La vida prometida Cap 1
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
00:30Io ti cerco, ti invoco follemente, per dirti che ti amo appassionato
00:50Amapola, dolcissima amapola, la luce dei miei giorni splende
01:08Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
01:38Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
02:08Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
02:36Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
02:56Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
03:16Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
03:36Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
03:56Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
04:26Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
04:46Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
05:16Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
05:37Doña Carmela
05:48Si le decís algo a vuestro padre o a vuestro hermano Michele, os molaré a palos
05:55Rocco, ¿aún sigue con las ovejas?
05:58Sí, allí
06:06No puede estar más buena
06:37Estaba muerta
06:42Estaba muerta, no es culpa mía
06:45Me la he encontrado ahí abajo, entre las piedras
07:07¿Qué haces aquí en vez de cuidar a las ovejas?
07:12Eso es lo que hago
07:14Es lo que haces
07:20Así se cuida a las ovejas, ¿eh?
07:26Estaba muerta, estaba muerta
07:29Me la he encontrado abajo, me la he encontrado abajo, te lo juro
07:33Aquí, ven aquí
07:36No he hecho nada, no he hecho nada, te lo juro
07:39Venga, vamos
07:42Vamos, dale
07:44Te llevamos con Espanol, y le dices a él que te comes las ovejas
08:01Venga, dilo
08:03Admite que eres un ladrón
08:04Dilo, cabeza de chorlito
08:06Soy un ladrón, soy un ladrón
08:18No he hecho nada, no soy un ladrón
08:21¡No soy un ladrón!
08:23¿Sabes qué creo?
08:25Que tú, tu madre y todos los Carrizo deberíais aprender a mostrar más respeto, ¿entiendes?
08:31Y que tu padre, en vez de andar con esas tonterías de los derechos, debería aprender a mostrar más respeto
08:38Es un perro sin amo
08:42¿Quieres más?
08:45Hacedle lo que se les hace a las bestias
08:49Y cuando acabéis, lo lleváis a la iglesia
08:54¡No soy un ladrón!
08:56Las cosas del varón no se tocan
09:06Me marcho
09:25Corpus Domini Nostri
09:40Corpus Domini Nostri
09:49Corpus Domini Nostri
09:56¿Dónde está Rocco?
09:59Nunca hace lo que se le dice
10:02¿Sabes cómo es?
10:04Cuando se pone a tocar la flauta, olvida todo lo demás
10:08Ahora vendrá
10:12Fíjate en qué guapos están
10:16Mira a nuestros hijos, Salvatore
10:19Parecen ángeles
10:23Son guapísimos
10:25¿Y qué le parece un príncipe?
10:31¿Y María?
10:33¿Dónde está?
10:38Ahora vendrá
10:40Estás preciosa, pareces una novia
10:42El coro está acabando. Tengo que volver antes de que mis padres se den cuenta
10:46¿Tú crees que tu madre no lo sabe?
10:48¡Qué disparate! No debí venir
10:50¿No te gusta esto?
10:52Sí, pero no me gusta que nos veamos así
10:55Siempre a escondidas
10:57Si vas en serio, haz lo que debes hacer
10:59Yo estoy listo, pero tú no quieres
11:01Habla con mi padre
11:22Ahora entra en la iglesia y confiésalo
11:25Diles a todos que eres un ladrón
11:52Soy un ladrón
11:55Soy un ladrón
11:57¡Rocco! ¿Qué pasa?
11:59Soy un ladrón
12:01Soy un ladrón
12:03¡Soy un ladrón!
12:05¿Por qué te ríes a Rocco?
12:07¡Soy un ladrón!
12:09¡Soy un ladrón!
12:11Qué le gustas así
12:13Soy un ladrón
12:15¿Qué te han hecho?
12:17Soy un ladrón
12:19Soy un ladrón
12:21Virgen Santísima
12:51Rocco, son, open!
12:53Rocco, open the door!
12:55We have to find him!
12:57Rocco, son, open!
12:59Open, Rocco!
13:05Poor son of mine.
13:07We looked for him everywhere,
13:09my husband, his brothers,
13:11in the fields and in the streets.
13:13I was the one
13:15who found him.
13:23What have you done, son?
13:29Help me!
13:41Rocco, can you hear me?
13:45can you hear me?
13:47Answer me.
13:51What can I tell you?
13:55He's strong like a bull.
13:57It's a miracle he's still alive.
13:59Thank you, sir, thank you.
14:01But I'm afraid
14:03he won't be the same.
