Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries Ever

  • 3 months ago
Explore the eerie world of unexplained mysteries that will have you pondering. This compilation delves into the most perplexing and enigmatic events that continue to baffle even today. From the enigmatic Havana Syndrome to the mysterious demise of Gloria Ramirez, and the puzzling disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, we unravel a range of bewildering incidents. Feel free to share any peculiar riddles we may have overlooked in the comments!.
00:00While it stretches one's imagination, I can certainly tell you that I've never run across something like this.
00:06Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries.
00:12Should have been so routine.
00:14For this list, we're looking at the most bizarre occurrences that remain unexplained to date.
00:20If there's a weird mystery you're mystified about us leaving out, let us know in the comments.
00:26Number 10. The Circleville Letters.
00:29In 1977, residents of Circleville, Ohio began receiving threatening and harassing anonymous letters.
00:35We're not talking about a couple or hundreds, but thousands of letters.
00:39They all had the same block lettering and they would target politicians and leaders,
00:43but also just plain folks who had nothing to do with the running of Circleville at all.
00:48The letters had very distinctive handwriting and contained accusations of embezzlement, affairs, and even murders.
00:55Ron Gillespie died under mysterious circumstances after receiving a phone call
01:00and announcing that he was going to confront the writer.
01:02Was Ron Gillespie's death an accident? Was he really drunk that night?
01:07And why had one bullet been fired from his handgun?
01:10His wife was nearly killed by a gun in a booby trap attached to a sign.
01:15It turned out that Paul Freshour, Ron's brother-in-law, bought the gun,
01:19and his handwriting was deemed to match the letters.
01:22You know, I can't blame the jury because the jury didn't hear all the evidence.
01:27But I was just, I just couldn't believe it. I was really in shock.
01:31Yet during his time in prison, people in town continued receiving them,
01:35even while Freshour was in solitary confinement.
01:38If Freshour was the writer, he wasn't working alone.
01:42We are writing this off as an unsolved mystery.
01:46Four decades later, the debate over the writer's identity continues.
01:53Doctors said that Diplomat's brain matter had actually changed.
01:57What started out as a mysterious nuisance became a suspected instrument of attack.
02:04Since 2016, U.S. officials and military personnel have been experiencing strange symptoms.
02:10These include pain, ringing in the ears, as well as difficulty with cognitive processes.
02:15A source says starting last December, the U.S. officials were exposed to a sonic device,
02:21which experts suggest could produce sound waves below and above human hearing,
02:26which could cause these symptoms.
02:28Named for the location it was initially reported, the embassy in Havana, Cuba,
02:32Havana syndrome has since been reported at U.S. bases and embassies in various countries.
02:38While some of those suffering from it have existing head injuries that could explain the symptoms,
02:42not all of them do.
02:46The recording is just one of the many sounds taken in Cuba
02:49that led investigators to initially believe it was a sonic weapon.
02:53Proposed explanations have included a psychogenic illness,
02:57the sound of crickets, or even a microwave weapon.
03:01While the CIA has concluded that most cases were probably not caused by a foreign power,
03:06two dozen cases remain unexplained.
03:09Accidental or targeted, Havana syndrome is yet to be fully understood.
03:13Who or what caused it? A mystery.
03:16The United States government is still not sure
03:19who or what is responsible for those health attacks.
03:25On November 22nd in 1987, the broadcast of two Chicago TV stations was interrupted.
03:31Both interruptions featured an unidentified man dressed as the British AI character Max Headroom.
03:44The masked man disparaged the local station he was interrupting,
03:47made several pop culture references, and got spanked by a flyswatter.
03:52The heavily distorted audio, rotating background, and masked man
03:56gave the hijackings an eerie, almost David Lynchian feel.
04:01The hijackers couldn't be identified, nor did they come forward
04:05after the statute of limitations on their crime expired.
04:08These broadcasts seem destined to remain as mystifying as their contents.
04:23Number 7. Salish Sea Feet
04:25Detached human feet.
04:28Most of them were found still inside shoes.
04:31Since 2007, residents of Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada
04:36have found some rather morbid jetsam washed up on their beaches.
04:40Detached human feet.
04:42Most of them were found still inside shoes.
04:44Now you also have to consider whether or not this could be a serial killer,
04:50somebody who right now is underneath the radar.
04:53The physical anthropologist cautioned that while the spate of discoveries was new and startling,
04:58public awareness could have prompted people to pay attention to stray running shoes.
05:02Foul play has been ruled out,
05:04as most of the identified victims were involved in accidents or took their own lives.
05:09It's been speculated that the feet detached as the bodies decayed
05:12and that the air pockets and buoyant foam in sneakers floated them to the surface.
05:16Too many unanswered questions remain.
05:19Who do the feet belong to?
05:21Why are they always in running shoes?
05:24Could something truly insidious be at play in the region?
05:29But it still seems extremely odd that there have been so many and all around the same area.
05:35There are still far more questions than answers.
05:37Are these cases connected?
