• 3 months ago
00:16It feels good coming back even though I was technically up for extermination
00:20I don't really count it because I know I don't deserve to be there and I know it's cuz the group put me there guys
00:26That trapdoor though, bitch, I thought a trapdoor could be possible, but I did not think it would happen
00:32Yeah, Erica, what was that? Like waiting up there?
00:35Honestly, I felt like shit part of it was also a Bora putting me there
00:39No matter how hard I tried to get her up to speed. She was never gonna be up to speed
00:42I felt really angry at her
00:44But at the same time I knew that like she was obvious choice to go
00:47I'm still kind of in disbelief that a bore is gone
00:49I know she had so much more cool shit to show were you nervous about how the voting was gonna go?
00:55I was because you know Coco's are really charismatic character and like the group consensus was like it was gonna come down to like the
01:01Two of us. I felt like I was clearly like bottom three. Whereas like Coco and Abora were more bottom two
01:08Excuse me. It was a unique experience having y'all as competitors like watching me like that was a gag
01:14Knowing that also like the consensus was to put me there. I was like fuck all of you
01:19Well, you're Brad you look pissed
01:24I'm not forgiving any of those bitches and I'm definitely not gonna forget what they did
01:27So the thing about a Bora it's like as soon as I started seeing her
01:33transform into this sort of self-defeated like
01:37Creature before my fucking eyes like I just got so pissed
01:41You're I feel like I've been down this motherfucking boudoir, but then when it comes down to the wire
01:47You're not even gonna have a fire. No, I think at first she had that, you know, but then it she got kind of got cornered
01:55Now you guys are saying that but when we're in there you guys were defending her the whole time
02:08There was nobody else in the bottom butter board she was the only one the fucking yeah
02:13Cuz she was she was the clear bottom
02:16No one should need anyone to defend them right we came here to represent ourselves
02:19That's that's true. And I just want to say like as in a very very very empathetic emotional person myself
02:30I saw myself in a Bora in that moment and I wanted to make sure that she didn't make the same mistakes that I did
02:36I don't want anybody to go through that
02:38So what I was trying to do was give her an opportunity to reset her focus and she did a couple times and then every
02:45Went right back into it. Oh, so by the end of it, she was to get fresh
02:50She was already shut off
02:53And the fire ignited again and then she started stabbing everybody
02:59Again then the fake tears came
03:07Girl I'm trying to damn y'all. Let me get a word in
03:11I'm just gonna say like maybe she got a little bit comfortable with maybe exactly what happened
03:15I if it wasn't the Abara show it wasn't gonna be a show. No, that's not what she said
03:21Y'all vote with your heart, but just know without me in the competition. It's going to have a lot less steam
03:27I just want to say I think we can all agree that a bore is a
03:30wonderful incredible drag artist and
03:33Personally broken somebody that I would want to see return on the show because she's somebody that I see like winning a whole damn season
03:47Am lost for words like this bitch is fucking back
03:54What the fuck I got a message for you from the boulets. They say trick-or-treat
04:01Treat for me
04:07Mean I've had some bad tricks in my life, but this is probably the worst one with a Bora being back
04:12It's the boulets way of saying anything can happen in this competition
04:16Yeah, I'm basically back because it doesn't really seem fair to send the first competitor home. I mean, what kind of shake is that?
04:24Abort is back
04:26Great. I also got a clarify. I might be fucking pissed at a Bora and like want her gone
04:31There we go
04:34But I love her and I think she's hilarious and she's one of my favorite people. Oh my god. I can't believe she's back. I
04:42Don't know what to say
04:44trick-or-treat, I guess
04:50You know, I love you too, I feel like everyone has opinions about everybody in the room, but when that person walks into the room
05:04Think there's people on this cast that like to say things behind people's back but not to their face
05:10We went through so much for us to be here and then boom she walks back in
05:15Oh, I thought it we were just down to nine now. We're back to ten
05:18I do want to ask is it fair like a Bora came back. I believe it's fair. I believe it
05:25Of course you do
05:28But she's here so fuck it
05:31Definitely a wake-up call for a Bora. I know she has a bit of an ego
05:35She can get a little comfortable or maybe this lit a fire up on her ass
06:00Welcome back uglies and congratulations on surviving the first challenge of the sea
06:20This week we are donning our pointy hats pulling out our broomsticks and taking to the skies for this episodes
06:27revenge of the witch challenge
06:31This floor show you must design and create an original and terrifying look based on the iconic theme of the witch
06:42The idea of witches have pervaded cultures in every corner of the globe throughout time
06:46So there's an infinite pool of possibilities where you can draw inspiration from for this theme
06:51Well, we do want to see originality in your final look
06:55We also want to see your drag represented as well
06:57So make sure your identity as a drag artist doesn't get lost in your witches room
07:02As a second part to this challenge and as an homage to the Wicked Witch of the West
07:06You must also create craft decorate or cobble a pair of custom-made
07:13Magical shoes to go along with your look and feature them on the main stage during the floor show
07:18That being said you won't just be modeling your new look and shoes this week instead
07:23You'll have to serve it up during a lip-sync performance to a special song. We've picked out just for the occasion
07:31Now let's get to my favorite part
07:35this week's right feet
07:37In order to participate in the main challenge, you'll have to play and survive a game of burn the witch back in the boudoir
07:45You'll be served some of the hottest foods on planet Earth
07:49But and whoever manages to consume the hottest items in the shortest span of time will win the challenge
07:56the winner of the fright fee will earn the ability to cast a curse on an opponent of their choosing and this week's curse is
08:03Called the curse of baldness
08:09Casting the curse of baldness on an opponent will evaporate that person's wig or headpiece for the entire floor show
08:16And will force them to perform completely bald
08:24You may now return to the boudoir where your fright feet awaits should you survive you can start planning your witch inspired looks but remember
08:31If your witch is anything short of wicked it will be more than your wig that will be burned at the stake
08:39Good luck ugly
09:24Wow, it must be fucking intense then the challenge is to eat spicy food and you know
09:30I'm fucking Korean and a bitch can eat spicy food. Okay?
