My Two Fiances

  • 3 months ago
My Two Fiances
00:00:00I'm Iris Miller. Psychiatrist. In a month I'll be marrying the man I love. We've been
00:00:08together for seven years.
00:00:11I think Rick has gone crazy! The news is saying that he's going to marry someone else!
00:00:22You must be mistaken.
00:00:26Look, I have a patient right now.
00:00:37Mr. Bass, we've heard rumors that the Bass Group and Klein Group are gearing up for significant
00:00:42collaboration. Can you provide any details?
00:00:44That's correct. We'll be collaborating to develop an unparalleled new product.
00:00:48Can you also confirm the reports of your engagement with Miss Klein?
00:00:51We've been dating, and things are going smoothly between us.
00:00:57Miss Klein, how soon should we expect an engagement? Mr. Bass, have you already picked out a ring?
00:01:01The people want to know!
00:01:21The driver is waiting downstairs.
00:01:30I'm ready.
00:01:35I don't want to see any more clothing in this car. Clear?
00:01:38Yes, sir.
00:01:39Thank you, Tracy.
00:01:51This way.
00:02:13Will you marry me?
00:02:44The person you're trying to reach is currently unavailable.
00:02:48Please leave a message after the tone.
00:02:50If you are dumping me, I need to hear it directly from you.
00:03:00You have a month to win over, Clear.
00:03:03Your engagement with her is your ticket back to the Bass Group.
00:03:06That's the tenth time you've said that. Doesn't it get old for you?
00:03:09Well, we wouldn't be stuck in this situation if you hadn't gone nuts and run off with that girl, now would we?
00:03:14Watch your words. Remember, I'm not that Rick right now.
00:03:18Alright, Mom?
00:03:19Indeed. The resemblance is uncanny.
00:03:22But don't forget, if I can make that Rick disappear, I can also erase you.
00:03:39If you are dumping me, I need to hear it directly from you.
00:03:44Miss Miller, please leave.
00:03:46I'm not leaving until I see Rick.
00:03:48If you don't leave, I'm afraid you'll have to call the police.
00:03:50Do what you must.
00:03:52But I'm not leaving until he faces me, even if that means police.
00:03:56Let her in.
00:04:06It's me, Rick.
00:04:09I thought you had a little bit of self-respect.
00:04:11I didn't expect you to still come.
00:04:13We're getting married within a month.
00:04:15Why are you like this all of a sudden?
00:04:17You are asking the wrong person.
00:04:21It's Caroline, isn't it?
00:04:24We can get through this together.
00:04:26Damn it, man. She's doing this to me again.
00:04:29I'm sorry.
00:04:31I'm sorry.
00:04:33I'm sorry.
00:04:35I'm sorry.
00:04:37She's doing this to me again.
00:04:40Don't touch me.
00:04:42Don't call me that.
00:04:44The Rick that you loved is dead.
00:05:07Let us begin.
00:05:15Dr. Reynolds.
00:05:19What's happening?
00:05:21Well, then I can't talk too long.
00:05:23You will awake and come take me, please.
00:05:25And regain full control over your body.
00:05:27I don't want to die.
00:05:29I don't want to die.
00:05:31I don't want to die.
00:05:33I don't want to die.
00:05:36I want to regain full control over your body.
00:05:40Please, don't let him take me.
00:05:44Please, no.
00:05:46Don't let him take me.
00:06:06Congratulations, Rick.
00:06:08On your rebirth.
00:06:16What are these?
00:06:18Take one of these
00:06:20whenever you feel an episode about to come up.
00:06:22Thank you, Doctor.
00:06:24Is it sealing?
00:06:26How is it sealing?
00:06:28It's sealing.
00:06:30It's sealing.
00:06:32It's sealing.
00:06:34It's sealing.
00:07:05So, how do you plan
00:07:07to deal with Iris?
00:07:09Do you need me to take care of it?
00:07:11I'm not foolish like him.
00:07:13I won't let Iris see me.
00:07:15Well, if you keep that promise
00:07:17you'll soon become the primary heir
00:07:19replacing your cousin, Steve
00:07:21taking Rick's place forever.
00:07:23You've been planning this since we were 17,
00:07:25haven't you?
00:07:27Well, I've got to admit
00:07:29when you first showed up I saw qualities
00:07:31new little Rick just didn't have
00:07:33like courage and ambition.
00:07:35Don't you worry, that one day he'll shoot himself in the face.
00:07:37Don't you really think Dr. Randall would give you
00:07:39that medicine without my say-so?
00:07:41You could never betray me.
00:07:54Ricky, are you having a headache?
00:07:58Ricky, are you having a headache again?
00:08:03We're over.
00:08:08Just four days ago
00:08:10we went wedding dress shopping
00:08:12and then you disappear on a business trip
00:08:14leaving only us sticking up behind.
00:08:16Where were you?
00:08:18What is going on?
00:08:20It's none of your business.
00:08:22We were never meant to be together
00:08:24from the start.
00:08:26You don't love me anymore?
00:08:28Of course.
00:08:30I never loved you.
00:08:33I never loved you.
00:08:35I never loved you.
00:09:01That's enough.
00:09:04I was looking for you all night.
00:09:06I'm worried about you.
00:09:08Rick and I
00:09:10we broke up.
00:09:14Go ahead and cry it out.
00:09:18Five days ago
00:09:20everything was fine
00:09:22I don't understand what could have happened.
00:09:26Do you think this dress
00:09:28is better than the one that we chose?
00:09:31I think that you look at me
00:09:33like an angel.
00:09:35No, I swear it's true.
00:09:49Yeah, okay.
00:09:51I'll go tomorrow.
00:09:53Who was that?
00:09:57It was just a colleague.
00:09:59I had to go away on business for three days.
00:10:07Why so soon?
00:10:09Look, don't worry.
00:10:11I'll be back really soon.
00:10:17I still love him.
00:10:19Your emotions are in control right now.
00:10:21You need to give yourself time to calm down.
00:10:23Yeah, right.
00:10:25If you really can't let go
00:10:28then meet him again in a few days.
00:10:30I'll be there to support you
00:10:32no matter what.
00:10:34It's also important for you to set a deadline
00:10:36to start over.
00:10:38I'm lucky to have you.
00:10:40I don't know what I would do without you.
00:11:14The maid told me
00:11:16that Iris came to visit today.
00:11:20I didn't expect you to break your promise
00:11:22quite so quickly.
00:11:24Seems that you and that little Rick
00:11:26are a perfect couple after all.
00:11:28Can you both really be in love with the same person?
00:11:30Don't worry about it.
00:11:32It was a slip.
00:11:34I've already handled it.
00:11:36Claire is the perfect match for me.
00:11:38Especially for the bass group.
00:11:40Why would I risk it?
00:11:44I'll have Tracy arrange a candlelit dinner
00:11:46for the two of you at the vacation home.
00:11:48Tomorrow, I think it's...
00:11:50I don't need you planning anything, okay?
00:11:52I have my own plans.
00:12:07Do you love me
00:12:11I love you?
00:12:17Do you want me
00:12:21I want you?
00:12:39Is it possible for you guys to stay on foot
00:12:41for ten more minutes?
00:12:56Thank you.
00:13:00Is that for me?
00:13:02For dessert.
00:13:04What's a cake without icing?
00:13:06Just a cake.
00:13:10Thank you so much.
00:13:12You're very welcome.
00:13:42Sir, are you okay?
00:13:44Can I help you?
00:13:46I'm fine.
00:14:19Do you feel heartache?
00:14:21Look up in the sky and run!
00:14:37Can you help me, please?
00:14:41Are you awake? Hello?
