Emmerdale 28th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 28th June 2024


00:30Can I help?
00:31Can you please stop trying to micromanage me?
00:33All right? You make me nervous.
00:35OK, do you want jam or just butter?
00:37Either or is fine.
00:39Come on, Belle, I'm trying here. Just... just work with me.
00:42OK, just butter, then, please.
00:53Don't you dare get up.
00:55Looks great.
00:56Really? You like burnt toast, then, do you?
00:59Oh, you know what? Let's just, um... Let's just go to the cafe.
01:01Really? Yeah.
01:03I mean, I need to get some practice in this thing
01:05and God knows how long I'm going to be in it.
01:27It's only me.
01:34Did you have brought a bigger case?
01:36Oh, these are just my shoes, Jay.
01:38Obviously, I've got my summer strappies,
01:40my sliders, obviously, and my ballet pants,
01:42and then a few pairs of heels for when you and Laurel are on babysitting duty.
01:45And then a separate case for my gym shoes, cos I'm not an animal.
01:49Yeah, I thought you'd brought enough last night.
01:52Well, I dropped Thomas at nursery
01:54and then I swung by a home farm to get the last few little bits.
01:57I'm not sure where you're going to put it all, so...
01:59Well, where's Laurel? She said she was meant to be helping me.
02:02She's on the school run.
02:04Oh. Well, I hope you're feeling strong, then.
02:06No, sorry, I've got to go.
02:09Well, what time's she going to be back?
02:11No idea.
02:24I didn't know he was in a wheelchair.
02:26Oh, must have took one hell of a big bang.
02:28Well, if he will wander round sticking forks in plug sockets,
02:32what's to expect?
02:34Oh, I'll be cutting his dinner up for him next.
02:39I'm telling you now, he doesn't need to be in a wheelchair.
02:41He just likes to be weighted on hand and foot.
02:44Oh, blagger, blagger.
02:45Slightly harsh. Accurate.
02:47Do you want to find out what's taking him so long with those coffees?
02:50It's not like they'll run off to their feet.
02:54How's it going?
02:55Hey. Oi.
02:58You're not trying to avoid me, babe, are you?
03:00Course not.
03:02Listen, I know you don't want any super-heavy discussions,
03:05but you can't just push it all under the carpet.
03:10It's devastating, I know that, but trust me,
03:12the worst thing you can do is hold it all in.
03:15OK, I just...
03:16Why don't you two stay and chat? I'll chase up those coffees.
03:20Might you come round to the pub in a bit?
03:22We could take Piper out or something.
03:23Oh, that is a lovely idea, but we've already made plans.
03:26Yeah, we're going to go see Jimmy and Nicola for dinner, you remember.
03:29Oh, yeah. Carts, Harry.
03:30Well, there's loads of time before dinner.
03:32Got all morning.
03:35Are you struggling? Do you want me to help you?
03:37Come on. So that's a deal, then.
03:42Anyway, evil Knievel here needs a bit of peace and quiet, doesn't he?
03:46Come on.
03:51Aha, here he is.
03:53Thought we'd had a management walkout.
03:56Don't worry, though, luckily superstar Sonny's got it all under control,
03:59steering the ship single-handedly.
04:01So Laurel hasn't been here at all?
04:03No, and she was meant to be in at 9am.
04:07Is everything OK?
04:09Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fine, Ed, just, er...
04:12I think we've just got our schedules muddled up, that's all.
04:15I'll give her a call.
04:22Hi, it's Laurel here, need a message.
04:25Laurel, it's me.
04:26Can you just call me back, please, OK?
04:30Look, I know that you're upset, but...
04:33Look, let's just talk this through.
04:40Anything else I can be doing?
04:43A bit of ironing?
04:44It's done.
04:47Well, why don't you sit down, I'll make you a cuppa.
04:50I'm fine.
04:52Come on, five minutes.
04:54Come on, recharge those batteries.
04:57We have to look after you, you know.
