• last year
How we overcome sin in the world of evil
00:00Everything you're saying is a lot about righteousness by faith, and I know you study a lot of Ellen
00:11So when she says that if they had followed the 1888 message, we would have already gone
00:16to heaven, can you talk about that?
00:19I think that's really important how, if that's the case, why don't we study more of what
00:26they said?
00:27Have you studied that much?
00:29I don't hear you talking about that much, because I listen to you a lot.
00:33I'd like to hear more about that.
00:36No one can say why the church does not.
00:38Well, we can't say the church does not, because we don't know what the entire church body
00:41does around the world.
00:42Ellen White on two occasions said that Christ would have come back.
00:46After 1888, and shortly after, somewhere in the early 50s, she made a similar statement.
00:51Now when the Israelites went into the wilderness, it was not God's will they spent 40 years.
00:56He wanted to take them directly to Canaan land, unbelief allowed him to, caused him
01:00to curse them, it was a curse, and sent them back into the wilderness 40 years.
01:04The same with us, unbelief.
01:07Yes Ellen White said that, and it's tragic that the church did not respond as the church
01:13should have responded to the message of righteousness by faith, it didn't, and here we are today.
01:19There's nothing to prevent us from studying as individuals what was taught, you see, as
01:26You see, we're not saved as a church.
01:30Mind, character, and personality, volume 2, page 4, 23, paragraph 2.
01:34The gospel deals with individuals.
01:37I run across a lot of people, the church has no outreach program.
01:40The church, I say, well you do one.
01:44Do you need your family to tell you how to get along with your friend, or how to arrange
01:48an outing with a friend?
01:49Why do you need the church?
01:50The church doesn't help you sin, why does the church need to help you to do something
01:52that's right?
01:53Figure out something that you can do for God without the church.
01:57One day the church structure will no longer exist as it is, what will we do?
02:01Don't wait for the church.
02:02I can't answer why the church does not, nor can I say the church does not, because I don't
02:06know what the entire church does north, south, east, and west.
02:09Now it may not appear to be a popular subject, yes, but we must take individual decisions,
02:17make individual decisions to study that which tends to bring us to Christ, and that which
02:23may hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
02:25We must make personal decisions to do that.
02:28Yes, my brother?
02:29I think, rephrase, is this on?
02:31Rephrasing it would be, when the rubber hits the road, how do you overcome sin?
02:38Okay, alright, let's get to that.
02:39That's the 1880 message, what you basically preach, but I don't know why you don't bring
02:45Jones and Wagner into it.
02:46You don't know what?
02:48I don't know why you don't bring Jones and Wagner's name into it, because if you study
02:52what they've taught, you've got basically, she said, they said it better than she could
02:59So I think that everyone's arguing about, oh, they apostatized, all this.
03:05Leave that alone.
03:06That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
03:09We need to understand what they said so that we can become like Christ.
03:14Okay, alright, alright.
03:17Now when I preach about tithe, I don't mention J.N. Andrews, but he was the one who worked
03:21out the tithing for the church.
03:23When I preach about the state of the dead, I don't mention O.R.L.
03:26Grozier, who worked it, I don't.
03:29So if I talk about righteousness by faith, I don't have to mention J.N. Andrews.
03:33The only one I really mention frequently is Ellen White, but I can accept what they've
03:37said without mentioning a name or giving credit to them.
03:40Credit goes to God.
03:42Again, the question is, how do you overcome sin?
03:44By the righteousness of Christ, because the sinless life of Christ is the power that enables
03:49us, and that power is mediated through the word of God.
03:52When the sinner brought, let me pray again, Father, please be with me and all of us listening.
03:57Let truth triumph, I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
04:00You read Leviticus chapter one.
04:02Let's go to Leviticus one.
04:03Let's read from verse one, quickly, quickly, quickly.
04:05Who has it?
04:06Who has it?
04:07Where is Joshua?
04:08My friend, my little friend who was sitting right here.
04:12Oh, hi Joshua.
04:15I just missed you from right here, that's all.
04:17God bless you.
04:19All right.
04:20Joshua is my boy.
04:23Do we have Leviticus one?
04:25Who has Leviticus one?
04:28All right.
04:29Someone read first King James Version, and the Lord called unto Moses and spake unto
04:34You can come to the mic if you like and read.
04:35Out of the tabernacle of the congregation saying what?
04:42Speak unto the children.
04:43Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, if any man of you bring an offering
04:47unto the Lord, you shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd and of the
04:53You've got to bring an offering.
04:54Don't go.
04:55Stay there.
04:56You've got to bring an offering.
04:57That's important.
04:58You have to bring an offering.
04:59Now, if his offering be a, verse three.
05:03If his offering be a burnt sacrifice to the herd, let him offer a male without blemish.
05:09Let him offer a male without blemish.
05:14A male without blemish.