14:05What do you mean?
14:07What do I mean?
14:09What do I mean?
14:11Speak, doctor.
14:16he will recover,
14:18but mentally,
14:20he will remain like a child.
14:24I'm sorry,
14:26but you must be brave.
14:39come with me.
14:42Come, Maria.
14:44Let's go outside.
14:51Come here.
14:53Did you see them?
14:55Did you see who did this to your brother?
14:57Did you see them?
14:58I don't know anything.
14:59Tell me who did this to your brother,
15:01because he's more dead than alive in the church.
15:04Did you see them?
15:05I don't know.
15:07Turi, leave her alone.
15:08She's scared, she's trembling.
15:10Tell me who did this to your brother.
15:16The Spaniards brought him.
15:20Always them, always them, always them!
15:27Rocco is alive, he's alive.
15:29Yes, but his life has been ruined.
15:31No, don't say that.
15:33You know how doctors are.
15:35I feel here that he will be like before.
15:39You, give him time.
15:47Well, I feel it's an injustice, Carmela.
15:50That one can't always walk with his back bent like a beast.
15:54Because if that's the case, our children will also become beasts.
15:58And then what have we come to this world for?
16:01To eat, to sleep and to fornicate?
16:04I'm a man, Carmela, a man.
16:06I'm a man.
16:07I'm a man.
16:09I want Spano and his friends to tell me face to face why we deserve this.
16:14What could a Zagal, a boy who's better than bread, have done wrong to destroy him like this?
16:21He's worse than dead.
16:23I want them to tell me what the hell he's done, to tell me.
16:27Because if I don't think of something else,
16:30that Rocco has nothing to do with it,
16:32that Vincenzo Spano has only wanted to hurt us to punish the two of us.
16:38Do you understand, Carmela?
16:40Especially you.
16:43If that's the case, I'll close my eyes and my mouth.
16:47And it will be fair that he treats me like a beast.
16:50But they have to understand.
16:52They have to understand that the Carrizos are neither thieves nor beasts.
16:57I'm going to tell them that.
16:58What are you going to do?
16:59What are you going to do? Do you want to be killed?
17:01That's what I'm going to tell them.
17:02Is this what you want, Spano?
17:03Turri, come here.
17:06Turri, is this what you want, Spano?
17:11Come here.
17:13Dad, take me with you.
17:27But where is Mrs. Carmela's husband?
17:29I left him in the country.
17:32And there he is.
18:29Come on.
18:59Come on.
19:30And if you don't want to sleep
19:34Dad will take care of it
19:40I don't want to sleep
19:43I don't want to sleep
19:53My son.
19:54My daughter.
19:58My son.
19:59I don't want to sleep.
20:02But I want to be with you.
20:10I don't want to sleep.
20:18I don't want to sleep.
21:04-¡Nada! ¡Vuelve adentro y no te muevas!
21:06¡Quédate con tus hermanos!
21:38¡Te dije que no fueras!
21:40¡Te lo dije!
21:44¿Y ahora qué voy a hacer sin ti?
21:46¿Qué voy a hacer?
21:48¡Me has dejado sola!
21:50Si entras pegando tiros en casa ajena,
21:52corres el riesgo de que te disparen.
21:56¿Eso es lo que le dijeron?
21:58Fue homicidio en legítima defensa.
22:00¿Y usted lo cree?
22:02Doña Carmela,
22:04hay testigos que apoyan a Hispano.
22:08No es el momento, brigadier.
22:10Dejémosla sola.
22:34Mis condolencias.
22:38Doña Carmela, lo siento.
22:41Pobre mujer.
23:05Doña Carmela, le pido perdón.
23:08Dios sabe que no quise hacerlo.
23:11Pero su marido me obligó.
23:13O él, o yo.
23:15¿Usted cree que ha ganado?
23:18¿Pensará que ahora seré suya?
23:21Pues se equivoca.
23:23¿Está viendo estas lágrimas?
23:25¿Las ve?
23:27Mírelas bien.
23:29Porque son las últimas.
23:33Si se acerca a mi casa,
23:35o a mis hijos,
23:37le mataré con mis propias manos.
24:10Eh, María.
24:13Lo siento.
24:14Ánimo, Carmela, ánimo.
24:19Todos debemos mantener la sangre muy fría, Carmen.
24:23Tú y yo tenemos que hablar pronto.
24:29Lo que estoy oyendo por ahí no me gusta.
24:55Hijo mío.
24:59Vámonos a casa.