05:00As well as Evan and Lucas and Clemmie and Billy,
05:04the butcher, the baker...
05:05The candlestick maker.
05:07Are they still telling that old tune?
05:09No, but I remember it, from you.
05:14How on earth do you still remember that?
05:17Well, you were always doing little rhymes
05:20and singing daft songs.
05:22I just wish I'd appreciated what I had back then.
05:32I wasn't expecting party balloons,
05:33but I thought you'd be slightly pleased to see a familiar face.
05:36Yeah, thanks for coming.
05:39I'm not really one for writing letters, so...
05:43Amy's gone to the solicitors with Moira today.
05:47Yeah, I know.
05:48She'll be able to get a rock up his backside,
05:50you know what your mum's like.
05:54Still, make a change for her to badger someone else.
05:57Oh, please tell me you're not falling out.
06:00I can't handle any more guilt.
06:02No-one said we're falling out.
06:04No-one said we're falling out.
06:06Don't you worry about us.
06:11So, you all done it together?
06:17Try again.
06:20Made any friends?
06:22What do you think?
06:25Probably best not to in this place.
06:30At least you got the cell to yourself, though.
06:32I did have.
06:34They've put him in with me.
06:42I'm not sure what to make of him, which is putting me on edge.
06:47He doesn't know about me.
06:50It won't be long before he figures it out.
06:55I've got to have to go. I can see Charity whenever.
06:57Yeah, but you said you'd go now, and I thought you wanted to.
07:01Can you get me a glass of water, please?
07:04I do want to go. I just don't want to leave you.
07:06Yeah, I know, but we can't have everyone saying
07:08what you're running round after me like some nursemaid.
07:11Look, Charity just... just wants to help.
07:15And after everything she's been through, and Mac,
07:18and losing the baby...
07:21Although things are a little bit different between us, aren't they?
07:26But they don't know that.
07:28Well, I could take Piper out for a walk.
07:30There you go. I knew we'd get there in the end.
07:34Go on, then. Chop-chop.
07:35And while you're at it, maybe just brush a comb through your hair
07:38while you're at it. Show willing.
08:11Eric, I think you've got some explaining to do.
08:19Piper, come on, let's go for a walk.
08:25Come on, let's go for a walk.
08:26Where's your ball? Did you grab my night-sweater?
08:29Ah! Ah, Belle!
08:34Tom, oh, my God! Help me up, help me up.
08:36Tom! Careful, careful, careful.
08:37Are you OK? What's happened?
08:40I tried to reach the glass that you left there
08:42and I must have just lost my balance.
08:44I'm so sorry.
08:46OK, well, I'm definitely not going to leave you now.
08:49It's OK.
09:09So, Eric, just tell me the truth.
09:10Did Amit kill Rishi?
09:16He confessed to Jay.
09:20And he brought Jay's silence by insisting that he took
09:24Amit's shares in Hop, yeah?
09:28Is that what he told you? Yeah.
09:30Yeah, he said that Amit practically twisted his arm off.
09:35I don't quite know how he managed that after being pushed down
09:38the stairs, breaking his leg in the process,
09:42getting tied up and locked away in a utility room.
09:48I think your husband's been bending the truth.
09:51He pushed him down the stairs?
09:54Poetic justice.
09:57Jay wanted Amit's shares in Hop.
10:01Amit wanted to split it between himself and Sonny.
10:04Jay wanted the lot.
10:07So he screwed his innocent brother over
10:09and kept quiet about his dad being killed?
10:14From his point of view, there was no real evidence
10:17other than the verbal confession,
10:19and so, therefore, he went for revenge instead.
10:25Hitting him where it hurts.
10:28Then there was you.
10:30You got in on the act. Why did you blackmail Jay?
10:34I had my reasons.
10:39And, yes, it was fun.
10:45I wasn't just an aging old duffer for a minute or two.
10:51So, I was a bit of a...
10:55..duffer for a minute or two.
10:57So, yes, I hold my hands up.
