Emmerdale 24th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 24th June 2024


00:30♪ People who I can look up to
00:34♪ Don't judge me when I say I'm true
00:38♪ And when I think of people I love
00:43♪ Why run and why run and why me
00:45Hey, what are you doing out here?
00:48Couldn't you even shout at him?
00:49Sorry, music.
00:51Shouldn't you be in bed?
00:53Don't think so.
00:55Belle, you've had a miscarriage.
00:57Sitting on some cold stone steps can't help.
01:01Yeah, you're right.
01:07You look a little rough.
01:11Do you think you took good enough care of yourself?
01:15Not that I'm blaming you.
01:18No, it's okay.
01:20I blame myself, but these things happen.
01:23Look, the next time you get pregnant,
01:25I'm taking over all duties, including walking Piper.
01:31Was she acting up when you were on that long walk
01:33with Amelia, before you started bleeding?
01:37No, not especially.
01:40Look, Tom, sometimes it's just nature's way,
01:44and I'm sorry.
01:46Don't be.
01:47I'm sorry, I've got to go to work, but...
01:51Look, why don't you go inside and get some rest,
01:55and I'll try and get back in time for lunch.
01:56It's fine, honestly.
01:58Don't you like to see me?
02:00Yeah, of course I do, I love it.
02:17Hey, you got a minute?
02:19Actually, I've got a job up at Moira's, so...
02:22She's got me putting up lights in the barn.
02:25So, puppies and toddlers, bad idea?
02:32Our Esther is obsessed with your dog,
02:34so we're thinking about getting one.
02:37Charity's all right with that.
02:38I thought she'd prefer a goldfish.
02:40Yeah, but you can't really play with a goldfish, can you?
02:43And anyway, Amelia was saying how much
02:45Esther loved coming out with your Piper the other day.
02:48Well, there's loads of info online,
02:50but all pets cost, so...
02:53Anyway, speaking of which, time's money.
02:56Course, yeah.
02:57See you later.
03:47Oh, sorry, mate.
03:50Did I shave a few years off there?
03:54Miles away.
03:56I've come to check the herd for mastitis.
03:58Oh, yeah, Moira said.
03:59I've actually just put them in the field.
04:01Just behind this baby here.
04:05Barn's had a facelift?
04:07Yeah, it's beautiful, isn't she?
04:09A little birdie tells me that you're expecting
04:11a bairn of your own soon.
04:12See what I did there?
04:14Very clever, Henley. Maybe not that clever.
04:17Bairn? Barn?
04:19I thought I was pretty genius, to be honest.
04:21There is no bairn.
04:26...loss the baby.
04:29Oh, God.
04:31Mate, I'm really sorry.
04:33It's OK. I hadn't intended on telling you or anyone yet.
04:36But, um...
04:38Well, listen, why don't you just go home?
04:42It's a two-man job and Paddy's already running late.
04:44I need to get started.
04:46Yeah, but you ought to be with Belle, man.
04:48And do what?
04:50Hold her hand and tell her that it's nature's way?
04:53Because we've already exhausted that cliché this morning.
04:57Well, it's awful, isn't it?
05:00I didn't know what to do myself when the same thing happened to us.
05:03Me and Charity.
05:05I'm sorry. I...
05:07I had no idea.
05:09Although it's not really about us blokes, eh?
05:12Belle's the one in pain, the one that...
05:15Yeah, but it is your loss, too.
05:19And, you know, long before they come wailing into the world,
05:22you've planned it all out.
05:27Hair colour.
05:29Tantrums in the supermarket.
05:33All of a sudden, those three of us,
05:35we're all going to be a family.
05:37Happy, better.
05:43I wanted that baby so badly.
05:47I know, mate, it's tough.
05:52Oh, right, hey.
05:54Come here. You'll be all right, OK?
06:03Hello, Belle? It's Rachel from the care team.
06:07Rachel, hi. Come in. Hi.
06:09Hope you don't mind me calling.
06:11You never came to the follow-up, so I thought I'd check in.
06:14Yeah, sorry. I've been busy.
06:16Life, isn't it?
06:18Is now a good time to catch up?
06:20I don't know, actually, cos Tom might come home for his lunch.
06:24It needn't take long.
06:26When you discharged yourself from the crisis unit,
06:28what was it?
06:29I don't know.
06:30I just thought I'd check in.
06:32It needn't take long.
06:34When you discharged yourself from the crisis unit,
06:36it was all a bit rushed,
06:38but I thought in your sessions with Ava,
06:40you were getting somewhere, talking.
06:43Well, my dog got sick, so I had to come home.