25:15Han visto a Miquele hablando con Nene Mancuso.
25:19Ya sabes quién es.
25:21Le ha pedido una escopeta.
25:23¿Una escopeta?
25:25¿Para hacer qué?
25:27Tienes que preguntármelo.
25:29Está buscando vengar a su padre.
25:31Matar a Vincenzo Espano.
25:33Hijo mío.
25:35Le encerraré en casa.
25:37¿Toda la vida, Carmela?
25:39Si quieres salvar a tu familia,
25:41creo que no deberías perder un minuto.
25:44Espano es listo.
25:47Os quitará las tierras y la casa
25:50hasta que tú decidas darle lo que quiere.
25:53Y sabes muy bien qué es lo que quiere de ti.
25:58Aquí, en el pueblo,
26:00las malas lenguas hablan de ti y de Espano.
26:03Entre Vincenzo Espano y yo nunca hubo nada.
26:05No hubo nada.
26:07Se le mato con mis propias manos.
26:09No matarás a nadie, Carmé.
26:11Te marcharás.
26:14Márchate a América, Carmela.
26:17¿A América?
26:19¿Pero qué dice don Cosimo?
26:21Mira esto.
26:23Mateo Esquiabón, Monroe Street, Nueva York.
26:27¿Y ese quién es?
26:29Es un viudo del norte
26:31que quiere casarse.
26:33Lleva más de diez años en América.
26:36Me lo ha contado don Ignacio,
26:39un párroco amigo mío de Nápoles,
26:42que os puede casar por poderes.
26:44Yo no quiero volver a casarme, don Cosimo.
26:47No conozco a ese Esquiabón.
26:49Si no te casas,
26:51no van a dejarte entrar en América.
26:56No puede pedirme eso, no.
26:58Sin la decencia del luto.
27:01¿Qué clase de esposa sería si lo hiciese?
27:04¿Y qué madre serás si no lo haces, Carmela?
27:07Tienes que partir cuanto antes.
27:12Hazme caso.
27:28Amor mío, ¿te marchas?
27:30Al día, amor mío.
27:33¿Por qué no me lo has dicho? ¿Adónde vas?
27:44Doña Carmé.
27:45Bienvenido, don Cosimo.
27:47¿Ya has hecho el pan a estas horas?
27:49El viaje a América es largo.
27:51María dice que el océano es más grande que el mar.
27:55Buenos días.
27:57Buenos días.
27:58Coge papel y lápiz y apunta.
28:03A ver.
28:04El caballo y las gallinas, 350 liras.
28:07El grano, el heno y la fruta de los árboles, 100 liras.
28:11Los paterno compra los aperos por 20 liras.
28:14Los muebles y las ollas, 60 liras.
28:16Los han comprado los Salerno.
28:18530 liras en total.
28:21Doña Carmé, es lo que he podido conseguir con las prisas.
28:26Pero no has escrito nada.
28:28¿Y qué voy a escribir?
28:30¿Acaso tenemos otra elección?
28:33Huimos como ladrones.
28:35Mejor huir como ladrones que como asesinos.
28:38Venga, vamos. Ve a preparar a Rocco.
28:42Con permiso.
28:51¿Cómo se lo ha tomado, Carmé?
28:53Cree que le he traicionado.
28:58Carmé, siéntate.
29:02A ver.
29:05En Nápoles te reunirás con Don Ignacio.
29:09Parroquia de la Asunción.
29:11Aquí está escrita la dirección.
29:14Y aquí te dejo la de Asunta Moyi.
29:17Os quedaréis en su casa hasta que salga el barco a América.
29:21Don Ignacio celebrará la boda por poderes antes del embarque.
29:29Es que aún no quería contárselo a mis hijos.
29:33No hay de qué avergonzarse, Carmé.
29:35Lo sé, pero uno no cambia de padre así.
29:39Como si fuera un zapato viejo.
29:42Tienes razón, ya se lo dirás.
29:45El resto, sí.
29:50Aquí está el resto.
29:52Son todas las limosnas de la parroquia.
29:56No es mucho dinero.
29:58Puede que no sea suficiente.
30:00Se lo agradezco. Gracias.
30:02Carmé, Carmé, Carmé.
30:05Hay que darse prisa. No hay tiempo que perder.
30:08El carro de Santino que os llevará al tren ya está al caer.
30:13Y las noticias vuelan.
30:15No quisiera que vuestra partida pueda llegar a oídos de hispano.