09:37The price is weak is to leave a bitch bald
09:41Paul just below not bald. I really need to prove to the other competitors that I'm here in this competition
09:47So losing is not an option
09:55Here's to drag alone 3 1 2 3
10:03Not bad, I'm worried for a lot of white people here
10:10And things are heating up a bit I can taste it
10:26Bitch what?
10:28Okay, I'm in pain now this one's fucking hot no fuck no, bitch
10:44Know what wait
10:50Bitch it's hot
11:15Don't think I need the curse of baldness. I rather watch the rest of this. I'm sorry girls. I can't
11:20You're out. I don't know what the fuck was on this spoon
11:23But the moment it hit that little thing back there that the dangly thing it was over. I said fuck this shit. I'm done
11:34Absolutely bring it
11:41Enjoy the rest of your meal second thought I have to lip-sync I tap out. Yes
11:47Why people beat me? Oh, I
11:50Cannot give up
11:55Oh now it's just fun to watch
12:05Have to be the hottest thing I've ever put in my motherfucking mouth
12:16Okay, it's getting there
12:18This was hard. I'm saying my no. I had to tap out before I got any worse. I would have died
12:28If I don't win this right feet, it's my wig
12:37It really was not that bad y'all
12:39Where is it gonna be spicy? What are you gonna do this spicy though? My throat in this last round is just on fire
12:55Popped up hot
12:58Like I'm stuck in the devil dick hot
13:00Don't do it. I
13:03Could have kept going but I thought it would be better if Erica and a boy could work things out by throwing up on each other
13:09All right, here we go yes
13:15Fuck that was rough. You all hate me
13:18If I don't win this it's me
13:20I'm not taking any milk until I win this right feet Erica is just powering through this if I don't fuck with her
13:25She's going to beat me. No shame if you want to tap out
13:31There's still no clear winner, so yay, there's a bonus layer
13:52Got to
13:57Feel like I'm gonna puke but I also know that I can bring it back down
14:06Come on Erica puke
14:15Go to that place go to that space you got it. There's no shame. I'm not going for you girl. Shut up
14:20Abora and Erica have made it to the very end and they are still not backing down here and now they have to do
14:27Everything we had to eat all in one plate. Oh
14:30Oh my god, oh I knew she was gonna go far
15:08Won the freight feet I get to cast the curse of baldness and I know exactly who I'm gonna pick
15:13I think it's obvious who Erica is gonna pick for the curse of baldness
15:17It's not very strategic in my opinion, but it's clearly a Bora. All right, y'all so this is the spell
15:23And it's a two-word incantation
15:31That's for questioning me and my abilities
15:37Okay, I chose a Bora because she challenged me
15:40She tried to make me puke and that's the message to her and all the other competitors to not fuck with me like that
15:46There are bigger fish in this pond. She could have taken out some of the stronger competitors
15:50But if she wants to prove something to me fine
15:54I respect how Erica is choosing to play the game
15:59But it will not save her I'll take your wrathful pitiful little attempt to stab at me, but it's not gonna do anything
16:06In fact, I'm amazing. I'll work with a bald cap. You better work bitch
16:11Honestly feel that it was a mistake that she picked the Bora because the Victoria is the one we need to get out of here
16:15Because that bitch is competition, but if it's the drama, I am definitely here for it
16:19I want to see all the tea that's gonna come out of this. I
16:22For sure did underestimate. I think we all bitch. No, I never voted for her
16:27Really I didn't I never voted for Erica. This is part of the reason why Erica is here. Yeah. No
16:34Think that y'all should be smart and listen to what the bullet said, which was not to underestimate me a lot of people here
16:40Underestimated Erica, but she's kind of fucking fierce
