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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Classics The Penguin Figure


00:00Cobblepot gets promoted to collector status. Here's a look at McFarland Toys
00:04McFarland Collectors Edition The Penguin.
00:09They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but they also say evil is as
00:30evil does. A mass manipulator, the penguin is usually surrounded by violent
00:34henchmen who do his bidding without question. But when it comes down to
00:38face-to-face, expect him to unleash a deadly barrage from a variety umbrella
00:41weapons to other ingenious devices, often taking the form of foul. When all else
00:47fails, the penguin will fight as dirty as they come. Hand-to-hand combat doesn't
00:51ruffle his feathers at all. Well, I guess we know now who's been procuring all the
00:55city's supply of perfect parasols. Oh, sorry about that. Just before we get a
01:02closer look, stop that at McFarland Toys Collectors Edition Oswald Cobblepot, or
01:06many of you may then know him also as Penguin. Let's grab the tape measure and
01:10see how tall the figure stands. From his rogues gallery of Batman, I mean he's
01:13not the tallest around, he's not big on size, but he's big on stature. Oswald
01:18stands at six inches in height, or the penguins gonna be 15 and a half
01:21centimeters tall. As for how the figure stacks up with bats, bringing in one of
01:26my favorite Batman, and always one that I seem to be using for my comparisons,
01:29here's what the figure looks like with the Nightfall Batman. Of course, then to
01:32bring him in with some of the other rogues that we've already had a look at,
01:35I'm gonna bring in, he's my stand-in at least for right now for Joker until we
01:39get ourselves kind of a classic version of the Joker. Here's what he looks like
01:42with the Infinite Frontier Joker. Here's also as well what he looks like with the
01:45Nightfall Catwoman. Over here, the Riddler in the back, just bring him in right now.
01:50Here's what he looks like also as well with Clayface. Now Clayface, still I feel
01:53like we eventually will hopefully get ourselves a classic version of Clayface,
01:57and here's also as well what that Penguin also looks like with the
02:00Nightfall Bane. Because I still also have them, I thought it would be fun to bring
02:03in the original Mattel DC Universe Classics version of Penguin, two
02:07variations of him. The one though to the right was the original Penguin we got
02:10from what, what, Wave 1? Was that the Metamorpho Wave? We did also though get a
02:14follow-up version of Oswald Cobblebot that's a little bit more closer to the
02:17original Super Powers release of him. Funny though enough that while this one
02:21has very much matching colors to the original Universe Classics Wave 1
02:25Penguin, we're also getting though a variation of this mold with the colors
02:29more closer to this one here. The accessories for Penguin are quite light.
02:33The figure only comes include one pair of swappable hands, one of its trusty
02:36umbrellas, and then of course a classic rendition of the character in a trading
02:40card perched on top of a podium standee. The standee is one that we always get
02:44with the Collector's Edition release from McFarlane's team, and of course it
02:47houses the card on the top. Whether you decide you want to display this with the
02:50figures or you just like to store them away, I was generally when it comes to
02:53figures like this that come with these, I mean they take the time to mold them
02:56and they take the time to package them. I'll take the time to put them on
02:59display with the figures. It's hollow in the back, but that's not really the place
03:02you're gonna be looking at. What you're gonna be looking at though instead is
03:04the way they've painted brilliantly the DC logo on the front here in silver. I'm
03:08not a big fan of the way this DC logo is. I don't know if I've ever really
03:12mentioned this, but the way they cut off the D like this always kind of looks
03:15like it says the OC. I've never watched the OC. Have you? Let me know down below.
03:20Actually maybe not. Don't don't let me know. What we get though is a classic
03:24look to Oswald. He has one of his parasols in his hands. I mean it's
03:27unfortunately a painful reminder that they didn't take much of a time to paint
03:30his umbrella. It comes in clue with the figure as it's basically just a
03:33black umbrella. I would have loved if they could have used a little bit of
03:37multi colors happening here. Maybe some of the purples like renditioned here. The
03:40yellows and maybe some of the greens, but we also as well get ourselves a blue
03:44version of Penguin. That's gonna be part of the Platinum Edition release that if
03:47you aren't a big fan of the black umbrella, it also comes with a red
03:50umbrella. If we flip around to the back of the card, it does tell us that this is
03:53from the DC classic line. His real name of course, Oswald Cobblepot. You could
03:58take the time. Sure, why not? You could read this if you wanted to. I've already
04:01beaten you to it. I read it at the beginning of this review. Let's just
04:04slide this back in. There's slots on either side. Let's take the card and
04:08we'll just... I always find like this one corner, I don't know if maybe perhaps
04:12it's kind of frilled up or something like that, but I always find it's a
04:15little hard to get this slotted on the side. There we go. I certainly don't want
04:19to damage the card. We'll just put that off to the side for right now. The figure
04:23like I said does come included with an umbrella. Whether you like more the
04:26sleeker look to a black umbrella or again there's going to be the red
04:29umbrella we're getting with the Platinum Edition release of it, at least it does
04:32have the penguin symbol, a little penguin head there on the top, which has been
04:36nicely molded here in gold. My guess though is they probably have cast this
04:40all in black plastic because that would have been the easiest thing and then
04:43they would have just painted the tip on the end and then of course they would
04:46have painted the little penguin there on the top all here in gold. Of course he
04:50does also have hands. Now he does already have gripping hands on the sides of his
04:53forearms accommodating to hold the umbrella, if though if you wanted to. The
04:58figure also comes included with a closed fist and he also comes included with
05:01this hand here. At the opener end of this review what I ended up doing was I was
05:04using this hand to kind of make it look like he was kind of holding the side of
05:07his jacket. It also kind of looks like I'm holding an invisible mug of coffee.