30:23Porque tendríamos problemas, Carmé.
30:43No volverás, ¿verdad?
30:58Ni siquiera sé dónde está América.
31:01Está muy lejos.
31:03El océano es mucho más grande que el mar.
31:08Yo no quería, te lo juro.
31:10Ha sido cosa de mi madre.
31:13Habló con don Cosimo.
31:15Escapémonos. Escapémonos, María.
31:18Si nos casamos, nadie podrá hacer nada.
31:20No quiero eso. Yo quiero hacer las cosas bien.
31:24Reúnete conmigo en Nápoles.
31:26¿Pero dónde? ¿Dónde os espera el barco?
31:29No lo sé. Te escribiré.
31:33No lo aguantaré.
31:35No aguantaré. Si te vas, me mato, María.
31:38Pero si nos quedamos, Espano nos matará a nosotros.
31:58No te vayas. No te vayas.
32:00Por favor.
32:31Para decirte que te amo
32:47Dulcissima amapola
32:53Tapa, Rocco. Tápalo bien para que no coja frío.
33:03Fai fiorire
33:08La passione
33:14Come il suono della mia canzone
33:53¿Dónde estás?
34:15¿Está viendo estas lágrimas?
34:17Porque son las últimas.
34:19Si se acerca a mi casa o a mis hijos,
34:22lo mataré con mis propias manos.
35:26María, vigila a Alfredo.
35:28Esto es América.
35:30Es Nápoles.
35:31Es América.
35:33No, no, cariño mío, es Nápoles.
35:37Hola, guapo.
35:39¿Cuánto cobras?
35:40Cuatro liras.
35:42Vestida así, ¿quieres cuatro liras?
35:44¿Qué gusto eres, pero no te vayas?
35:57¿Esa es la iglesia de la Asunción?
36:00Mi abuelo era de Nápoles.
36:02Siempre me hablaba de la fiesta de San Genaro,
36:04el santo de los milagros.
36:06¿Y a ti te ha hecho alguno, mamá?
36:07No, si no, no estaríamos aquí.
36:11Hemos llegado.
36:15¿Te has vuelto loca?
36:16¡No vuelvas a ponerme las manos encima que te mato, entendido!
36:19¡Azul, cálmate un poco!
36:20¡Te dejo!
36:21¡Ya estás viejo, entiende este cambio!
36:24¡Y Artura, por Dios santo!
36:28¿Usted es Asunta Moggi?
36:30Sí, soy yo, ¿qué quiere?
36:32Carmela Carrizo, y estos son mis hijos.
36:37Ah, ¿la siciliana?
36:39Ah, esperaba una persona sola.
36:42¡Pero menuda tropa en el pesebre!
36:44¿Dónde los meto?
36:45No se preocupe.
36:46Estamos acostumbrados a estar juntitos.
36:49Ustedes puede que sí, pero yo no.
36:52Está bien.
36:54Veremos qué se puede hacer.
36:57Gracias, señora Moggi, gracias.
37:01Sujeta a Rocco.
37:06¡Llevas a Vespa de venir!
37:08¡No te prisas!
37:12¡Todo el mercado le va a pagar!
37:17El retrete lo tienen ahí fuera.
37:20Esta es la cocina, como ves.
37:21Puede cocinar una vez al día.
37:23El carbón va a parte, eh.
37:25También esperan para ir a América.
37:27Por cierto, eh.
37:28Me deben dos liras.
37:30No se olviden.
37:31Sí, sí, no se preocupe.
37:32Dos liras al día.
37:33Dos liras por alojamiento, por cabeza.
37:35¿Dos liras al día por persona?
37:38Y ¿cuándo sale el barco?
37:39¿Y a mí que me preguntas si no lo sabe usted?
37:41But I have to prepare the documents.
37:44The documents?
37:46And what do you tell me, ma'am?
37:48And where do I get so much money from?
37:51Ma'am, we all have problems here.
37:53What do you think?
37:54Haven't you seen me out there, in the alley,
37:56teasing Bartolo, my boyfriend, with this shoe?
38:00That's a bottomless pit.
38:02He comes in and out of jail, and every time...
38:05Until he doesn't come out again, all this falls on my shoulders.
38:08So someone has to pay for it. I'm sorry.
38:10That's too much.
38:13All right, you're right.
38:15I won't charge you anything for these two little creatures.
38:18Is that all right?
38:19Come in, boys.
38:20You can sleep here.
38:22Make yourselves comfortable.
38:23Come, come.
