How to make a Decision?

  • 3 months ago
Do you face problems with the decision-making process? These problems might make you to feel depressed. Here are some of the decision making tips that will help you manage your stress.
00:00Edmund has problems to make decisions. I find so many different possibilities.
00:06Very often I get depressed because of so many thoughts.
00:11Very often a big conversation starts inside of my head,
00:17like, stick on your intuition, you know, why are you so complicated and so on.
00:26It goes on and on and on like this until the moment comes where decision has to be made.
00:32It leads me very often to Artha Dhyan.
00:36So how to proceed in such situation, what to do?
00:55If you have a friend, you should talk to him, first step.
01:16If you are at home, you say, I have two thoughts, should I not go or should I go?
01:22He says, you should go.
01:24Then we are done.
01:25It is a good help.
01:26That is the first solution.
01:28First solution is if you have a friend or a well-wisher,
01:31then you can ask him that if there are two possibilities,
01:34that I should go or I should not go,
01:36then you can ask him, what should I do?
01:38And he will say, of course you should go.
01:40Then the matter is over.
01:42One kind of solution.
01:44This is one kind of solution.
02:15You can write down the negatives and the positive sides,
02:18the pros and cons of the decision on paper.
02:21And then wait.
02:22Then there will be an evidence that will push you in one direction or the other.
02:26If you are going to go,
02:29then there will be some push of evidence that will suggest that you should go.
02:32Or if you don't have to go,
02:33then there will be a push of evidence that will make you not go.
02:37So that is another solution.
02:45And the third part is the depression.
02:47When you write down on paper all these positives and negatives,
02:51then your mind will become empty and you will not get depressed.
02:54And then see what happens.
02:57See, intellect,
03:00it has to take a decision based on scientific, circumstantial evidence.
03:05If we see what the evidence is,
03:07then it is very easy to say,
03:10The intellect is going to take decisions
03:12according to scientific, circumstantial evidences only.
03:15When you write the positives and the negatives,
03:18then the evidences will only make you take the decision.
03:21So if you see evidences, that is the best thing.
03:24Until then, just see what the evidence is.
03:27If you don't see the evidence,
03:29then you are not going to take the decision.
03:31If you don't see the evidence,
03:33then you are not going to take the decision.
03:35If you don't see the evidence,
03:37then you are not going to take the decision.
03:39Until then, just see what is happening.
03:41You understood?
03:43But what is it, for example,
03:45if there is a decision
03:47and I've got suddenly a first answer,
03:56it's always kind of right,
03:58a kind of intuition there.
04:00But after that,
04:03it starts like many thoughts coming on top,
04:08and then to make a conversation.
04:11And then I find myself doing,
04:16still deciding that what the first thought was.
04:22I don't know if you understand.
04:24My understanding is that the first thought that comes,
04:26and the first thought that comes from within,
04:28that is right.
04:29But after that,
04:31plus and minus,
04:32I get confused,
04:34what was the first thought from within?
04:36So, the best way is to make a list,
04:40which one is more positive,
04:41which one is more negative,
04:43which one is more positive than the other,
04:45and which one is more negative.
04:46Separate them and study them slowly.
04:49And then,
04:50you will be able to take a decision in a while.
04:52Or the best way,
04:53if you are interested,
04:55if you have a positive desire,
04:57and this one is negative,
04:58and you want to help me,
05:00someone will help you.
05:02the first thought,
05:03when all these things are filled and emptied,
05:07then we will be able to understand easily.
05:09Right now,
05:10there are a lot of people in a hurry,
05:12they are in a hurry to leave school.
05:14Whichever child comes first,
05:15we don't get angry.
05:17we think a little forcefully,
05:19then we will understand.
05:20One came,
05:21then the other came.
05:22And that decision,
05:23as far as I have to take,
05:26until then,
05:27I will be in a hurry.
05:28What is this decision that I have to take?
05:30If I stay in Gnan,
05:31then we will see,
05:32how the decision has to be taken.
05:34And then,
05:35it will become easy.
05:37The best solution right now,
05:39instead of focusing on what the first thought was,
05:41is to write down the positives and negatives
05:44on two sides of the paper.
05:46And then,
05:48the evidences will suggest to you the decision.
05:50One solution.
05:51Second solution,
05:52is that you ask a good friend or well-wisher,
05:54what I should do.
05:55And immediately,
05:56he will tell you,
05:57you don't worry about what the first thought was.
06:00right now,
06:01that is not going to be easy for you to detect.
06:04there is so much of
06:05karmic force
06:06and so many thoughts coming at the same time,
06:08like lot of people
06:09coming out of the school at the same time.
06:11It is not possible to detect
06:12which child is coming out of the school first.
06:15When only one or two children are coming out,
06:17then you will be able to focus on
06:18which thought came first.
06:21when your thoughts
06:22and your karmas
06:23get a lot softer,
06:24and you will get very natural and easy,
06:26at that time,
06:27you will be able to detect
06:28which is the first thought.
06:29Till then,
06:30you don't apply the solution
06:31of what was the first thought.
06:32You apply those other two solutions instead.
06:42And see what Edmund is doing,
06:44and slowly,
06:45when the baggage of karma will get less,
06:48then you will become natural and easy.
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