Fear Thy Neighbor S10 Episode 1

  • 3 months ago
Fear Thy Neighbor S10 Episode 1


00:00A warm southern welcome by new neighbors is a dream come true.
00:08Welcome to Ridgeview.
00:09Hi, I'm Jed.
00:10She would give you the shirt off her back.
00:12You want a hand with these?
00:14It was perfect.
00:16But once personalities clash.
00:18He's just a kid.
00:19Didn't waste any time stepping on toes and mistakes are raised.
00:23Think I'm stupid, Jed?
00:25I'm not dealing with rational people.
00:27It means war.
00:30She was scared.
00:31What are you trying to do?
00:32Who wants hillbilly?
00:33Hillbilly trash.
00:34Man, I'll give you hillbilly.
00:35I bought this property.
00:36I own it.
00:37And that's it.
00:38I'll bury you ass.
00:39Yeah, that is a threat.
00:40Nothing but pure rage.
00:41You gonna hit me with that hammer?
00:42Everything was meeting a boiling point.
00:43Damn you.
00:44I know what you did.
00:45I'm sorry.
00:46I'm sorry.
00:47I'm sorry.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:49I'm sorry.
00:50I'm sorry.
00:51I'm sorry.
00:52I'm sorry.
00:53I'm sorry.
00:54I'm sorry.
00:55I'm sorry.
00:57Get out of my neighborhood!
00:58Stay away from my wife!
00:59You're on the ground now!
01:00Oh my!
01:06Knoxville is the vibrant heart of eastern Tennessee.
01:10It's a great place to raise a family, build a family.
01:15It's a great college town.
01:17Nestled in the green rolling hills outside the city
01:20live the residents of Ridgeview Road.
01:23The neighborhood I'm in, it's a lot of older people
01:26which I love.
01:27It's quiet.
01:28It's peaceful.
01:29We live in a very relaxed neighborhood.
01:31Just people living, working, trying to make their life better.
01:38Jed Elshant is hoping to carve himself a little slice of heaven.
01:44A truck driver, Jed has recently moved here from Rhode Island.
01:48I had traveled through Knoxville, Tennessee several times while trucking
01:51and that's how I learned the area and fell in love with it.
01:54Beautiful scenery, beautiful sunsets.
01:57It was my first home.
01:59It was perfect.
02:03I heard someone bought the place.
02:05Welcome to Ridgeview.
02:06Hi, I'm Jed.
02:09Hey, how are you?
02:10Charlie, he was a get-to-know-everybody kind of guy.
02:13He liked to mingle with everybody.
02:15The Hill family have lived peacefully in the area for many years.
02:19Oh man, the Hills are awesome people.
02:22Charlie, he's like the best.
02:24Charlie was previously a truck driver.
02:27Robin is a retail worker.
02:29She'll give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.
02:32What's a city slicker like you doing in these parts?
02:34Have you seen where you live?
02:36You want a hand with these?
02:38When I first met my neighbors, the Hills, they were pleasant, offered their help.
02:43That would be much appreciated, thank you.
02:45Don't worry about it, honey.
02:46We look out for each other here.
02:48The Hill family aren't the only ones to offer Jed a hearty welcome.
02:56You're too old to move a couch, Charlie.
02:58Come on, let me help, all right?
03:00Thanks for your help. I'm Jed.
03:03My wife Amanda.
03:05Hi there.
03:07When Jed first moved in, he seemed like he was going to be a nice guy.
03:11Everybody got along.
03:13It's nice to have a new face in the area.
03:15I think I picked the right place.
03:20Cadence, come here!
03:28Cody Massengill, a factory worker, has lived here with his adopted son, Cadence, since 2013.
03:34Me, Cadence, which is my biological nephew, I have custody of him, and Amanda, my wife.
03:40Cody is recently married to Amanda, who works in retail.
03:44Jed actually moved in right about the time that Cody and I reconnected.
03:49Come meet our new neighbor, Jed.
03:51Hi, Jed.
03:52Hi, Mr. Charlie and Ms. Robin.
03:53Hi there.
03:54Hey, Cadence. Nice 4x4.
03:57There's nothing I wouldn't do for Cadence.
03:59Hey, home for dinner, though!
04:04Well, I better get in and get all this stuff packed away, but thank you all for your help. I appreciate it.