05:16Now, how will he know the animal is without blemish?
05:20Come on.
05:22How will he know the animal is without blemish?
05:24He looks at it.
05:26He examines it.
05:27Now, verse four.
05:30And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering.
05:33Where does that happen?
05:35Where does that happen?
05:38In the outer court.
05:40Who is there with the person who brings the lamb?
05:42The priest.
05:43What does the priest also have to do?
05:46He has to examine.
05:47Now, listen to me carefully as we talk about how do you conquer sin.
05:51Two living beings enter the outer court.
05:54The sinner and the lamb.
05:57Are you following me?
05:59Which one does the priest examine?
06:02The lamb.
06:08I'm talking to myself again.
06:10Which one does the priest examine?
06:12The lamb, not the guy.
06:16Your salvation is based on how good you are.
06:19It is based on Jesus.
06:21But you have to bring him.
06:25Now, for God so loved the world that he gave, what do you call that?
06:30A gift.
06:32Yeah, okay, but I want the word gift.
06:33You're right, but I want gift.
06:35Christ is a gift to the world.
06:37Are you following me?
06:38Not to be given back to God.
06:43So you bring the gift.
06:44This is Christ.
06:47The priest accepts Christ at the higher level.
06:52When you bring Christ to God, God accepts Christ and consequently accepts you.
06:59Because you brought Christ.
07:00You don't hand Christ to God.
07:02It's not a long-distance transaction.
07:04You have given your life to Christ.
07:06That's essential.
07:07You bring to the father the life of Christ.
07:10The righteousness of Christ, which is sufficient for the father.
07:14The LMI said it's not important what God thinks of you.
07:18It's important what he thinks of Jesus.
07:21But you've got to bring Jesus and hold on to him.
07:25So that you are accepted in the beloved.
07:30Are you listening to me?
07:32You bring Jesus.
07:34And the man or the woman who brings Jesus can never be rejected by the father.
07:39If you give yourself to him and accept him as your savior,
07:44then sinful though your life may have been, for his sake,
07:49for his sake, you are counted righteous.
07:52Christ's character stands in place of your character,
07:56and you are accepted by God just as if you had never sinned.
08:01Steps to Christ, page 62, paragraph 2.
08:03You bring Christ.
08:04But when you bring Christ, you're saying,
08:06I accept the righteous life of Christ.
08:09I accept Christ's life of submission to the father.
08:12I accept Christ's life of unselfish service.
08:15I accept all of that as mine.
08:18You don't hand Christ to God and say, here he is.
08:22By bringing Christ, you accept, you believe that Christ can do for you.
08:27His righteousness is sufficient for you.
08:30Because it is not your righteousness.
08:32Because the righteousness that qualifies you for a place in God's kingdom is sinlessness.
08:37The life of Christ had no sin.
08:40That animal had no blemish.
08:42The sinner had to bring the animal, and the animal was accepted.
08:46Bring Christ to God.
08:48How do you do that?
08:49By surrendering to Christ.
08:51And the person who is in Christ is accepted by the father.
08:57But by bringing Christ, you're saying, I surrender to Christ.
09:01I accept his righteous life as everything the father desires.
09:05And if that's genuine, that righteous life in Christ works itself through you.
09:11That's the way it was for Christ when he was on the earth.
09:14John 14, verse 10.
09:15Believest thou not that I am in the father, and the father in me?
09:19The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the father that dwelleth in me.
09:25He doeth the works.
09:27When you accept Christ, it's Christ in you, and you in Christ.
09:31As long as that union exists, you're safe.
09:35And if it is genuine, and the only way it can exist is if it's genuine, the life of Christ will express itself through you.
09:43Victory over sin is the righteousness of Christ.
09:49As a practical principle in your life, and that power is the word of God.
09:54Are you with me?
09:55The word of God.
09:56Because God created by his word.
09:58God speaks righteousness by his word.
10:01God heals by his word.
10:03He casts out demons by his word.
10:06Christ himself is the word.
10:08To bring Christ is to bring the word, the word of righteousness, the word of life, the word of victory, the word of everything.
10:15Bring Christ to God.
10:17Don't bring a church.
10:18Don't bring a doctrine.
10:19Bring a person.
10:21That person is both man and God.
10:23And you come with Christ to the Father.
10:25You say, Father, I come in the name of Jesus.
10:28Holding on to Jesus.
10:30Don't let go.
10:32That power of Christ will transform you.
10:36But as Jesus said in John 15, abide, abide, abide, abide.
10:42Keep holding on.
10:43That's the secret.
10:44Keep holding, keep holding, keep holding.
10:46And that keep holding is done by constantly being in the word of God and in prayer.
10:51Keep holding on to Jesus.
10:53That which thou hast, hold fast.
10:55We're told in Revelation twice.
10:57Hold fast.
10:59Because the devil will try to break that bond between you and your Savior.
