10 Star Wars Mistakes Confirmed By The Creators

  • 3 months ago
Even the director agrees that Leia shouldn't have ignored Chewbacca.


00:00There are few, if any, franchises and fanbases quite like those of Star Wars.
00:06Built over 40 plus years, Star Wars fans are some of the most passionate out there, and
00:10are very protective over the movies and TV shows they love, yet if there are any decisions
00:15they don't agree with or mistakes made in the galaxy far, far away, they will be exposed.
00:21And in all honesty, Star Wars is a franchise simply littered with canonical contradictions,
00:26questionable production and story decisions, and downright basic plot holes.
00:31Any of these will always be found and highlighted by fans, but on occasion there have been those
00:36mistakes that have been admitted to by those that actually made them too.
00:40So with that in mind, I am Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 Star Wars Mistakes
00:45Confirmed by the Creators.
00:48No Test Screening – Star Wars The Last Jedi
00:51Rian Johnson, even outside of Star Wars, has typically never seen to be put off by
00:55outside opinions on his work.
00:57He has stated previously that he does not agree with giving fans exactly what he thinks
01:01will make them happy, with the end result of that method usually leading to the opposite.
01:05And it became somewhat infamous within the Star Wars fandom when The Last Jedi released,
01:10with Episode VIII being by far the most divisive movie yet.
01:13The only regret from the process that Johnson does have is that there was no test screening
01:19Generally, the director wouldn't indulge in such things, and with the potential for
01:23spoilers leaking greater than ever, Lucasfilm holds a very similar policy.
01:27However, on this occasion, Rian Johnson would have loved to get some feedback on his controversial
01:33It's unclear what, if any, changes he would have made had this been the case, though the
01:36feedback would have almost certainly strongly suggested certain potential amendments.
01:41The Last Jedi could have been very different indeed.
01:44There Was No Real Plan – The Sequel Trilogy After the original trilogy earned itself the
01:49reputation as one of the defining movie trilogies in cinematic history, the prequel trilogy
01:54two decades later couldn't have been received much worse.
01:57Underwhelming would have been an understatement, until fans were given a new perspective on
02:01Episodes I to III by how poor the sequels were.
02:05Simply put, there is likely no shortage of regrets in hindsight, something that J.J.
02:09Abrams sums up pretty well in just one enveloping regret of poor planning.
02:14The director helmed The Force Awakens before sitting out The Last Jedi and returning for
02:18The Rise of Skywalker.
02:20Through the Rian Johnson sandwich that became this trilogy, it was obvious that there was
02:23no overarching plan from the start, and the movie suffered for it.
02:28Abrams admitted to the disconnect between the three films, as a lack of planning meant
02:32that no one knew what they were setting up next.
02:34This was why so many threads that were left dangling at the end of Episode VII were essentially
02:39ignored or retconned in Episode VIII, before Episode IX did much the same thing to its
02:44own predecessor.
02:46What a mess.
02:48Star Wars The Phantom Menace Though many years later there has seemingly
02:52been an upturn in the defence of The Phantom Menace and the entire prequel trilogy, by
02:56and large it is still one of the worst received Star Wars movies there is.
03:00The pro column, which essentially consisted of Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson, was vastly
03:04outweighed in the con column thanks to the likes of Anakin Skywalker, a narrative surrounding
03:08trade taxation, and of course the lightning rod for much Star Wars hate, that is Jar Jar
03:14Even George Lucas himself wasn't happy with the final product, though this was generally
03:18aimed towards its disjointed conclusion.
03:21As told in a documentary surrounding the making of the movie, the final moments just jumped
03:25around too much and the fans' negative reactions were understandable, undermining the potentially
03:30emotional scene of saying goodbye to Qui-Gon Jinn with the goofy antics of Jar Jar and
03:35Anakin, and a largely underwhelming battle of Naboo.
03:38By the time this was realised, however, it was too late to make any real changes to the
03:42final cut.
03:44Incorrect Grammar – Star Wars The Force Awakens
03:47There are some entries on this list that have really irritated Star Wars fans, in some cases
03:52for decades.
