Angels Desire to Look Into-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-JUNE 26 2024

  • 4 months ago
Scripture Records That Angels Were Involved in the Giving of the Law and the Old Covenant, But They Are Not Brought In at All with God's New Covenant Which Required the Very Blood of God. Is This Maybe Because Jesus Is Come to Restore the Image of God in Man? And, as a Last-Ditch Effort, What Might Satan Try to Employ (CRISPR-Cas9, AI, Aliens...) to Completely Obliterate the Image of God in Man?

00:00Chapter number one and verse number nine. First Peter 1 9.
00:16All right. First Peter 1 9. Receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of
00:24your souls of which salvation the prophets have inquired in search
00:29diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you searching
00:35what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify
00:42when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that
00:47should follow unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us
00:53they did minister these things which are now reported unto you by them that have
00:59preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven.
01:04Note especially what we're going to read next which things the angels desire to
01:12look into. Father bless this book tonight now the holy name amen. You can be seated.
01:20The Apostle Peter just told you that the prophets prophesied holy men of God
01:25spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. They spake as the Holy Ghost
01:29moved them. It doesn't mean that they could that they had to understand a
01:33thing they said. Inspiration doesn't mean it comes from man's wisdom or a man's
01:37ability it's God breathed so God gave them the word to write. But notice
01:43carefully the dispensational aspect to this thing there's no denying it. Verse
01:4712 unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did
01:53minister the things. So when you pick the scriptures up and you begin to read
01:57them from Genesis through Revelation you need to ask yourself a question who's
02:01this talking to? Who's it talking to? That's question number one. And question
02:07number two what doctrinal application is this in my life? And question number
02:13three what about a spiritual application is a lesson here that I need to learn?
02:16And so the Word of God being alive quick and powerful you need to approach it in
02:22that manner because even though on the surface of it it may not appear to have
02:25anything for you you'll be surprised once you read it. But I'm going to call
02:29your attention to the fact that the angels desired to look into this
02:32salvation. Now we're going to read just a little bit about what the New Testament
02:36says about these angels and see if we can't put something together. If you have
02:40your Bible turn to the book of Acts chapter 7 and verse number 53. Acts
02:44chapter 7 and verse number 53. Acts 7 53. The scripture says who have received
02:53the law by what? The disposition of angels and have not kept it. So the
03:01giving of the law at Sinai in one way or another was connected with angels. This
03:06is what the scripture says. Now go with me to the book of Galatians chapter
03:10number 3 and verse number 19. Galatians 3 19. Book of Galatians chapter number
03:213 and verse number 19. Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of
03:31transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made and it was
03:40ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Here we have the law reference
03:47to the law again and a little more is revealed to us and that is that there
03:52was a promised seed that was going to come. And this may very well point
03:57directly to what the Apostle Peter's talking about when he says they desired
04:01to look into these things these angels did. But this is what's important. Notice
04:06that when the law came the scripture says that angels were involved in it in
04:11one fashion one manner or another. And notice carefully it was ordained by
04:16angels in the hand of a mediator. Now of course a mediator is a go-between it's
04:22one that goes between two parties. Now this is important. Look at Hebrews
04:28chapter number 2 and verse number 2. Hebrews chapter 2 and verse number 2. The
04:36scripture says for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every
04:42transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward how shall we
04:48escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken
04:55to the Lord and was confirmed to men and was confirmed unto us by them that heard
05:01him. Now notice the references to angels they keep popping up here. Look at Acts
05:06chapter number 7 and verse number 38. And keep in mind we're talking about the
05:14first covenant. Acts chapter number 7 and verse number 38. Acts 7 38 says this is
05:25he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to
05:29him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles
05:35to give unto us. Here's the angel again see that? And then in verse number 35 Acts
05:43chapter number 7. This Moses whom they refused saying who made thee a ruler and
05:50a judge the same did God send to be a ruler and to deliver by the hand of the
05:55angel which appeared to him in the bush. Now how many of you remember the
06:01confrontation or the conversation that's the best way of Moses with
06:07someone at the bush? You remember that? All right who was he talking to? He's
06:13talking to the Lord. All right here's made it simply called an angel. Now
06:18remember I've mentioned this to you so many times before the word angel could
06:24be a created spirit being that is an angel. But the word angel could also
06:31refer to the angel of the Lord. The Old Testament we would call it a
06:35Christophany or a theophany. In other words a physical manifestation or an
06:40appearance of God in angelic form before he was incarnate as a man. But the word
06:47angel even goes further than that. When the scripture talks about the children
06:52and their angel doth behold the face of our Father which is in heaven. What is
06:56that? The angel of a child. Then when Peter had been released from the prison
07:02the angel opened the door moved it back and allowed him to come out and
07:07Rhoda went to the door and there stood Peter. Then when she told them Peter was
07:14at the door they said well you messed up it must be his angel. And so we have to
07:22take it from that to mean a one of a couple of things. Either it is an
07:26appearance of Peter in angelic form in spirit form as an angel or an angel has
07:35taken upon himself to appear as a representative or in the place of Peter.
