• last year
Lovebird can't stop breaking into the kitchen cupboard — watch what she does when her parents try to keep her out


00:00The moment we open the cabinet, she flies in and refuses to get out.
00:03She's obsessed with the cabinet, and particularly her coffee pot.
00:11Can you get here? Prince-opher!
00:14No! Come here.
00:17She'll fight beak and claw to stay inside.
00:19Let's go! Come here!
00:26Prince, come here!
00:30This is a daily occurrence in my house.
00:32She always picks something fragile and breakable to hide in,
00:34and won't come out under any circumstances.
00:39Prince, no!
00:40She'll even break things if she has to.
00:42No! Oh my god!
00:48Don't seem to get out of it, Prince! You literally just broke one!
00:51So we decided to keep the cabinet closed if we wanted any of our glassware to survive.
01:00That immediately escalated tensions in the house.
01:03Yo, Prince, stop! Stop it!
01:06Prince was not happy, and she found every way to make sure we knew that.
01:09Don't do it again! Prince!
01:12She'd find other things to break.
01:16Stop! No! No! Get off of Dad's book!
01:20No! No! No!
01:24We lost all our personal space.
01:28No more alone time.
01:33Our food became her food.
01:37Then, naturally, Prince began looking for a new home for herself.
01:50And we never could have guessed what she ended up settling on.
01:59Prince, it's actually dirty! You're gonna bite me if I touch you!
02:02No, I still see you, Prince! Get your butt out of there!
02:06Even though Prince loved her new humble abode, she would not give up on that cabinet.
02:16So we took drastic measures.
02:18They stick together.
02:21How could you not see this coming?
02:23And that went about as well as we could have guessed.
02:25No! No! No! No!
02:39Look, at the end of the day, there's no bird quite like Prince.
02:43I love every aspect of her personality, even the sassiest parts.
02:47She's not just made this her home, she's made us feel at home.
02:54So we decided that Prince deserved her own space in the cabinet.
03:03Let's call it a compromise.