00:14:55Sir, wake up! Wake up!
00:14:57Are you okay? Hello? Wake up!
00:15:07Oh, wake up!
00:15:16Come on, let's go!
00:15:24Oh my god, are you okay?
00:15:26Sit down.
00:15:28This is where I wanted to go last year.
00:15:30Sit, just breathe.
00:15:35Thank you for saving me.
00:15:37I bet JD wasn't expecting his art exhibition
00:15:39to head up on the news
00:15:42because of a fire.
00:15:46What's your name?
00:15:52I'm Rick.
00:15:54Rick Pass.
00:16:12It's not very gentlemanly
00:16:14to just sit in the car
00:16:16or drop a lady off.
00:16:18It would be impolite to walk a lady
00:16:20to her door on the first night.
00:16:22Well, what if the lady
00:16:24wants to invite him in for a drink?
00:16:32Oh, seems like someone
00:16:34already has plans for the night.
00:16:48Look, a middle-class worker!
00:16:56What is wrong? Why are you so uptight?
00:16:58Are you out of your mind?
00:17:00I didn't know the former heir of Bass Group
00:17:02was into stalking.
00:17:04You know I won't bite.
00:17:06Well, who knows what you're up to.
00:17:08Looks like you and Rick had a good night.
00:17:10What's it to you?
00:17:12Trying to steal me back from Rick?
00:17:14You think he's better than me?
00:17:16Quit with the act, Steve.
00:17:18You and Rick are both circling me
00:17:20for the same thing.
00:17:22Klein Group, my family's support.
00:17:24You know me too well.
00:17:26At least Rick plays fair.
00:17:28Unlike you,
00:17:32Did you ever hear about Rick's little adventure?
00:17:36About how
00:17:39he changes his entire heir status
00:17:41for a woman that has nothing.
00:17:43What do you mean by that?
00:17:45Well, imagine this.
00:17:47A man, abandoning everything
00:17:49for love.
00:17:51Go ahead.
00:17:53Open it.
00:18:09What is this for?
00:18:11Well, you know,
00:18:13that's the break-up fee that Rick offers.
00:18:17I didn't think
00:18:19Rick could be so generous.
00:18:25graduated Brown University.
00:18:27Father earns
00:18:33Mother, unemployed.
00:18:35So you looked into my background
00:18:37and you think that I can be bought.
00:18:39What is this,
00:18:41some kind of blackmail?
00:18:43Me? Blackmail you?
00:18:45Oh, come on.
00:18:47Did you really think that my son, Rick
00:18:49of the Bass Group, would propose to you?
00:18:51That was a silly joke.
00:18:53Rick has the right
00:18:55to choose whatever path he wants.
00:19:01You can't go in now.
00:19:03Madam is having a conversation with Miss Miller.
00:19:07I've made
00:19:09my decision.
00:19:11She's the one
00:19:13that I want to be with.
00:19:15You would give up
00:19:17your inheritance of the Bass Group
00:19:19for her?
00:19:21Steve can have it.
00:19:23Money is nothing compared to Iris.
00:19:31Aren't they
00:19:33just so cute together?
00:19:36And then
00:19:38that's how
00:19:40it really goes.
00:19:42You see,
00:19:44I had the entire
00:19:46family's support
00:19:48and then Rick
00:19:50came back.
00:19:52Makes you wonder if Caroline
00:19:54has something to do with it all.
00:19:56Maybe he's found
00:19:58an imposter.
00:20:00Whatever's happened between you two
00:20:02has nothing to do with me.
00:20:05If you think you've got what it takes
00:20:07to bring him down,
00:20:09do not involve me in this.
00:20:11Get off my lawn.
00:20:25Daniel, why are you here?
00:20:31Daniel, why are you here?
00:20:33I've been here all along.
00:20:35You waited for him
00:20:37and I waited for you.
00:20:41Daniel, I...
00:20:43Please, let me in.
00:20:47This is how I feel for you.
00:20:53I never knew that you felt this way,
00:20:59You've got to be kidding me.
00:21:03I've always thought of you as a best friend.
00:21:05I never imagined you having feelings
00:21:07for me.
00:21:09Please, just think about it.
00:21:11You don't have to answer me now.
00:21:15I should get going.
00:21:17I need to go pack up Rick's things.
00:21:19Are you sure you don't need my help?
00:21:23Yeah, I should probably be on my way now.
00:21:33What do you want?
00:21:37This is from Daniel.
00:21:39You went to the exhibition.
00:21:45Do you like him now?
00:21:47We're broken up.
00:21:49My feelings for Daniel have nothing to do with you.
00:21:58My feelings for Daniel have nothing to do with you.
00:22:16You are not my man, Daniel.
00:22:18Where is he?
00:22:20You just realized that I'm not the Rick
00:22:22that you spent the last seven years with.
00:22:24Oh, oh, oh.
00:22:26I guess you two aren't as close as you thought.
00:22:30Where did you put him?
00:22:32I already told you.
00:22:34He's dead.
00:22:36Then I'll figure out the truth myself.
00:22:40Whatever, you won't find anything.
00:22:46Don't touch anything!
00:22:48Get out of my apartment!
00:22:54Your fiancée had nice eyes.
00:23:00You know, I would not mind
00:23:02having a lover like you
00:23:06after I married that woman from the client group.
00:23:08It would scare my inheritance.
00:23:10Fuck off!
00:23:24I'll find you, Ricky.
00:23:26I swear.
00:23:48Hello, this is Officer Shaw from the police.
00:23:50I'm calling to report a murder.
00:23:53Hello, this is Officer Shaw
00:23:55from the Beverly Hills Police Department.
00:23:57Am I speaking with Rick Bass?
00:23:59Yes, it is he.
00:24:01We've received a report
00:24:03and need to verify its details with you.
00:24:05Oh, this woman is really naive.
00:24:09Officer, there is simply no truth to that.
00:24:11It must be my ex-fiancée.
00:24:13Ever since I broke off the engagement with her
00:24:15she's been acting very erratic.
00:24:17How could I possibly be missing?
00:24:19Right here, though.
00:24:23Yes, sir?
00:24:25Any updates?
00:24:27Miss Iris,
00:24:29we've just contacted Mr. Bass.
00:24:31No, you don't understand.
00:24:33That's not my fiancée.
00:24:35He's a fraud.
00:24:37Do you have any evidence to prove that?
00:24:39Miss Miller,
00:24:41I understand that the breakup has been difficult for you,
00:24:43but please take a moment and calm down first.
00:24:53Hi, I need your service right now.
00:24:57Thank you.
00:25:03Dr. Iris Miller,
00:25:05this is Rick Bass.
00:25:07We've received a report
00:25:09and need to verify its details with you.
00:25:11Miss Miller,
00:25:13we've just contacted Mr. Bass.
00:25:15No, you don't understand.
00:25:17That's not my ex-fiancée.
00:25:19He's a fraud.
00:25:22Dr. Iris Miller.
00:25:24I'm Ethan.
00:25:28The investigator you hired?
00:25:34God, you look like you're in high school.
00:25:41He was at my apartment last night,
00:25:43but that's not Rick.
00:25:45The Rick you see is an imposter.
00:25:49If you're playing games with me,
00:25:51you're going to have consequences.
00:26:01I found out which car Rick took
00:26:03when he left the company seven days ago.
00:26:09This is Caroline's car.
00:26:11Rick lied about a business trip and went home?
00:26:21Is everything ready for the banquet?
00:26:23Yes, sir.
00:26:25All set up as per your orders.
00:26:27I can always count on you guys.