04:09We're around if you need anything.
04:10Call it when you're settled.
04:12Will do.
04:15Everything seems sweet in this little corner of Eden, but hell is on the horizon.
04:21Stay away from my son!
04:22Nobody ever thought it would escalate like this.
04:25I just wanted it to all end.
04:28After a few weeks, Jed has unpacked and settled into his new digs.
04:34It was always my dream to own a home and just live my life in peace.
04:39But according to Jed, a neighborly faux pas rubs him the wrong way.
04:43The Hill's friends were parking on my property.
04:47I think Jed was well within his right to be bothered that other people may have been harking on his property.
04:58Hey, guys. Do you know this car that is parked in my land over there?
05:01Good morning, Jed. It's my friend's. She always parks there.
05:04Well, could you ask permission next time, please? I mean, that is my spot. I might need it sometime.
05:09That's our spot. Our company's been parking there for years.
05:13Right, but I live there now, so I may need the spot for my own company, you know?
05:17So, could you ask permission next time, please? Thank you.
05:22Jed claimed that where their cars had been parked at was his property.
05:27The Hill's never parked their cars on Jed's property.
05:32I bought this property knowing that discrepancy in the property line.
05:35And I knew beforehand that they've already been approached about the property line from the previous owner that used to own my property.
05:42The parking issue is only the tip of the iceberg.
05:46It was just so bad. It was a junkyard with garbage everywhere. Literally garbage everywhere.
05:51Streaks and oil. It looks like a rainbow.
05:54What the Hill's have on their property never meant anything to me because that's their property.
05:59Then I come to realize that one of the junk cars and garbage was actually on my side of the property when I researched my property lines.
06:07Despite his request, Jed claims the Hill's friends continue to park on his land.
06:13It's every day. Every single day. That's what they've been doing for years.
06:19Now, property lines, you can do the research online.
06:23The paper that he had didn't mean anything without an actual surveyor and stakes.
06:29You can go back as far as the town was discovered to the 1800s, 1700s.
06:34Armed with a land survey he finds on the web, Jed believes the property line dispute will be settled once and for all.
06:40It was the Hill's that I approached first.
06:43He started trying to encroach the Hill's and their property almost immediately.
06:47Jed, wasn't expecting you today.
06:50Hey, Charlie. Could we have a chat about the property line between our homes?
06:54I think it's pretty clear, Jed.
06:56Well, your stuff is on what this survey says is my land.
07:00The Hill's believe they know the property lines better than anybody.
07:04Let me stop you right there. My wife's family used to own all this and they split it up a long time ago.
07:10The Hill's have a long history of living on this piece of land. They've been there for decades.
07:15But this says...
07:17We know the property line.
07:19Listen, Charlie.
07:20No, you listen. I don't know where you got this survey, but it's incorrect.
07:25I own all that land from behind my parking spot all the way to your storage locker.
07:31What's all the raised voices for?
07:33Jed here thinks he owns the property from the parking space to the end of our storage container.
07:38Sorry, Jed. You're mistaken.
07:40Miss Robin, she's born and raised there. She's been there all her life. Her family owned all of that property.
07:46This survey says...
07:48The survey doesn't say squat. And don't call me a liar. Now get out of here!
07:54The last thing they want is a new neighbor telling them where their property starts and begins.
08:00There's no reasoning in the conversation. You couldn't get through to them. They felt as though they were being attacked.
08:06Stupid hillbilly.
08:08They probably slipped up and maybe said some things to these people.
08:11What an ass.
08:14If you almost immediately start having issues with your neighbors, that's typically not a good sign.
08:22Jed turns his attention to his other neighbors, the Massengills.
08:26I bought this property. I own it. And that's it. I'm going to claim it.
08:32According to Jed, his survey also says he owns a strip of land between Cody's house and the driveway.
08:39Afternoon, Cody.
08:40Jed, how are ya?
08:43Can I show you something?
08:46He wanted to holler, oh I got the deed, I got the deed.
08:49Which clearly stated, showed that I had more property on there and it kindly come out on the driveway.
08:56As you can see, this strip of property is my land.
08:59And I was thinking of clearing it out a bit, maybe trimming these trees back.
09:02I'd be grateful for the help we could get to know each other.
09:04I was under the impression that he was a good person and a good neighbor.