16:44Wait, wait, hold on. Wait, hold on. But I just have a I have a question ask it who that which bitch
17:25Was inspired by
17:27Necromancers, so I'm actually blind in one eye and that specific eyeball is actually preserved in a jar
17:33Basically a planchette that is going to just help me talk to the dead. So for the shoes I took some bones
17:39I had laying around because I have many of those just laying around and I took twine
17:43And just wrap in and out as the witch makes her outfits essentially all herself
17:50So my witch in particular is inspired by Victorian fashion and old-school big silhouettes
17:56She has a bit of a collector's bug and loves to harvest different body parts. They're made of
18:03practice tattoo
18:04Artist skin and then some eyeballs some ears
18:08It's just a gory delight. I also finished it with red Siam rhinestones. You would say that these are my ruby slippers
18:19This is a more modern voodoo
18:21Witch that all the rich white ladies call to hex the next-door neighbor or a cheating ass husband
18:26The leotard that I'm gonna wear is actual like authentic African fabric
18:31And this is my skull the headpiece that I wore in resurrection. That was more of a muted palette
18:36This one's gonna be like pow in your face with pinks purples gold. I'm a more minimalistic Queen
18:43I'm not what I call everything and the kitchen seat type of bitch
18:47So you're not gonna see a whale hanging off of me or fucking candy flying everywhere. You're not gonna see that for me
18:52This is realism
18:57So for my which I said to kind of go with the candy theme I'm putting some like little peppermints in her hair
19:02You know this quarter stacked wig
19:04Real non-human hair you guys only the best of the best, you know, man
19:08Erica should have casted the spell of baldness on you because that would have helped you out
19:12You know, I'm actually very glad Erica one cuz she did the dirty work for me because I would have picked the Bora as well
19:23This week's challenge I am inspired by lyrics that reference in albino alligator
19:28It's creature in my brain just basically created itself
19:32The materials I am using are embossed white alligator vinyl as well as silver buckles
19:38Bobbles and bangles all the wishy things of the world on today's episode of crafting shit
19:43I don't know how to make I'm gonna take this punchy hole thingy right here like this and stick it there
19:48The most important thing is you try you got to try your hardest put the strength of God in it and just punch it
19:54Hold your fastener
19:57This way it forms like just a hold for the fabric to the EVA foam until you can apply your spray adhesive
20:03You can take the ghoul out the country, but you can't take the country out the ghoul
20:08I'm very inspired by the animal witches of soul eater and fairy tales
20:13So I am doing a feline witch turns my victims into rats and sews them into my shoe. It's a lovely collection
20:20This is a Gertrude Bethany Tiffany. I don't know her name. I forget. It's a really unusual
20:26Color scheme for a witch so I thought it would be really fresh
20:29The fabric itself is all stitched up is really gross and the texture of it. I thought was very wicked
20:34I think I'm gonna be fine
20:47Alright bitches y'all ready to dig through these ditches and burn through these motherfucking witches
21:32Need to know the real team
21:34Boom boom. Okay. So says yeah, what's up with all this? Who's your daddy short?
21:39I mean, I'm trying to go back home and get all the trade and you know, like go go shake shake
21:45Whether be in the hoochie, which which which which don't
21:55I think Melissa were so many who to daddy shores cuz she advertised it and go off since me, too
22:04I just want everyone to treat me for me
22:11So a blower
22:12That bald cap of yours. How are you feeling about it? Do you think it's gonna help you out?
