but in higher tiers it seems like this skill becomes quite useless. Flak jackets might affect
04:09it on the bombers. I don't know what sort of effect they actually have, I mean it doesn't
04:13really tell us other than it will provide some protection, but yeah I was very surprised at this.
04:19Now gunners, a lot of these are the same. G tolerance, practically the same. Same with
04:23stamina, but we've got fire accuracy. Now this is quite important because it increases the
04:29traverse speed of the turret, increases the maximum burst length by up to three times,
04:35but also importantly increases the distance at which your guns can start firing. Now mine's at
04:41five out of 50, and I've seen some of my gunners open fire enemy targets from 0.9 kilometers away,
04:48so that's, you know, that's five out of 50 with the minus four. I'll go over a number of
04:55experienced gunners in a minute, but that's going to be quite important. This is in arcade mode where
05:01they open fire 0.9 kilometers, but you know it could be firing at potentially a kilometer
05:09before when the enemy's a kilometer away, so you'll be firing long before they even get their
05:14lead indicator, so you'll be getting the first shot off every time practically if this is how it
05:19works. Obviously in realistic battles and simulated battles, only increases the maximum target
05:26distance by 55%, so not as important there, but still could have quite a bit of an effect.
05:33Also increases the chance of simultaneous fire, and increases the distance at which
05:40target's directions can be anticipated, and leading the target, sorry, and chances of
05:44simultaneous fire and leading the target removes miscalculation in leading the target. Decreases
05:50by seven times throughout realistic battles and simulated battles. I'm sorry if I've messed that
05:55up a little bit. I thought there were three different things, but there was two. So quite
06:00important, because it removes the miscalculation, firing at much higher distances, and you can fire
06:08for longer, so that's very important. Also got fire precision, not as important. Reduces the
06:14scatter, so you're a bit more accurate, and it increases the burst length by up to a third,
06:20and marginally increases the distance, only by 8% in this case, but it also increases the,
06:28sorry about that, increases the chance of simultaneous fire and leading target,
06:32just like fire accuracy. So very important skills to have for these, for your gunners,
06:38especially fire accuracy. If you want to start, fire accuracy is if you want to put lots of lead
06:44out, but not necessarily hit your target, or you want to hit your target, but you know, if you just
06:48want to fire as much as you can, well fire precision will help you to hit the target.
06:52So together they can be quite important. I would probably go for fire accuracy myself, because
06:58obviously if you can fire out further than, you know, if you can fire out further than your enemy,
07:06I mean your enemy won't have the target indicator. He may be put off if he can already see your
07:11gunners opening fire before he can even get a shot off, so fire accuracy would probably be
07:15more important. We've also got the number of experienced gunners. This just affects your
07:22your crew skill, like how high it is. As you can see here we've got minus four, because we
07:29haven't got enough gunners, so got a skill of five, but then it minuses four. The other stuff
07:38here, well we've already said about tolerance and stamina. Vitality, same as with the pilot, just
07:45to help to protect you. But like I say, it's only protecting you a little bit, it's not going to
07:53protect you that much if I'm honest. Lastly we've got ground service. Now we've got your repair
08:00speed, which can reduce your repair speed by up to three times when fully researched. Now this
08:06affects you in the hangar, but also at the airfield, so in realistic battles you can repair a bit
08:12faster, which is good because you don't want to be caught on the airfield when the enemy turns up.
08:16Repair rank, the one I put most of my effort into, basically the rank at which your mechanic can
08:23repair the aircraft. So this is at level four, so any aircraft at level four below can take advantage
08:31of the repair speed. Level five it can't take advantage of that repair speed, and I think it's
08:36just the default repair time. So you don't want to invest too much in this if you end up getting a
08:42higher tier aircraft than your repair rank, because otherwise it won't have any effect. So
08:47I'm trying to get my repair rank to max and then I'll focus on all my other skills afterwards.
08:52That's the way I'm doing it, you may be doing it differently, but yeah that's the way I'm doing it.
08:57We've also got reload speed. Light repair speed affects you in the air and on the airfield.
09:04Reduces the rearming times by three times for cannons and machine guns, two times for bombs,
09:08rockets and torpedoes, and four times for turrets when fully re-searched. So this is very good for
09:14bombers, especially some like the Dornier 217, because it has a cannon at the front, so you can
09:21reload your cannon quick, get your bombs back quicker, and your turrets are reloading a lot
09:27quicker. So you can take advantage of all of the repair speed benefits, so you can become quite a
09:33lethal weapon on the battlefield. Lastly we've got the weapons maintenance. Now this increases
09:41the efficiency of your vehicle's weaponry. Basically reduces the overheating speed of
09:46primary weapons, the spread of bombs and rockets for aircraft, reduces the chance of weapon jamming
09:53due to overheating by three times, and reduces the angular velocity of bombs, rockets and torpedoes
09:58by up to three times, and significantly improving accuracy. So again, that's quite useful if you're
10:05using an aircraft that overheats its weapons quite quick. Say some of the early tier Spitfires,
10:14before you get the weapon modifications for the 20mm cannons, we'll go to the Spitfire quick.