09:09You're reading that wrong.
09:11I own this side of the driveway.
09:13You cut down those trees, my family won't have any privacy.
09:17But this is correct. You're just being…
09:20What? You think I'm stupid, Jed?
09:24You touch those trees, there's going to be hell to pay.
09:28At that point I was like, I'm not dealing with rational people.
09:31Defeated, Jed tries to put the awkward interactions behind him.
09:35After that, I was looking for some peace.
09:39But some things aren't so easy to ignore.
09:48Padence was outside riding his four-wheeler.
09:50You know, just having a good old time, riding on our yard.
09:54The kid's having fun riding the four-wheeler and they're interrupting my peace.
09:58He was 12 years old, he didn't have a lot of friends his age close by.
10:02He was 12 years old, he didn't have a lot of friends his age close by.
10:05And that was his favorite thing to do.
10:11It got so bad to the point where it's like, I have to do something about this.
10:14Hey, kid! Keep it down!
10:18Some of us are trying to enjoy some peace and quiet.
10:22And he comes out there and he reaches over and he turns that four-wheeler off.
10:25And I felt nothing but pure rage go through my body because who are you to tell him anything?
10:30Don't you have any friends you can hang out with?
10:34What the hell do you think you're doing, Jed?
10:37He's just a kid.
10:39Oh, you done woke up a mama bear, don't go there.
10:43Shut the phone off before I hit you.
10:53It was almost like Jed's plan from the beginning was just to come in and cause a lot of drama.
10:58The sweet tea in this Tennessee neighborhood has quickly turned sour.
11:02I did not come here to listen to this racket.
11:05Then go home and leave my son alone!
11:10What the hell's wrong with him?
11:14Home is supposed to be the place where you feel comfortable, your safe haven.
11:20Jed Elshentz has found himself up against it with everyone he lives beside.
11:24It happened simultaneously with both neighbors and I was the public enemy number one to them.
11:30Cody and Amanda Massengill don't want Jed talking to their son, Cadence.
11:35Jed didn't waste any time stepping on toes and causing a ruckus.
11:38While Robin and Charlie Hill resent the disruption to their humble existence.
11:43The Hills have been on this piece of land for so long, it's been in the family for decades.
11:49Since things have turned bitter with his neighbors, Jed is eager to firmly designate the true property lines.
11:56I wanted to improve the driveway, put a fence up, have privacy.
12:00But first, Jed wants to clean up.
12:03There was no gasoline or oil that ever dripped over Jed's property line.
12:10His presence doesn't go unnoticed.
12:14What's that fella up to now?
12:22Are you coming onto my property again?
12:25Whoa, what is going on here?
12:27Calm down.
12:28I ain't calm down. I am tired of your stupid ass.
12:31Charlie, you know where my property line is.
12:33Yeah, I do and I know where mine is too.
12:40Jed records his side of the confrontation on his phone.
12:48Yeah, you're all buried here ass.
12:52Whether you're wrong or right, people don't like it when you touch their stuff.
12:56And I think that's what was happening there. Charlie did not like Jed touching his stuff.
13:01With threats on the table, Jed feels he needs to step up his security.
13:10Jed put cameras on every corner of his house.
13:14If someone threatened me, I would get security cameras too.
13:18Feeling protected by his new cameras, the homeowner gets to work.
13:44I had gotten a chainsaw and I was like, you know, I'm gonna cut that down.
13:47I want that piece of land.
13:50It made me nervous. It made me scared.
13:52Stop it!
13:54It was a brand new chainsaw and it worked pretty well.
14:03Cody, he's cutting down our tree!
14:05You have to get home!
14:09Though the property lines are still in question,
14:12Jed moves on to the trees that the hills contend are theirs.
14:17Jed just cut it down just to be a butthole.
14:26When he first cut down the trees, it made me real mad.
14:29And I thought, oh, I gotta get revenge on this.
14:32Jed's neighbors won't stand for being disrespected.
14:36We were being looked down on.
14:38And his cameras soon notify him of their rebuttal.
14:43Since he wanted to claim that they were his and cut them down,
14:46we dragged those trees right back to Jed's property.
14:57What are you doing?
15:01Cut down the trees?
15:02You leave them for us to clean up?
15:04I don't think so, Jed.
