Shair Aur Chuha - Kids Interesting Story(360P)

  • 3 months ago
00:00Assalamualaikum dear children, how are you all?
00:05Today we have brought another interesting story for you
00:09which is called the Revenge of Kindness
00:12So let's start our story
00:15Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a jungle
00:17One day, he was sleeping outside his cave
00:21A mouse passed by
00:23When the mouse saw the lion sleeping, he thought of a prank
00:29He got into the lion's hair and started playing
00:32Suddenly, the lion woke up
00:35And he caught the mouse
00:37The mouse got very scared
00:39He said to the lion
00:41Please, please lion, leave me
00:45The lion said
00:47No, I will not leave you
00:49You have disturbed my sleep
00:52The mouse said softly
00:54I was playing
00:56The lion said in anger
00:58I am not a toy
01:01The mouse said
01:02Please forgive me, I won't do it again, please
01:07The lion felt sorry for the mouse
01:09And he forgave the mouse
01:12And left him
01:13The mouse said to the lion
01:16The lion, you have done me a favor
01:19One day, I will repay you for this favor
01:23And I will help you
01:25The lion started laughing and said
01:27You are so small, how will you help me?
01:31Ha ha ha ha ha
01:33The mouse said
01:35Time will tell
01:37And the mouse left
01:39One day, the hunters came to the jungle
01:41And they set up a trap
01:43And they left
01:45When the lion passed by, he got trapped in the trap
01:48He tried a lot, but he couldn't get out of the trap
01:52After a while, the mouse passed by
01:55When he saw the lion trapped in the trap
01:58He came to him and said
02:00Lion brother, don't worry
02:03I am here, I will get you out of here
02:06Saying this, the mouse started cutting the trap with his sharp teeth
02:11In this way, the lion got free from the trap in a little while
02:15The lion thanked the mouse
02:18The mouse said
02:19See, I told you that one day I will come and help you
02:23The lion was embarrassed and said
02:26Yes, I made a mistake
02:28We should not consider anything created by God as real
02:33So, dear children
02:34From this story, we get the lesson that
02:37If we see someone in trouble, we should help him
02:41And if someone does us a favor, we should remember him
02:44And we should not consider anything as real
02:47This is the lion of Iqbal
02:49Everything is created by God
02:53Everything is created by God
02:56No big, no small
02:58This is His wisdom
03:00See you again in the next story
03:02Till then, Allah Hafiz