07:39I tend to believe that we have a angelic essence because an angel is
07:50a manifestation like the Lord God in the Old Testament. And you've got to
07:55think about this and I'm not saying you are an angel I'm trying to get it across
07:58in the use of the word. Does the Bible say that be careful that you could
08:03entertain angels unawares? Right? And so you're entertaining someone who appears
08:09to be a human a man or a woman and yet they're not. An angel in the essence of a
08:15created spirit being is not a man it's not a woman it's an angel. The Greek word
08:20for it is Angelos and it's one sent, sent with a message, sent as a messenger, sent
08:26as a representative. But to try to understand it a little better I think
08:30the angel of the Lord would help us because the Lord Jesus Christ appeared
08:34in the Old Testament. He appeared many times in the Old Testament and here the
08:39Apostles just simply says angel but this is before he was incarnate. This is
08:44before he became a man. This is before God became man. Now this is not part of
08:52God that became a man. No, no. This is God became a man. The Lord Jesus Christ said
09:00now if you've seen me you've seen the Father. But the Apostle Paul says in
09:05Colossians chapter number 1 and verse number 15 God is invisible. He's an
09:10invisible being. You can't see him with the eye. So therefore he appears in human
09:16form. But it did not happen there. He did not appear in human form in the Lord
09:22Jesus Christ. He was a human. Now that's the difference. This is not a phantom or
09:28an illusion or like the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament. This is a
09:32literal physical man and he was God. So when the Bible says in the Old Testament
09:41that this covenant this first covenant was was ministered brought into being
09:47ratified given power through means of an angel you do the research on it you
09:53really can't find in this any specific or particular place where this happened
09:57although you have allusions to it that brings you about what's going on here
10:02but you got to keep in mind what we're talking about with angel. Some of this
10:05tonight that I'm going to give you is not going to necessarily be right to the
10:09point but that's okay it make you think and the whole point is thinking. So when
10:15God brought into existence his commandments by writing in stone with
10:21his finger and this was this was the law of God given at Sinai angels were
10:29involved somehow or another in bringing that into ratification in other words
10:34power authority in essence into being and the angel was there but now when you
10:41come to the New Testament you come to the new covenant we're talking about the
10:45old covenant first the blood of bulls and goats and the Apostle says that the
10:50blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin. In the Old Testament saint his
10:55sins were forgiven they were forgiven they were forgiven based upon the grace
11:00of God and the mercy of God but they were not taken away. It was not until the
11:06Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross at the prophecy of John the Baptist who
11:10said behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. He took it
11:15away. He became absolute Lord God and master over sin and I'd be understand
11:22that yes sir not in any superficial part half done way what he did he did
11:28completely and nothing can be added to it. In plain words as it relates to sin
11:34the sacrifice of Christ upon that cross cannot be improved it cannot be added to
11:40and you cannot detract from it he finished the job. Now whether we
11:46understand completely and fully all that was involved and that's a different
11:49story entirely but according to the book of Hebrews chapter number 9 turn
11:53there with me tonight Hebrews chapter number 9 Hebrews chapter number 9 verse
12:03number 16 for where a testament is there must also of necessity be the what? The
12:13death not the promise no not the typology and promises and typologies
12:19they're all fine but what we're talking about here tonight there must be of
12:23necessity the death of the testifier testator. Now look at verse 17 a
12:28testament is of force when? After men are dead. All right is there a big
12:37difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? Bigger than words can
12:42describe bigger than words can define you better believe it because the Old
12:47Covenant was built upon law written in stone not in the hearts of men and the
12:52Old Covenant was built upon the blood of bulls and goats and the priesthood of
12:56the Old Testament was the priesthood of Aaron by men who were sinners standing
13:01before a holy God. The New Covenant is a covenant of the blood of God himself
13:05Acts 21st 28 and there is nothing greater than his blood and that blood
13:11the Lord Jesus said this about. I want you to look at it with me now let me see
13:16if I can find my reference he said this about his blood Luke chapter 22 verse 20
13:22Luke chapter 22 verse 20
13:27all right let's see if I got my text right yeah here we are all right verse