10:22Because here it reduces your mean time between failures by 300%, so obviously it overheats quite quickly
10:33before you get that. So getting that crew skill is very important for aircraft such as that.
10:41The angular velocity of bombs, I'm assuming this means you can drop them from a steeper angle,
10:47that's quite useful, but I'm not too sure about that. But if it is letting you release
10:53bombs at a steeper angle, that would be very useful. Reduces the spread of bombs and rockets.
10:59Bombs, it doesn't seem like it would be too much of a difference. I mean, if you're bombing from
11:04up high, in which case a little bit of spread isn't going to affect you too much,
11:10or you're bombing too low, in which case you're probably going to be putting your bombs straight
11:15on target from a low altitude, and it's not going to get much chance for spread. Rockets, it'll be
11:22more important for taking down bombers and the like, but again, probably not too much of an effect,
11:29although still useful. Lastly, well we've got qualifications, I won't really deal with this too
11:35much, but if you get to a certain crew level, you can buy the qualification for the aircraft.
11:43If we quickly switch to... what's one of the ones I've got on there?
11:49CR-42 Falco. Gives you a massive boost to your certain skills, such as here we've got the
11:58reload speed and repair speed, plus 30. Your gunners, fire precision, fire accuracy, plus 30.
12:06And your pilot, awareness and keen vision, plus 30. Now there is, I think there's another
12:12thing you can get, but I think you need to pay gold for it, I'm not entirely sure. I think it
12:18might be ace, I've got expert, I think you can go up to ace, or you've got basic, expert, and then
12:25I think there's ace. I may be wrong with that, please don't take me at my word for that.
12:31But yeah, that's all of the crew skills, so yeah. We have got ground vehicles, but we haven't got
12:36much of a description for them. For example, it just says affects the driver's visual range,
12:43doesn't tell us by how much, or what affects it, just tells us the visual range. Field repair,
12:51increases damage elimination rate, particularly tracks repair time. Again, doesn't tell us by
12:57how much. Vitality, speed of recovery of wounded members of your crew, or reduces how much damage
13:05they take, but doesn't tell us how much. Tank driving, break and reaction rate, choosing
13:10necessary gears and changing speed, but again doesn't tell us much about it. Gunner, has a lot
13:16of the same ones, keen vision, repair, vitality. But it also has targeting, affects targeting speed
13:22and accuracy. It doesn't tell us much, but it mentions inexperienced gunners will rotate the
13:29turret and then change the angle of fire, while an experienced one will do both at the same time.
13:37Range fighting, affects long-range fire accuracy, doesn't tell us by what other than that, just
13:44long-range fire accuracy. Leadership for the commander, affects skills of other crew members,
13:51again doesn't really tell us much though. And machine gunnery, now we don't have corrects for
13:56machine guns that I know of in the game. I think they were, they'll be added soon I think,
14:01because I think in the control setup you can set up what controls you want for it, but
14:06hasn't been added in yet. Tank loader, weapon reloading, obviously you're reloading mate,
14:12but doesn't tell us much more about it. Radio operator, gunner, bow machine gun reload, bow
14:19machine gun fire, and radio communications. Rate of target assignment to allies via radio,
14:27but I don't know what that is particularly, doesn't tell us much. Got qualifications,
14:32but again doesn't really say much. If we go to my lower tier aircraft crew skills,
14:40crew, works exactly the same way as the, as the, with aircraft, sorry I couldn't think of the
14:48right word. Quickly go here, plus 30 to certain skills, like repair, bow machine gun, radio
14:55communication, weapon reloading, machine gunnery, leadership, targeting, range finding, and tank
15:02driving. But again we don't have in detail descriptions of these. I think, I don't know
15:08where I've remembered this, but I'm sure they did put some basic descriptions of these online,
15:13but I haven't been able to find it, but I think they mentioned like certain crew skills that
15:19overlap, such as keen vision. Well apparently they don't really overlap, for example the
15:24driver will be looking forward, so his keen vision will be for looking forward. I think
15:30radio gunner, radio operator, sorry was, I think they were looking left or right, so it'd be to
15:35your left or right, and gunner, I assume, I think the gunner had it, I assume it's when looking
15:41through the turret, through the gun sights, but yeah I can't find that post, so maybe I'm
15:48imagining it. But yeah, just a basic video for today. I'm going to try and do some more videos,
15:54also going to try and branch out into other games, not giving up War Thunder obviously, but
15:59try and do other series, try and finish off the Total War ones if I get a chance.
16:04Thanks for watching, like the video if it helped you, subscribe if you like these videos,
16:09leave feedback. Apologies for my voice today, I've got a bit of a sore throat,
16:15but yeah it's probably affected my commentary a bit, but yeah thank you for watching and I'll
16:21see you next time!