38:26All right, I won't charge you for the girl either.
38:29Will you help me wash and iron?
38:31Of course.
38:32Very well.
38:33And what can I do to help you carry the bags?
38:36What bags?
38:37Ma'am, don't get excited.
38:39What confidence!
38:40No, no, there are three.
38:42So six liras a day.
38:45And in advance, ma'am.
38:57Six, six.
38:58Thank you.
39:03You're at home.
39:05Come in.
39:11Is he always like this?
39:14He's tired.
39:16Ah, tired.
39:20Poor thing.
39:21The shoe is mine.
39:25Rocco, I'm tired.
39:31Very well.
39:34Let's get organized.
39:36Maria, Alfredo, Rocco and I will sleep in the beds.
39:41Mikele and Antonio on the floor, on the stairs.
39:45We won't be here long.
39:47And in America...
39:49In America, everything will be different.
39:51You'll see.
39:56What's wrong?
39:57Are you pale?
39:58No, nothing.
40:15The ship leaves in ten days?
40:18And what do I do?
40:20My daughter, do you want the ship to leave earlier to please you?
40:24Besides, you don't have the tickets or passports.
40:27Yes, yes, Don Cosimo has been telling me about you.
40:31Does that good man believe that I do miracles?
40:36How much money do you have?
40:37600 liras.
40:39You need at least 1,000 liras.
40:43Not to mention the marriage certificates.
40:461,000 liras?
40:47If not, you'd better go home.
40:53I've already sold everything.
40:55I can't go forward or back.
40:58But how is it possible that God is looking elsewhere?
41:03Hey, don't blaspheme.
41:05Dear Carmela, sometimes God puts us to the test.
41:09Don Ignatio, I have patience.
41:11But how long does God need to tell me what to do with my children and me?
41:23We can find a solution.
41:28But don't worry.
41:33We'll meet in the morning, but early, very early.
41:36Thank you, Don Ignatio, thank you.
41:40Rocco, Rocco, say goodbye to Don Ignatio.
41:45Goodbye, Don Ignatio.
41:52Rocco, come on, let's go.
42:03Come on.
42:17You can't come in here, Don Ignatio.
42:19I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you.
42:22Carmela, come in, come in.
42:24Good morning.
42:26I wouldn't bother you if it weren't for this poor woman who has to embark on the Vittorio C.
42:31They stole everything from her as soon as she got off the Sicilian train.
42:35And now she has no money for the tickets, right?
42:39Yes, they stole everything from me.
42:41And she has reported it, of course.
42:44Yes, yes.
42:46Yes, sure.
42:48Yes, of course.
42:50I understand, I understand.
42:52Let's see, and how many do you want to embark?
42:55Six, my children and me.
42:58And where is your husband?
43:01He died.
43:02In New York.
43:03In New York? Is he waiting for her there?
43:08You know that they won't let him disembark in New York.
43:13They will send him back.
43:17Because they don't want people like that there.
43:19They only accept healthy and handsome people.
43:22And what do I do? Leave him here?
43:25I've told him.
43:27Let's see.
43:29How many tickets are you willing to pay, Mr. Iñárritu?
43:32As few as possible.
43:35Do you want to work?
43:37Of course.
43:38Washing, ironing, cooking, digging the earth.
43:42Do you also know how to dig the water?
43:45Because I don't think there's land there on the ship.
43:49So I need a laundry assistant.
43:55And a fireman.
43:57My son, Miquel, is strong as a bull.
43:59And what he asks for, he's able to carry on his back.
44:03Are you listening?
44:04Well, you dig the water and your son throws the whole ship on his back.
44:09Very good.
44:14Rocco, come here.
44:17Employee passenger.
44:19We're leaving.
44:27Miquel, the Lord has finally come to our side.
44:30Yes, but the doctor has come.
44:33Maria is not well.
44:35She's not well?
44:37The doctor?
44:52Have you seen what she's done?
44:53Everyone's upset.
44:55They've quarantined us.
44:56She's happy.
44:57Her daughter has cholera.
45:00Mom, what's wrong with Maria?
45:02Alfredo, don't be scared.
45:03It's nothing.
45:06No, no, ma'am.
45:08Please, she can't.
45:09She's very contagious.
45:11I'm not contagious.
45:12It's just bad luck.
45:14How long will this disease last?
45:16If she survives.
45:17What do you mean, if she survives?
45:19Are you saying she could die?
45:21Ma'am, I have to do something.
45:22The girl can't stay here.