15:06You have no respect for other people's land.
15:08It's my land, Trailer Trash.
15:12Be careful, Jed.
15:14Or what?
15:16Swat you back.
15:20The families return to their homes, anger heavy in the air.
15:31The tension is especially hard on the hills.
15:33Their decades of tranquility now turning into war.
15:37The hills have never had problems with anyone before Jed.
15:41We've gotta do something, hun.
15:43So it was hard for her.
15:46I know.
15:48Should we call the police?
15:51We can handle this.
15:57Can we?
16:00Can we?
16:04The hills decide to let Jed know the true property line once and for all.
16:10If Ms. Robin had had her land surveyed,
16:12because Jacob owned my property, my property.
16:15That's not my property.
16:17Not your property.
16:19My property.
16:23The surveyor put up the stakes,
16:25which proved that the property Jed was trying to claim was Ms. Robin's.
16:29Thanks so much.
16:30Thank you very much.
16:31After the surveyor's visit, the hills believe peace will finally be restored.
16:36They're dead wrong.
16:38So they hired a surveyor.
16:40I didn't agree with that whatsoever.
16:44They already know what my position is.
16:46This is my property.
16:48Scornful of the surveyor, Jed takes matters into his own hands.
16:52They're so deep into the ground that I had to use my truck.
16:59Jed comes up with his truck, wraps it around the stake,
17:03pulls it right out of the ground.
17:05And Jed takes things another step further.
17:09They had a junk car that needed to come off my property.
17:12So I contacted codes enforcement.
17:20My young son had just passed away.
17:23That's for my grandson!
17:25Stop, please!
17:28So they were going to keep those vehicles safe for their grandson
17:32until he was old enough to start learning how to fix them.
17:35She felt as though those were her treasures, like they were her memories.
17:40Jed is there to capture his handiwork.
17:43You have no right!
17:45I don't think Robin was happy at all to see her vehicle being towed away.
17:52It's county rules!
17:54And I won't have your family's junk on my property anymore!
17:58That made his grandson, oh, it just broke his little heart.
18:04Just junk cars.
18:06Jed was not going to give up and he was not going to stop bothering us.
18:09Jed was not going to give up and he was not going to stop bothering us,
18:12the Hills, or anyone else that got in his way.
18:15Things are heating up quickly.
18:16Robin Hill was very upset over that.
18:18And these neighbors are gearing up to cross more than just property lines.
18:31I never saw an end in sight with Jed.
18:34I think there was so much disdain for his neighbors.
18:38I think Jed would do things to antagonize them.
18:43Jed doesn't plan on letting up.
18:46All I can focus on is defending my own property and standing for myself and what I own.
18:52She was scared.
18:54This man did some mental work on Miss Robin's head.
18:58The stress has driven Robin Hill to always carry a firearm.
19:03For Robin, it must have been nerve-wracking.
19:06Miss Robin's got a Dirty Harry.
19:08It's like this big, dude. It's a .357. She don't play.
19:13Today, Robin isn't the only one who is armed.
19:22My gosh, is that a shotgun?
19:25But it's not a weapon Jed is wielding.
19:28I tried another idea to establish my property lines and that was to spray paint a line.
19:36What the heck are you doing?
19:46This is the real property line.
19:49No, it's not. And you know it.
19:53Even with her gun, Robin feels vulnerable in Jed's presence.
19:58I'm scared of you. Get away from me.
20:00No, you're not.
20:06Thankfully, Robin has other neighbors she can rely on to undo Jed's efforts.
20:12I got rid of the gravels he painted on and dug up the lines that he painted in the grass.
20:19Yet Jed's constant filming of everyone's activity is growing tiresome.
20:24It was weird. He knew every move we made.
20:27Especially since several of Jed's videos are recorded with strategic timing.
20:31And as soon as he got you angry and pissed off, he would grab his phone and start recording your reaction.
20:36Come here, boy!
20:42Oh, it's...
20:44Back off! Back that way! Back!
20:47Running us like this?
20:50He never recorded what he said, but he always had his phone out to record your reaction to what he said.
20:56Living under Jed's watchful eye, Robin is constantly on the move.
21:01Robin determines to fight fire with fire.
21:04The Hills put cameras on their property.
21:08Robin pointed them right towards Jed's house.