06:46You look like you're suffering. Why don't we sit down?
06:52You all right?
06:54Yeah. Yeah, I'm just... I'm tired.
06:57Is it your higher dose? It could make you feel shattered.
07:01No, it's fine.
07:03I don't want to do this now, actually.
07:05I really don't want you here if Tom comes back.
07:07OK, that's up to you, obviously,
07:10but do you mind if I ask why?
07:15I don't know.
07:17Obviously, but do you mind if I ask why?
07:21Things have changed.
07:23As in things between you?
07:27I don't want to talk about it. I can't.
07:30But you can. Whatever. That's what I'm here for.
07:33I'm a terrible person.
07:35Belle, you really aren't.
07:38I aborted our baby.
07:44Hey, I'm sorry about...
07:46Well, you know.
07:48Oh, no.
07:50Man shows emotion. Shocking.
07:54Ah, I've left everything in the car.
07:57Oh, my sister's just texted me. Anyway, I'm needed back at HQ.
08:01You know, a weird part of me feels like this is some kind of punishment.
08:04Did you feel that way?
08:06Well, Charity did.
08:08But she hadn't wanted the baby.
08:10Not first.
08:11And it kind of felt like our last chance.
08:14Wait, you're saying this is us?
08:16No, no, no, no. Belle's...
08:18Yeah, she'll be popping the mat like peas in no time.
08:21Listen, like I say, I've been there,
08:25and despite what the wife says, I'm actually quite a good listener.
08:30Thank you.
08:41Why didn't you call us?
08:43I couldn't.
08:45Tom's so upset.
08:47And I understand.
08:49I've killed his baby.
08:51That's hardly fair on you.
08:53That's how he'll see it, if he finds out.
08:55You never asked Tom to visit you at the crisis centre, did you?
08:59Does he know how much you struggled with the idea of being pregnant?
09:03Yeah, sort of, but he really wanted it.
09:06Despite what you wanted.
09:08But surely he'll understand your decision.
09:11Best way to protect your mental health, protect you.
09:14He wants to protect me. He says that a lot.
09:19That's why it's so hard, keeping this from him.
09:22I feel like I've not got a minute of it.
09:25Are you never out of his sight?
09:27No. Not really, but it's OK.
09:30He got the doggy cam...
09:33..to keep an eye on Piper.
09:35But I'm always at home, so...
09:38..he knew what I was up to.
09:42..he was watching you?
09:46No, he's watching Piper, but...
09:48..he could see me too, yeah.
09:50And you were fine with him watching?
09:54It cost a row.
09:56But we agreed to switch it off.
09:58He just worries too much. He always wants me safe.
10:01That's why he got the outdoor camera.
10:05Actually, we should be keeping our voices down.
10:10What if he's heard us? What if he knows?
10:12Belle, it's OK. No, it's not OK.
10:14It's not, because he'll flip out, he'll lose it,
10:17and he's got every right to...
10:19Belle, tell me what Tom might do.
10:27OK, I think it's time you go now.
10:29Yeah, I think you were about to tell me something.
10:32Belle, your mental health is my priority.
10:34My mental health is what's causing this.
10:37If I wasn't so pathetic, me and Tom, we'd be happy.
10:41So why is Tom not happy?
10:43Because of me, obviously.
10:46I'm needy, I'm forgetful, I'm...
10:48I don't know.
10:50I don't know.
10:52I don't know.
10:54I'm needy, I'm forgetful, I'm stupid.
10:57Says who?
10:59I'm lucky to have him.
11:01Not if he makes you feel bad for things.
11:03Only the things that are my fault.
11:05But not everything can be your fault.
11:07But I need him.
11:09He understands me.
11:11He's just insecure, just like me,
11:14and that's why he has to see where I am.
11:18How about if we talk to him together?
11:22No. Absolutely not.
11:24OK, then I'd like us to talk more in a cafe or a park.
11:27I can't. I can't, cos he'll see me.
11:30He'll see me on his phone.
11:32He's tracking you? Yeah, but...
11:34But it's OK, cos he's my husband.
11:36And he's going to be home soon, so please, can you just go?
11:39Belle, are you afraid of him?
11:42I'm begging you.
11:44There's no shame in this.
11:45If Tom's controlling or punishing you in any way, I can help.
11:50Ah, Noah. Just the man.
11:53The lights are all up. You wouldn't mind telling Moira, would you?
11:56I'll meet her on... Sure.
11:58Look, what were you saying earlier?
12:01I mentioned a goldfish. Amelia had a right one.
12:05No, no, no, I mean about Esther's dog walk.
12:08Did Amelia say anything about Belle, how she seemed?