45:24But if she does, the ship will leave.
45:27What's wrong with me?
45:29Don't you understand?
45:30No, no, doctor.
45:31Calm down, calm down.
45:32You have her.
45:33She's sick.
45:34I'm going to kill her.
45:35Don't worry.
45:36Don't worry.
45:37Calm down.
45:39No, no, no.
45:40No, no, no.
45:41Calm down.
45:42It can't be.
45:43Calm down.
45:44Calm down.
45:45Calm down.
45:50You're burning.
45:51My God.
45:56We're going to America soon.
45:59We're going to America.
46:01We already have the money.
46:03We're going to America.
46:20I'm sorry.
46:21I'm sorry.
46:22I'm sorry.
46:29Help me.
46:34Help me.
46:49Help me.
46:50Help me.
46:51Help me.
46:52Help me.
46:53Help me.
46:54Help me.
46:55Help me.
46:56Help me.
46:57Help me.
46:58Help me.
46:59Help me.
47:00Help me.
47:01Help me.
47:02Help me.
47:03Help me.
47:04Help me.
47:05Help me.
47:06Help me.
47:07Help me.
47:08Help me.
47:09Help me.
47:10Help me.
47:11Help me.
47:12Help me.
47:13Help me.
47:14Help me.
47:15Help me.
47:16Help me.
47:17Help me.
47:18Help me.
47:19Help me.
47:20Help me.
47:21Help me.
47:22Help me.
47:23Help me.
47:24Help me.
47:25Help me.
47:26Help me.
47:27Help me.
47:28Help me.
47:29Help me.
47:30Help me.
47:31Help me.
47:32Help me.
47:33Help me.
47:34Help me.
47:35Help me.
47:36Help me.
47:37Help me.
47:38Help me.
47:39Help me.
47:40Help me.
47:41Help me.
47:42Help me.
47:43Help me.
47:44Help me.
47:45Help me.
47:46Help me.
47:47Help me.
48:03Everything will get better in America.
48:05We'll go together.
48:08The ship is leaving.
48:11Do you know the ship is leaving?
48:13And you will come.
48:17María, María, pasará, todo pasará, ¿eh?
48:47Don Iñatio, you have come to see María.
48:55It's just another test, isn't it, Don Iñatio?
48:58Now, the test that the Lord asks of you is that you must also take care of your other children.
49:06Well, of course.
49:09The ship leaves the day after tomorrow.
49:13Yes, but I'm not going to leave my daughter here.
49:17But what about Rocco, and Mikele, and Antonio, and Alfredo? Don't you think of them?
49:27You can't ask me that. You can't ask me that.
49:30Carmela, I've spoken to the doctor. She won't make it next week.
49:36My daughter can't die.
49:38If you lose that ship, the fate of your children will be sealed.
49:44You have to choose between María or the rest.
49:48That is the price that God has asked of you.
49:54The price?
49:56But what God is that who wants everything and takes everything away?
50:00What God is he?
50:03What God is he?
50:09I won't leave you alone.
50:11I won't leave you alone.
50:14You'll heal and we'll leave.
50:17I promise.
50:18Carmela Robiñano, widow of Carricho, do you want to marry Pepe Vincenzino, present here,
50:26representing Mateo Esquiagón, and join him in the rite of the Holy Roman Church,
50:34in poverty, in health, and in illness?
50:40And can I kiss him afterwards?
50:44He's dead!
50:47Where have they taken her?
50:49Next to the chapel.
50:52Next to the chapel!
51:15Take both men out of there!
51:16Along with the chapel?
51:17She couldn't have stayed here!
51:39Abraham! Abraham!
51:42Madam! Madam!
51:46Unfortunately, no one comes in or out of there, Madam.
51:50Abraham is my daughter!
51:52Come, come.
51:53My poor daughter needs me!
51:56Abraham! Abraham!
52:01One last time!
52:03Abraham! Abraham!
52:39Abraham! Abraham!
53:09Abraham! Abraham!
53:12Abraham! Abraham!
53:15Abraham! Abraham!
53:18Abraham! Abraham!
53:21Abraham! Abraham!
53:39Abraham! Abraham!
53:43Abraham! Abraham!
53:47Abraham! Abraham!
53:51Abraham! Abraham!
53:55Abraham! Abraham!
53:59Abraham! Abraham!
54:03Abraham! Abraham!
54:07Abraham! Abraham!
54:11Abraham! Abraham!
54:37Abraham! Abraham!