22:19You know what? I'm a little nervous because I don't really have a plan yet. But the first rule of improv is yes, and
22:27so yes, I am worried and
22:30Honestly, I think this might be an advantage just because this might make my look a little creepier maybe you add a twist of dimension
22:37Okay. Oh my gosh. Well, let's see it girl
22:40Honestly, I think the bald curse works out in my favor because my wings are shit
22:44Anyway, I get that Erica had all this tension that had built up to her decision
22:48But I honestly think it was kind of a poor decision
22:51I would have given it to something that would have been detrimental to someone's drag
22:55I honestly think a boar is gonna be fine with the ball curse
22:58It was really about sending a message and I think she needed to get popped. Okay, I've got my witch's nose on
23:05sort of but
23:07Hot I would love to hear everyone's best witches cackle like a little contestant whoever wins
23:14I'm pouring a double for the cauldron later
23:17You're on bitch
23:22Pretty good
23:34That's really
23:58That was gorgeous
24:05Best chimpanzee
24:22Do you guys want to know something funny well, yeah, I was planning on being bald anyways
26:14When witches go riding and black cats are seen the moon laughs and whispers tisnir Halloween
26:23Welcome my little toads to our revenge of the witch challenge
26:29Tonight we've challenged our spellcasters to create a look based on the theme of the witch
26:34Our little long-nosed enchantresses were also tasked with creating a pair of magical shoes to go along with their wicked
26:42Ensembles and they must also choreograph a lip-sync performance to a special song we picked out just for the occasion
26:48Here to help us judge tonight's floor show is none other than the nun herself soon to be appearing on movie screens everywhere in the nun
26:55to the incomparable Bonnie errands
27:00Bonnie thank you so much for being here. It wouldn't be a dracula coven meeting without you
27:05It's so great to be here in your new home in hell, and you look fucking
27:15Love it
27:15And our next judge is the very first guest judge to have ever appeared on the goulet brothers dracula where they judged our very first
27:22Witch challenge the director of jawbreaker himself in a true shoe connoisseur our sister witch Darren Stein
27:31Welcome to the afterlife Darren
27:32I do hope you brought your ruby slippers with you because the other way out of here is a real downer
27:39I'm always down to give the ghouls a one-way ticket to hell now
27:44Let's stir the cauldron prepare our spells and let the floor show
29:10Cheers, oh my god. Cheers
29:14Let's get some shit, let's get some shit. Let's get some shit. Let's get some shit
29:26My gosh is
29:34Cheers, oh my god. Cheers
29:37Let's get some shit. Let's get some shit. Let's get some shit. Let's get some shit
29:49I'm like, I'm serious
29:53These shoes rule
29:55These just suck
29:57These shoes rule
29:59These shoes
30:06oh my god shoes, these shoes rule, these shoes suck, these shoes suck, these shoes suck
30:17I think you have too many shoes, shut up! I think you have too many shoes, shut up!
30:21I think you have too many shoes, shut up! I think you have too many shoes, shut up!
30:25These shoes rule, these shoes suck, these shoes rule, these shoes suck
30:33shoes, shoes, shoes, oh my god shoes, these shoes rule, these shoes suck, these shoes suck, these shoes suck
30:48I think you have too many shoes, shut up! I think you have too many shoes, shut up!
30:52I think you have too many shoes, shut up! I think you have too many shoes, shut up!
30:56stupid boy, stupid boy, let's get some shoes, let's party
31:12these shoes are 300 dollars, these shoes are 300 dollars, these shoes are 300 fucking dollars
31:18let's get em!
31:27um, this style runs small, I don't think you're gonna fit, I mean, your feet are kinda bag
31:36oh, oh, oh, oh, by the way bitch
31:43fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
31:56shit, shit, shit, shit
32:13those shoes are mine bitch, those fucking shoes bitch
32:19those shoes are mine bitch, bitch
33:26Oh boy.
33:56Oh boy.
34:26So I have to say, even though I love the theme, I was a little disappointed by some
34:51of our competitors.
34:52I felt like this week we sort of learned who is actually playing chess and who's playing
34:58checkers in this competition.
34:59There's like two Covins here, one who are playing for real and one who are just kind
35:03of playing.
35:04I also think people that don't know how to Vogue, I'm not into it.
35:08I was gagged.
35:10I'm like, Vogue is for everybody.
35:12Everybody has to start somewhere.
35:14It's all good.
35:15But you shouldn't start when you're competing on a main stage on international television.
35:20And not to mention Astrid.
35:21That was like twos, twos, twos across the board.
35:24Twos across the board.
35:25But the look was creative.
35:27Let's move on to Erika.
35:28She brought some filth, right?
35:29Because at first I was like, don't do it.
35:31Don't come out here with this Candy Witch bullshit.
35:33I'm not into it.
35:36But then she like choked herself with a sickle and threw up everywhere.
35:39I'm like, that is Dragula.
35:42Literally gave us everything, showed us everything, including the contents of her stomach.
35:46You know, she glued every single piece of that candy onto that outfit.
35:51The thought of her on her knees up at night, sitting there for 10 million hours gluing
35:55each little piece really warms my heart.
35:57She's like, one for me, one for the dress.
36:01One for me, one for the dress.
36:04Since we're talking about voguing and dancing, let's talk about someone who actually dances
36:08very well, which is Kendra.
36:09Kendra can serve and does every time.
36:12I definitely was disappointed with the shoes because she just didn't do much to them.
36:16And the whole point of the challenge was the shoes.
36:19But then she comes out on the stage and she kills it.
36:21But then we have Yoska on the other side of that, who gave us an imaginative witch.
36:26However, when it came to the movement on the stage, Tuesday night at a tip gig level performance.
36:31What about Coco?
36:33All of the things that Coco brought to their performance, I thought it was magnetizing.
36:38I kind of loved the show.