12:12Er, not really. Why?
12:15OK, well, between me and you...
12:19..she lost the baby.
12:21Oh, that's awful.
12:23Keep it quiet until she's ready.
12:26I'm just trying to figure out if anything might have contributed.
12:30But you know what she's like?
12:32Always running after the piper in the woods, throwing sticks.
12:35I doubt it. I think she was in town, wasn't she?
12:42Amelia rang me when she was walking with Esther.
12:44Said that she was dog-sitting.
12:46Well, did she say where she was going?
12:49Some apartment, I think.
12:53OK, erm, well, no worries. Forget it.
12:57But, like I said, shh, don't. Until she's ready.
13:01Yeah, of course. Not a word.
13:06I'll see you later.
13:08I'll see you.
13:16Maybe think about giving these a call.
13:18Who are they?
13:20It's a charity.
13:29Thank you.
13:36They deal with domestic abuse.
13:39Take it back.
13:41Please, OK? I might be totally off the mark here.
13:43But at least just look at their website.
13:45It's true. Tom likes things his way, but that's just the way he is.
13:50I'm all over the place. I annoy him.
13:52Belle, you need support, not suffocation.
13:55You don't understand.
13:57Try me.
13:58It's me.
14:00I push him.
14:02And I know how it looks.
14:04People will blame Tom, but...
14:07it's just not the way it is.
14:10Cos we've only been married a bit and...
14:13and I'm useless at it. I've failed.
14:16Belle, you're not failing, you're surviving.
14:19But only by a thread from what I can see.
14:21I need to be a better person.
14:23No, you're stressed and you need to take a step back.
14:28Your relationship's clearly under a lot of strain and...
14:31sometimes we need...
14:35Time apart to get some clarity.
14:41I can't leave him.
14:43You're vulnerable.
14:45And this situation, whatever it is,
14:47is affecting your mental health.
14:50If Tom loves you, he'll understand that you need a break.
14:53A distance.
14:55Is there anyone you could stay with?
14:59Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
15:22Come on!
15:44Thanks for shutting up for my ticket, Debs.
15:47I'll pay you back when I see you.
15:49Yeah, fine, just...
15:51it's my stupid banking app.
15:53Always locks me out.
15:55And can you, er...
15:57not tell Dad that I'm coming?
16:00I want to surprise him.
16:05Yeah, I'll... I'll call you when my train's in.
16:13I'm so sorry.
16:16I have to do this.
17:20Horton, train station, please.
17:52As if I could ever leave you!
17:54Come here. Do you want to come on a little trip?
17:59Oh, thank God I've caught you.
18:01Hi, yeah, my taxi's waiting.
18:03There's been an accident at the farm.
18:05What? Tom. Paddy found him unconscious in the barn.
18:08I don't know what's happened, but they've rushed him to A&E.
18:11I can take you. What about Piper?
18:13Piper? I just saw Noah, so I'm sure he'd have her for you.
18:17My suitcase is in the car. Yeah, I'll get that.
18:19Don't worry, and I'll explain.
18:21And then I'll bring my car down, OK?
18:23Here, come wait. OK.
18:38Oh, hi, excuse me.
18:40Thomas King, the guy on the desk, said he'd be somewhere on here.
18:43He's in resus.
18:45Are you family? I'm his wife.
18:47He was brought in earlier with a friend, Paddy.
18:50What's happened?
18:51The doctor should be able to tell you more,
18:53but I believe your husband touched some faulty wiring.
18:56Thank you.
19:00Tom's my husband?
19:01Right, yes.
19:02I'm afraid Mr King has suffered a high-voltage electric shock,
19:05which momentarily stopped his heart.
19:07He's very lucky his colleague found him.
19:09Paddy resuscitated him?
19:11He's in the day room. I think he's quite shaky.
19:13I'll go and see him. You need to go with Tom.
19:15By all means, but he's in a lot of pain.
19:18He's been mildly sedated to help him cope.
19:20We think the shock impact caused him to land badly.
19:23He's fractured his ankle and has significant bruising on his back.
19:27Sorry, I should take this.
19:29Thank you.
19:31What do I do?
19:33Go and sit with him.
19:35Talk to him, tell him you love him.
19:37He's tough, but he needs you, Belle.
20:31What happened?
20:33There was an accident.
20:35At the farm.
20:39For a moment, you were gone.
20:45I died.
20:46Paddy saved you.
20:51The miscarriage.
20:56You've been through so much.
20:59You don't need this.
21:01I'm OK.
21:02I thought I lost everything.
21:10But I'm here.
21:13I'm still...
21:21I'm never...
21:23leaving you.