11:02But we're sure he was your friend.
11:06And if I knew then what I know now,
11:08I would have done everything in my power for him to get justice.
11:14But, in the end, you just have to be practical and move on,
11:20don't you?
11:26Do you want me to put it on the side for you?
11:27That's all right, I'll take it.
11:29Getting a bit accident-prone in his old age, is he?
11:32Did you tell him you had a fall this morning?
11:34No, no need.
11:36Are you sure you haven't come out of hospital too soon?
11:39Woody's not going to pass up the chance of a free meal, is he?
11:43It's all right, I can take it.
11:45I've had worse.
11:46Well, it's just as well you were at home.
11:48Yeah, he's heavy, isn't he?
11:50No, she's stronger than she looks. Mighty mouse.
11:52Actually, we've got something for you, Jimmy.
11:55It's just some of Angel's baby clothes.
11:57We kicked all the good stuff.
11:59She probably didn't even wear half of it.
12:01Well, I told her.
12:02Here you go.
12:05It's going to make me all broody.
12:12Do you want to tell them, or should I?
12:19Just take it one day at a time.
12:21One hour at a time, if you have to.
12:23You get yourself into a routine, you wake up,
12:26you eat, clean your teeth, exercise.
12:29I dreamt I was in prison the other night.
12:32It's like doing double time.
12:34Well, at least you're sleeping.
12:39I was.
12:40We are doing our best to get you out of here.
12:43I know.
12:45Just keep yourself to yourself, head down, mouth shut.
12:47Yeah, great, cheers for that. Brilliant advice.
12:50Sorry, I'm just...
13:02If he gives you any trouble...
13:03Then what?
13:05If anyone gives you any trouble, then you hurt them.
13:09And you make sure you hurt them hard enough
13:11so they'll never do it again.
13:13I don't know how to hurt people, Cain, I can't do that.
13:16You managed well enough with Samson.
13:17Oh, d...
13:20Yeah, but, Thomas...
13:22I never meant to.
13:23You'll be surprised what you can do when you've got no choice.
13:38It's OK.
13:40You don't have to.
13:45We lost the baby.
13:48Oh, God, I knew that was coming.
13:50I'm so sorry.
13:52You poor things.
13:55If I'd known, I'd have never...
13:57It's all right, how could you?
13:59It's just a terrible, awful thing.
14:04Oh, Belle, come here.
14:09I'm so sorry, May.
14:11Yeah, we all are.
14:18What are you doing with them?
14:20I don't think I should say.
14:24OK, prepare to be amazed.
14:32I've been building a pillow fort for Lucas and Clem here.
14:36I think I might have a few structural issues.
14:38Well, Kim's going to be spewing when she sees this.
14:41Yeah, spewing that she can't have a pillow fort.
14:47See, I knew I could get a cheeky smile out of you.
14:50I thought it'd be a nice surprise for the kids
14:53and keep them occupying for a few hours.
14:55That's really thoughtful of you.
14:57I've always been good at the easy stuff.
15:02And I'm in awe at how well you deal with the hard stuff.
15:12Anyway, the problem with the fort is the best bit.
15:15It's building it.
15:17That's true. So come on!
15:28Why did you lie for me?
15:33I don't know.
15:38Probably because I was too ashamed to admit the truth.
15:42Jimmy is, like, the closest thing I've got to a dad now.
15:46I know that.
15:47It shouldn't be. Lying to him, it's wrong.
15:51And you get that right. You get that some things are just wrong.
15:59You don't half make it hard to love you sometimes, Belle.
16:04But I do.
16:06Love you more than anything.
16:12And that is what's really important, right?
16:14Me and you above all else.
16:18So forget Jimmy and...
16:21and Nicola and...
16:23and Charity and the rest of your lot.
16:26All that really matters is us.
16:29Me and you.
16:33You remember that.
16:35We won't go far wrong.
16:38It's too milky.
16:59Meryl, I've been looking everywhere for you. Don't worry.