36:39Coco's a little messy in the best way.
36:42I love to see people get their hands dirty and make their own stuff.
36:46Let's talk about Abora.
36:47She took the idea of this baldness curse and spun it and bent it literally into a spiral.
36:54And the spiral went from the bottom of her shoes around her body all the way to the top
36:58of her head.
36:59She was spiraling all over the stage and tripping over herself.
37:02What did you think of that?
37:03What did you think of those fierce moves?
37:04Don't act brand new because this is exactly the same Abora that we had on season two when
37:09she scared us every time she stepped on the stage because it's pure chaos.
37:12They were actually my favorite shoes of the night, but I felt like Abora also almost killed
37:16herself on those shoes because she couldn't walk in them.
37:18And then you brought her back anyway.
37:20We really got them good with that trick or treat, though.
37:23So let's talk about Melissa because who knew that she was our botanical comedy queen?
37:29I think she really took a lot of risks.
37:30We saw prosthetics, which is something that Melissa B. Ferris is not really known for.
37:34But I feel like we should let her know that she's at her strongest when we see her gorgeous
37:39and striking and deadly.
37:41That's what we want from Melissa.
37:42I don't want her to start doing all these things that she's not known for, that she's
37:45not comfortable with.
37:46Just give us Dark Beauty, right?
37:49Speaking of Dark Beauty, let's talk about some of our favorites tonight.
37:53Let's start with Victoria.
37:54The performance was maybe not as strong as other people's were.
37:59Tripped around a little bit.
38:00Her shoes were a little lackluster, but it was still a deadly serve.
38:03I really liked Hoso's look tonight because I felt like it was imaginative.
38:07We were transported to Final Fantasy world and blasted with our bubble baton.
38:12It was cute.
38:13I feel like she nailed every little pop of the song, which she's the only one in my opinion
38:17that did that.
38:18And I loved her rat shoes.
38:20Probably one of my favorite shoes of the night.
38:22Let's talk about Eva next.
38:24What did you think of Eva?
38:25I thought Eva gave us the best performance tonight.
38:28Yes, I did.
38:29Watching Eva was thrilling to me.
38:32Each little moment of the song, she remained in this character.
38:37Everything was meticulous and her performance was the best.
38:40Well, either way, I think we have a couple of Titans that are clearly in this race.
38:46It's going to be interesting to see what they do going forward.
38:50It's time to get started with judgment.
38:53I couldn't agree more, Drac Morga.
38:56Bring our chubby little piglets to us.
39:00It's time to roast them.
39:10Let's go.
39:20As I always do, I want to remind you that we are not here to judge your drag.
39:25Drag is art and art is subjective.
39:27What we are judging you on is your drag as it relates to this competition and the challenges
39:32we have put before you.
39:33If I call your name, please slither forward.
39:53And Astrid.
39:57You four witches are safe.
39:59You may get on your brooms and fly away to the cauldron where you can indulge in a little
40:03witch's brew to celebrate.
40:07I'm very excited to be safe for this challenge.
40:09This was a very difficult one for me, so episode two, Curse, lifted.
40:13The remaining witches on stage represent the highest and lowest scoring spellcasters this
40:19So we're going to go down the line and share some notes on your looks and performances
40:23directly from our grimoires.
40:25Let's start with Kendra.
40:28I love your head.
40:30It is magnificent.
40:31I get it a lot.
40:34However, I think you could have done, you know, more of the shoes.
40:39It doesn't match up to how great your head is.
40:41The performance, I thought, was just incredible.
40:44You stomped the stage, you jumped into the splits.
40:46I was completely mesmerized.
40:48My biggest nitpick with you is the shoes.
40:50You did change them some, but just maybe not as much as everybody else did.
40:54You burned the stage to the ground with your performance.
40:56I love, capital L-O-V-E, love watching you perform.
41:00Thank you.
41:01However, your shoes are the worst.
41:03The worst of the witches.
41:04They're barely altered.
41:06Other than that, I do think there are some imaginative elements here, but a little bit
41:10of a miss for me.
41:11Although my critiques on my shoes were bad, they loved my look from head to ankle.
41:16Let's talk about Hoso.
41:18I fucking love it.
41:20She fucking loves it.
41:21I fucking love it.
41:22I love that hat.
41:23I want that hat.
41:24I love the detail, the shoes.
41:28And it was an incredible performance.
41:31Can we talk about how fun the bubble wand was too?
41:34Because that was cute.
41:36And yours was absolutely the most thought-provoking and imaginative, unlike any other witch on
41:45The one detractor for me was, when you lost the witch's hat, you could lose the idea that
41:51you're a witch.
41:53But it's a sickening hat, no?
41:54It is a sickening hat.
41:55Yes, it is.
41:56I felt like you knew this song the best, maybe, of anyone.