00:26:35I know this investigation
00:26:37has been challenging,
00:26:39but I'll double it
00:26:41once it's completed.
00:26:43It's not about the money, okay?
00:26:45I think I dug a little too deep
00:26:47into your case.
00:26:50I don't think it's safe even for you to continue.
00:26:52Look, I appreciate your concern,
00:26:54but I am not backing down.
00:26:56I'm going to do this with or without you.
00:26:58Don't you think
00:27:00that it would be a little safer
00:27:02if I did it with a professional?
00:27:06Okay, fine. We have a deal.
00:27:08But the next step's on you.
00:27:14He can change his appearance,
00:27:16but DNA doesn't lie.
00:27:18Fingerprints, blood, DNA,
00:27:20anything works.
00:27:22Well, that's not going to be easy
00:27:24because he doesn't trust me anymore.
00:27:26Come on. No guy can say no
00:27:28to a little bit of tenderness.
00:27:30Plus, aren't you really smart with psychology?
00:27:32Just use that to your advantage.
00:27:36In the meantime,
00:27:38I'll take this as a deposit
00:27:40and I'm relying on you
00:27:42to get that done, okay?
00:27:44If it doesn't work,
00:27:47I'll think of something else.
00:28:05I'll think of something else.
00:28:39Ladies and gentlemen,
00:28:41thank you all for attending
00:28:43the banquet hosted jointly
00:28:46Now, let's welcome Claire Klein
00:28:48to the stage to give us a speech.
00:28:55Thank you all for joining us.
00:28:57We're very excited for the future.
00:28:59Let's hit the bar!
00:29:01What exactly did you tell her, Craig?
00:29:03I just mentioned your
00:29:05miserable romantic love story
00:29:07to your ex-fiancee.
00:29:13I would advise you let go of those daydreams.
00:29:16After all, in this family, you'll always be the second best.
00:29:18No! And yet,
00:29:20if Claire's up with me,
00:29:22well, nothing's yet set in stone, dear cousin.
00:29:28Uh, ma'am?
00:29:30I'm sorry, upstairs is reserved for VIP only.
00:29:34I'm sorry, you're not on the VIP list.
00:29:38I'm Claire's personal doctor
00:29:40and she asked me to wait out there.
00:29:46What if something bad happens to her
00:29:48while you're away?
00:29:50Yeah, this is a threat.
00:29:52I'll find a better bargaining chip.
00:29:54It was just a joke, cousin!
00:29:56Oh, you take things way too seriously,
00:29:58little Ricky.
00:30:16I thought we could
00:30:18have a private conversation,
00:30:20so I came here.
00:30:22You know, it's a shame your little plan didn't work.
00:30:24Even with the police
00:30:26sniffing around,
00:30:28I'm still the real Rick.
00:30:38Don't fool yourself,
00:30:40play it clever.
00:30:46Well, it seems
00:30:48that you don't want my company,
00:30:50so I'll leave you be.
00:30:58I can see why he loved you.
00:31:02Not too clever.
00:31:06You look just like him.
00:31:08We're extremely different.
00:31:10And I think I may be
00:31:12better suited for you.
00:31:14Rick, you liar!
00:31:16Open up!
00:31:22Stay in here.
00:31:24Don't disrupt my plans.
00:31:26I have no interest in your plans.
00:31:36I paid Iris a visit this morning.
00:31:38Guess what I won?
00:31:40I'm all yours.
00:31:43She told me you were an imposter.
00:31:45Oh, I didn't think that
00:31:47this client would fall for such nonsense.
00:31:51Your identity doesn't concern me.
00:31:53I only care about what I can gain.
00:31:57That's very direct.
00:31:59I appreciate that.
00:32:01But before you go, I would like to know what Steve offered you.
00:32:03Well, clearly I wouldn't be here
00:32:05with you if Steve had met my terms.
00:32:13Rick always preferred white.
00:32:15All the clothing here has been changed.
00:32:43Where on earth
00:32:45are they hiding him?
00:32:47I didn't realize
00:32:49you were so ambitious.
00:32:51I think the entire vast empire.
00:32:53Think about it.
00:32:55Marrying me is far better
00:32:57than being Caroline's puppet.
00:32:59Isn't it?
00:33:01It's getting late.
00:33:03I think she'd leave.
00:33:07Seems like there's another woman
00:33:09in the room.
00:33:11Where is she?
00:33:13It's none of your concern.
00:33:15Even I have my limits.
00:33:17Don't make me throw you out.
00:33:19You wouldn't.
00:33:21You wouldn't.
00:33:23You wouldn't.
00:33:25You wouldn't.
00:33:27You wouldn't.
00:33:30You wouldn't.
00:33:32What the hell?
00:33:40What the hell did you do?
00:33:42Rick would never hurt me.
00:33:44Please stop mentioning his name
00:33:46again and again.
00:33:48It's his kindness that's gotten us into this situation.
00:33:50You're evil.
00:33:52Don't look at me like that.
00:33:54She's just passed out.
00:33:56Where is he?
00:33:59How do you even know
00:34:01he's still around to be found?
00:34:03Please just tell me.
00:34:05We won't bother you anymore.
00:34:07Rick was ready to give up all this wealth anyway.
00:34:09What if I don't want you
00:34:11to leave me alone?
00:34:13If I don't tell you where he is
00:34:15then you have to stay.
00:34:17What do you want?
00:34:19Your past fascinates me.
00:34:23Why don't we go on a date?
00:34:25Just like old times.
00:34:27You asshole.
00:34:41Ms. Klein is feeling unwell.
00:34:43Please send a doctor to check on her.
00:34:45Until he gets to the banquet is over.
00:34:57How's it going?
00:34:59I tried to get Rick's fingerprints
00:35:01and I failed.
00:35:03He seems like he's very cautious now.
00:35:05We need to learn more
00:35:07about the day that Rick disappeared.
00:35:09Don't worry.
00:35:11I got it covered.
00:35:27I must have seen
00:35:29this pill somewhere before.
00:35:57He looked just like him.
00:35:59We're extremely different.
00:36:01Why don't we go on a date?
00:36:03Just like old times.
00:36:27Why do you seem so stressed?
00:36:29It's nothing.
00:36:31Just studying some cases.
00:36:33How are you?
00:36:35The same.
00:36:37I can't just give up on Rick yet.
00:36:39I think he's in danger.
00:36:41I really think you're overreacting.
00:36:43He chose to go back to the Bass Group himself.
00:36:45Did he tell you anything?
00:36:47Not really.
00:36:51Actually, I came here to ask for your help.
00:36:54What are these?
00:36:56They don't look like anything from our clinic.
00:36:58These are pills that Rick has been taking.
00:37:00I need to know the ingredients inside of them.
00:37:02Of course, I'll help you.
00:37:08This is so frustrating.
00:37:10I feel like no one believes me.
00:37:12I think Rick is in trouble.
00:37:14The Rick that we're seeing, he's a fake.
00:37:16Let me handle this, okay?
00:37:18I'll let you know as soon as the test results are ready.
00:37:20And in the meantime,
00:37:22you might as well go and take the day off.
00:37:24I know, Daniel.
00:37:30I really appreciate it.
00:37:40Is it really you?
00:37:42I thought someone with the same name
00:37:44must have made the reservation.
00:37:48It's nice to see you, Dr. Funelli.
00:37:51We met at Iris' graduation ceremony.
00:37:53Just call me Daniel.
00:37:57Are you here to follow up on Iris' interview?
00:37:59If so, there's no need to worry.
00:38:01She did great.
00:38:03I actually came here to see you about myself.
00:38:07Then let's talk about what brings you here.
00:38:21I need to be clear with you.