21:12Now everyone is watching each other. All the time.
21:16There's no privacy. There's no border. There's no fences. There's no security.
21:21I think they wanted some kind of proof to show that Jed was the antagonizer here.
21:28The Hills may have their own cameras running, but the angry confrontations don't stop.
21:37I hear this noise. I'm inside my house and I start hearing this thumping noise outside.
21:43Once again, Charlie would put in the stakes.
21:48Right here, where you pulled up last time.
21:51Come on, Jed. Let it go.
21:54I'm too old for your s***.
21:57Shut the phone off before I make you.
22:00Yeah, he grabs right here in the head.
22:09As tempers rise, Jed keeps a constant eye on his antagonizers.
22:13I actually became obsessed with watching video surveillance.
22:18He was some kind of creepy control freak.
22:21Just looking through footage. Take a clip, record it for evidence.
22:25We were being constantly monitored, constantly watched, and constantly trying to be controlled.
22:32We were watching videos all day. Just watching security cameras.
22:36And we'd become obsessed with it.
22:39We were watching videos all day. Just watching security cameras. And we'd become obsessed with it.
22:46Jed saw everything.
22:48It just became this toxic, unhealthy lifestyle. What can I find to get them arrested?
22:54But Jed's weapon of choice is wielded against him, too.
23:05Do you have to bother me every day?
23:06Cadence waited at the bus stop.
23:09Can you just go to work?
23:15Jed would literally stop and tell him, you know, you got on goodwill clothes and you're this and you're that.
23:20Just leave me alone.
23:24He considered everybody broke, traitor, pork, trash.
23:28Every f***ing day.
23:30And I'm like, homie, you don't ever talk to Cadence, ever.
23:35If Jed is so obsessed with keeping a watchful eye, Cody wants to give him something to look at.
23:48I called everybody.
23:50You got any tarps over there? Let me get them.
23:52I'm like, I want them as raggedy as you got.
23:55Cody knew that putting up tarps would get under Jed's skin.
24:01Cody's plan succeeds.
24:06What the heck is this?
24:08Jed had a cow, man. He went nuts.
24:11I got angry at that point and completely lost character.
24:14What are you trying to do? Ruin my view?
24:16What view?
24:18My property?
24:20My son?
24:22That's on my land.
24:24Oh yeah, I loved it when I did that. Like, that was my masterpiece right there.
24:28Tear these things down right now or else.
24:31Or else what?
24:33I will.
24:38They were all successful in antagonizing each other.
24:43Come home the next day and all the tarps would be gone.
24:48I just ripped it down and threw it away.
24:51Jed successfully removes the eyesore.
24:54Just leave me alone. I wasn't even near you.
24:56But that's not what sets Cody off to levels of anger previously unseen.
25:00I told you to stay away from my son!
25:03What's wrong with you?
25:07Get over here, Jed!
25:09But it's hard to tell who's doing what first,
25:14because you only see what happens after Jed's phone comes out.
25:18Stay away from him!
25:20Come on, Cody! Come on!
25:22Get the f*** out of my house.
25:24Don't you ever tell me! You understand that?
25:26Put the bat in my face and threaten me with violence?
25:29Amanda backs her husband up.
25:32You got it, bitch. You got it.
25:34You got a reaction now. What's up?
25:36Isn't this what you wanted?
25:38You like filming? Do you think my husband's sexy?
25:40You creep.
25:42Who's sexy as f***?
25:44I know. I know you think so, too.
25:46You got a big thing for him.
25:48I'll bet you want all this, huh?
25:50You like this?
25:52Why are you still looking at this motherf***er?
25:54You wish you could kiss this.
25:56He's throwing rocks at me.
25:58Every single one of them missed.
25:59Is this a Matrix or something?
26:01I'm dodging all of them, so...
26:03You punk-ass bitch!
26:05It's not worth it.
26:07The best thing you can do is stay the f*** away from our kids.
26:09You will! You will die!
26:11On camera, I will kill him!
26:13Is this a threat?
26:15Yeah, that is a threat to your life!
26:17Show that to him, bitch!
26:19Tempers were flaring and everything was meeting a boiling point.
26:21I'll kill you!
26:29Man, you woke up mad, you went to bed mad.
26:31How are we going to get this dude to just stop and leave us alone?
26:36Cody threatened my life, so...