41:59And I love your interpretation.
42:00It was like they fought you in Final Fantasy or something.
42:02I don't know what the story is exactly, but I feel like you fit in that universe.
42:06The shoes are incredible.
42:07I mean, they're like something out of a David Cronenberg movie, with the bones and the blood
42:11and the creatures.
42:12I just really love the whole thing.
42:14Thank you so much.
42:16Moving on to Jobska.
42:18I think that the costume could have been more.
42:25The costume fell in the middle for me, but the performance was definitely lacking.
42:29I just think maybe you seemed a little uncomfortable or maybe your performance just wasn't
42:32as strong as it could have been.
42:34If I had to give you any advice going forward, I would say just spend time going over things
42:39because by the time you get up here, it's like second nature and you're not thinking
42:42about it and you're not in your head.
42:44But it is Titan season, so it's now or never, right?
42:47I feel like there's two narratives here.
42:49There's the gingerbread, which I clearly see, but the skull mask and skull prop just throw
42:55me way off in another direction.
42:57I really didn't know what to make of it.
42:59I love the shoes, but I couldn't see them because there was so much going on.
43:02You had Day of the Dead.
43:03There's a bit of Willy Wonka.
43:04There's a bit of Wizard of Oz.
43:06I didn't get the cohesion that I wanted to.
43:09I think that Jobska's in trouble right now because this was a performance challenge and
43:13we had to show off your shoes.
43:14And if we can't see the shoes, that's a pretty big part of it.
43:18I wasn't even looking at Jobska's shoes because I couldn't even get past that fucking nasty
43:22ass wig she was wearing.
43:26Let's talk about Eva.
43:27I want to see this witch in a horror film.
43:31Absolutely magnificent.
43:32I love the detail.
43:34I love the whole costume and the shoes and the performance.
43:38I mean, you really delivered.
43:40Thank you.
43:41It's an honor coming from you.
43:42Thank you so much.
43:43Oh, thank you.
43:44I mean, the shoes are my favorite of the night.
43:46Those are like Hellraiser on the runway.
43:48And I love that the broom played dramatically in your performance.
43:51Good broomography.
43:53There really was some serious broomography going on there.
43:57Your performance was my favorite tonight.
43:59You were mesmerizing and I was thrilled to watch you.
44:04Your costume is filled with storytelling and details from red ruby slippers covered in
44:09skin plucking out their eyeballs and turning them into earrings.
44:13It was just magnetizing and scary.
44:16You just nailed it.
44:18Thank you so much.
44:19You're welcome.
44:20Thank you.
44:21Well, since you took everything, there's not much left to say.
44:22I had to.
44:23I had to.
44:24Maybe it was a little classic.
44:25I had to make it a little punt actor, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it was
44:30almost maybe a little too literal.
44:31A little too on the big crooked nose.
44:34Excuse me, y'all copying my nose.
44:36Is this your inspiration?
44:39I feel like I'm sitting pretty right now, but you just can never be too short.
44:45Let's move on to Victoria.
44:47The shoes are hot.
44:48I mean, they're super...
44:49Is that a mandible on there?
44:52They're literally jaw dropping.
44:53I wish it would have added the bird movements into your performance.
45:02It would have elevated everything.
45:03I mean, there's so many things you could have done.
45:05You know, crow and then moved like a bird.
45:08Why wasn't all that added into a performance?
45:11And that's what I think you missed.
45:13Victoria, I think you took this look and made it fashion.
45:16I think the performance was a little bit of a challenge for you, but I really liked that
45:19you had the scrying board with the eye missing.
45:22I thought out.
45:23Victoria, I love your witch.
45:25It lights my imagination on fire.
45:27I do think that some of the props kind of weighed you down a little bit around the stage.
45:31However, the image that you conjured tonight was fantastic.
45:35Thank you so much.
45:38And Melissa.
45:39I got so many interesting references from your performance, like Angelica Houston and
45:44the witches.
45:45I got some hocus pocus, and I felt like you brought something original to it as well,
45:49performance wise.
45:50It was a witch that just seemed to be its own creation.
45:53Melissa, you are here because we wanted to give you the chance to get some direct feedback
45:57because you took a lot of risks tonight.
45:59This is not the Melissa B. Farris that we are used to seeing.
46:01When I think of Melissa, deadly, serving, cunty, which is what I love about Melissa.
46:09Your prosthetics look correct, but I don't want you to forget about that edge.
46:14That is one of your superpowers.
46:16So make sure that that's present.
46:18And I think you will always have really solid ground to stand on going forward in the competition.
46:23I don't want you to think that we want you to come here and be somebody else.
46:28Definitely want you to keep it scary and dark, but we don't want you to feel like you have
46:31to turn into like, you know, fucking not scary farms person.