13:4219 he took the bread and gave thanks break it and gave to them saying this is
13:47my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me likewise also the
13:52cup after the supper saying this cup is the New Testament
13:56Hakene Deotheke this is the New Covenant in my blood which is shed for you now
14:02hold on just a moment let's put our thinking cap back on a moment was this
14:07blood that he's talking about here was it in force was it in power no no no
14:18this is a this is a prophecy and a promise that blood until he died on the
14:25cross see the death of the test at her this is the New Covenant the New
14:31Testament in my blood so obviously the Lord Jesus Christ did not see that wine
14:37as his blood he was using it as a figure the like figure were into even baptism
14:44to save us not the washing away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a
14:48clear conscience to God a figure see so what we have here now is a covenant a
14:53covenant that is that will be ratified when Christ said it's finished to tell
14:58us I it's done it's finished it's complete it's accomplished it could not
15:05be added to and there's where it came into force when he bowed his head and
15:10said father into thy hands I commend my spirit and he did there on the cross and
15:15he laid the foundation for the New Covenant when he was raised from the
15:18dead three days later he was declared to be the Son of God by the resurrection
15:22from the dead God one more time declared him to be his son but the resurrection
15:29from the dead now where's the angel angels have absolutely nothing to do
15:37with the New Covenant now let that settle in think about that for a moment
15:43nothing in the Old Testament the reason the angel could be involved is because
15:48it was not between God and the spirit of a man there was nothing in the Old
15:54Testament covenant that could change a man's spirit the spirit must be born
15:59again Nicodemus you must be born again was Nicodemus a lover of God was an
16:05observer of the law certainly was no hypocrite Nicodemus was following the
16:09light he had doing what he could with what he had he said we know thou art a
16:13teacher come from God no man can do the things you do except God be with him
16:16Nicodemus you must be born again and then of course the argument how can I
16:22enter the second time a mother's womb Nicodemus our master in Israel
16:26knoweth not these things there's some things that I've given to you many times
16:31before I'll just give you five of them quickly tonight and we'll move along we
16:36are made in the image of God we've been created in God's image what is that
16:42image that's a good question because you have God's body showing up when the Lord
16:48Jesus Christ appeared you said you've seen me you've seen the father well this
16:51is the father the father the father in flesh God in flesh I mean can you
16:56separate the father from the son and from the Holy Ghost no no no you can't
17:00don't chop them up folks now I'm a believer in the Trinity fully and
17:04completely but you got to remember there is one God and one mediator between God
17:09and men well how do we understand that if you understood the essence of a
17:14spirit being then maybe we could get a hold of what's going on here but we
17:19don't so here the Lord Jesus Christ appears and here they see him and they
17:25see him as he is 2,000 years ago and here he is in flesh and he has blood and
17:32the blood that he shed according to the Apostle Paul in the book of Acts chapter
17:3520 verse 28 the blood of God to feed the Church of God which hath purchased with
17:40his own blood the blood covenant the blood testament there's the same they're
17:47the same testament covenant same thing it's just different as it relates to a
17:52time period with Israel so same thing blood covenant all right so this first
18:01of all we're made in the image of God secondly man can pray all right you can
18:07pray remember praying is far more than simply talking because I showed you in
18:13the book of Job Job did a lot of talking all of them talked but the Bible says
18:18plainly at the end then he prayed for his accusers so he called an attention
18:25to it there's not a word in the Bible from Genesis the Revelation ever says a
18:28cherubim or a seraphim or an angel prays is it because they're incapable of
18:34prayer is it because of their spiritual makeup they can't or simply maybe they
18:40can but the Bible doesn't say they can you see I mean I've said it now my neck
18:46on the chop block and I've said it many times but nobody has come to me yet to
18:51show me where an angel or anything apart from a man can pray and the third thing
18:58is the new birth we're born of the Spirit of God nowhere in the Bible does
19:03it say an angel cherubim seraphim watcher or any of them are born again but
19:09we are born of God see born from above the fourth one is fellowship koinonia we
19:17spent some time in first John talking about fellowship truly our fellowship
19:21with the Father and got into the details of it and how the confession is what