00:38:23Your situation has been persistent
00:38:25for years,
00:38:27and changing psychiatrists
00:38:29isn't the best approach for treatment.
00:38:31I have to do this for Iris.
00:38:39I'll give it my all.
00:38:41On one condition.
00:38:43I'd like to oversee your treatment,
00:38:45and I ask that you do it.
00:38:48On one condition.
00:38:50I'd like to oversee your treatment,
00:38:52and I ask that you don't pursue treatment elsewhere
00:38:54without consulting me first.
00:38:56Of course.
00:38:58I trust you.
00:39:00But I don't want Iris to find out about my condition.
00:39:02I'm hoping you can keep this secret for me.
00:39:04Your secret is safe here.
00:39:06Maintaining confidentiality
00:39:08is a cornerstone to my profession.
00:39:18Yeah, I've got two pills
00:39:20needing analysis for their composition.
00:39:22Yeah, okay.
00:39:24I'll be right over.
00:39:40So I assume you've made up your mind.
00:39:42Under the condition that you're going to show me
00:39:44where Rick is when our date is done.
00:39:48Where are we going?
00:39:50I bet he never took you to his vacation house.
00:39:52Don't try to tempt me, okay?
00:39:54I've never cared about his assets.
00:40:16How about those?
00:40:18Much better than what Daniel gave you.
00:40:22How could you be so childish?
00:40:30please make sure everything's ready
00:40:32for the candlelight dinner.
00:40:34All ready, sir.
00:40:37So, honestly, who's better looking?
00:40:39Me or Ricky?
00:40:41It's me.
00:41:19Don't women usually go crazy for that kind of jewelry?
00:41:31So that's all you can do?
00:41:33Do shoddy things to win a woman's heart?
00:41:37Well, everything he owns
00:41:39should be mine.
00:41:46I think I'm letting him buy everything.
00:41:49Stop this.
00:41:51Are you trying to tease me?
00:41:53Of course not.
00:41:55I'm giving you a chance.
00:41:57A what?
00:42:03somewhere in this house.
00:42:05If you can find him,
00:42:07maybe I'll spare his life.
00:42:18where the hell are you, Rick?
00:42:52Ricky, where are you?
00:43:14Ricky, where are you?
00:43:22Mr. Rick?
00:43:24Are you okay at all?
00:43:28Please, let me out.
00:43:30Close the door.
00:43:56You're causing trouble again.
00:43:58If you want to replace me, take everything.
00:44:02Why do I have to torture Iris like this?
00:44:16You can't hold much longer.
00:44:20I won't let you out again.
00:44:26Where's Iris?
00:44:28Miss Miller seems to have gone to the garden.
00:44:34That's Rick's last control.
00:44:38Come on.
00:44:54This is so foolish.
00:44:56I don't know why.
00:44:58It's probably meant to kill us.
00:45:04Iris, stop!
00:45:06It's me!
00:45:10It's your Ricky.
00:45:14It's your Ricky.
00:45:16Look at me, it's Ricky.
00:45:18Look, it's Ricky.
00:45:20Look, I'm sorry about the way things turned out.
00:45:22Please, just let me take you away from here.
00:45:26Yeah, it's me.
00:45:28Come on, come down.
00:45:30Let me take you away.
00:45:33It's okay.
00:45:35It's okay.
00:45:37It's okay.
00:45:39Come on.
00:45:43It's not safe here.
00:45:45Where have you been all these days?
00:45:47Look, I promise I'll explain everything later.
00:45:49I'll explain everything later.
00:45:51Come on!
00:45:57Look, do you remember me having a childhood friend
00:45:59who was protecting me?
00:46:01Anytime I'd be in danger, he'd step in.
00:46:03I never met him.
00:46:07He was the one you saw.
00:46:09The other me.
00:46:11My alternate personality.
00:46:15I should have realized.
00:46:19I should have been honest with you.
00:46:22I'm sorry.
00:46:30It's going to be okay.
00:46:32Come on.
00:46:34Is Caroline fault in all of this?
00:46:42Caroline wants to use my other personality
00:46:44to take control of the Baskerville.
00:46:48She already has enough.
00:46:52It's not enough for her.
00:46:54Since I left the Baskerville,
00:46:56Steve became the new heir.
00:46:58So, she needs you,
00:47:00her stepson,
00:47:02to regain the inheritance
00:47:04of the Baskerville.
00:47:06That's right.
00:47:08But instead, you insist on marrying me.
00:47:14Iris, none of this is your fault.
00:47:16Caroline lied to me.
00:47:18Okay, she said that my father
00:47:21Your dad's been in a coma for years.
00:47:25She played him like a pawn.
00:47:27And now she's playing me like a fool.
00:47:33I have to do something
00:47:35to change this.
00:47:37I have to fight her on my own.
00:47:39It's okay.
00:47:41Weren't you looking for something?
00:47:43That's right.
00:47:55I thought there were bullets in there.
00:48:07Stop searching.
00:48:09Rick, stop searching.
00:48:11No, I have to find them.
00:48:14Put the gun down, Ricky.
00:48:22Please, just let her go.
00:48:24Please, I'll do whatever you say.
00:48:26Just let her go.
00:48:28Stay here. We'll move.
00:48:32Sir, the fact that you need to stay in the room and rest...
00:48:34I have the buggers.
00:48:49Get your hands off of me.
00:48:51Oh, Bob.
00:48:53There's no need to be so rude with the girl.
00:48:55You're only Rick's stepmother.
00:48:57Do you really think that you could run the company without him?
00:48:59Like I really need you to remind me of that.
00:49:01Spare him.
00:49:03Let him go.
00:49:05And I swear I'll get out of his life forever.
00:49:07A pair of doomed lovers.
00:49:09It doesn't matter anyway.
00:49:12When is Dr. Randall coming, Bob?
00:49:14He's on his way, ma'am.
00:49:16I'm gonna do this.
00:49:18She really hurts my ears.
00:49:28Dr. Randall.
00:49:30Your skills have been slipping as of late.
00:49:32My sincerest apologies, Mrs. Caroline.
00:49:34What's this for?
00:49:36Don't worry about her.
00:49:38Rick is in the study.
00:49:41I don't want any more accidents, Doctor.
00:49:43Of course.
00:49:45Please don't hurt Rick.
00:49:51That's so much better.
00:50:03Where did Caroline take hers?
00:50:05You do not suboperate.
00:50:07Iris will be in danger.
00:50:11How could you do this?
00:50:35Miss Bass was worried about you.
00:50:43You're awake.
00:50:45Perhaps you can explain to me
00:50:47why Claire fainted
00:50:49at the dinner party last night?
00:50:51No clue.
00:50:53Maybe hypoglycemia.
00:50:55You really have forgotten
00:50:57who you are, haven't you?
00:50:59Don't be upset, Mom.
00:51:01I'm just trying to help.
00:51:04Besides, you probably wouldn't even want to hear
00:51:06the ridiculous terms that Claire was proposing.
00:51:08Well, before we discuss that,
00:51:10perhaps you should handle
00:51:12this woman.
00:51:14It would be my pleasure.
00:51:28Who's Ricky?
00:51:30You must have me confused with somebody else.
00:51:32Please, please, wake up.
00:51:34Shut her up.
00:51:38You can do whatever you want with her.
00:51:40Oh, goody.
00:51:42Bob, I think you should
00:51:44keep her silent.
00:51:48Yes, ma'am.
00:51:50Come on, get up.
00:51:52Ricky, don't let them control you.
00:51:56Oh, and Bob.
00:51:58Take her far away.
00:52:01Go on.
00:52:05Don't move.
