Dr. Eggman has targeted the Northstar Islands for his latest scheme, and has brought along Fang the Sniper to aid in his efforts. Upon discovering this, Sonic and his friends race to the unknown islands to continue the battle against the evil scientist...
Featuring the official voice talents of:
Ryan Drummond - Sonic the Hedgehog
William Corkery - Miles "Tails" Prower
Scott Dreier - Knuckles the Echidna
Jennifer Douillard - Amy Rose
Deem Bristow - Dr. Ivo Robotnik
Guest starring:
John Patrick Lowrie - Fang the Sniper
Featuring the official voice talents of:
Ryan Drummond - Sonic the Hedgehog
William Corkery - Miles "Tails" Prower
Scott Dreier - Knuckles the Echidna
Jennifer Douillard - Amy Rose
Deem Bristow - Dr. Ivo Robotnik
Guest starring:
John Patrick Lowrie - Fang the Sniper