17:02I bet you have.
17:04I've been talking to Eric and he's been filling me in
17:07on exactly what you've been doing.
17:09You pushed an old man down the stairs
17:11and then you held him hostage with a broken leg.
17:14I never meant to hurt him.
17:16We were just there.
17:18All right? In the same spot where he killed my dad.
17:23I wanted to scare him.
17:25Well, things got out of hand.
17:27You need locking up. You all do.
17:29I mean, I had to do it.
17:31I wanted him to suffer for what he did to my dad.
17:34And what about Sonny?
17:36He lost his dad, too, and his inheritance.
17:39Yes, Jay, Eric told me everything.
17:42How could you?
17:44You can't tell Sonny.
17:46It'll break him.
17:48Oh, I'm not going to tell Sonny.
17:50You are.
17:56I'm sorry.
17:59Oh, are you?
18:01Oh, yeah. I totally forgot.
18:04Tom had a bit of a fall.
18:06Are you OK?
18:08Yeah, he's fine.
18:10Babe, I don't think it's healthy
18:12for you to be holed up in here all day.
18:14I'm not. We went for dinner.
18:18I'm sorry.
18:20I'm sorry.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:24I'm sorry.
18:26I'm not. We went for dinner.
18:28Just come to the pub for a bit. Chelsea'll want to see you.
18:31And it's probably best if Tom swerves it for now, eh?
18:33If he's chopped up on painkillers.
18:35I'm busy.
18:37Babe, I want to talk to you.
18:39About what's happened.
18:41Privately. Just you and me.
18:44Look, I know it's not been easy, but believe me, I've been there, OK?
18:47Talking does help.
18:50Surely he can manage without you for ten minutes?
18:52I never get to see you on your own any more.
18:54Can you just take no for an answer for once?
18:56Charity, I'm not coming out, OK? Tom needs me.
18:59If I want to talk to you, I'll come find you.
19:02Look, just respect my privacy.
19:16Five-finger death punch. Boom!
19:20You were a right laugh, you, weren't you?
19:24I mean, what'd they do you for, eh? Killing the mood?
19:29I don't know why you don't just tell me,
19:31but it's not like I'm in a position to judge, is it?
19:37I've got stitched up, mate. That's all you need to know.
19:39Yeah, right. You mean half the block, mate.
19:43Where is it?
19:46Where's my bucky?
19:48I don't know, mate. I haven't seen it. I don't even...
19:50Listen, if you're lying to me, I'll kill you.
20:03I'll kill you.
20:07I'll kill you.
20:12I'll kill you.
20:19See you.
20:27Well, come on, then.
20:28What's so urgent and top secret that we couldn't do this at the pub?
20:31Right, you've got to both swear to me that whatever I tell you
20:34does not leave these four walls.
20:36You're worrying me now.
20:38All right, I swear.
20:40Yeah, fine.
20:42What's happened?
20:45She's had a miscarriage.
20:46Oh, no.
20:48A few days ago.
20:50Oh, that must have hit her hard.
20:52Well, that explains a lot.
20:54Does it?
20:56I reckon there's more to it.
20:59Don't you think she should have told us?
21:01I mean, she normally would have done.
21:03Well, maybe her and Tom want to deal with it together as a couple.
21:06I don't know, it just feels like we never see her any more.
21:08Not without him in tow, anyway.
21:10I would just like the opportunity to speak to her on her own.
21:13Yeah, me and Mandy had a bit of a hoo-ha with her not so long ago.
21:16Mandy were just saying there were no rush to start a family.
21:19The bell went off the wall.
21:21They were a bit OTT, not very Belle.
21:24What do you think's going on?
21:26I don't know.
21:28What if she's got tangled up in something she can't get out of?
21:32Let's face it, he's pretty intense.
21:34He was stalking you at one point, remember?
21:37Look, all I am saying is something's not right.
21:39It's just not adding up.
21:41And if Belle needs our help, we're stepping in.