46:37I kind of feel like I quite haven't shown myself yet, but it's something I'm working
46:41on and it's coming.
46:43It's coming.
46:44Victoria, great job tonight.
46:48However, Eva and Hoso, you two were clearly the most powerful witches in the coven.
46:55One from a classic witching world and the other an imaginative witch from another dimension.
47:01There could only be one witch to reign supreme.
47:05And that witch is...
47:10Drac Morda.
47:11What a pun!
47:12But the winner of this challenge and the witch whose broom flew the highest this week is...
47:27Eva Destruction.
47:29Congrats, congrats.
47:30Must it be?
47:31Congratulations, Eva.
47:36You have also just won a thousand dollar shopping spree for shoes and boots to Fierce
47:42All three of you may leave the stage.
47:47My size 14s are thanking you.
47:49Oh my God, I can't believe I fucking won.
47:53To win a Wicked Witch Challenge like this just feels so amazing.
47:59Blessed be.
48:01Kendra, I'm sorry, but your wicked witch look failed to take flight this week and you are
48:06up for elimination.
48:07Melissa, as I said earlier, you are here mainly to just to get some critiques and direct feedback
48:15from the judges.
48:16You are also safe and you may leave the stage.
48:19Thank you so much.
48:23Joska, that means your potion backfired and you are also up for elimination this week.
48:30It sucks to know I'm in the bottom this week, but I'm going to stick around long enough
48:33to show more.
48:34Yosa's going home because you can at least see my shoes.
48:39You couldn't even see her.
48:40We have a difficult decision to make.
48:43We're going to release you to the cauldron and we'll call you back to the stage once
48:46we have made our final verdict.
48:48If you have any final business to attend to with your peers, now is the time to handle
49:05Safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, I'm safe and I need a drink.
49:15I need a drink.
49:16Safe this week.
49:17I would have liked a win, but I'll take it.
49:22But a critique would be nice.
49:24Somebody burn these fucking shoes.
49:26Oh, shit.
49:27Burn them.
49:28The judges loved my performance, but they clocked my tired ass shoes.
49:33Yosa's going home.
49:35I'm saddened only because, oh my God, I'm going to start crying, of course.
49:39But season two, I really didn't feel like I was part of the cast.
49:42I felt like it was them and then me.
49:44And now I feel like I'm a part of the cast and I feel like I've got to leave soon.
49:48Absolutely not.
49:49No, sorry.
49:50Absolutely not.
49:51No, I'm not.
49:52I said I feel like I'm going to have to leave soon.
49:54I didn't say I'm leaving soon.
49:55Don't get it twisted.
49:56I love you guys, you know?
49:57We love you, Kendra.
49:58We love you, baby.
49:59It is what it is.
50:00Nothing's happened.
50:01Nothing's set in stone yet.
50:02You are leaving.
50:03I'm sorry.
50:04I mean, the whole challenge was basically our shoes.
50:12I prefer Yovska's look altogether.
50:15Okay, work.
50:16I thought Yovska's shoes were adorable.
50:19I understand that maybe the story wasn't super clear with their look, though.
50:23Coming down to the outfits now and performance, I think Kendra took that one because they
50:28loved your outfit.
50:29Your performance was sick as fuck.
50:31Yovska's outfit, they did not like, and the performance wasn't.
50:34I'm going to disagree with that.
50:36I feel like it was a bit more mixed.
50:37I know Kendra personally, so I know that bitch performed the house down, so I know definitely
50:42that's going to fucking help her out.
50:44Who do you guys feel should go home?
50:45Kendra, you sound really insecure asking every single person that question.
50:48You do.
50:49You sound insecure trying to point out somebody else's insecurity.
50:51Girl, shut the fuck up.
50:52Fuck you, bitch.
50:53Go home.
50:54Fuck you, too.
50:55Is that how you really feel?
50:56Fuck you, too, girl.
50:57Your outfit's ass, too.
50:58I don't know why Yovska just snapped at me the way she did, but we're not going to try
51:02that shit again.
51:04It's not even your fucking business.
51:05I think where we're at right now is a matter of taste, and that's the issue here.
51:08I pick culture over paper any day.
51:11It's like we're both in the bottom, right?
51:12It is what it is.
51:13Somebody has to go home first, and I'm sorry that it has to be you.
51:15Because at the end of the day, my shoe was fucked up.
51:19My outfit, my mug, it's stamped.
51:22Let's be real.
51:23There's flaws in there.
51:24Let's not do that.
51:25Let's not put down-
51:26I'm not putting her down.
51:27I feel like that's what you're trying to do.
51:28You're trying to put me down.
51:29If I was going to put you down, I would talk about that ratty-ass wig under the hat, but
51:33I didn't.
51:34Bora, I see you have a note in your hand.
51:38What is it?
51:39What the fuck is that?