05:11If you did want to change out the hands though, the hands are extremely easy. You
05:14just kind of pop and remove them from the forearms. Use the hand that you want
05:17to use. You want to make sure of course whether it's a penguin or not, thumbsies
05:20will always go in and then what I just ended up doing was because the arms are
05:23bent like this, a double hinge in the elbow, I sort of had it where it kind of
05:26looked like penguins holding. So debonair, so upper-class. I just kind of had it
05:33looking like he was holding the side of his jacket which I guess I don't know if
05:35that's maybe specifically the reason why they include that hand or if the hand
05:39serves another purpose or hey why not it's just a relaxed hand but he also
05:42comes it like I said with a closed fist. I'm not probably ever gonna really use
05:45that. If you wanted to you could get the umbrella in his hand. Now there's two
05:48ways really to do this. One of which is that you could take the handle
05:52end of it and you can sort of sandwich it underneath his hand like I did at the
05:55beginning of this review. It's not the easiest thing mind you to get it in his
05:58hand because a lot of times just the size of the head on this, it's so big
06:02just to get that actually into his hands a little bit more difficult. Of course
06:06you can also do the tried-and-true method as well. Just simply put it in his
06:09hand like this and then the figure would be able to hold the umbrella. Now the
06:12fingers do kind of get in the way of things. Pop the handle in there. There we
06:17go. All right good to go. Oh and then we just drop the umbrella. I just figured I
06:22had it all the way in there but I guess I guess I didn't get the umbrella all
06:25the way in and again like the only thing unfortunately about Penguin other than
06:28his fingers getting in the way if you want to have him holding the umbrella is
06:31that he doesn't come with any other version of the umbrella other than this
06:34one here. Now maybe we may get ourselves another variation of Penguin down the
06:38road. It's very unlikely that they could have also included an open version of
06:41the umbrella. Now I probably could use some of the umbrellas we got also as
06:45well with the DC multiverse line DC universe line from Mattel. Maybe just
06:48include one of those because again those are an open umbrella but I would have
06:51liked if the figure could have come with a couple of variations of his. Anyways
06:55though with all the struggle of trying to get this into his hand we're just
06:57only gonna be putting it off to the side anyways. We'll also move this out of the
07:00way too so we can get a whole lot of time, commit a lot of time to looking at
07:04the Penguin. The figure's face is fantastic. I really like the way they've sculpted this
07:09in a way it looks more like the classic look to Penguin but it kind of gives him
07:12a little bit more of a modern take to this as well. This reminds me of the
07:15front cover of it was at Secret Origins. It had like the backstory of some of the
07:20characters. There was Two-Face. I think there was Riddler. Penguin I think was
07:24down at the bottom corner but it kind of reminds me of it I think was a Secret
07:27Origins annual. If anybody knows what I'm talking about you'll know what I'm
07:31talking about. If you don't you'll probably have no idea. You just say I
07:33don't know I don't know what this guy's talking about but that kind of reminds
07:36me of that version of Penguin that was on the cover and I kind of think he
07:39actually has his head sort of up like this and maybe he's got his arms crossed
07:42and he's got the umbrella kind of in between his hands. If you know what I'm
07:45talking about you'll know what I'm talking about. Anyways the head sculpt is
07:48nicely painted. I like the way they've darkened the colors around his eyes. Of
07:51course you've got the monocle. The monocle is not removable. Don't try to
07:54pry that off. What do you have to do? Can we get a little closer? Can we get a little
07:57closer? There you go. There you go. Hope to never disappoint when it comes to
08:02giving you guys the close-up shots. I don't like those videos where people are
08:06just figure back like here and they're just waving their hands in front of it.
