• 2 years ago
25-year-old parrot flies for the first time with Mom's help... and she's thrilled when she gets a brother her exact age!


00:00 (dog barking)
00:02 - Maya actually has a small little wing,
00:08 kind of like in "Funny Nemo."
00:09 She never has had the chance to fly.
00:13 - You got that walk, Maya?
00:18 - Hi!
00:19 - One day we were just taking the dogs for a walk.
00:21 You think we should take the bird for a walk?
00:23 You think she would enjoy that?
00:25 And we're like, well, heck, why not try it?
00:27 We were just walking down the road with her
00:30 and she started lifting her wing.
00:32 It's kind of like she wanted to fly,
00:33 so I'm like, well, let's go for a little fly.
00:36 - She loves when we take her flying.
00:41 And at the end of the fly, she always laughs out loud.
00:44 (dog barking)
00:55 - My wife was looking at birds for adoption
00:58 and I saw Maya come up.
01:00 And it was this macaw.
01:08 Hi, sweetheart.
01:11 Guys, we got some big news.
01:15 Come here, baby girl.
01:16 Wanna come visit?
01:17 We're getting Maya.
01:19 She's in the mood today.
01:21 A special friend.
01:23 Everyone meet Mernin.
01:25 She's my new little baby.
01:26 Eating her apple slice.
01:28 Birds and Beaks Rescue had contacted us
01:30 and said that they had a green-winged macaw
01:32 that they thought would be a good fit.
01:34 Moya.
01:37 - A heavy bird.
01:38 - He brought you something, honey.
01:40 Look.
01:42 Did you say hi to your friend?
01:48 When Maya and Merlin first met,
01:50 Maya was pretty excitable and she was saying hi
01:53 and full of energy.
01:54 Merlin was just kinda like,
01:56 "Hmm, I'm not really sure what's going on."
01:58 Oh, baby.
01:59 Ricky still loves you, honey.
02:01 What do you think, Merlin?
02:03 What do you think, boy?
02:04 I loved seeing them interact
02:05 and I loved knowing that Maya had a friend.
02:07 They're actually the exact same age,
02:09 so they're both 25.
02:10 I would definitely describe their relationship
02:14 more as siblings.
02:16 They get along when you give them something to do
02:19 and busy them.
02:20 That's not your cage, Merlin.
02:22 That is not your cage, Maya.
02:24 How did you both get out of your cages?
02:27 I think they kind of look up to each other in a way,
02:30 even though they'd never admit that if they could say it.
02:32 What are you doing?
02:33 You look very guilty.
02:34 She the mama girl.
02:36 She the mama girl.
02:39 I never realized how much companionship
02:41 and friendship and love that I'd be able to give a parrot
02:44 and that the parrot would be able to give back to me.
02:47 And it's just something I can't imagine my life without.
02:53 I consider them my best friends.
02:56 I look forward to coming home from work
02:58 and getting them out.
02:59 (gentle music)
03:02 (parrot squawking)