00:52:17Darling, I'd advise you
00:52:19to not try playing the hero.
00:52:21Perhaps you should just leave.
00:52:23I'm sorry.
00:52:25I'm sorry.
00:52:27I'm sorry.
00:52:30I invited Claire here
00:52:32to discuss the marriage between the two of you.
00:52:34Sounds like I arrived at the perfect time.
00:52:36Miss Klein,
00:52:38you appear to be recovering
00:52:42Oh, low blood sugar
00:52:44or something, but for some reason
00:52:46my neck is still sore.
00:52:50the alliance between the Bass, Greg
00:52:52and the Klein boys is solid.
00:52:54So, why the hesitancy
00:52:56to confirm the marriage?
00:52:58It is a great partnership between the two companies.
00:53:02my father only has one daughter.
00:53:04The Bass group has two potential heirs.
00:53:06I want 20% share
00:53:08in the Bass group, alongside Rick
00:53:10after we marry.
00:53:128%. 15%.
00:53:14And that's my final order.
00:53:16Don't be so hasty, dear.
00:53:18As your mother-in-law,
00:53:20I have a little gift for you.
00:53:28Tracy, dear!
00:53:38Today's her last day with the Bass group.
00:53:40Isn't it, Tracy?
00:53:46He's right.
00:53:48Today is indeed my last day.
00:53:52Get out of my sight.
00:53:58Would you like to try it on?
00:54:12Oh, wow!
00:54:14This is so beautiful on me.
00:54:20this tiara belongs to whoever
00:54:22married the leader of the Bass group.
00:54:24I wore it when I married Rick's father.
00:54:27I promise there will only be one heir.
00:54:33Okay, for Rick's sake.
00:54:35I'll agree to your terms.
00:54:39My daughter-in-law looks so beautiful
00:54:41in this tiara.
00:54:43You two appear to truly be
00:54:45mother and daughter.
00:54:47Excuse me.
00:54:49Let me count.
00:54:51Way too many to count.
00:54:53It's gorgeous on you.
00:54:57Thank you.
00:55:17All is done now.
00:55:19How's Iris?
00:55:21She's fine.
00:55:23Seems she hired a detective
00:55:25Tell him not to overstep.
00:55:37You're free to leave.
00:55:39Why did you save me?
00:55:41Just following orders.
00:55:47Tell him not to overstep.
00:55:51Hey, Mr. Chameleon!
00:55:54It's the most obvious thing ever.
00:55:56What are you doing?
00:55:58There you go.
00:56:02What are you doing here?
00:56:04I was worried about your safety.
00:56:06So you hid behind a tree?
00:56:08I was asked to give you a warning.
00:56:10Stay out of family business.
00:56:12It doesn't concern you.
00:56:14I'm talking to you, kid.
00:56:16Since you're too weak
00:56:18to protect Iris,
00:56:20don't do anything unnecessary.
00:56:23Okay, um...
00:56:25It's time to go.
00:56:27Thank you for saving us.
00:56:29You're welcome.
00:56:31I recommend not going home for a couple days.
00:56:33Find somewhere to hide.
00:56:35And good luck with this guy.
00:56:41Look at you now.
00:56:43A total hobo.
00:56:45Things are a lot more complicated than you think.
00:56:47In the meantime, let's just find you a safe place to stay.
00:56:49Figure it out.
00:56:55Put that on.
00:57:01So, story time.
00:57:03How did you end up like this?
00:57:05He's indeed Rick,
00:57:07but he's just not the Rick that I am.
00:57:14Okay, so
00:57:16you're saying, Pat,
00:57:18Rick has an identity disorder.
00:57:20He's got two.
00:57:22Yeah, that's one way to put it.
00:57:24Okay, and
00:57:26you love Rick the Light,
00:57:28but do you love both?
00:57:32How could I love an asshole like that?
00:57:38so Rick the Shadow, right?
00:57:40The asshole.
00:57:42Yeah, Rick the asshole.
00:57:44He's taken over the body completely.
00:57:46How did he manage that?
00:57:48That's another question.
00:57:51Guess where he went
00:57:53on March 6th, the day of his business trip?
00:58:09He went to visit Daniel?
00:58:11Yeah, in the least likely of places to.
00:58:13I mean, wasn't he there to visit you that day?
00:58:15At least now I know
00:58:17he was visiting.
00:58:21I've got to go to the clinic.
00:58:23Well, wait.
00:58:27Wear this.
00:58:29Don't let anybody see you.
00:58:31You can't trust anyone.
00:58:33Good call.
00:58:43At the time the kidnappers demanded
00:58:45a two million dollar ransom,
00:58:47they called the wrong person.
00:58:49She refused to pay.
00:58:51You must have felt desperate in that moment.
00:58:53They didn't hold back.
00:58:55Eventually I blacked out and that's when he appeared.
00:58:57The other me.
00:58:59How did you come to know about it?
00:59:01It came to me in my mind.
00:59:03It was like something I could only see in a dream.
00:59:05A chaos zone.
00:59:07What's he like?
00:59:09He's got a temper.
00:59:11Calls me a coward.
00:59:13Then everything goes black
00:59:15and the next thing I know
00:59:18I'm waking up and there's blood everywhere.
00:59:20Was it your blood?
00:59:22The kidnappers.
00:59:24He took care of them.
00:59:26Is he protecting you?
00:59:28At first it seemed like it.
00:59:30And your family?
00:59:32How did they react?
00:59:34My father found me later.
00:59:36I tried.
00:59:38I tried to tell him about Caroline
00:59:40but he wouldn't listen to me.
00:59:42She played the concerned stepmother
00:59:44and got me started on therapy.
00:59:47Dr. Randall?
00:59:49I've been seeing him ever since.
01:00:01I know Dr. Randall.
01:00:03I saw him this morning.
01:00:05It seems that Rick
01:00:07sought treatment from you
01:00:09because he no longer trusted him.
01:00:11Also because of you.
01:00:13Because of me?
01:00:15Because of me?
01:00:17I cautioned Rick that changing psychiatrists
01:00:19suddenly could trigger a relapse
01:00:21or worsen the condition.
01:00:23At the time he had just proposed to you.
01:00:25He was determined to break free from family control entirely.
01:00:27According to Rick
01:00:29Dr. Randall was an extremely skilled psychiatrist.
01:00:31He mentioned that taking a special pill
01:00:33could suppress the emergence
01:00:35of the other half entirely.
01:00:37Wait, are you talking about the pills
01:00:39that I had you get tested?
01:00:41The red and blue pills were prescribed by Dr. Randall?
01:00:44Rick promised me he wouldn't take any pills
01:00:46without consulting me first.
01:00:48It must be his family bending his will again.
01:00:52I found the red pills in our apartment
01:00:54and it seems that the other Rick
01:00:56is taking the blue ones.
01:00:58Wait, let me show you the test results.
01:01:00I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
01:01:06How is this possible?
01:01:08What's wrong?
01:01:10Both the medications
01:01:12they're identical.
01:01:18The same?
01:01:20These pills are just vitamins.
01:01:24The placebo effect!
01:01:28This Dr. Randall is quite impressive.
01:01:32I did see Rick switch to his other personality
01:01:34coming out of his office today.
01:01:36So you can tell the difference between the two?
01:01:38Yes, of course I can.
01:01:41I've seen the secondary Rick only twice during therapy.
01:01:43He's cunning
01:01:45and adept at disguising himself.
01:01:47That's true, but
01:01:49whenever I call him Rick
01:01:51he doesn't seem to like it.
01:01:53He's always like, I'm not him, I'm not him.
01:01:55It seems like the other Rick
01:01:57is no longer trying to protect him
01:01:59but aims to completely replace him.