26:39the police were called.
26:46Yeah, he's crazy. Threatened my life.
26:49He cried about me chasing him with the bat.
26:53Cody never hit him with the baseball bat.
26:55He's arrested.
26:57Is this what you wanted?
26:59You happy now, huh?
27:02It was a sad day. It was a very sad day.
27:07Aggravated assault charges are laid against Cody for his blow-up at Jed.
27:11Jed made him look like a violent criminal, even though he wasn't.
27:15While Cody awaits bail, Amanda and Cadence live in fear without their protector.
27:20Cadence was scared to death, Amanda was scared.
27:24And I never knew what Jed was going to do.
27:27I didn't know if he was going to hurt my nephew.
27:30What are you, boy, scared?
27:33You're f****d?
27:35I don't watch you guys. I don't go in the house and watch you guys.
27:38That's why you're out here. Every time, we're out here.
27:41You know what? What's right now? Just you and I.
27:44Just do what you gotta do.
27:46Do what you gotta do.
27:48Do it.
27:51Leave our property, please.
27:53I can't leave the property. It's not yours.
27:55Leave our property.
28:00Come on.
28:02It would be an everyday thing.
28:05The Hills also live in constant dread.
28:08I absolutely think the Hills' fear was solidified.
28:12Charlie is unable to contain his frustration.
28:15You wanna act like a man? Why don't you come on up and talk like a man?
28:18And Robin is concerned that Jed will capture her husband doing something he'll regret.
28:23You're back on your property, ain't you?
28:24You're back on your property, ain't you?
28:32The tension can be cut with a knife.
28:35Charlie was irate, unreasonable, couldn't talk to him, yelled at me, screamed at me.
28:41Jed's presence is taking an even harder toll on Charlie.
28:46Charlie was an elder man, you know what I mean?
28:49Man was healthy up until Jed moved in, then he started having all kinds of health problems.
28:55But Charlie is too proud not to confront Jed whenever the two cross paths.
29:00Oh, what now?
29:02What's with this guy?
29:06What the hell is wrong with you?
29:08I wanna get up close, man.
29:10Let me tell you something, baby.
29:12I'm gonna own this property when this is all over.
29:15I'm gonna own this property.
29:18Take that damn thing.
29:19Take that damn thing.
29:22Robin has also had enough.
29:30Throw this phone in my face.
29:38Miss Robin's a hardcore country girl and she don't play.
29:41She literally almost pulled a .357 on Jed one day and was like, I'm done with this crap.
29:50I don't want to sound like a bitch.
29:54I think that if Jed had forced Robin to pull the trigger that day,
30:00everyone's life would have been a little more peaceful.
30:03I feel like shooting Jed would have been the only way to stop him.
30:09It was toxic and I got freaked out.
30:12Jed attempts to barter for peace through a third party.
30:16I asked for mediation. I said, no.
30:18I asked for mediation. I said, look, I just feel like this is too much.
30:22Cody returns home awaiting trial.
30:24But he and Amanda are in no mood to bargain with their devil next door.
30:29The mediation was a joke.
30:31Jed went into mediation thinking that he was gonna be in control
30:34and that he was gonna have everything done the way he wanted it.
30:37Like, nope, mediation ain't gonna work. I'm done. Take it to jail.
30:42Assault charges against Cody remain in place.
30:44There will be no peace.
30:46We've not seen eye to eye or anything.
30:48The constant back and forth is barreling Jed to his breaking point.
30:54He tries once more to designate what he contends is the true property line.
30:59Jed went as far as to get this ugly orange, bright orange netting
31:05and then literally put up this fence.
31:08It was about maybe 70 feet long.
31:10I used wooden stakes, carpentry screws.
31:13What should have been an afternoon of socializing with a friend
31:16turns into Cody defending his turf once more.
31:19What the hell?
31:21The plastic orange fencing was just stupid.
31:25Why won't he stop?
31:27The only reason he put that fence up was to make me mad.
31:30It was to instigate a fight. And he knew how to get me.
31:36Made really tough and difficult decisions.
31:38Made really tough and difficult to tear down.
31:41I knew immediately I was going to tear it down.
31:45If it stays up, I'm good to go.
31:47But if it gets torn down, then I have some evidence and I can take the support.
31:51Oh, go ahead. Record me, Jed.