19:26goes on inside the soul if you say you have not sinned you deceive yourselves
19:30if you if you say you have no sin you call God a liar so it gets he gets
19:35pretty personal with him but he said if you confess your sin he's faithful
19:39and just to forgive you cleanse you from all unrighteousness therefore we
19:42have fellowship with the Father and with the Son and the Holy Ghost but there's
19:48not a word in the Bible that says an angel cherubim seraphim or any of them
19:51have fellowship I'm not saying they don't what I'm trying to say is you
19:56won't find it in Scripture and then finally that ability to love we can love
20:03him that's the basis of fellowship to whom much is forgiven the same what
20:10loveth much and so we love him and if you know him you love him and I don't
20:17question you know I'm not here to come between you and God but you know in your
20:21heart and your soul tonight if you love the Lord and you love him all right so
20:24here we are this is this is man so why does the angel why does he have no part
20:31in that new covenant well look what Paul said over here turn with me the book of
20:37Colossians let me see if I can find the text I think about chapter number two I
20:43got so much scribble down here get me some glasses that are thick I'm gonna
20:48knock the bottom out of some coke bottles and see if I can let's see
20:52Colossians 218 let's look at this one Colossians 218 here's a warning
21:07the Apostle to the church at Colossae 218 let no man beguile you of your
21:12reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of what look at this see the
21:19angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up
21:24by his fleshly mind and that one in that remarkable how that when an angel is
21:30mentioned as it relates to the gospel New Testament it's not in a good context
21:36look at Galatians 1 8 Galatians 1 8
21:49but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than
21:58that which we have preached unto you let him be anathema let him be accursed see
22:04that that's not a good context so two places angels are mentioned as it
22:08relates to the gospel of the grace of God and it's not good in plain words God
22:14doesn't use angels to preach the gospel he uses men he uses men and he uses men
22:22who love him and have recalled of him anointed of him faithful men to preach
22:28the Word of God I suspect one of the reasons that angels have nothing to do
22:33with the New Testament or the new birth and the and the and the new covenant is
22:37the fact that when you're born you're born of the Spirit all right and you've
22:43been made in the image of God when the Lord Jesus Christ came he came to renew
22:48and restore the lost image that Adam lost in the garden Adam lost it we had a
22:57we had we had a reasonable facsimile of it but it wasn't the same and he said
23:02whoso shedeth man's blood by man shall his his blood be shed for he's made the
23:07image of God so we still retained a certain amount of that in the sense that
23:13that we have that now here's the problem the problem is when you get in to try to
23:17define the image of God that's where you get in trouble so why I'm sure you've
23:26probably heard the word anthropomorphic that's just a big word it's the joining
23:31conjunction of two Greek words Anthropos and Morphe Morphe's form
23:35structure Anthropos is man okay so it is in other words a man structure in plain
23:45words the hand of God moved in the Old Testament and did such and so does God
23:49really have a hand we're talking about that spirit being who can be everywhere
23:56at the same time who is omnipresent well when he became a man he had a hand
24:04see he was incarnate in plain words was the Lord Jesus Christ God incarnate in
24:15flesh okay was he a fleshly visible representation of what God looks like as
24:22a spirit being you have an answer to that that's the kind of thing to sit on
24:30the back porch and watch the butterflies and the and and the the the lightning
24:36bugs and listen to you to your woodpecker I got up this morning went
24:39out there and I saw something in the corner of the yard over there I said
24:42that's big and I got my flashlight and I looked down there's a beautiful doe
24:46standing down there and she looked back up at me like that big ears sticking
24:52straight up that's the light bouncing off the back of her eyeball and those
24:56two eyes just lit up in the dark and stood there for the longest and it's a
25:01beautiful just young doe she was fully grown though and she just kept looking
25:05back up at me and I said I'm not gonna hurt you let me get you something to eat
25:10she was eating some bush or something out there and then she went on up to the
25:15side of the house and then I sit down was drinking my coffee and all of a
25:18sudden here she came right around through the back out into the woods and
25:21you could hear she was going out through the woods where I live if you hear twigs
25:26cracking you got weight on it squirrels don't crack twigs you know what I mean
25:32and I heard him cracking as she went on out through the woods yeah that's what