03:53Then there's this entry, which is admittedly a rather inconsequential mistake, but a mistake
03:59This came within the very first moments of one of the most anticipated movies of the
04:03century, with the opening crawl of The Force Awakens.
04:05It's not a massively noticeable error, particularly with the adrenaline and excitement that comes
04:10with the opening of any Star Wars movie, but there is a grammatical error when telling
04:14of Leia's brother Luke.
04:16The comma before Luke is necessary as it renders the name as non-essential information, meaning
04:20the sentence would make sense without it.
04:23The fact there is no comma suggests that the word Luke is essential information.
04:27The only potential reason for this would be if there was another brother that Luke needed
04:30to be differentiated from.
04:32Of course, this was never the case, and J.J. Abrams eventually confirmed that this was indeed
04:37a mistake and took full responsibility, and so he should.
04:42Killing off Val, a solo A Star Wars Story
04:44Though solo A Star Wars Story's narrative naturally revolved around one of the most
04:48popular characters in Star Wars history, an entirely new cast of characters save for one
04:53particular Wookiee and a surprising Sith Lord appearance had to be introduced.
04:58One of the key players was Han's mentor of sorts, Tobias Beckett, as well as his crew.
05:02The likes of Val and Ryo didn't last too long, as their deaths essentially left Beckett,
05:07Solo and Chewie on their own to face Dryden Vass.
05:10It all made sense within the narrative, and you could argue that Val needed to die to
05:14kickstart the rest of the story, but that doesn't mean that writer Jon Kasdan does
05:17not regret it.
05:19Played by the incredible Thanduin Newton, Val made a heroic sacrifice so that her love
05:23could live on to steal the valuable coaxium.
05:26According to the writer, the actor was so compelling in the role that it poised the
05:30problem of wanting to see more of her.
05:32This is a regret shared by Newton herself, though for different reasons.
05:36The Westworld actor wasn't upset Val was killed off because of her own want to return
05:39to the franchise.
05:40It was the fact that hers was the first major Star Wars role for a black woman, and it ended
05:45in her unceremonious death.
05:47Not a good look.
05:52Set between the events of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars allowed
05:56for a far deeper exploration of previously unseen characters and unheard stories across
06:01the galaxy.
06:02One such character was Saw Gerrera, already created from the mind of George Lucas.
06:06The man behind the entire Star Wars franchise also brought to life Steeler Gerrera, a sister
06:11to Saw who would help develop the character, and also act as something of a thorn in Ahsoka's
06:16side when it came to her relationship with Lux.
06:18While Saw would go on to appear in the Bad Batch, after his live action debut in Rogue
06:22One of course, Steeler died during the Battle of Onderon, in the same story arc in which
06:27she was introduced.
06:28This is something that Dave Filoni has admitted he deeply regrets.
06:32With Steeler, Filoni felt the series had a character that they could bring back later
06:36in a different capacity.
06:37She was a popular character in the writer's room, her design and characterisation were
06:41excellent, as well as a fantastic vocal performance by Dawn Lee and Gardner, but she still just
06:47didn't make it.
06:52As a sequel to The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones didn't particularly fare any
06:56better with how it was received.
06:58Though several years had passed between the movies, and Anakin Skywalker grew to be played
07:02by Hayden Christensen, fans were still as unimpressed with his performance as they were
07:06with Jake Lloyd.
07:07In fairness, the script in part didn't exactly leave the young actor with much of a chance,
07:12did it?
07:13There is a particular scene that is still ridiculed today, between Anakin and Padme
07:16on Naboo, you know the one.
07:18This comes after they have shared a kiss, as Anakin pours his heart out to the woman
07:22he has loved since he was ten years old, and knew her for a few days or so.
07:26The delivery isn't great, but it's hard to imagine any actor taking the words given
07:30to him by George Lucas and making them sound in any way good.
07:34The writer-director himself has since described the dialogue as pretty corny, which in the
07:38opinion of most would still be considered far too generous.