31:55Why is he coming at me, son? Why is he coming at me?
32:00I'm not afraid of you, Jed.
32:02Just keep on doing what you're doing.
32:04Yeah? What are you gonna do?
32:06I think you're going to jail.
32:08Why don't you show the camera what you got in your hands there?
32:13Don't hit me with that hammer.
32:16You gonna hit me with that hammer, Jed?
32:19You wanna hit me with that hammer?
32:24I'm not afraid of you, Jed.
32:26You know what's great with Jed? Never have, never will.
32:31He'll build trash.
32:32He'll build trash.
32:35Well, he kept calling us hillbilly trash.
32:38With a pending trial, Cody doesn't want any more charges laid at his feet.
32:45But Jed's words cut deep.
32:50He wants hillbilly and he wants to call me that.
32:53All right, then I'll give you hillbilly.
32:56We painted that sign in the pinkest spray paint I could find.
33:03The situation on Ridgeview Road that day was just crazy.
33:12I was using the mattock clearing the land basically to build my chicken coop.
33:16A mattock is a tool very similar to a pickaxe in size and shape.
33:22Cody was building me a chicken coop because I wanted a whole flock of chickens.
33:27We live in the country. You're supposed to have farm fresh eggs.
33:29When Jed returns home that day, he blows a gasket.
33:34We're going to have eggs for days with this thing.
33:36It's a four by eight piece of plywood.
33:40We'll finally be able to tell Jed to flock off once we have all these chickens.
33:44Yeah, right.
33:46Me and Cadence was actually getting to spend time together.
33:48I was feeling really good.
33:50But Jed isn't feeling good. Rather, he's had enough.
34:02I'm just done with it. I'm sick and tired of this crap.
34:05What's the matter, Jed? You don't like my sign?
34:09According to Cody, the sign launches Jed into a full-on rage.
34:13Stay behind me, Cadence.
34:15With potentially deadly consequences.
34:18I'm not going to let you get away with this.
34:20Stay behind me, Cadence.
34:22With potentially deadly consequences.
34:24He said...
34:26You're going to die today, motherfucker!
34:32This report was like nothing I had ever done before.
34:36I was scared, and I never knew what Jed was really capable of.
34:40The Messengill family claims Jed's next move escalates their feud to frightening new heights.
34:46Why'd you make that sign?
34:47You wanted a hillbilly, you got one.
34:50Cadence was absolutely scared.
34:52I'm not scared of you, Jed.
34:56He grabbed the Maddy.
35:03What? No!
35:14What did you do?
35:15What did you do?
35:17What did you do?
35:25What did you do?
35:27Jed took off like a thief in the night.
35:31He was just gone.
35:33Mom! Jed attacked Dad!
35:37I left work immediately.
35:39I called 911.
35:41They said they would send an ambulance as soon as possible.
35:43I drove like a bat out of the hell to get home.
35:46I was scared to death.
35:59Cody had blood running down his face.
36:02There was so much blood.
36:04You're going to have to let me see, okay?
36:06Cody had a hole in the side of his face.
36:08Like a hole.
36:13Where's the ambulance? My husband's bleeding, like he's hurt.
36:22It was a pain I've never felt before, that's for sure.
36:25Hayden, I need you to get the car door for me, please, honey.
36:30We're going to the hospital right now.
36:32The only thing on Amanda's mind is getting help for her husband.
36:38You're going to be okay.
36:39You're going to be okay.
36:41They actually transported Cody from the hospital closest to our house
36:45to the local trauma hospital that specialized in facial injuries.
36:52Cadence was a wreck. Cadence had his head down for hours.
36:56He literally just stared at his feet and the blood on his boots for hours that night.
37:03While Cody fights for his life, one question remains.
37:07Where is Jed?
37:09My girlfriend's house at the time. I stayed the night over there.
37:13He was cocky enough to go to work the next day.
37:17And the police are there waiting for him.
37:20They surrounded his truck and they had their guns on him
37:24and they arrested him right there for attempted murder.
37:26To get arrested in such a dramatic fashion in front of all of your coworkers,
37:31that's got to be embarrassing.
37:33Yet Jed claims that events unfolded in a different manner than his neighbors contend.
37:37I did not hit Cody with a mattock. That never happened.