25:37she is that's what she is beautiful creatures as a matter of fact these
25:41these deer you know white-tailed deer they're everywhere all over the place
25:46that's how God made them that's what they are I am what God made of me I know
25:53the Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh I know what he looks like in
25:58one sense now look at first John Nolan yeah first John look at first John in
26:03the book of Romans let's start with Romans 8 verse 23 I know I get kind of
26:09romantic and get talking about stuff and people said what difference does that
26:14make well it makes a lot of difference to me I mean I'm not out in the sticks
26:19that far and here we have a deer all right Romans chapter number 8 and verse
26:27number 23 now look at this and not only they but ourselves also which have the
26:35firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting
26:45for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body and that's something now go
26:53back before that and look at verse 19 let's go to verse 7 18 rather for I
27:00reckon sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared the glory
27:04which shall be revealed for them all look at this for the earnest expectation
27:08of the creature waiteth for what the manifestation of the sons of God see
27:17that's an appearing of them Bible says my life is hid with Christ in God but
27:22the Bible says the time is going to come when the manner the sons of God are
27:25manifested so look at look at this one I want you to see this one too first
27:35John chapter number 3 first John 3 and I'm quoting I know a lot of you folks
27:43you study your Bible you know exactly where I'm going
27:47first number two beloved now are we the sons of God well that's good to know
27:55isn't it it's not a reward for the end of your life it's a present possession
28:00beloved now the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be see this
28:06see this but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall
28:16see him as he is isn't that beautiful now you remember a few years back I
28:24talked to you about CRISPR-Cas9 how many remember that CRISPR-Cas9 all right
28:28this is at the article that I read it and said designing children so what
28:33they've done is to take this double helix they go into the genetic structure
28:37the DNA and they're able through high technology to begin to manipulate it and
28:44form what they want to to bring forth the kind of children they want to we
28:50want our children to have this this this this this this this and on it goes I
28:54don't have far they progressed from there once you think about this next
28:59thing not only do you have DNA and you have that you've also got artificial
29:05intelligence all right so what is this leading to I will try to show you what
29:13is artificial intelligence I've been scratching around digging around this
29:17thing now for some time and I'm beginning to come to the come to the
29:22conclusion that what really makes artificial intelligence powerful is
29:27algorithms algorithms I mean we all had no most of you operate computers I do
29:34you know day in and day out and but a computer is not artificial intelligence
29:40artificial intelligence is a much higher level in other words to be able
29:46to think like a sentient being all right now think about this for a moment I
29:51wonder if it could come to the point where the computer could write its own
29:56algorithms and got so smart that it can make its own without the need of a human
30:05being reckon that could happen CRISPR Cas9 artificial intelligence and then
30:12aliens the government has come out and said there are did you know that there
30:17are Harvard professors right now Harvard professors who are telling people that
30:23we have aliens living in our midst now when they say alien they're talking
30:27about extraterrestrial from somewhere somewhere I have no problem with aliens
30:34but I don't think they came from somewhere somewhere I think they're
30:37demonic beings okay they're spirit beings I don't question that but what's
30:44all that for when I think about this Satan said I will be like the Most High
30:50will you the Bible says no man hath ever seen God no man what preacher they saw
30:58him and no they saw manifestations like the angel of the Lord and so forth from
31:04what I gather from Scripture nothing except the Son has ever seen that
31:10eternal being in his pure essence nothing nothing nothing that includes
31:16Satan and Satan knows that the man is unique this is why he went after Adam he
31:24hated him because Adam was something different that he'd ever seen before so
31:31what's he going to do now well he's gone after the image of God in man and it
31:36would surprise me one bit that the greatest his last effort will be to try
31:43to destroy the image of God in man if he does that it's over it's over to try to
31:52destroy it and I only gave you three it may very well be more than that you know
31:59CERN supposed to Hadron Collider where you we bring these particles together
32:05and at that moment of where they where they smash each other they they want to