08:09Hey hey guys. No no we want to get up close and personal. Now the hat is not
08:12removable like the monocle. It is also very soft and plastic too. It's a good
08:18looking head sculpt though. Now the variation of Penguin that we're gonna be
08:21getting from the Platinum Edition is essentially taking this mold and what
08:24they're doing is changing then everything that's black to blue. So like
08:27the hat, the jacket for example will also be blue and then what would have
08:31originally started as an orange vest will then be a yellow vest. So again it's
08:34gonna look like the original Super Powers release of Penguin. That's also
08:38again gonna come in clue with a red umbrella. So it's just gonna be
08:40essentially the same mold as the original one that we're getting with
08:42this release. But I'm definitely looking forward to get my hands on that one. It's
08:45gonna be though it's a little bit more expensive. I feel like it's almost even
08:49double the price of what we're getting here with the original release of
08:51Penguin. I'll tell you one problem I have with this. I think overall he's been
08:56painted well as I sort of circle all around him except for one area and I'm
09:01circling closer right here. It's this weird unnecessary need for blue. Now
09:06everything else is black around it. So he's got black on the sleeves. He's got
09:09black on the back of his jacket. He's even got like black on the tops for his
09:12shoulders and yet in a strange place they've got this band of blue. Obviously
09:18it's gonna stop right here because this is where his vest is. But see there's
09:20like a band of blue. It starts right here on the side. It carries its way across. It
09:25has to go across the stream and then jumps to the other
09:29side of the bridge and it's on this side as well. But it's only here and you
09:32can see like it goes only about halfway across his collar. I don't know why it
09:37had to be there. Whether they decided at one point that they were gonna be
09:40adding some additional blue to the rest of the figure's body or it could have
09:42also been just the way it was a factory error in the way they've painted it. But
09:46it's the only thing that's jarring about this figure because everything else
09:49looks good to him except for this area right here across the other side of the
09:53stream and on this side here as well. I wonder if I could see if I can go in
09:56there paint that a little bit but you know I'd hate to have that not then look
10:00at the rest of it. I mean it wouldn't look like the rest of the black that's
10:02just been molded here in the plastic but I don't know why. Again this area here
10:06and this area right here are just in blue. It's in no other place on the
10:09figure. From his lower legs I mean obviously they're just using kind of
10:12more of a dark purple here. I really would have liked if they could have
10:16added some panel lining but again generally a clean looking figure. He's
10:19got spats down below here above the tops of his shoes. I did notice though when it
10:23comes to getting this guy to stand I don't think it has really anything to do
10:26with the fact he has small feet. He also has peggles on the undersides of his
10:29feet but I think it's also too because the back of the pant leg drapes low like
10:33this so you can never really feel like you're bending the feet flat. It
10:37always kind of feels like his feet are being pushed forward or pushed more on
10:40an angle so that's gonna be a little bit of a problem but of course the figure
10:43does also come include a display stand which this whole time of yammering on
10:47I've left off the fact the figure also comes include with a secondary display
10:50stand so he comes with one stand for the training card and he comes with this
10:53stand this stand right here I've missed this whole time in this review that has
10:58the DC logo printed down below so yes that can plug on to either one of
11:01Oswald's feet to help balance the figure just a little bit better now for the
11:05figures articulation getting up close and personal again there we go there we
11:09go that's gonna be our ball joint so yes it rotates all the way around I love
11:14they also the fact they gave him some longer hair there on the back I think
11:18you'd be pretty much bald on the top a good landing field for planes on the
11:22back though there's a whole party going on that's gonna rotate again all the way
11:25around it's gonna be on a ball joint the heads gonna look down about that far
11:28it's gonna look up and you can also move it back and forth as well arms come out
11:31there a little on the loose side on this side a little tighter though on this
11:35side here they rotate though all the way around the figure has a swivel in his
11:38bicep a single a double hinge on his elbow and the hands you rotate all the
11:42way around for the upper torso it's gonna be on a ball joint this by the way
11:46is soft plastic this by the way is also soft plastic but the joints are nicely
11:50concealed and I think for the most part he bends pretty good considering he's
11:54got so much drapery here on the front and he's got so much going on the back
11:58with this tail jacket he surprisingly bends pretty good when it comes to his
12:01articulation in the abdomen area legs do split out they seem to be on ratcheted
12:06joints or ball and hinge joints you take the legs move forward you can move them
12:10back there's a slight swivel on the top of the thigh only possessing a single
12:14hinge on the knee that allows at least the lower leg to rotate and an up and
12:17down movement a back and forth there and of course the figure does have toe
12:20articulation not the first not the first penguin we've gotten actually from
12:23McFarland's team if backing track a bit the figure also got released the
12:27character got also released as part of the Batman line of course though for my
