Rachel Scanlon: Gay Fantasy | movie | 2024 | Official Clip

  • 3 months ago
Buckle up for a big gay comedy ride with comedian Rachel Scanlon in this special for some unbridled fun. Ray unpacks the | dG1fb05yTElfaHRDaWs
00:00Gay people make some noise
00:06Wow, it really is 2023 the year of our gay Lord, I'll tell you that straight people if you're a heterosexual make some noise if you're straight
00:18Was that a little too proud
00:23That was damn near equally as proud
00:27This isn't a straight pride rally. Okay
00:31Didn't know that there were that many straights left to be honest
00:35We live in a time now. We're like straight people are at the point where they're like, yeah, I'm straight, but what?
00:40One time in oh wait, I kissed a gal. So
00:43I've done it and I'll do it again if I have to
00:47Like push comes to shove I'll do something I'll go first or second
00:55Straights really love to ask me what my pronouns are
00:59Another heterosexual person asks me what my GD preferred pronouns are I'm gonna scream, okay
01:07Sometimes I feel like straight wokeness is starting to feel like gay oppression. Does this make sense to you guys?
01:15Like it's too much if you're asking me so that I know that you're cool don't ask you know what I mean
01:19Don't ask because I don't know. Okay
01:23Am I supposed to know that you're doing I've gone my entire life people telling me what my gender is my entire life people told
01:31Me and now you're asking me. Excuse me. I didn't study for this test
01:35I feel like I'm at a pop quiz and I'm like, I don't have my readers
01:40I'm like, hold on. I didn't bring my calculator. You don't even like I have no idea
01:46It's too confusing. What am I a genius?