51:40You know how we all voted last week?
51:44I think I won the most popular vote, but did anybody put somebody up for extermination
51:50that may not have been in the bottom?
51:53I don't know.
51:54I didn't.
51:55I stuck to my guns, and I only voted for the bottom.
51:59Does this look familiar to anyone?
52:02Girl, what the fuck?
52:04She wasn't even in the bottom.
52:05Whoever voted for her, it's one shady bitch.
52:08I actually don't think it was shady for someone to vote for someone else that wasn't in the
52:12bottom for the simple fact that I love people that can think for themselves.
52:16I don't believe it was you.
52:17It definitely wasn't you.
52:18I don't believe it was Erica.
52:19It definitely wasn't you.
52:20I don't believe it was Astra.
52:21Did we rule out that it was her herself?
52:24Who in here is a liar?
52:25Somebody's either lying or is not saying who it was.
52:28Alright, I voted for Javska.
52:31So, Javska, let me explain.
52:33Let me explain.
52:34Let me explain.
52:35Let me explain.
52:36Let me explain.
52:37Javska wasn't in the bottom.
52:38My wig evaporates for the second time this week.
52:42I didn't vote fairly.
52:43I didn't want to vote her to go home.
52:45Is it because of your relationship, or is it because you did the...
52:48I just didn't want her to go home, because I'm her fan, and I wanted to see what next
52:51look that she was going to go.
52:52The love.
52:53I don't care if it wasn't fair.
52:54I didn't lie.
52:55I didn't lie to any, many Manny Mo and poor Javska.
52:58At this point, Hosuh's going to fucking do everything and anything in her power to save
53:02Aborah and keep her in the competition.
53:04I'm a little emotional about that.
53:06I'm thrilled that Hosuh cares about me that much.
53:09Whatever happens today, Aborah was still voted the first to go home.
53:13And honestly, it's iconic.
53:14Honestly, iconic.
53:15It's iconic.
53:17I think it's interesting that Hosuh wrote my name instead of the other people in the
53:22It seems a bit shady to me.
53:23Whose hands are bigger?
53:24I can't remember.
53:25I think mine.
53:26Oh, look at that.
53:27Look at Astrid and Hosuh.
53:28Definitely yours.
53:29The love.
53:30The love.
53:31Yeah, I'll never forget.
53:32Pouring hot wax down your ass.
53:33I forgot about that!
53:34How could you forget?
53:35Wait, I forgot about the fucking hot wax thing.
53:36Oh, I know.
53:37I know.
53:38Jesus Christ.
53:39It is a marvelous thing to see the chemistry between them, but it is also a very heart-wrenching
53:41I see Aborah looking over, and I'm like, oh my god.
53:42Oh my god.
53:43Oh my god.
53:44Oh my god.
53:45Oh my god.
53:46Oh my god.
53:47Oh my god.
53:48Oh my god.
53:49Oh my god.
53:50Oh my god.
53:51Oh my god.
53:52Oh my god.
53:53Oh my god.
53:55I'm looking at Astrid and Hosuh on the couch together, and I can already see the wheels
53:59turning in her head, and fuck, this is so messy.
54:03I just want Aborah to get out of her head and just focus on the competition.
54:08How are you?
54:09Like, how are you right now?
54:11What I'm learning is, people who say that you can trust them end up stabbing you in
54:16the back anyway when they get scared.
54:17I know you.
54:18You're your worst enemy, Aborah.
54:21You really are.
54:22And that's why that pissed me the fuck off when you got in your head.
54:25You got so down on yourself.
54:27I don't want to see that shit.
54:30You're better than that.
54:32I love you.
54:33It's good to know Eva still has my back, and I will definitely return that loyalty.
54:37You know I love you.
54:38Yo, Scott.
54:39And likewise, I feel the same as well.
54:40Just make sure you tuck and roll, okay?
54:42You as well.
54:43Tuck and roll.
54:44Tuck and roll like that toilet bowl you had on the first day.
54:50Tuck and roll.
54:52And roll.
55:17Double, double toil and trouble.
55:21One unlucky witch is in serious trouble.
55:27Kindra and Jovska, we have made our final determination.
55:32Please ascend the staircase of souls behind you to the ghostly gallery where your final
55:37fate will be decided.
55:43My heart is about to drop.
55:45It's beating so fast right now.
55:48Just hoping for the best.
55:50I'm so fucking nervous that I'm going to be cast into oblivion.
55:54My knees are shaking.
55:55Toes creaking.
55:56I'm fucking scared.
55:57And I'm afraid that I'm going home.
56:09You have been banished back to the underworld.
56:13Oh my god.
56:16Kindra, you have been spared.
56:23Not the one, bitch.
56:25For you and the rest of your fellow competitors, the battle of the titans continues.