07:42One Glaring Plothole, Solo A Star Wars Story
07:46It's an unfortunate truth that if you look hard enough at any story, particularly one
07:50brought to life on the big screen, plot holes will inevitably be found.
07:53It's less common, however, for a plot hole to be pointed out by the writer of the story
07:59This is exactly what happened with Solo A Star Wars Story, though.
08:02There was plenty to critique within this particular Star Wars outing, sure, but there is one plot
08:06hole in particular that will forever haunt writer Jonathan Kasdan.
08:10After Tobias and Han returned to Dryden without the coaxium they promised, the leader of Crimson
08:15Dome was willing to kill them until they came up with a plan to steal more from Kessel.
08:20Dryden took some convincing to sign off on this plan, as he didn't want any ties back
08:23to him or Crimson Dawn to start something of a war with the Pykes.
08:27Han's observation that no one knew he and Beckett were working for Dryden was a smart
08:32However, the plot hole still resented by the writer is why the villain got Kira involved
08:36at all.
08:37His most trusted companion was sent to be the most visible part of the heist on Kessel,
08:41something that could have instantly tied him to the job and kickstarted the war he so eagerly
08:45wanted to avoid.
08:47Having two movies too close together, Star Wars The Last Jedi and Solo A Star Wars Story,
08:52it's fair to say that Star Wars has, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe in recent
08:56years, fallen victim to oversaturation of product.
09:00Throughout the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, there was just one new Star Wars
09:04movie every three years, leaving long enough for fans to be chomping at the bits for more
09:09by the time of the next release.
09:11With the sequel trilogy however, this was ramped up to a Skywalker saga movie every
09:15two years.
09:17And in between 2015's The Force Awakens and 2017's The Last Jedi, there was Rogue
09:21One, but this still didn't deter fans as told by the respective box office numbers
09:26of $2 billion, $1.3 billion and $1 billion.
09:30Lucasfilm seemingly wanted to push things even further however, and potentially push
09:34their luck a little bit too much.
09:37Just five months after the release of Episode VIII came Solo, which saw a dramatic drop
09:41in its box office intake.
09:43At just $392,000, this is still the lowest grossing Star Wars movie ever.
09:49There were plenty of reasons for this, but the one that Kathleen Kennedy gives the most
09:52credence to is the fact that it came too soon after Episode VIII, leading her to take her
09:56foot off the gas in regards to cinematic releases.
10:00Leia Hugged Rey – Star Wars The Force Awakens
10:03In 2015, Star Wars The Force Awakens reintroduced the franchise to the big screen for the first
10:08time since 2005.
10:10And even with so many new characters and storylines to introduce, the movie still found
10:15room for the original big three of Han Solo, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker.
10:19One of the biggest moments in the entire movie was of course the death of Han Solo at the
10:23hands of his son, Ben.
10:25Such was the gravity of the moment, Leia felt it herself from across the galaxy and was
10:29deeply hurt.
10:31Then when the Resistance, including Solo's best friend, Chewie, and newest acquaintances
10:35Reya and Finn returned to their base, there was a moment that confused Star Wars fans
10:41After the death of Han Solo, his best friend and his love offered each other no comfort
10:45whatsoever, instead simply walking past each other with zero acknowledgement, allowing
10:50Leia to go straight to Rey instead.
10:52This was something who Leia had never met before, and who barely knew Han, yet still
10:57she chose to hug her instead of Chew, bloody baka.
11:00J.J. Abrams has since explained that the point of the scene was for the two Force-sensitive
11:04characters to find each other through their powers, but also admitted that ignoring Chewie
11:08was a mistake.
11:10That is one way of putting it.
11:11The poor big furry lad.
11:13And that's our list of any other Star Wars mistakes confirmed by the creators.
11:17Then let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
11:20to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
11:23Also if you really like this kind of thing then please head on over to whatculture.com
11:27and find some more fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching right
11:30this second is based on.
11:32I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the Force be with your lovely self as
11:37I hope to see your face very very soon, but in the meantime, just be good to yourself.
11:40Bye bye!