01:02:03I don't think the placebo effect
01:02:05will be that hard to get rid of.
01:02:07I'll just tell Rick that they're vitamins
01:02:10and maybe he can regain control back in his body.
01:02:12Iris, let's think this through.
01:02:16What if, deep down, Rick needed
01:02:18this other self to stay?
01:02:20Now that he believes he's denying it
01:02:22by taking these pills
01:02:24breaking that illusion could destroy his mind.
01:02:28He wouldn't be able to accept that this other self is a part of him.
01:02:32It would be tough to rebuild his mind.
01:02:36That's true.
01:02:38This is my friend.
01:02:50I want to hear you say
01:02:52that you love me first.
01:02:56I love you.
01:03:00I'm gonna go take a shower.
01:03:08Good night.
01:03:14Yesterday upon the stair
01:03:16I met a man who wasn't there.
01:03:18He wasn't there again today.
01:03:20Oh, how I wish he'd go away.
01:03:22You're the one who should disappear.
01:03:28I'm the real Rick.
01:03:37Open the door!
01:03:47Iris, what happened?
01:03:51Iris, what happened?
01:03:55Iris, no!
01:04:07Bob, where's Iris right now?
01:04:09I already told her to find a place to hide.
01:04:11I need to know where she is right now!
01:04:13She's with Ethan, that young detective.
01:04:17Send me the address.
01:04:31I'm afraid I'm gonna be bothering you
01:04:33for a couple more days.
01:04:35No worries.
01:04:37I'll just charge you extra for a run.
01:04:41Do you sell the tail?
01:04:43No, impossible.
01:04:45I've been very careful.
01:04:53Someone's here for you.
01:05:05So do you want me to wait outside?
01:05:15How did you find me?
01:05:17Bob told me.
01:05:19Why bother?
01:05:21Because I'm worried about you.
01:05:23Worried that Caroline will find out that I'm not dead yet?
01:05:25Look, enough!
01:05:27Daniel told me what's going on with you.
01:05:31If there's any chance
01:05:34I'd like to treat you.
01:05:36You're also hoping that I vanish
01:05:38so that that coward
01:05:40could take over my body?
01:05:42I'm sorry I can't just let go of the Rick that I love.
01:05:44Well, I'm sorry that I can't give up my life
01:05:46for your little dream.
01:05:50I'm getting engaged to Claire in a week.
01:05:52Forget about Rick.
01:05:56Start your new life.
01:05:58I'll never forget about Rick.
01:06:06He's quite the character.
01:06:10Don't give me that book, okay?
01:06:12I just couldn't figure out
01:06:14what I wanted to listen to.
01:06:16Sorry, I'm just not in the mood
01:06:18for jokes right now.
01:06:20Seriously, though.
01:06:22Despite his arrogance,
01:06:24he's a good guy.
01:06:26He's a good guy.
01:06:28He's a good guy.
01:06:30He's a good guy.
01:06:33Despite his arrogance,
01:06:35I kind of feel bad for him.
01:06:37I have to do this.
01:06:39If I don't do this,
01:06:41then the real Rick might never show up again.
01:06:43Yeah, well,
01:06:45do you have a plan?
01:06:47I think his engagement ceremony
01:06:49is my last chance.
01:06:51Okay, what do you want to do?
01:06:53Can you hack into the TV
01:06:55at the ceremony?
01:06:57Piece of cake.
01:07:09All right, Rick.
01:07:11I won't make it that easy for you.
01:07:19Have you found Iris yet?
01:07:21I'm just about to give you an update.
01:07:23Good. She's my only hope.
01:07:25Caroline's people have surrounded Iris' apartment.
01:07:27She's ready to make a move.
01:07:29Careful, don't let her get killed.
01:07:31Iris hasn't shown up at the apartment.
01:07:33We've lost track of her,
01:07:35but our guys caught sight of Rick
01:07:37heading to another location.
01:07:39Chances are, Iris is held up there.
01:07:41Just as I suspected.
01:07:43Rick can't let that woman go.
01:07:45Keep me updated.
01:08:01Rick, one should not mess
01:08:03with the dosage on their own.
01:08:05He's been coming out more.
01:08:09It's getting harder to keep him back.
01:08:11I need you to trust the process.
01:08:13We are going to get him under control.
01:08:15Except it doesn't feel under control at all.
01:08:17Then do you find he takes over?
01:08:19Every time I see that woman,
01:08:21my emotions become unstable.
01:08:23That's when he begins
01:08:25to take control.
01:08:27You need to believe that you are the master
01:08:30of your own body.
01:08:32No one can take possession
01:08:34without your permission.
01:08:36I had a nightmare.
01:08:38About Iris?
01:08:42In this dream, what happened?
01:08:44She died.
01:08:46It hit me hard.
01:08:48No! No! Iris, no!
01:08:50Waking up,
01:08:52something felt wrong.
01:08:54Like something was off.
01:08:58In that dream,
01:09:00I was beyond happy with her.
01:09:02Losing her tore me apart.
01:09:06I feel like I love her.
01:09:10During the time that Rick
01:09:12and Iris were in love,
01:09:14the other Rick, that is,
01:09:16did he share any of those memories
01:09:18with you?
01:09:20We were close.
01:09:22I knew everything about them.
01:09:24About her?
01:09:27That is called co-consciousness.
01:09:31It's very rare for both personalities
01:09:33to be in love with the same woman.
01:09:35Especially when you've not met Iris yourself.
01:09:46The most plausible explanation
01:09:48is that you are experiencing the emotions
01:09:50of the other personality towards Iris.
01:09:52So these feelings
01:09:54are not really mine?
01:10:07Why surrender to Caroline so easily?
01:10:09Let me fight her
01:10:11and we'll take everything from her.
01:10:13Sir, are you okay?
01:10:15I'm fine.
01:10:19Do you really think
01:10:21these pills can keep me trapped forever?
01:10:25Shut up.
01:10:27Shut up!
01:10:41Sir, wake up!
01:10:43Wake up!
01:10:46Sir, wake up!
01:10:48Wake up!
01:10:50Please wake up!
01:10:52Take off!
01:10:54In fact, not only have I seen Iris,
01:10:56but I've known her even before Ricky.
01:11:02What's your name?
01:11:06I'm Rick.
01:11:08Rick Bass.
01:11:18Now I want you to remember
01:11:20to start the engagement video
01:11:22the moment that Claire puts on the tiara.
01:11:24Yes, I've checked it.
01:11:26Everything is good to go, madam.
01:11:30I want all the media to know
01:11:32that my son Rick is about to take over the Bass Group
01:11:34should anything go south.
01:11:38You'll be in big trouble.
01:11:40Yes, madam.
01:11:46Master Rick,
01:11:48a madam asked me
01:11:50to bring the rings for you.
01:11:52Just leave it there.
01:11:58Where is it?
01:12:00Where is it?
01:12:02Where is it?
01:12:04Where is it?
01:12:06Where is it?
01:12:08Where is it?
01:12:10Where is it?
01:12:12Where is it?
01:12:14Where is it?
01:12:20Get ready for Rick's new
01:12:22very exciting engagement video.
01:12:24You are a life seeker.
01:12:26Okay, I'm gonna go.
01:12:30Are you sure about this?
01:12:32What if Rick can't change back?
01:12:34It'll just look like a joke in front of everybody.
01:12:36I have to try.
01:12:39We're engaged.
01:12:45Excuse me, everyone.
01:12:47I have an announcement I'd like to make.
01:12:49Today marks the engagement
01:12:51of my son Rick Bass
01:12:53to America Online.