12:31penguin I prefer much shorter stout ear looking figure a little bit more portly
12:35on size always carrying around umbrellas I don't think also obviously the newer
12:42Batman I don't think he's has he had yet a monocle I don't think he's also even
12:45carried around an umbrella so if you like more the classic look to Oswald
12:48Cobblepot this is the best way to go now again there's gonna be this release
12:52that we looked at over the how long have we gone looking at this video what 15
12:56minutes 15 12 12 15 minutes some of some would even say too long hey now that's
13:01not nice but well obviously this guy got released in the more classic colors
13:05there's also as well gonna be the platinum edition which I'm hoping to get
13:08my hands on it's just a little bit more of this but I'm gonna spend a little bit
13:12more of this I'm gonna see if I can pick that platinum edition up and obviously
13:14gonna want to have that one on display as well with kind of more my super
13:17powers multiverse figures we've gotten so far like the look of penguin though
13:21the only thing I don't like necessarily is the fact he got it I feel like he
13:25kind of got shortchanged on accessories not that I'm not appreciative the fact
13:29that we did get ourselves a little podium standee I was like when it comes
13:31to collectors edition figures that we do get stuff like this but I was have to
13:35kind of make the argument that had they maybe saved the plastic by producing a
13:39standee like this and had maybe they just saved the plastic to get another
13:42one of these I do like the fact that he does have a folded up umbrella to carry
13:46around more like a cane or if again he wants to point it towards Batman but I
13:49would have loved also if they could have included a second opened up version of
13:53the umbrella as something that penguin could be using more as a weapon I'd
13:56literally just ran up the stairs to my office to go through my old collection
14:00of comics to pull out that secret origin special which I knew I still had in my
14:04collection it was dated from 1989 I very much vividly remember where I bought
14:08that comic it was at Food City anybody here at least if you're Canadian
14:12probably would recognize Food City from the 80s it was a food place but they had
14:15on the end aisles just before you went into the checkout comic books I picked
14:19up that issue I don't even remember how much it was probably like a dollar 25
14:22and featured on the front because I'm looking at it right now there's Two-Face
14:25on one side flipping a coin there's Riddler on the other side that's holding
14:28a question mark and then right smack dab in the middle is Oswald Cobblepot he has
14:33though is his cigar which is one thing unfortunately this figure doesn't have
14:36for obvious reasons we don't want to promote the idea of any character while
14:39you're a bad guy you're not smoking and he's also holding his parasol in the
14:43middle of his legs love that comic and I'm happy also still that I never got
14:46rid of it all my old original comics that I collected as a kid while I may
14:50have sold some of the later issued comics that I collected as a teenager
14:53those old ones that I had as a kid are still in my collection to this day
14:57nobody cares nobody cares about what I just said for like the last minute or
15:01so anyways though looking though at penguin like the look of this penguin
15:05and I'm glad that we finally got ourselves a classic penguin that goes
15:07like if you're that kind of collector I'm that kind of collector that more
15:11specifically just like to collect characters that look like classic comic
15:14renditions of them this penguins perfect for that it's gonna go well with the
15:18Nightfall Batman it's gonna go well with like the the Riddler I think that
15:21Riddler is fantastic and that penguins gonna go really well with him I think
15:25for the most part he's a good penguin too the only thing that's stumbling on
15:29this shortly statured person is the fact he does have that little bit of blue on
15:33the front of his body I don't know why it's there why anybody can you tell me
15:36it's blue on one side it's blue on the other and it's blue nowhere else on the
15:40figure's body the head sculpts good and he also comes in clue with one umbrella
15:43I kind of wish he could have come in true concluded with two truthfully
15:47truthfully but the fact he still has included one he also gets himself a
15:50display stand nice version of penguin if you guys do get the chance you guys see
15:54this guy you know either in stores or online you can definitely I would
15:58definitely recommend picking this guy up and again we're also gonna be looking at
16:01the Platinum Edition when I get around to actually picking that one up and of
16:04course when I do do the review of the Platinum Edition the this guy is not
16:07gonna be flowing flying the coop anytime soon this guy's gonna be coming back
16:10into that and of course we'll be comparing the two figures but what do
16:13you guys though think of this version of penguin could you guys see yourselves
16:16picking it up and also what other classic Batman villains would you like
16:20to see McFarlane approach next you know speaking and I just happen to be going
16:24through my comics in my boxes one line of one just box that I would love to see
16:28them release and I don't think anybody else is interested is the mud pack of
16:32clay faces all the clay faces that were part of the mud pack anybody else be
16:36interested in that nobody nobody apparently I'm the only one if though
16:42you guys did enjoy this video one throw it a like if you guys want to stick
16:45around though for more make sure if you haven't already done so that you hit
16:47that subscribe button down below and you're turning on the Bell notification
16:51as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