32:12see what happens but one of their own said we don't know what's going to
32:17happen we may open the door and something may come through that door
32:21that we're totally unprepared for so we don't know what's going on I mean you
32:25know do you really believe what the government tells you no I don't I don't
32:30believe for a minute I wonder sometimes if they believe what they say but the
32:35bottom line is that you live in a high-tech society you really do you ever
32:40wonder where all this transgender stuff's coming from people in male
32:43female non-binary all this stuff the gender is being attacked it has to do
32:50with the essence of who you are as a human being the essence of man all right
32:57now close with this tonight and I mentioned it to you the other day
33:00Maurice Rawlings I had the greatest respect for him we had him here at the
33:05church he's a cardiologist in Chattanooga we had him here 35 years ago
33:09whatever it was very brilliant man and you know the story man was on a
33:15treadmill had a heart attack and and he was started screaming I'm in hell I'm
33:20burning and the doctor pulled him back and eventually got saved but that doctor
33:27was awakened he went home brushed off his Bible began to read it he got right
33:31with God and you can see his stuff on YouTube Maurice Rawlings cardiologist
33:35all right his life came back into his body that's what's going on his life
33:42left his body all right you can look at all the high-tech stuff you want to or
33:48anything you you please what you will see is the ability to measure the
33:54biological the physical and all that I marvel at these guys that go into
33:59buildings ghost hunters and they've got a they're trying to find a ghost with
34:04this stuff good night man give me a break
34:10spirit beings don't answer to the same laws of physics that we do no they don't
34:16no they don't they don't answer to it I don't know where we are I believe we're
34:22close to the coming of the Lord I don't know what's liable to spring up and come
34:27from nowhere and people be totally unprepared for it because there goes
34:32there's going to be an image raised up in Revelation 13 that image is going to
34:35be the image of the beast it'll have his mark and the whole world be required to
34:39worship him and they're gonna have all the technology in the world to do it
34:43every bit of it and the Bible says he that letteth will let to be taken out of
34:47the way the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit I believe that's who the letting is lets
34:51the old English way of stopping that's what it means to let and to hinder the
34:56Holy Spirit is keeping the floodgates from flying wide open but when the
35:00rapture comes to take the Saints away and that's the mystery that God told us
35:05show you a mystery we shall not all sleep he said but we should be changed
35:08shout up come up hither meet him in the clouds hallelujah God hope you're ready
35:15to go because I can't grab you as I go up I can't do a thing to help you either
35:20you're gonna be ready or not but boy I'll tell you right now what could be
35:24better than that the folks when the church is gone the Holy Spirit is not
35:29going to be the same as he was now there the floodgates will open all hell
35:34breaks loose on this earth and with it all this and this is why Daniel said
35:38Daniel 12 knowledge shall increase artificial intelligence may be the thing
35:44I don't know what I just give that to you tonight as a you know as a kind of a
35:48instructive thing so what's the essence of life God that's the answer if you
35:55want to know the essence of life it's God God is the essence of life he is
36:00life he has lived forever and will live forever he had no beginning he has no
36:05ending he has no end that's the essence of life our Lord Jesus Christ was God
36:11manifest in the flesh father into thy hands I commend my spirit so the spirit
36:16never died it ascended to the presence of the father his body died and was laid
36:23in the tomb his soul descended into the heart of the earth and on the third day
36:28he was raised from the dead God declared him to be the Son of God soul
36:32came back into the body spirit descended down into the body and their body soul
36:38and spirit the Lord Jesus walked out of that tomb never to change again forever
36:44he will be who he is and the time will come when all of creation will look at
36:49him and God will forever be God forever God shall be all in all and how that
37:00what that means I don't have an answer you don't have you can't you don't have
37:04I don't have answers to everything but I'll tell you one thing you have been
37:09blessed beyond measure amen you bless beyond measure here you sit
37:17tonight in the image of God if you've been born again the image of Christ is
37:22what you have been have been re you've been born into made anew into the image
37:29of Christ which is the very image of God himself father bless your word and thank
37:34you for the time we've had in your house bless the dear folk Lord your holy name
37:40amen I was