01:12:55Thank you all so much for coming.
01:13:04Don't make a big show.
01:13:06Just go through the motions.
01:13:09Is that so?
01:13:13Any updates?
01:13:15Iris left the apartment
01:13:17and she just arrived at the mansion.
01:13:21Everything's falling right into my lap.
01:13:53Give me back my body.
01:13:55Iris is in danger now.
01:13:57Shut up.
01:13:59All you do is freak.
01:14:01Stay quiet.
01:14:03Let me handle this.
01:14:05You okay?
01:14:07I'm fine.
01:14:09Bob, is Iris still at the apartment?
01:14:11Boss, the most important thing
01:14:13right now is the ceremony.
01:14:15I need to ensure your safety first.
01:14:19You're right.
01:14:21As soon as the ceremony's over, find out where she is.
01:14:26Find out who sent this message.
01:14:28On it.
01:14:37Oh, my God.
01:14:47Who are you?
01:14:49Shut up.
01:14:51Who are you?
01:14:53Who sent you?
01:14:55It doesn't matter who sent me.
01:14:57Speak into the camera.
01:14:59Beg Rick for help if you want to live.
01:15:01That's your plan?
01:15:03You're overestimating Rick's feelings for me.
01:15:06Stop the nonsense.
01:15:08The camera won't even be able to hear me from over there.
01:15:10Then speak louder, yeah?
01:15:14You don't want the neighbors to find out,
01:15:16do you?
01:15:32Send that to the boss.
01:15:46Congratulations, cousin,
01:15:48on not only your success of your career,
01:15:50but your love life, too.
01:15:52Did you send a message?
01:15:57I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:15:59Morning, Kim.
01:16:01Don't cause any trouble
01:16:03until after the ceremony ends.
01:16:13Grandmaster, it is time.
01:16:15Madam and Miss Kling are waiting for you.
01:16:17Please follow me.
01:16:19Better get going.
01:16:27as Rick's mother,
01:16:29I have a gift for Claire.
01:16:33This crown
01:16:35belongs to the spouse
01:16:37of the successor of the Bass Group.
01:16:39And I'm here to announce its new owner.
01:16:41Let Rick be the one to place it
01:16:43on Claire's head.
01:16:49Quick, put it on.
01:16:55Thank you.
01:17:07This is not the right video.
01:17:13What are you waiting for? Turn it off!
01:17:19no one in this world can separate us.
01:17:21If you can hear this,
01:17:24wake up.
01:17:30Are you an idiot?
01:17:36Hold on.
01:17:40I'm sorry.
01:17:42I'm sorry.
01:17:44I can't marry Claire.
01:17:46Are you really
01:17:48protecting Rick instead of me?
01:17:50I'm sorry, madam. I'm only loyal to the Bass Group.
01:17:52No, no, no.
01:17:54It's just a video.
01:17:56Enough. From now on, Kling Group and Bass Group
01:17:58are enemies.
01:18:04Carry on.
01:18:08Prepare the contract.
01:18:10I'll be there shortly.
01:18:18Boss, this could be a trap.
01:18:21I have to go. Stay close and wait for my calls.
01:18:41Why is she not answering?
01:18:47She's not even there.
01:18:49But I can track
01:18:51her phone.
01:18:53She's evil.
01:19:05Is the knife really necessary?
01:19:07Shut up!
01:19:09I'm just thinking about chopping off your little fingers
01:19:11and sending them to your boyfriend.
01:19:13Steve must have sent you.
01:19:19Very clever.
01:19:21Well done.
01:19:29Why so rude?
01:19:31You know we don't damage our guests.
01:19:33She's my VIP.
01:19:37Your plan isn't going to work.
01:19:39Rick is not going to come for me.
01:19:41Why is that?
01:19:43You see, I believe he's already on his way.
01:19:46You're shameless.
01:19:50Remind me,
01:19:52who's the one
01:19:54that swapped out the video
01:19:56at someone else's engagement ceremony,
01:19:58ruining it?
01:20:00Now, let's find out
01:20:02what's worth more,
01:20:04your life,
01:20:06or the shares to the Bass Group.
01:20:12What's the knife?
01:20:46Well, well, well.
01:20:48Would you look at that.
01:20:50Faster than light.
01:21:08Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.
01:21:10Where is Iris?
01:21:12When I led to you two.
01:21:15When I led to you two.
01:21:17You see that contract on the table there?
01:21:19Sign it, and I'll let your girl live.
01:21:21Rick, don't sign it!
01:21:23I'm in room...
01:21:25Don't touch her, you bastard!
01:21:37Sign it.
01:21:39You better keep your end of the bargain
01:21:41and release her, good boy.
01:21:43Come and get her.
01:21:45So you are watching me.
01:21:47You want the contract?
01:21:49Come and get it.
01:21:53Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
01:21:55What do we do?
01:21:57What do we do?
01:21:59Go get that contract for me.
01:22:03Do your job.
01:22:07Be safe.
01:22:09What's the gun?
01:22:13Do you really think that idiot can handle Rick?
01:22:15I'll take your time.
01:23:05Oh, my God!
01:23:07Oh, my God!
01:23:09Oh, my God!
01:23:12Take that!
01:23:16Oh, God!
01:23:26You're out of bullets.
01:23:32Turn around.
01:23:38That's cold.
01:23:40Let's go upstairs.
01:23:42That's cold.
01:23:46Boss is done.
01:23:50Good job.
01:23:54Hello, cousin.
01:23:56Iris, come here.
01:23:58Go on, Iris.
01:24:02Are you okay?
01:24:04I'm not your little Ricky.
01:24:06I'm sorry the way that things played out.
01:24:11Are you gonna shoot me?
01:24:13Go on.
01:24:15Take control of your life.
01:24:17Rick, no.
01:24:21Okay, if you do this, there's no turning back.
01:24:25Oh, that's disappointing.
01:24:33Remember the contract?
01:24:35If I sign using a fake name,
01:24:38I'm gonna void the contract.
01:24:42Steve must be furious.
01:24:48Steve, do this to you.
01:24:50It's okay.
01:24:54I'm gonna have my doctor come and check on your injuries.
01:25:08Thank you
01:25:10for saving me.
01:25:12I saw your engagement video.
01:25:14Honestly, I'm jealous.
01:25:16I tried to use that to get Ricky back,
01:25:18but it doesn't seem like it worked.
01:25:20It worked.
01:25:30I feel his love for you every second.
01:25:32Is that the co-consciousness
01:25:34between you two?
01:25:40He did mention you the other day.
01:25:42What'd he say?
01:25:44That you used to be his most trusted friend.
01:25:50Take a few days to rest.
01:25:56After you recover, I'll get back to you.
01:25:58You're willing to just leave?
01:26:00Don't get too excited.
01:26:02I'm bad at keeping promises.
01:26:08Finally, you answered.
01:26:10I thought you were gonna die
01:26:12in that crummy apartment.
01:26:16How did you know I was there?
01:26:18Who else do you think called the police?
01:26:20Thank you.
01:26:24Don't tell me you're with Rick now.
01:26:26He's here.
01:26:30he agreed to give the body back to Ricky.
01:26:32I'll update you later.
01:26:48Where did the remains go?
01:26:50I let him go.
01:26:55Is it bad?
01:26:57Never thought I'd get a compliment from you.
01:26:59Could you just be a little nicer?
01:27:01It's just the way I am.
01:27:03Your masterpiece at the engagement ceremony
01:27:05will make tomorrow's headlines.
01:27:07After the public scandal,
01:27:09the client group will never consider me
01:27:11a suitable match for Claire,
01:27:13and Caroline will have no choice but to give up
01:27:15her pursuit on Rick.
