Lorry crashes into play park fence after getting lost near Galley Hill Road, Swanscombe

  • 3 months ago
Shocking footage has emerged of the moment a lorry got stuck in a park next to a children's play area after taking a wrong turn
00:00It would have been the last thing these picnic goers expected to see reversing behind them,
00:07a large lorry in a children's park.
00:10The driver clearly lost, then decided to reverse, crashing into this fence.
00:17The man who shot this video didn't want to come on camera, but he's the caretaker for
00:20the park and is now terrified this will happen when children are here.
00:26So how on earth did this lorry end up in the play area?
00:30We understand that HGV took a right into this no lorry zone, that's because Galley Hill
00:35Road is mostly closed because of the landslip.
00:38The driver would have quickly ended up at the road closure signs here, being forced
00:42to take a left into this housing estate, not before taking out this traffic light.
00:49We then guess the driver tried to find a way out, but he entered into Phoenix Court and
00:53swinging around a bend, he'd realised he was quickly out of road and he entered this
00:59park to try and turn around.
01:02Yes it is, the cream of the crop, the cream of the crop, this is the worst, that was the
01:08worst one, everyone else's, we've had a few shouts and hollers.
01:12Bruce lives in this no lorry zone, he's had one reversing into his front wall, destroying
01:17it, and as a result he's had to put this temporary fence up.
01:21There should be a height barrier put across the road to stop the lorries coming through,
01:27they've got ample opportunity to turn right and turn round, they've got plenty of space
01:31to turn round there, that could be done, that should have been done months ago.
01:36Residents living on this street say they're constantly seeing lorries coming up and down
01:39it and there's been more damage in the past.
01:42There's an official diversion for HGVs as a solution to the destroyed road is found,
01:47The residents are now calling on Kent County Council to increase awareness and enforcement.
01:53It's very hard to understand why the driver did what he did, because he obviously got
01:56in some difficulty going down an inappropriate road, but then to drive round on the children's
02:01play area, or near the children's play area and on the grass, I find just amazing.
02:06But we'll learn from it, we'll get some more signs probably, so I can ask and I can push
02:11and my colleagues push, but at the end of the day KCC make the decisions.
02:15It's been nearly 15 months since Galley Hill Road was shut following the landslip, a solution
02:20still months, if not years, away.
02:24But locals hope quicker measures will come to stop lorries entering their community here.