37:46As soon as I tore it down, it made this plume of dust.
37:53He lunged after me with a mattock and I got freaked out.
37:56Don't you touch that sign!
37:58Maybe instinct is quick thinking.
38:02According to Jed, his altercation with Cody ended with a single shove.
38:07And I remember him drop the pickaxe and I'm just like freaked out at this time.
38:12You see that?
38:14Yeah, I did. You see him pushing me?
38:16He's over there yelling and screaming at his minor child saying,
38:19did you see this? Did you see that? I'm going to call the police.
38:22You see him pushing me?
38:24My adrenaline is so high and I'm just like, I've got to get out of here.
38:26You coward!
38:28With a mattock, it never happened.
38:30And I'll maintain that for the rest of my life.
38:33Jed's a liar. It absolutely happened.
38:36I was there the day Cody got out of the hospital.
38:40His face was swollen. He had a huge bandage on the side of his face.
38:46It was actually a miracle that he wasn't hurt nearly as bad as we thought he could have been.
38:51He could have died. Cody literally could have died that day.
38:57Despite Jed's claims of innocence, he is charged with attempted murder.
39:01The neighbors believe they're finally rid of Jed Elshant.
39:05Man, I'm tired of this dude now. Now he's going to jail.
39:09But the charges don't stick.
39:11It never went to trial.
39:13The prosecution, they made a suggestion to me.
39:16What is that property worth to you? Just sell it? Move out?
39:19Like kids on a playground, they need it to be separated.
39:23We'll get this dismissed and just move on.
39:26And I was like, okay.
39:27If the Massengills also agree with the charges against Jed being dropped,
39:31Cody's will be dismissed as well.
39:33If Cody hadn't had that aggravated assault charge,
39:36then we would have fought to have Jed locked up.
39:39I was very disappointed at first, but I was like, yeah, whatever.
39:42I'm sick of this crap. Let's just let it go.
39:45So I agreed to it.
39:47It's absolutely a bizarre outcome.
39:50I've never heard of a case like this before.
39:53It's absolutely a bizarre outcome.
39:56I've never heard of a court doing anything like that before.
39:59Jed does as the court orders.
40:01He sells his home and moves away.
40:04I eventually got it sold for less than what it was worth.
40:07But I mean, I got my freedom.
40:09Cody still lives with the pain he suffered that day.
40:12Sometimes it still hurts real bad and I can't eat.
40:15Sometimes I can't open it.
40:17You can't see it because he has a beard.
40:19But when I rub his face, I can feel his scar.
40:20But when I rub his face, I can feel his scar.
40:22Every time I shave, I'm reminded of him.
40:25Every single time I look at Cody's face, I'm reminded of Jed.
40:30The Hills, likewise, don't escape the conflict unscathed.
40:34Charlie passed away from a heart attack.
40:36He was stressed out up until the time he died,
40:39and a lot of that had to do with Jed.
40:42Robin has no plans to leave.
40:44She planted in her roots. She ain't going nowhere.
40:47But Jed just wants to move on.
40:50I apologize and I forgive you.
40:52I wish you happiness and peace.
40:54The Massengills aren't so forgiving.
40:56If I see Jed right now, I'd punch him in his face.
40:59I would never accept an apology from Jed.
41:02I would never accept anything from Jed.
41:05I just want to let Jed know, I told you I wasn't going nowhere.
41:11This season on Fear Thy Neighbor.
41:14My parents dreamed to just be able to retire in a beautiful home.
41:18I'm Raul. These are my parents.
41:20The people in the neighborhood, they made sure to always say hi.
41:23It was perfect.
41:25Guess I'm the new guy on the block.
41:27Everybody got along fine in the beginning.
41:29What a wreck.
41:31This is not your road.
41:33Do you think I'm stupid?
41:35They got off on the wrong foot immediately.
41:37What the hell are you doing?
41:41I'm not dealing with rational people.
41:43We don't like that kind of music here.
41:45They just were not good neighbors.
41:46Hillbilly trash.
41:48Don't paragraph.
41:50Pure rage.
41:52Move your car, dude.
41:54That's when it all went bad.
41:56Everyone hates us here.
41:58They heard this pop pop.
42:00Sometimes you just piss off the wrong people.
42:04Come on!
42:06Better get to running.
42:08Stay with us, please.