01:27:17I'm sorry, Rick.
01:27:19I'm sorry.
01:27:21You and him are both safe now.
01:27:23I'll hold a press conference this afternoon
01:27:25announcing my decision to give up
01:27:27on the Bass Group inheritance.
01:27:29He made his choice a long time ago
01:27:31between you and the group.
01:27:33I'll accompany you to his conference.
01:27:39Can I ask for one more favor?
01:27:41I owe you one last time.
01:27:51I owe you one last time.
01:27:53I owe you one last time.
01:27:55I owe you one last time.
01:27:57I owe you one last time.
01:27:59I owe you one last time.
01:28:01I owe you one last time.
01:28:03I owe you one last time.
01:28:05I owe you one last time.
01:28:07I owe you one last time.
01:28:09I owe you one last time.
01:28:11I owe you one last time.
01:28:13I owe you one last time.
01:28:15I owe you one last time.
01:28:17I owe you one last time.
01:28:24Oh, Rick.
01:28:26I'm going to kill you.
01:28:32Mr. Bass,
01:28:34Is it true that the Bass Group
01:28:36is breaking ties with the Klein group?
01:28:38Do you have anything to say to Ms. Klein?
01:28:40I'd like to apologize to Ms. Klein
01:28:42for calling off the engagement.
01:28:44It was a personal decision
01:28:46and it has nothing to do with the Bass Group.
01:28:48And I would give up everything for you.
01:28:55I told you I'd kill you for this.
01:29:00Get off me.
01:29:01I told you.
01:29:03Somebody call an ambulance.
01:29:04I've often dreamed about being the one you love.
01:29:05What are you talking about?
01:29:06Stay with me.
01:29:07No, no, no.
01:29:09I'll always, I'll always remember you safe and sound.
01:29:10I love you.
01:29:11I love you.
01:29:12I love you.
01:29:13I love you.
01:29:14I love you.
01:29:15It's all right.
01:29:16I've come a long way.
01:29:17I promise.
01:29:18It's OK.
01:29:19Right, right, okay.
01:29:20I'll always…
01:29:22I'll always remember you safer than that.
01:29:23Right Sandy.
01:29:24It's alright.
01:29:25Okay, I love you.
01:29:26I love you right now.
01:29:30No, no.
01:29:31Somebody please come!
01:29:32I've been waiting.
01:29:33Excuse me.
01:29:34Excuse me, please.
01:29:35We going to do our best.
01:29:36Thank you.
01:29:38Hey sticky.
01:29:39Unless you're going to wake up.
01:29:51Even though the injuries are to his back, his intracranial pressure is highly unstable.
01:29:54That's most likely why he's still unconscious.
01:29:55I'll be here with you, Ricky.
01:29:56Where are you?
01:30:09Why won't you show yourself?
01:30:17You won.
01:30:18I promised Iris I'd return you to her.
01:30:19What'll happen to you?
01:30:20I guess this is the last time I'll ever see you.
01:30:21Take care of yourself.
01:30:40Thank you, my friend.
01:30:51He just likes the way you take care of him, that's all.
01:30:58That's why he's not up yet.
01:30:59He will.
01:31:00I hope you're right.
01:31:01Hey, hey, look.
01:31:02He's moving.
01:31:03If you wait, I'll get a doctor.
01:31:04Ricky, please wake up.
01:31:06I'm sorry for making you wait so long.
01:31:26I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:31:34I missed you too.
01:31:37After Rick woke up, we both avoided mentioning that person.
01:31:40I appreciate it.
01:31:41Yet, I feel a sense of loss.
01:31:46Ricky, what's going on?
01:31:49What's going on?
01:31:50Are you gonna ask for help again?
01:31:59It's not funny.
01:32:00Don't do that.
01:32:03I'm sorry.
01:32:04You scared me.
01:32:05I won't leave you again.
01:32:08You can finally go home.
01:32:09Sure is that.
01:32:10The color's pretty bland.
01:32:12This is your favorite shirt.
01:32:14What's wrong?
01:32:16Let's just go.
01:32:17Finally, home sweet home.
01:32:40Home, sweet home.
01:32:52I know this.
01:33:01After everything we've been through, do you still want to marry me?
01:33:10The answer is always the same.
01:33:25Somebody call an ambulance!
01:33:27I've often dreamed about being someone you love.
01:33:34Stay with me.
01:33:36Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong? I'm here.
01:33:39I'm here, I'm here. It's okay.
01:33:48Slowly I started realizing that Ricky was picking up the habits of that person.
01:33:55What do you think about this dress that we talked about before?
01:33:59I think we could do better.
01:34:02That's not how you reacted last time.
01:34:11Hey, what's wrong?
01:34:16Nothing, you just seem a bit different.
01:34:21You know, since I left the hospital I've been feeling pretty dizzy.
01:34:26I don't know, my recent memories are fuzzy.
01:34:28That's okay, it's all over now.
01:34:35The shadow is still lingering inside of him.
01:34:47I feel happy, but also frightened.
01:34:59Please, you can't kill me.
01:35:12Hey, hey, hey, I'm here, it's normal. Look at me.
01:35:16I keep seeing illusions when I look at you.
01:35:21Look, I understand. Do you want to help me schedule a follow-up call with Dr. Daniel?
01:35:25Do you want to come home with Dr. Daniel?
01:35:27Yes, please.
01:35:32Are you okay?
01:35:33Are you okay?
01:35:34Yeah, I'm good.
01:35:35Okay, I just want to make sure that you're okay.
01:35:37Yeah, we'll get through this.
01:35:39Yeah, for sure.
01:35:43Long time no see.
01:35:49Sorry to make you come all this way, but we really need help with Rick's situation.
01:35:54Yeah, we really appreciate it. Iris has been haunted by the incident.
01:35:58It's no problem. Iris, do you mind waiting outside?
01:36:03Um, sure. I'll be back.
01:36:15So, how have you been recently?
01:36:18It feels like a rebirth.
01:36:19How so?
01:36:20I mean, new memories have surfaced in my mind.
01:36:23It's, you know, sometimes it's a little bit difficult to differentiate between what's real and what's not.
01:36:28It seems like the memories of your other self are blending together.
01:36:32Isn't that a good thing?
01:36:33It's not a bad thing.
01:36:39You know, I haven't encountered my other personality since I left the hospital.
01:36:42It's, it's strange. It's like he vanished, but at the same time I can feel him all around me.
01:36:48It's a strange sensation, and it's hard to put into words.
01:36:51Rick, you might have worked a miracle.
01:37:01How is he?
01:37:02Rick's situation is rare. His main personality has now merged with the secondary personality,
01:37:08and all the scattered memories are now complete. It's actually pretty great news for him.
01:37:13Okay. So, who is he now?
01:37:18Rick is both.
01:37:26Nobody stays the same forever. For Rick, this fusion of personalities is a miracle.
01:37:33What secrets are you whispering to my fiancée? Are you trying to steal her away from me?
01:37:42Come on.
01:37:45Come on, don't tease me like that.
01:37:47Seriously, though. Thank you for everything that you've done for us.
01:37:50It's no problem. Really. I gotta catch my flight. Good luck. To both of you.
01:37:57Come visit us sometime.
01:38:00Dinner's on us next time.
01:38:09This is where we first met.
01:38:11The memory's still fresh for me.
01:38:14I thought you were a weirdo back then.
01:38:16What about now?
01:38:17A dangerous, charming weirdo.
01:38:21A dangerous, charming weirdo.
01:38:51I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
01:38:56Love you, Iris.
01:39:06Until eternity.