05:39How did the people die?
05:40And how many more feet are out there still to be found?
05:48The historical consensus is that the first European visitors to Brazil were Portuguese
05:53who arrived in 1500 AD.
05:55However, it is possible that the Romans beat them to it.
05:59In 1976, several amphorae, or Roman jars,
06:03were uncovered from the bottom of Guanabara Bay off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.
06:07This caught the attention of archaeologist and treasure hunter Robert Marks,
06:11who explored the area further and claimed to have found up to 200 more amphorae.
06:15Experts dated fragments to around the 3rd century.
06:19However, the idea that Romans arrived before the Portuguese deeply upset many Brazilians,
06:24and the government banned underwater exploration.
06:27So the depths of this mystery remain unknown.
06:33While suffering from cervical cancer,
06:35Gloria Ramirez was admitted to an emergency room in California in 1994.
06:40While treating her, the medical personnel noticed odd symptoms,
06:43including a greasy polish to her skin, a strange odor from her mouth,
06:47and oddly shaped particles in her blood.
06:50Then, several of the people in the room began passing out.
06:53Overall, 23 people were affected by these strange symptoms,
06:57and Ramirez passed away, with the initial diagnosis being from kidney failure.
07:02The most common suggestion for Ramirez's apparent toxicity
07:05was that she was taking dimethyl sulfoxide, a home pain treatment,
07:09which, combined with several of the treatments, turned into an acidic substance.
07:14Another suggestion is exposure to methylamine, but no one knows for sure.
07:22No, Tromp with an O.
07:24In 2016, Mark and Jacoba Tromp took their three adult children
07:29on an impromptu road trip hundreds of miles north, leaving their house unlocked.
07:34Mark seemed convinced that people were out to get them and forbade phones.
07:38Their son Mitchell brought one anyway, but it was later thrown out the car window.
07:42He left, not understanding his parents' paranoia.
07:45Later, the daughters left too, stealing a car before splitting up.
07:50One, Rihanna, was found in a catatonic state.
07:53Ultimately, all returned safely,
07:55but no explanation has been given specifically for what happened.
07:59Whether it was shared psychosis or someone was out to get the Tromps,
08:02the case has fascinated the world ever since.
08:13Number three, Oakville Blobs.
08:16In 1994, Oakville, Washington experienced perhaps the strangest weather phenomenon
08:21of the last few decades.
08:23It rained blobs.
08:25Strange goo fell from the sky over a period of several weeks,
08:29blanketing the town in ooze.
08:37What's even more bizarre is that the residents experienced a widespread illness
08:41that lasted for several weeks too.
08:43So what could this goo have been?
08:46Someone theorized that since the Navy had been conducting live bombing runs at sea,
08:53they might have blown up a school of jellyfish.
08:57And of course, this jellyfish would have been thrown up into the air
09:02and floated 50 miles inland,
09:05and over a period of three weeks, fallen six times.
09:10Was it evaporated bits of jellyfish that reformed in a cloud?
09:13Or maybe waste from an airplane?
09:16The most troubling theory is that the event was a military experiment on U.S. soil.
09:24There are a whole mess of theories about this messy and weird weather.
09:33Families waiting for MH370.
09:37They still wait, and really, they don't know much more than they did that first awful morning.
09:44On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 vanished while flying from Malaysia to China.
09:52After a loss of communications and its disappearance from civilian radar,
09:56Flight 370 reappeared on military radar, having deviated from its planned flight path.
10:02Approaching the point at which Malaysian Air Traffic Control will hand over to Vietnam.
10:11Then, Captain Zahari makes a last routine, but now infamous, radio transmission.
10:21The disappearance has fascinated the public for years and led to several expensive searches.
10:27It seemed impossible for an entire airplane to just go missing in an age where everything can be seen by satellites.
10:34Although a few pieces have washed ashore, the bulk of the aircraft and the reason for its deviation remain unclear.
10:41What happened to the flight has haunted the world ever since.
10:45We're not used to planes just disappearing. If they come down, we expect to be able to find out why.
10:53Speculations have run the gamut from a hijacking to being shot down to some kind of equipment failure.
11:11Make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
11:18In 1959, nine Russian hikers were found dead in the Ural Mountains.
11:23All were severely injured, several were undressed and they had cut their way out of their tent from the inside.
11:30Some were burned and others slightly radioactive.
11:34Most seem to have died of hypothermia or their injuries.
11:38The case has baffled the public and authorities for over half a century.
11:42Theories include an avalanche, an animal attack or military involvement.
11:47This is the last photo taken by the hikers before they died.
11:51It's out of focus, but it seems to show mysterious lights in the sky.
11:55The most plausible theory involves the group camping against a heavy snowbank which collapsed,
12:00leading them to assume an avalanche and freezing after they escaped the tent.
12:05But unless there really was outside involvement, only the victims know the truth.
12:10The evidence here is both extensive yet maddeningly incomplete.
12:15And until we fill in the gaps, the case cannot be fully closed.
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